Read Contract to Love Online

Authors: Annie Sauder-Wallen

Contract to Love (3 page)

Chapter 13

During the next few weeks, Elizabeth cleaned and situated Lawrence's apartment.  In the four weeks following the delightful and heart-endearing lovemaking, Lawrence seemed very distant.  He came home after she was asleep and left before she woke up in the mornings. 

     But this evening, Lawrence finally came in early this evening.  Elizabeth confronted him immediately with what has been on her mind.  Elizabeth wanted to know if she could run the furniture store for them.  Elizabeth pointed out that she didn’t see any harm keeping the furniture store while he worked all day with his family.  He snapped at her and said she signed her rights over to him. 

     “What do you mean I signed my rights over to you?” Elizabeth astounded.

      “Just what I said.” Lawrence said calming taking off his cuff links and tie.

     “Do you remember signing those papers after we married?”  When she nodded, he continued, “You signed everything over to me.”

     “Wait a minute,” Elizabeth yelled.  “You said that was to help your business!”

     “It did.  It got rid of your business.”  Lawrence finished undressing and went to take a shower.

       Elizabeth sank to the bed.  Why had he wanted to get rid of her business?  Then it hit her.  It must be what Sabin wanted.  Lawrence always did what Sabin wanted because he wanted to take over one day.

     Elizabeth sat thinking about the furniture store.  The fire, meeting Lawrence, the break in, robbery, and the proposal.  It all seemed to be planned to the very last detail.  Was this whole marriage a ploy? It made sense, though it grieved Elizabeth to think that.  After the marriage, Lawrence was so distant, and he never said he had loved her.  Her heart begged it not to be true, but somehow she knew she was right.  How could she find proof of this?  Tomorrow she would find out.

Chapter 14

Elizabeth woke up nauseous again this morning.  She was kind of glad Lawrence was gone this morning as he was every morning.  She didn’t want him to know what she was suspecting about herself.

     When the nausea passed, she dressed and went to the Karapelli mansion.  She knew Lawrence and the other men would be at the store like every Thursday.  It would be easy to find what she needed.

     She was let in by the maid who showed her upstairs to Rosetta’s music room.  She chatted easily with Rosetta.  She enjoyed learning how she has lived with Sabin all these years, but it hurt because she knew her and Lawrence wouldn’t be happy like that so many years down the road. 

     Elizabeth glanced at the large grandfather’s clock on the opposite wall.  It was getting late. She had to find the proof today.

      Elizabeth thanked Rosetta for the time, and said she would show herself out.  Rosetta smiled and bade her goodbye.  Elizabeth walked out of the music room and looked around cautiously.  No one was around, so she continued to the offices.  Lawrence had showed her around most of the house after they married.  He hadn’t showed her the offices, but she knew where they were. 

     Her heart pounded in her ears, and her stomach churned.  She crept into Sabin’s office.  She found a huge filing cabinet.  She tried the first drawer.  It was locked.  They all were.  Would Sabin keep the key just lying around?  Somehow she doubted it.  She tried to pick the lock.  Then she heard voices in the big meeting room.  The men were back.  She had to find a way to sneak out, but how could she leave without proof.  Elizabeth hid under the desk.  The voices came closer.  Then the light came on.  Elizabeth prayed she wouldn’t be caught.  What would Lawrence say?  She had no idea what Sabin would do if he caught her in here.  The office was his sacred place.  He would probably kill her if he was as ruthless as she thought.  She could hear two feet walking around the room.  Then coming right to the desk and yanking the chair out.  She found herself looking into two dark, furious eyes.

Chapter 15

“What in the ?!!? Do you think you’re doing in here?” demanded Lawrence.

     Elizabeth crawled out from under the desk, but kept her head down cast.

     “I was, uh, um, looking for those papers I signed.”  Elizabeth sorrowfully stated. 

     “Why?” growled Lawrence.

     “I wanted to know if it was what Sabin ordered you to do, or if, if maybe you really love me?”  Elizabeth silently prayed for him to take her in his strong arms and tell her he really loved her, and not for what Sabin said to do.

     Lawrence's silence said it all.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he spoke.

     “All right, I will tell you the truth.” Lawrence said quietly.  “Your business interfered with ours.  It had to be crushed.  If you had a successful business, people would think the Karapellis had no control anymore.  That would threaten our power and prestige.  Sabin wouldn’t have it.  So I was ordered to court you.”

     Each word delivered a crushing blow to Elizabeth’s heart.  She had this already figured out, but Elizabeth so wanted to be wrong.

     Lawrence continued, “You did not give up the business and go home, so Sabin decided I would marry you.  I had you sign your business over to me.  It was done.”

     Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears, but she was determined not to cry.

     “So now you will take over from Sabin because of what you did to me.”  Elizabeth choked out.

     Lawrence nodded.  “Jack really doesn’t want the responsibility, so it’s been agreed I will take over soon.”

     “You don’t need me anymore.”  It wasn’t a question.  Elizabeth walked silently out of the office.  Now the tears flowed freely down her cheeks.  She clutched her stomach as she ran out of the house.  No one watched her leave except two- Rosetta and Teresa, who exchanged worried looks.


Chapter 16

“All agreed.” Sabin glanced around the table as all hands went up.

     “It is agreed Young Sabin is to take my place in the day-to-day running of the business.”  Sabin watched Lawrence.  He seemed distracted from business as he had the past five months since Elizabeth left.  Did he love her? 

     Lawrence continued the meeting absent-mindedly.  After it was over, Sabin went to the bedroom to lie down.  Rosetta followed him.

     “What is wrong, my husband?”  Rosetta asked.  “Is it giving the business to Lawrence?”

     “No, I am just tired, just tired.” sighed Sabin.

     “Then rest my husband, love will work everything out,” said Rosetta with a knowing look in her eye.

Chapter 17

Lawrence glances out of the window from his office.  The weather was colder, and the leaves had turned a golden red, the color of Elizabeth’s hair. Elizabeth.  A smile spread across his face, then turned to a frown.  He had to stop thinking about her.  She was distracting him.  It was already set, Sabin had arranged a marriage between Donna Lortoli and him.  But he didn’t want to marry Donna, he had already promised his heart to Elizabeth. 

     No! He would marry Donna and put Elizabeth out of his mind. 

     Just then a knock came at the door. 

     “Elizabeth?” Lawrence asked hopefully.

     “No honey, it’s Mother.” Teresa said quietly.  “If you miss her that much, try to find her.”

     “I can’t, I have to marry Donna.”  Lawrence replied.

     “Do you love Donna?  Trust your heart, son.  Let it love who you want to love, not who
tells you to.”  Teresa pleaded.

     “Did you need something, Mother?” Lawrence asked closing the subject of Elizabeth.

     “Yes, your grandfather wants to see you.”  She turned and walked away praying love would find a way.

Chapter 18

Elizabeth woke up with sunlight streaming in her bedroom.  Her first thought was of Lawrence, of course, as it had been every morning since they met.  She patted her rounded stomach.  Yes, a baby would be here in April. She wasn’t showing that much.  To the casual observer, she just looks like she has gained a little weight.  The baby would remind her of the love she always felt for Lawrence. Elizabeth was glad to have a reminder of Lawrence left, but yet felt sorry for the child who would never know its father. 

     Elizabeth got up out of bed and made her way to the kitchen of her friend Mary’s vacation home.  After she ran out of the Karapelli’s home, she quickly packed her belongings and went to Mary’s house.  She stayed with Mary about a week hoping Lawrence would come and profess his undying love for her.  But he never did.

     She had seen the doctor who told her to get plenty of rest.  Mary gave her a key to her vacation home.  So, Elizabeth had been here ever since.

     After a breakfast of toast, fruit, and milk, Elizabeth changed into a blue-striped top and navy blue shorts.  She made her way to the beach to read
Guide to Pregnancy
.  She watched a family lay a blanket on the beach.  They came every day.  The first time she saw the man, he reminded her of Lawrence.  Every time she saw dark eyes and hair, or strong arms, she thought of Lawrence.  Look, there’s a tall, dark, man walking towards her.  He looks like Lawrence.  A lot like Lawrence.  Her heart contracted.  It was Lawrence! 

     “Wha--, what are you doing here?”  Elizabeth choked up.

     Elizabeth nonchalantly slid her book under a towel.

     “I came to find you.”  Lawrence said simply.

     “Find me?”  Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears hoping but not believing.

     “Yes, Elizabeth.  I love you.  I have for a long time, but I was afraid of Nonno.  In my Italian family, everyone obeys Nonno.  No one even challenges him.  So I couldn’t admit my love.  Nonna tried to get Nonno to see my love for you.  He arranged a marriage to an old family friend.”  Lawrence paused for a moment and then continued.

     “I was going through with it because Nonno said, but I just could not stop thinking about you.  I finally told Nonno that I loved you.”  Lawrence took Elizabeth’s hand in his own hand and gently caressed it. 

     “Nonno, said that he knew I loved you.  He was just waiting for me to stand up to him and tell him what I truly wanted.  He said that now he has full confidence that I can run the business.”  Lawrence gently brushed the hair that fell across her eyes.

     “I want to run the business, but I love you.  I want you, Elizabeth.  I have looked everywhere for you.  Then one day the doctor called and left a message for you.  I called him back.”

     Elizabeth looked surprised.

     “Yes, I know we are having a baby.  Come home Elizabeth.  I love you.”

     “I’ve waited so long to hear you say those words, and I never believed you would.  Oh, Lawrence, I love you.”  Elizabeth cried.

     Lawrence took a beautiful, ornate diamond solitaire and carefully slipped it on her third finger of her left hand. 


Elizabeth and Lawrence packed her things immediately and flew out to see her parents.  They spent

a few days with them, then headed home to the big Christmas party at the Karapelli mansion.

      The house was decorated in the festive red and green.  A huge tree greeted them in the entryway.  Lawrence opened the door and grabbed Elizabeth for a kiss.  When Elizabeth looked confused, he just smiled mischievously and pointed up.  Mistletoe hung above them.  Lawrence ushered he to the large dining room with immaculate place settings.  He led her to a spot that had her name - Elizabeth Karapelli.  Just then the family all came in to take their places and dinner was served. 

      At the end of the meal, Sabin hit his fork on his wine glass, and all eyes turned to him.

      “My family,” Sabin began, “this is a very joyous occasion for us.  This year lots of changes have occurred.  First, I have allowed Young Sabin to take over the business’ day-to-day activities.”  Everyone clapped and cheered.

     Sabin continued, “Second we have new members to our family.”  Sabin named all the new editions.

     “Next summer Donna Lortoli will marry my grandson- Jack.”  Sabin went on, “And last, but certainly not least, to Elizabeth,” Sabin hesitated, “I know my grandson love you.  You are good for him.  I want you to know we welcome you to our family with my blessings.”

     Rosetta handed Sabin a small package and winked at Elizabeth.

     “This is one of your Christmas presents.”  Sabin announced.  “It is a ruby brooch that belonged to my Mother.  She was a strong-minded gentle woman who loved my father in good times as well as bad.  You remind me of her, so I want you to have it.  You will make Young Sabin very happy, I’m sure.”  With that he adjourned everyone to the family room to open their Christmas presents. 

      Lawrence and Elizabeth stayed in the dining room looking at each other with love in their eyes.  Lawrence patted Elizabeth’s rounded stomach.  They already had gotten their Christmas present.  Their love! 



















































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