Read Current Online

Authors: Abby McCarthy

Current (24 page)


Two years later

“Fuck, babe! I missed you!”

My fingers dig deep into Jake’s ass. “Harder. Oh, fuck yes!” I scream out.

Jake stills, “Are you okay? I’m not hurting you, am I? I know the doctor said you might be sore for a while and we still have a week, but I couldn't wait.”

“The only person who is going to be sore is you if you don't hurry up and fuck me before everyone wakes up!”

Jake chuckles and circles his hips making me groan.

“Alright, you sure you can handle it?” he asks huskily, “Cause I need to hear my wife scream.”

“Oh yeah,” I respond and then sink my teeth into his shoulder.

“So, good. So, tight,” He grunts and then he gives me what I need. He moves fast and hard. Hands grope. Bodies slap.

“Lips, babe,” he orders and I gladly give them to him. My God, five weeks without him inside of me was way too long.

I’m panting; he takes my breath away. Our lips roam over one another. Mine part for his tongue, and just like every single kiss, it’s explosive. Our skin slides over each other, slick with sweat. His hard body presses into me and I groan, breaking the kiss.

He pounds, deep and hard. “Yes! Give it to me!” I say lost in feeling.

And oh, boy does he give it to me.

“You there?” he asks.

I nod as Jake picks up speed and lifts my legs higher. My eyes roll to the back of my head and my legs quiver. He thrusts in once more as I shudder around him and he stills, finding his release.

I’m exhausted and sated, and immediately drift off to sleep, barely conscious when Jake comes into the room, and places tiny lips around my breast.

“She’s almost here! She’s almost here!” Lily bounces up and down.

“Lil, we still have about twenty minutes until Aunt Liz will be here. Give your Mom a break, would you? She’s exhausted.”

“I’m fine really. I’m getting used to not sleeping.” I yawn and then look down to the tiny bundle of dark hair suckling my breast. Our son was born five weeks ago and he’s the most precious little boy. We named him William Lucas Daniels after my dad. I think he might have my dad’s nose. I know it’s too early to tell, but he looks like a cross between my dad and Jake.

“What do you think the surprise is going to be?” Lily asks.

“I have no idea.” I really don't. Liz called at the last minute and said she was coming into town to see the baby and she was bringing a surprise with her.

“Maybe, she’s finally decided to settle down,” Jake grins.

“Is she moving?” Lily asks.

“No, honey. Settle down means to have a boyfriend.”

“Eww,” Lily makes a disgusted face and Jake and I laugh.

Will unlatches and I give him a few pats on his back lifting his blue and gray fleece covered body into the air. He’s a fast burper, so it only takes a second of patting his back and then I offer him the other side. He doesn't latch and I’m relieved. Maybe I won’t smell like breast milk when Liz gets here after all.

Jake notices that Will is done and says, “Here, let me take him.” He reaches down and grabs Will from my arms and then gives me a quick kiss on my lips. “Come on, Lil. Let’s give your Mom a few minutes.” he says as they walk out of the room. I yawn again, climb out of bed and walk into my large, brand new, extremely opulent bathroom.

To say our new home is large is an understatement, but Jake got a deal on it because the builder was going belly up and the large settlement we got for his wrongful imprisonment suit was enough to ensure we have a home large enough to fit our expanding family.

Looking in the mirror, the first thing that stands out to me is the bags under my eyes, the second is my hair. It’s tied up in a knot on the top of my head, and not the on purpose kinds of knot, but the I just had sex and haven’t slept in weeks kind of knot. I’m a hot mess, and I need to hurry. I quickly strip out of my clothes and hop into the shower, basking in the few minutes I have to myself. I wash my hair and shave in record time and by the time I get out, I decide maybe my eyes aren't that bad.

I spend about thirty whole seconds on make-up; Liz better understand. I sit down on the side of the bed to dress and almost fall over to nap. Dressed in a comfortable pair of yoga pants and a button up blouse that’s easy to nurse in, I make it downstairs just in time for the doorbell to ring.

“She’s here! She’s here!” Lily says throwing open the front door.

“You’re beautiful babe,” Jake says in my ear.

I smile at Jake, and look over to see Will asleep in the plush Papasan swing. “Come on, let’s go see Liz’s surprise.” Jake grabs my hand and we walk out front to see Liz getting out of the passenger side of a large, white Escalade. My curiosity is peaked even more. Who’s driving? Maybe Jake’s right, and she’s met someone.

“Lily!” Liz squeals and picks my girl up and turns her in a circle. I’m so caught up in my best friend and daughter that I don’t notice the man step around the Escalade.

“Bro!” A male voice shouts and rushes towards Jake with wide open arms.

“Holy cow! Dietz!” I shout, breaking up the man hug and heading straight for Dietz. I haven’t seen him in years. “You look exactly the same!”

Well, not exactly the same, in the eight years since I saw him last, he has filled out more. His dark hair is still styled, but instead of the baggy jeans in that grunge style he used to wear, he’s wearing fitted jeans and… I pause in my perusal and bust out laughing, he’s wearing Jake’s ‘are you looking at my weiner’ t-shirt.

“June, look at you! Hotter than ever! Boob job?” His eyes rake over me with amusement and I smile, ‘cause it’s Dietz, anyone else I’d find offensive.

“Watch it!” Jake says in a playful growl.

“What’s a boob job?” Lily asks.

“Oh, sorry kid. It’s when…Ouch!” Liz stops Dietz from explaining to my daughter about breast implants by giving Dietz a purple-nurple.

I pull Liz into a tight hug and notice there’s something different about her. I can't put my finger on what it is, but there’s something. “How are you here with Dietz?” I ask.

“Yeah, what gives?” Jake asks looking at the two of them.

“You going to invite us in before you give us the Spanish inquisition?” Dietz asks throwing his hand around Liz’s waist. My eyes widen in shock. They look all too familiar with each other.

I know we need to get in the house in case my little man wakes up, so I gesture towards the front door, “Come on in,” and lead everyone inside.

Will is sleeping soundly. “Oh my goodness! Look at him. He’s the cutest!” Liz says rushing over. “Can I pick him up?”

“We just got him to sleep, and June hasn't been getting much of a break. Let’s let him rest for now. He’ll be up before we know it,” Jake tells Liz and I watch as she gives him a glare not liking his answer.

“Let’s go to the kitchen where it’s quieter.” I grab Liz by the elbow before she has a chance to protest, and Lily and the guys follow us. “Here Lil, you can have a brownie, now,” I offer and she hops up on the stool surrounding the over-sized granite island.

I pour myself a cup of coffee that my husband so thoughtfully brewed for me and take a seat at the table, still completely shocked that Liz is here with Dietz, and it looks like they’re together.

“Alright, you two?” I look back and forth between Dietz and Liz who also sit down. Jake leans against the island close to where I’m sitting.

“So,” Liz begins, “A few weeks ago, I went to a bar in Greenwich Village. I know, I know. Greenwich Village isn’t usually my scene, but I was supposed to meet this co-worker there who ended up having a fight with her boyfriend and she never showed. Anyways, there I was making the best of my night and trying to avoid advances from this really skeevy guy when the door to the bar opened, and in walked Dietz with a bunch of guys.”

“And it was love at first sight,” Dietz chimes in.

“No, I didn’t know who he was, but he approached me almost immediately and said-,”

Dietz takes over the story and I’m getting whiplash going back and forth. “I said I remember you. You’re the beautiful blonde that I’ve never forgotten.”

“I racked my brain trying to figure out if I’d ever dated him,” Liz huffs then stands and pours herself a cup of coffee.

“She didn’t remember me, but not to worry. I told her I knew you and was there the night you met Lucas, I mean Jake.” He turns and faces Jake, “Dude,that was some crazy shit. I knew you were innocent.”

Jake nods his head in Lily’s direction to remind him of her presence.

“Right, kids. Okay, so once I told her I knew you guys, then she remembered. I wasn’t lying when I said I never forgot her. She was cute then, but now, my girl’s a bombshell.”

“We’ve spent nearly every second together since,” Liz says and sips her coffee like she isn’t delivering the most amazing news. I’m shocked that the two found each other, but I’m also really happy for her. I only hope that they both have sown all their oats.

“Well, this calls for a celebration,” Jake says and he grabs a bottle of amber liquid from a cupboard.

“My man, no more drinking the cheap stuff,” Dietz proclaims, slapping Jake on the back.

I refrain from drinking since I’m nursing, instead I order dinner from our favorite takeout place and watch as Lily falls for all that is Dietz.

We have dinner while Dietz entertains Lily with semi-tame stories of Jake. The food is delicious. Before long, Lily’s yawning and Jake brings her up to bed.

Liz cuddles William on the couch as Jake and Dietz talk about where everyone from the band is now. Apparently, Dietz is the frontman of his current band and they’ve recently signed with a major label and will be opening for some big acts this summer.

“Man, I remember you used to have those notebooks and the lyrics you would pull out of them were priceless. We would be writing a song and we’d need something, and you would just pull it from your pocket, and like magic, you had what we needed.” Dietz recollects.

“Oh my God!” I stand up from the couch where I was relaxing.

“What is it, babe?” Jake asks.

“All these years, I forgot.”

Jake watches me curiously, “What are you talking about?”

“I saved them. I saved them all.” I run from the room and down the basement stairs into the storage cubby. I had a bunch of Rubbermaid tubs that I’d been meaning to go through before we moved but with the baby, I never got around to it. I go through the first tub and they’re not there. Then, I sort through the next, and there they are under some old keepsakes that I’ve hung on to for far too long. The black and white composition notebooks look exactly like I remember. I pick them up, counting all five and run back into the room

“Jake, look!” I shove the notebooks at him.

“I can’t believe you’ve had these all these years,” Jake kisses me and starts sifting through them.

“Babe, grab my guitar, would you?” Dietz asks Liz.

“I have the baby,” she complains, cooing at Will.

“I’ll take him.” I reach down and grab my baby who is, no doubt, ready to be fed and get comfortable on the couch, covering my breast so Dietz doesn’t get an eyeful.

Liz goes outside to the Escalade, and minutes later, returns with Dietz’s guitar. Jake sits at his keyboard in the corner of the room as he and Dietz and scour over the lyrics. As they talk quietly, Liz and I watch, mesmerized by our men.

Dietz starts strumming his guitar until he finally settles on a beat he likes. Jake chimes in and the two find a rhythm as if all these years never passed.

Jake begins singing and my world soars when that melodic sound flows from his lips.


Baby, baby

You’ve been my rock and only

You’ve loved me since my world was dark and lonely


Baby, baby

You haven't heard my whole plan

I’ve loved you since you told me to get gone



My sweetest kinda river

You flowed through me and gave me something worth living for


Izzy Lizzy

My heart keeps beating faster

‘Cause I’m dying to know if you’ll give me an answer



I’ll love you for forever

‘Cause you’re the air I breath

The love like no other



I’m getting kinda antsy

Need to know if you’ll wear my ring baby?

Dietz stops playing and Jake drops his music to a slower beat. “What do you say, Liz? I know it’s quick, but I feel like I’ve known you for forever. I’ve never felt this way and I don’t want to ever let you go. Marry me?”

Liz pops up from the couch and throws herself in his arms, “You can't ask me to marry you!”

“I just did baby. Say yes. Be my wife.”

“Yes,” she whispers and her eyes find mine. I give her a silent nod towards the guest bedroom. I’m stuck on the couch with a baby on my boob, so I can't move. Liz gets my cue and takes his hand leading him away from us.

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