Read Crossing The Line (A Taboo Love series Book 3) Online

Authors: M.D. Saperstein,Andria Large

Crossing The Line (A Taboo Love series Book 3) (15 page)

"Hush now, your secret is safe with me," she shushes.

"Thanks, Grams," I breathe in relief.

"So how long?" she asks again.

I glance at Chance, who sends me an encouraging smile. "Almost three months," I tell her.

She smiles softly. "That's lovely. You two are a gorgeous couple," she says quietly. She looks past me to pin Chance with a stern look. "You take good care of him, you hear? This one is my favorite and he deserves the best."

Chance grins and sends her a wink. "You got it, Grams."

"Hrmph, it's no wonder you like him, Parker, the man is sexy as sin," she murmurs.

Chance throws his head back and laughs. All I can do is smile and shake my head. That's my Grams.


After talking with Parker's crazy awesome great-grandmother for a while, Parker said we had to go and say hi to his father. After meeting his brother and mother, I'm really not looking forward to it. I know my childhood was fucked up, but this...this is just as bad, only in a completely different way.

We find his father over by the bar. Not the bar by the pool, but a second bar that is set up in the tent. I had no idea how loaded Parker's family was until we showed up here today. They are not just stinking rich, but they are wealthy, and that fortune goes back generations. In-fucking-sane.

I can see where Parker gets his good looks. He looks exactly like his father, just a much younger and blonder version. His father's hair is now gray. He looks to be in decent shape for his age and I'll bet any amount of money that he's had a facelift.

"Ah, here is my youngest son, Parker. He used to be a lawyer but now he's just an actor," his father says to the men surrounding him as we walk up.

I see Parker's shoulders tense and his hands ball into fists. "Hey, dad," he mutters.

"Oh, I see you've brought your co-star, Mr. Steele. Thanks so much for coming," his father says, offering his hand to me.

"Mr. Hamilton," I reply with a sharp nod as I shake his hand.

"So, son, Archie was telling me about this new role you are playing. Is he right that you are playing a gay man?" he asks, his eyebrows raised.

"Actually, I am playing a detective who happens to be gay," Parker mutters, his cheeks turning pink under the blatant scrutiny.

"Why take a role like that? You aren't gay!" his father squawks.

"It's just acting, dad," Parker replies half-heartedly.

"Speaking of fruits," comes Parker's brother's voice from behind us, "I brought you a plate full."  He chuckles, handing Parker the plate of fruit he is carrying.

The group of men start chuckling. I clench my teeth together to stop myself from calling them some not so nice names because inside I’m seething. I wish I could punch Parker's brother in his damn throat.

"Good thing neither of my sons are gay; that shit is unacceptable and disgusting. It would not go over well in this house," the senior Archibald says, his disgust in gay people clear in his tone.

Well shit, that's not good. I look over at Parker to see him putting the plate of fruit down on the nearest table. His face is pale and his hands are shaking. My heart breaks for him. When I was younger, I had always wished for a family, any family. But now I see that I would never have wanted this family. I guess sometimes having nothing is better than having something like this. These people are horrendous.

A gorgeous brunette saunters up next to the younger of the two Archibalds. "Archie, you said you were going to introduce me to Chance Steele," she whines while eyeing me up over her very large white-framed sunglasses.

His eyes flash angrily. "Allison, didn't I also tell you not to bother me while I am in the company of my father and his associates?" he barks and grabs the top of her arm in a brutal grip.

My turn to clench my fists. I can't stand when men manhandle women like this. Something like this is what got me arrested back in the day. I don't know what it is, but it just pisses me the fuck off when guys beat on women, and I have to step in.  Archibald shoves who I am assuming is his wife away, making her stumble into a table. I try to bite my tongue but it doesn't work. I take a step toward her helping her up.

"That was unnecessary, Archibald," I growl, purposely using his name to piss him off.

He turns to me, eyebrow raised. "Excuse me?"

"I really don't appreciate you treating your woman like that in front of me," I tell him.

Archibald gives me a shit-eating grin and repeats my earlier words back to me, "Do I look like a give a fuck?"

"You sonofabitch," I grind out and take a step toward him.

Parker steps in front of me. "That's enough, we're leaving," he snaps.

We stare at each other for a second before I give him a curt nod before turning and walking back toward the mansion. Fuck, that dickhead almost got me into trouble. No doubt, he would have called the cops on me if I had gone after him. Thank God for Parker and his level head.

Without saying goodbye to anyone, we leave. Parker doesn't say a word, he just guns it out of there. I stare out the window as he speeds down the road. When I had first met Parker over ten years ago and had heard about who his family was and where he came from, I figured that he had had the good life. He must have gotten everything he wanted, had everything handed to him, didn't have to work a day in his life. I had been jealous, so jealous of how privileged he was.

Now, my heart hurts for him. I glance over to see him looking straight ahead, his lips pressed together in a thin angry line. Oh, how much we have in common that we never even realized. We have both had terrible childhoods, even though they were at different extremes.

“I’m sorry I lost my temper back there,” I say, feeling guilty that we had to leave because of me.

“Don’t be. He had it coming. I always knew he was a douchebag, but I never realized how bad.  What made you snap?” he asks cautiously.

Parker bringing me here today was a big step in our relationship.  It was his way of opening himself up to me, exposing himself and being vulnerable. It’s my turn.

I look straight ahead, once again not wanting to see his reaction. It also makes it easier to tell him my humiliating life story.  “When I was a teen, I was homeless, lived in a shelter.  I saw women constantly being taken advantage of, having to prostitute themselves just to have money to buy themselves or their kids food. One day I saw a woman I knew from the shelter being attacked in a back alley.  I didn’t even think, I just jumped in and started wailing on the guy.  She ran to get me help, but by the time she returned with back-up, I was being arrested, charged with assault.”

I take a break from my story to check on his reaction, but he is just shaking his head.  I don’t know what that means, so I continue.  I hope it doesn’t change the way he sees me.

“Anyway, I was charged with assault but refused to take a plea so we went to trial.  The woman that was being beaten testified on my behalf, along with a few other people from my shelter, and ultimately, I was found not guilty by reason of self-defense.  When I joined the Army, they helped me get the record sealed, but anyone checking into my background can see it if they try hard enough. Up until now, I’ve never had reason to talk about it.”

Parker’s hand landed on my thigh sometime during my story, but I was so engrossed in my self-pity that I hadn’t noticed.  He gives me a squeeze but doesn’t say much for a few minutes.  I let him soak it all in.

“Why were you homeless?” is the only thing he asks.

“You want the whole shebang, huh?  You sure you’re ready for this? Cause once I tell you, there’s no un-knowing…” I ask, hoping that he doesn’t want to hear anymore.

“There’s nothing you can tell me that will make me lo…like you any less.  I just brought you home to meet my family. Do you think less of me now that you know where I came from?”

“Of course not. I’ve gained a whole new respect for you. Thank god you escaped them.”

He smiles. “Thank you. Now lay it on me.” He chuckles.

Here goes nothing. "My mother was a prostitute, and as you already know, my father was a drunk. I grew up in foster care. At the last house I lived in, their biological son raped me almost every night. I was seventeen when I ran away and never looked back. I thought I had it bad and would have given anything to grow up in a mansion and have tons of money, but now I see that growing up with a family like that is just as bad," I murmur into the silence.

Parker's head whips around to stare at me in shock. "You were raped? Is that what you meant when you said that you were with a man, involuntarily?"

I shrug. "Yeah, it was a long time ago, I've dealt with it and moved on," I say softly.

Parker nods in acceptance but doesn’t say another thing about it. He reaches over and grabs my hand, lacing his fingers in mine. "Thank you for sharing that with me. I don't feel so alone in knowing that my family sucks ass."

I snort. "Your family is atrocious."

Parker chuckles, but then it turns into a full-blown laugh. I start to laugh, too. Soon we're laughing so hard that we have tears running down our faces. It's a relief. Such a huge relief. When we finally quiet and dry our eyes, Parker leans over and gives me a loving kiss. A horn blows behind us, breaking the moment. We chuckle as Parker hits the gas. And just like that, all is good in the world…well, at least in our little world.


Chapter Thirteen


I wake to a warm body covering mine, and a hot mouth at my neck. Mmm, Parker. He nips at my earlobe before dragging his tongue down my throat. I slip my arms and legs around him. I feel him smile against my chest.

"Morning," he murmurs.

I just hum and thread my fingers into the back of his blonde hair. I take a deep breath, pulling in his masculine scent. He always smells like the Aveeno body wash that he uses. He rocks his hips, which are cradled between my thighs, rubbing his hard length against mine. We both moan softly.

"Do we have time?" I mutter, turning my head to try to see the clock, but I can't. 

"Plenty," Parker rasps.

We have to be at the studio by eight and if Parker says we have plenty of time, then it's probably six in the morning. Ugh, too early. But if it means that we get to have sex before work, then hell, I'm up. This has been our routine for the past couple of months. I've practically moved into Parker's condo. We have been spending our days and some nights at the studio making the movie while our non-working nights are spent hanging out, watching movies, getting to know each other better, and fucking. Lots of fucking.

I’ve tried. I’ve tried really hard to keep my feelings out of this - relationship? - that we have going. I've never opened my heart to anyone before, so I don't know how I let this happen. But somehow, Parker has gotten under my skin and sunk in his claws. The more I get to know him, the more I learn about what he likes and dislikes, the more I find out how much we actually have in common. It just embeds those claws deeper.

His hand dips down between us and wraps around both of our cocks. He strokes us slowly, lazily, as if he doesn't have a care in the world. I roll my hips and dig my heels into the backs of his thighs to try to get more - more friction, more pleasure, more something!

"Parker," I gasp and claw at his back.

Parker lifts his head, his blazing blue gaze meeting mine. "I fucking love it when you say my name," he breathes.

"I will say your name a million times if you tighten your grip," I groan.

His hand squeezes tighter and starts to move faster.

"Parker! Ugh...shit..." I cry as a jolt of raw pleasure shoots through me.

I open my eyes, not realizing that I've closed them, and see Parker watching me. The look on his face speaks volumes of his feelings. His face is very expressive and everything he's thinking is written all over it. I can see the affection and adoration he has for me. It warms my heart and latches those claws into the bone.

Parker's hand slips over the head of my cock and that's it for me. My orgasm hits me hard and without warning. A guttural shout rips up my throat as my back bows off the bed. Parker's eyes never leave my face. He comes with a low grunt.

We lay there for a moment to catch our breaths before getting up and hopping in the shower. We keep our hands to ourselves in the shower because we are now running short on time.

I watch him as we get dressed in the bedroom. This is the happiest that I've been in years. Not only with Parker, but also with myself. I feel like I'm who I'm supposed to be. I never thought that I was gay, but being with Parker - being with a man - feels right. I know that I've accepted this part of me and I'm coming to the point where I want to share it with everyone. I want people to know who I really am. I don't want to hide this person that I just found. I'm not ashamed of myself or who I've become, so why hide? I just don't think Parker is anywhere near as ready as I am.

I pull my t-shirt over my head and clear my throat. "There is, uh, something I want to talk to you about," I say into the comfortable silence.

Parker glances up at me from his seat on the bed where he's putting on his shoes. "Okay."

"What are your thoughts about going public?" I ask hesitantly.

He frowns in confusion. "Public with what?"

"Us. Our relationship."

His eyes widen in horror. "What? Fuck no! Are you crazy?" he exclaims, shooting to his feet.

My anger immediately flares at his reaction. "So, what? Are we just going to live in hiding for however long this lasts?" I snap. "I'm not planning on ending this anytime soon, but I'm not going to live the rest of my life behind closed doors either."

"Have you lost your mind? We can't tell people about us!" he squawks, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Why the hell not?"

He sputters for a second before spewing some more bullshit, "We just can't! My family..."

"...Are a bunch of bigoted douchebags." I finish his thought.

"My dad will do everything he can to kill my career! Believe me, he's threatened to do it before. This would make him do it for real," Parker says.

He shoulders past me, leaving the room. I blink. Is he fucking kidding me? I turn on my heel and follow him out of the room.

"So you're going to live the rest of your life in the closet?" I bark at his back.

He just shrugs. "If I have to," I hear him mutter.

Parker grabs his keys and starts for the door.

"Parker!" I snap. I stop myself from stomping my foot like a child.

He stops, his hand on the doorknob. He looks over his shoulder at me, a defeated look in his eyes. "We're going to be late," he says then walks out the door.



We stop at a bagel place to grab some breakfast. The ride there is completely silent. The tension in the car is palpable. I still can't believe that Chance even brought that up. Did he really think that I would ever...come out? It's absurd! Not only because I'm straight...I mean, everyone still thinks I'm straight, but because my family is so closed minded about the gay nation. Not that I care what my family thinks, it's more about what they can do to me and my career that I'm concerned about.

We're both wearing dark sunglasses and baseball caps in the bagel place, hoping to get in and out quickly without getting recognized. Chance is standing next to me on my right, arms crossed over his chest, anger just radiating off him. Even if he got recognized, I don't think anyone would approach him.

We order our sandwiches and coffee then pay and move to the side to wait. I'm leaning with my hip against the counter staring out the window when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over to see Olivia smiling brightly at me.

"Parker, hi!" she whispers as she throws her arms around my neck and plants a kiss square on my lips.

"Oh, hey, Olivia," I reply and belatedly hug her back.

I catch Chance's infuriated gaze. Even with the sunglasses on, I can feel his eyes boring into me. His normally full lips are a thin angry line and his jaw is bulging, most likely from clenching his teeth.

"We haven't gotten together in a while, are you free tonight?" she asks with a saucy smile as she lets her hand trail suggestively down my arm.

", I'm working tonight..." I stutter and swallow hard.

I hear Chance mutter something that sounds like "Un-fucking-believable," before he snatches the bag from the guy holding it out for him and storms toward the door. Olivia gives him a curious look before brushing it off and turning back to me.

"Okay, well how about another night?" she suggests.

"I can't, I'm kinda with someone," I tell her.

She smiles warmly. "Aw, that's great Parker, I'm glad. Never mind then," she says sweetly and winks at me before she turns and heads for the counter to order.

I quickly make my way outside. I see Chance pacing the sidewalk next to where I’ve parked. I make my way toward him. He spots me and stomps over to me, getting in my face.

"Who the fuck was that?" he hisses.

"She was one of my fuck buddies," I reply. No point in beating around the bush. He's already pissed; lying would just make him angrier.

"Get in the fucking car," he growls and gives me a shove toward the car.

What a fucking horrible day this is turning out to be. I get in the car. As soon as we're closed in, Chance turns to me and rips off his sunglasses.

"Have you been fucking her while we've been together?" he asks, low and deadly.

I turn to look at him. I take my sunglasses off so he can see my eyes and know that I'm telling him the truth. "Absolutely not. I haven't been with anyone but you."

He searches my eyes for a moment. "I know we never said it out loud but I assume this is an exclusive relationship?"

I nod. "I also assumed that."

"What did you tell her?" he asks.

I start the car and pull out. "That I'm with someone."

"I guess you didn't mention who you’re with." He snorts bitterly.

"You guessed right," I reply in annoyance.

Chance shakes his head in disgust. "Fucking dick," he mutters before digging into the bag in his lap.

He pulls out my sandwich and hands it to me. He opens his own and takes a big bite. We both finish our sandwiches before getting to the studio. Without a word, we head to our separate trailers. I keep replaying the morning in my head. I'm angry over the whole argument, but also disappointed and defeated.

This relationship is still new. Who knows if it's going to last? If it doesn't, will I date another man? I don't know. I want to say no, but I just don't know. Do I want to come out as bi or gay and then Chance and I break up and I start dating women again? I don't fucking know. I mean, it's not like I can't. People do it all the time. I just...the whole thing is so confusing right now. Why can't we just live in the moment, have fun, and just be. Why do we have to tell everyone? Why do we have to come out? Can't our private life stay private? So we forfeit PDA. I can live with that. I get plenty of affection behind closed doors.

More Parker…

The day is long and grueling. We have to shoot some action scenes. They are tough and physically demanding. Jerry finally calls final cut at around one in the morning. I trudge back to my trailer and take a quick shower. Other than our lines, Chance and I haven't spoken to each other all day and it's killing me. I don't like fighting with him anymore. I don't like this distance between us.

I step out of my trailer and see Chance leaning against the hood of my car, his dark hair wet. He looks exhausted. I'm sure I do, too. Luckily, the ride back to my place isn't long. I shove my hands into my pockets as I make my way over to my car. I stop in front of Chance.

"Should I take you to your apartment?" I ask quietly.

"Do you want to take me to my apartment?" he replies wearily.

"No." I sigh and shake my head.

"Then don't," he murmurs with a shrug.

Okay. That's a start. We both get into my car and I start it. The ride is quiet, but it's more like a too-tired-to-talk kind of quiet, not a tension filled quiet. We walk into my condo and I shut and lock the door behind us. As soon as I turn around, Chance wraps me up in his strong arms. I sigh heavily and sink into him. I tuck my face in his neck and just hold onto him.

"I don't want to fight with you," I whisper.

"I don't want to fight, either. I'm sorry about earlier," Chance murmurs softly.

"I'm sorry, too. Can we please just not worry about that right now?"

"Yeah, okay," he agrees.

"I like where we are, I like being with you, you are all I need right now," I tell him, lifting my head to look at him.

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