Cynful: Halle Shifters, Book 2 (17 page)

“Then BAM! I’m sitting in front of this huge white bear who’s just…staring at me. Sitting and staring. It was creepy, especially since I was naked.”

“I meditated.”

“I sang the beer song. I still had thirty-five to go when he decided I was a Chatty Cathy, unlike
some people

From the glare she was shooting him he could guess who those
were. “So? What did he say?”

“Other than how quiet you are?” She took a deep breath. “Two becomes one, one becomes three. Bear knows the way, but Fox holds the key. Oh, and that change is coming.”

Great. Wonderful. That was three times the message had been delivered. He hoped the spirits considered it received. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Those beautiful eyes widened. Her left eyebrow twitched. “Nothing.”

He shot her a look that had gotten more than one reluctant patient to admit something they didn’t want to.

“I’m serious.” She frowned. “Okay, there is one thing.”


“He called me warrior.”

Julian stared at her. That couldn’t mean what he thought it did, could it? He buried his nose against her neck and breathed in her scent again. When he finally understood exactly what he smelled he laughed so hard he fell off the bed.

She leaned over the edge and glared at him. Then she lifted her arm and sniffed her pit. “Do I offend?”

He’d never understood the laughing-so-hard-until-you-cried thing before, but now he totally got it. Alex was going to be tickled pink.

And Eric was in for a serious shock.



Cyn woke to the feel of a heavy arm across her middle and the sensation that she’d had a really rough night. Her body ached in ways it hadn’t in a long time. She moved her leg, ready to climb out of bed and answer a rather urgent call of nature when the arm tightened.

“Don’t go.”

Damn. Julian’s sleep-roughened voice made all sorts of things quiver inside her. “I will go if you don’t let me up.”

He snorted a laugh and rolled over, releasing her to run for the bathroom like a bear was after her butt. After she was done she helped herself to his toothbrush and combed out her hair, which was sticking up in all sorts of new and interesting ways.

She took a good, long look at herself when she was done. She didn’t
any different. She certainly didn’t
any different. Maybe it had all been a crazy, sex-induced dream?

Fingers brushed over the bite mark on her neck and she darn near fell to the floor in a puddle of goo. “Morning, Cyn.” His lips brushed the mark and her knees gave out. “Whoa!” He caught her before she fell, strong arms wrapped around her waist. “You okay?”

“What the fuck was that?” She brushed her fingertips across the mark. The sensation was still there, but not nearly as strong. It was like someone was gently stroking her clit, just enough to interest but not enough to arouse.

“Well…” Julian licked the mark, and she moaned. Now
was the touch of someone determined to arouse her. “That’s the mark you begged for last night.”

How could someone look so innocent and so evil at the same time? It seemed Glory hadn’t cornered the market on that particular look after all. “That’s it? That’s the bite?” He nodded. “Fine. How long until it fades?” There was no way she was going to be able to go through her day with
on her neck. What if someone touched her there while she was doing a tattoo? A simple pat on the shoulder from a guy with big hands could cause an accidental orgasm.

He smirked. “Who said it would?”

She turned in his arms and glared at him.

Julian looked utterly pleased with himself as he stroked a finger across the mark. “This tells anyone who looks at you that you’re claimed. You belong to me.” He must have realized his mistake almost immediately, because he dodged out of punching range, his expression turning wary. “Now, Cyn—”

“I belong to you?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Since when?”

He tugged on his braid. “Since I bit you?”

She ground her teeth. Fine, he’d given her the mating mark, but since when did that mean she
belonged to him

“When you bite me, I’ll belong to you.”

“Oh really?” She kept the bite of anger in her voice, but a strange sensation was running through her. The thought of sinking fangs into Julian, leaving a mark on his body that would warn away all other females, was oddly appealing.

He took a cautious step forward. “When you bite me, the only thing I’ll care about is making you come.”

She blinked, memories of last night dancing through her head. “Really?”

“It won’t be that much different from how I feel right now, except I’ll
to make you come at least once before my Bear will let me have you.”

She swallowed hard. She could feel her nipples beading. “Oh.”

“You’ll be able to do whatever you want with me.” He breathed the words against her mark, and it was only then she realized how close he’d come.

She bit her lip, fighting the arousal crashing through her. “Will I get you to…?”

“Hmm?” He nibbled her earlobe and she shivered.

“…make me…”

He kissed her jaw. “Anything.”


He froze, but she could feel his smile against her skin. “You’re evil.”

She patted his ass, amazed at how firm it was. “But you like me that way.”

“Much to my shame, yes.” He grinned down at her. “Do I at least get a good morning kiss?”

She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Have you brushed your teeth?”


“Then no.”

He shook his head and reached for the toothbrush. “The things I do for you.”

“Oh yeah. Getting rid of the dragon breath is
a chore.”

He pinched her hip. “If I’m making waffles you might want to get dressed. Borrow one of my T-shirts and scrub pants for now. We can wash your clothes while we eat.”

“Wow. A practical man.” She looked up at the ceiling. “Nope. Sky’s still up there.”

She didn’t appreciate it one little bit when he shoved her out of the bathroom and closed the door. She settled on the bed and waited for him to come out. When he did, she hopped up and brushed past him to head back into the bathroom.

“What you doing?”

“I’m skuzzy and gooey and I want to shower.”

His dark brows rose as he leered at her. “You… Hot water… Soap bubbles… I’m in!”

She held up her hand when he tried to push past her into the shower. “I thought you were going to make me waffles.” He whimpered and made puppy-dog eyes at her. She rolled her eyes and sighed, secretly delighted that he wanted to hop in the shower with her. “Fine, but that means you’re adding chocolate chips to my waffles, got it?”

His answer was to reach around her and turn on the water. “There’s something I’m interested in other than waffles.”

From the way his cock was bouncing she could guess what it was he wanted. “Really?” She reached out and grabbed hold of him, loving the soft hiss that escaped his lips. “I can’t imagine what that might be.”

He brushed his fingers across her mating mark. “I think you can guess.” Julian turned off the water and led her back to the bed.

“What do you have in mind?” She didn’t mind the thought of one more round before she ate. Hell, the way Julian was eyeing her she bet she was the only thing on his menu.

He lay down and tugged her on top of him. “Turn around. I want a taste.”

Oh, hell. Yeah, she could go for that. She wiggled around until his cock was right before her, swallowing him down. He grabbed hold of her hips, pulling her in to position. At the first swipe of his tongue, she gasped. It was almost too much to bear, warm and wet and perfect. He licked at her clit like she was the best thing he’d ever tasted, driving her insane with need. She moaned around him, the sensations rocketing through her. She’d never had a man taste her the way he did.

God, he was
. She was on the verge of coming and they’d barely started.

Something nudged at her opening and she spread her legs wider. His beautiful, talented tongue began fucking into her, his fingers rubbing her clit.

Cyn couldn’t take much more. Damn, she needed, almost as badly as she had last night. But there was something missing, something that would take it that extra step from really good to incredible. She sucked on the tip of his cock, stroking the head with her tongue, trying to figure out what that special something was.

She pushed her hair out of the way, accidentally hitting the mating mark.
was what she wanted, what had been missing. She needed him to stroke her there, to bite her, and sink his fangs into her until she screamed.

She pulled away from him and turned, sinking down on his cock in one smooth motion.

“Cyn?” He was breathless, his pupils dilated, his irises pure silver.

She leaned over him and grabbed the headboard.

“Now what?” He grabbed hold of her ass, thrusting into her hard enough to raise her up.

She smiled and stroked the mark at her neck, shivering as the sensation quivered down her body right to her clit. “Fuck me.”

His gaze went right to the mark, his expression one of conquest and need. He licked his lips, his fangs descending. “I’m going to bite you again.”

She hoped the fuck so. In fact, she was counting on it. She tightened her muscles around him, groaning with him as his cock jumped inside her. He dragged her head down, tilting her to the side.

Oh yeah. Bite me, Jules.
She rocked on him, anticipating the feel of his teeth against her skin.

Instead, he licked the mark.

Oh. Shit.
She nearly came then and there. It was like he was fucking her and licking her at the same time. Over and over he licked that goddamn mark, driving her closer and closer to the edge. She began to ride him hard, the sound of skin slapping against skin loud in the quiet room.


She whimpered. He wanted to wait? She was
this close

He rolled them over, spooning against her. He lifted her leg and slid back inside, his mouth fastened to her neck, his tongue working over the mark.

She moaned, coming before he’d gone two strokes, the orgasm washing through her in a tidal wave.

“Good. So good.” He sucked on the mark again, the feel of his teeth scraping her skin bringing her right back to the brink. “Come again for me.”

He rolled them again, this time putting her on her stomach. He entered her again, fucking her hard and fast, his mouth pure magic against the mark, pinning her down. Not that she wanted to go anywhere. The man was a fucking

His hands were everywhere, stroking her skin, pushing her hair aside, wrapping around her to cup her breasts. Her nipples were hard little points against his palms, twisted and pleasured until they ached. She threw her head back, forced to take what he gave her, unable to gain the leverage she needed to thrust back into him.

He was taking her and making her love it.

The combination of his hands on her breasts and his mouth at her neck was just too much. She whimpered as her orgasm crested, the electric slide of his skin against hers dragging her under once more.

“Fuck, yes, Cyn. More. Give me more.”

He began doing something, rotating his hips or some weird shit, kissing and licking the nape of her neck to her unmarked shoulder. He tasted her skin, whispered naughty things in her ear, insistent things that made her blush, that had her writhing under his hold, desperate to feel that intense pleasure only Julian seemed able to give her. She’d never look at him the same way again. Her loveable, geeky boyfriend had morphed into a conquering barbarian, demanding she surrender once more. She was surrounded by him, part of him. Owned by him, by her consent.

From what he’d told her, she owned him too, so maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing.

“Going to come, Cyn. Going to make you come with me, come so hard.” His teeth sank in, breaking the skin. Cyn screamed out a pleasure so intense her vision turned black, her breath catching in her lungs. Her whole body seized, her toes curled. Her fingers scrabbled for purchase in the sheets. He grunted behind her, warmth flooding into her as he came, her name a broken, reverent whisper.

Chapter Thirteen

“So, how did it go last night?”

Cyn propped her chin on her hand and sighed dreamily. “He makes the best waffles.”

“So…you guys made waffles
last night?” Glory tilted her head, her expression turning sweetly innocent. “Did he get butter in all the nooks and crannies? Did he heat your syrup just right? Did you order some sausage on the side?”

Tabby began to giggle. “Do you think he toasted her muffin before he ate it?”

“I hate you guys.” But even their stupid banter couldn’t wipe the stupid smile from her face. Julian had been everything she’d ever hoped for and more, but no way was she sharing that with these morons.

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