Read Cowboys Down Online

Authors: Barbara Elsborg

Cowboys Down (11 page)

“Taste,” Jasper whispered.

Calum licked and his foot pressed harder on the gas.
Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.
Nothing coming behind them, nothing in front, ditch at the side. Nowhere to fucking stop.

Jasper looped the seatbelt out of the way and then maneuvered until his head was between Calum’s chest and the wheel.
Calum yelled the word in his head, but it didn’t come out of his mouth. One soft flutter over the tip of his cock with a hot tongue and Calum almost lost control of the vehicle and himself.
Oh God, if I come first, he’ll want to fuck me.
Trouble was Calum didn’t think that was a big enough incentive to stop his balls from exploding. A couple of miles before they were out in the countryside and where there’d be a place to pull off—could he last that long? When Jasper’s lips settled around the sensitive head of his cock and sucked hard, Calum started to shake.

“Please,” he pleaded.

Jasper lifted his head. “Please what? Stop or keep going?”

The feel of his exhalations hitting Calum’s spit-slick cock made the breath catch in his throat. “I need to find a place to pull off the road before I get us killed. Or worse, we’re injured and they find us doing this.”

Jasper sat up again and Calum breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted Jasper to keep going, but there was no way he could drive with the guy’s mouth around his dick. The first likely track Calum saw, he pulled off the pavement and they bounced between trees down the dirt road. Calum shoved the truck into park, switched off the engine, killed the lights and sat with his chest heaving. Jasper had his hand inside his own pants, stroking himself.

Calum groaned. “Take your shirt off and get in the back. Leave the…leave the tie on.”

Jasper undid the top couple of buttons and peeled it over his head. Even in the dim light Calum could see the hills and planes of his body, sculpted muscles, hard abs and tight, dark nipples topping gently rounded pecs and that fucking tie hanging between. A dusting of hair led south—a treasure trail to unbuttoned pants and a partially lowered zipper.

“You work out?” Calum asked.

“Most days before work.”

Calum pulled down the center seat between them and Jasper scooted into the back.

“Your shirt too,” Jasper said.

Calum was already struggling with the buttons. He dragged his shirt over his head and scrambled after Jasper into the rear of the vehicle. They were all arms and legs until Calum forced Jasper to settle on his back while he knelt astride his hips. Calum groaned when Jasper wrapped his fingers around his cock, but he couldn’t tear his hands away from Jasper’s body, his calloused fingers intent on exploring every inch of skin. They panted into each other’s faces, gazes locked. The scent of Jasper filled Calum’s head—a mixture of soap and musk and beer. The guy had hair as dark as a starless night and eyes he could hide in. He’d never felt this level of attraction to any guy before.

“I have to undo the rest of the zipper before my cock does it for me,” Jasper said with a grunt.

He groaned as he pulled it down, his eyelids fluttering. Calum couldn’t stop touching him, his hands mapping Jasper’s upper body, fingers trailing along ribs, the curve of his shoulders, down rounded triceps, over rock-hard biceps and back to graze the taut muscles of his stomach in a constant loop of flowing movement. As he reached for the waistband of Jasper’s shorts, Jasper grabbed him and turned them both so Calum lay on his back with Jasper hovering over him, his tie tickling Calum’s chest.

Oh God, why did I let him pin me?

“There’s not enough room,” Calum panted.

“Write and tell Chevrolet. Make back seats bigger to facilitate English guys giving blowjobs to American guys.”

Calum laughed and gave in. He wasn’t sure he could last long enough to get inside Jasper. They could bring each other off and then he’d have to make sure he was the one on top. Calum stroked Jasper’s silky hair. “We could get out of the car.”

“Too cold and I don’t want a moose sticking its nose up my backside or a rattlesnake biting my butt or—”

“Okay, I get it. We’re fine where we are.” Calum tugged on Jasper’s tie to bring his head down.

Jasper’s mouth hovered over Calum’s. “More than fine.”

Calum tightened his grasp on Jasper’s tie and pulled him down the last inch. The whispered groan issuing from Jasper’s lips ripped through Calum like a whirlwind. Excitement raced along his veins and the moment those soft lips touched his, he was lost in a tornado of lust. Calum ate at his mouth and he could feel Jasper’s arms trembling where they rested against his body. He traced around Jasper’s tongue with his, tugged at it with his teeth and then sucked hard. Jasper moaned into his mouth and his fingers threaded Calum’s hair.

Their cocks had their own way of kissing, slick heads sliding together, smearing pre-come one to the other. Hips rocked in a languid salsa, and Calum slipped a hand between their bodies to bring their dicks tight together.
Oh fuck, he’s big.
A jolt of fear raised goose bumps on the back of his neck and he forced it into reverse.

Calum rubbed the head of Jasper’s cock and Jasper jerked away and reared up. “If you keep doing that, I’ve had it. Move back a bit to give me room.”

Calum lifted his butt to shift backward and Jasper seized the chance to pull Calum’s pants farther down his thighs. Calum leaned his shoulders against the door, bent one knee against the back seat and dropped his other leg into the space at the rear of the driver’s seat. Jasper leaned over and slowly licked a line from Calum’s throat down the center of his chest. His tie, trailing over Calum’s skin, added another level to the sensation.

“Shit, shit.” Calum’s breathing grew more ragged.

He stroked Jasper’s hair as his head sank lower and lower.
Suck me, suck me, suck me.
Calum angled his hips so his cock brushed Jasper’s lips and then moaned when a wet tongue swirled around the tip.

Up and down, round and round and over the crest, Jasper’s tongue touched every part of his dick, laving him like he was a stick of candy. Muscles tightened in Calum’s body as he tried to hold back from coming. His toes curled, his calves tensed and his butt cheeks went rigid as Jasper wrapped his hot, wet mouth tighter around him and sucked until his cheeks hollowed. Oh Christ. Calum’s thumbs dug into Jasper’s head, his fingers shaking as Jasper drew on him with his mouth.

“Oh God, that feels good,” Calum muttered. “Jesus, Jesus.”

Jasper sucked along the line of his shaft and nipped at the base with his teeth.
I’m going to come. Fuck.
As Calum reached a trembling hand to wrap around the root of his cock, Jasper got there first. As his grip hardened and the need to come receded, Calum let out a long sigh, one that turned into a whimper when Jasper mouthed his balls.
Now, I’m going to come.
But as though Jasper read his mind, he pressed down hard in exactly the right way, in exactly the right place and the pressure in Calum’s head faded to a dull ache.

Lips pulled and tugged at the tight sac protecting his balls. Jasper’s nose and cheeks rubbed Calum’s cock while his mouth worked magic lower down, and the tension crept back into Calum’s body, seeping up his spine, tightening every muscle until he was arching away from the door, hips bucking, urging Jasper to take more.

While Jasper maintained his hold at the base of Calum’s cock, and his mouth played with his balls, the fingers of his other hand teased the tender strip of flesh between Calum’s sac and his hole. Breathing became an issue. He’d forgotten how. When Jasper began to take more of his cock into his mouth, the steady rhythm pushed Calum into a different level of heaven. The warm, wet suction made his hips jerk, but Jasper pushed him down. No confusion as to who was in control but that was fine. Calum’s turn would come. He felt a sharp prickle at the back of his head. His first warning. On five he’d lose it.

Jasper dipped his tongue into the slit and Calum shot straight to four and three quarters.

“F-fuck,” Calum gasped.

He wanted to watch Jasper’s dark eyes staring up at him, but Calum’s eyes fluttered closed as his hips rose and Jasper swallowed him. Calum’s cock brushed the back of Jasper’s throat and his balls detonated. Lightning blazed down his spine and he shot spurt after spurt of thick fluid into Jasper’s mouth, each jet accompanied by a guttural groan, until Calum collapsed back onto the seat. His shoulder was wedged against something hard, his ankle was twisted, but he didn’t give a fuck.

Calum dragged energy from somewhere to open his eyes and looked up at Jasper staring down at him, a smile quirking his lips. Calum wiped a fleck of come from Jasper’s lower lip with his finger and brought it to his own mouth.

“That was some dessert,” Jasper said.

“I feel deprived.”

Jasper swallowed, his eyes dark with need. “That could be quickly remedied—and I mean quickly. I’m not talking minutes.”

Calum chuckled. “You make me laugh.”

“Is that good?”

“I thought I’d forgotten how. Want to swap places?”

“Might be easier said than done.”

It was, but in a tussle of arms and legs, amid a lot of laughing and groaning, Calum eventually pinned Jasper on his back and tugged down his pants and shorts to expose his cock. Long and thick, the head wet with pre-come, a dark purple vein tracing its length, the damn thing looked so beautiful, Calum’s lungs locked.

“One lick would do it,” Jasper said with a gasp. “Damn it, if you keep staring at it, that’ll work too. Twenty seconds tops.”

“Trying to spoil my fun?” Calum wrapped his hand around Jasper’s cock and loosely stroked it, savoring the velvet-soft texture of the skin against the steel-hard muscle beneath.

“Shit,” Jasper grunted. “No more than ten.”

Calum squeezed the shaft, his thumb sliding off the shallow dip beneath the head. “Ten minutes?”

“If I didn’t think it would tip me over the edge, I’d laugh at that pathetic joke.”

Calum stroked and played with Jasper’s cock, cupping his heavy balls and rolling them gently in his palm.

“Maybe five seconds,” Jasper choked out.

One lick of the salty tip of Jasper’s cock and Calum’s head fogged. He knew Jasper was close, the strain evident on his face, a mixture of pleasure and pain. Calum sucked the tip into his mouth.

“God, God, God, God,” Jasper panted.

Taking the swollen crest tighter between his lips, Calum slid his mouth up and down the top couple of inches. Jasper’s hands clenched and unclenched against Calum’s ribs. Calum teased the slit, bathing it in spit and pre-come and then screwed his mouth hard down Jasper’s length.

Jasper’s breathing grew so labored that for a moment Calum worried, and then a hand on top of his head urged him to continue while the other hand stroked his cheek.

“Shit, I never knew I could multi-task so well,” Jasper blurted. “And I’m reciting the alphabet backward at the same time. Stuck at Y.”

One deep swallow and Jasper’s body went as stiff as his cock.

“Oh Christ, that…you…fuck…yesssss.”

The thick shaft swelled and pulsed, and Jasper cried out as he emptied his load into Calum’s eager mouth. Calum didn’t move until he’d swallowed every drop of come. He licked Jasper clean and then he kissed his way up Jasper’s body, lapping the salt from his skin until he nuzzled into the hollow of his throat above his tie. Calum lifted his head and looked straight into Jasper’s face. Jasper grinned at him, still panting, his lower lip swollen from where he’d bitten it.

“You make my fucking heart jump,” Calum whispered.

He laid his palm over Jasper’s chest and felt his heart beating fast and furious under his hand. A flutter in the rhythm and Calum smiled. He slid his hands up Jasper’s ribs until they wrapped around his neck to pull on the tie, his thumbs brushing Jasper’s soft lips.

“I feel like a horny teenager, except I never did this in my car when I was a teen,” Calum said. “Did you?”

“I didn’t have a car.”

“I want to fuck you, but I don’t want to do it like this with no space to move, nothing special about it.” Calum brushed Jasper’s hair out of his eyes.

“Then take me back and show me your etchings—oops, I mean your models.”

Calum swallowed hard. Take Jasper into his bed. Could he?



Calum drove the truck into its spot with the other vehicles at the back of the ranch and turned off the engine.

“You have to be absolutely silent when we walk down the corridor,” he said. “Once we’re in my bedroom, we should be okay as long as you don’t scream.” He gave Jasper a nervous smile. “One side of the room it’s the end of the building, closet the other and beyond that a guest room. My father and Vera are at the far end of the corridor.”

“Why do you call her Vera?”

Calum frowned. “When Dad brought her to meet me, she asked me to. Why?”

“I just wondered why you didn’t call her Mum.”

“I suppose I didn’t want to at first, and by the time I could have, we’d both gotten used to me not doing it.” Calum exited the vehicle and closed the door quietly.

As they walked back into the dark ranch, Calum thought about Jasper’s question. Vera
his mother in every way that counted. She might love Angie best but she loved him too.
Christ, should I have been calling her Mom?

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