Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters) (12 page)


Lawson paced the pack meeting hall listening to the mercenary he had sent to give his message to Lizzy.
The guy was leaning against the wall, arms crossed in front of him, eyes carefully scanning the room. He served his purpose, and he came with good recommendation.

“So what was her final answer?” Lawson snapped.

“Put up a bit of a fight, got claws that she wolf. Initially she said no but after I left her on the ground I gave her the package you wanted her to have”

Oliver stood from the chair behind the table. Placing his hands in front of him he leaned forward, claws cutting into the wood.

“You attacked my mate?”

The mercenary pushed off the wall, walking slowly before coming to a stop in front of Oliver. Deliberately he let his own claws
unsheathe, matching the gouges that the alphas son was making.

“Listen son, I was fighting pack wars long before you were born, sometimes a she wolf needs to be reminded of her place in the ranks. If you disagree with my methods you should have down your own dirty work”

Oliver curled his lip, as he cast his eyes on his father.

“If anyone is letting
the bitch know her place in the ranks it’s me. She will answer only to me”

Lawson watched the exchange between his son and the mercenary
, he was proud of his son, of who he was and who he would become, Yes he was a little hot headed at times, but sometimes a firm hand was needed. He knew more than anyone that his son had to breed her, so that the Oakfield pack could have strong offspring, not only wolf born, but possess a deep hidden power of telekinesis. Just thinking about the wars he would win and the discipline he could enforce by using it had his wolf pacing eager to show dominance.

“Gentleman, I think we can both agree that we know how to put
she wolves in their place, it is the right of every male to take that legacy and pass it on to their sons”

He came to stand beside the mercenary, crossing his arms in front of him. Letting his alpha energy roll.

“You seem like the kind of male we need to increase our pack, we are always on the lookout for new stock”

The mercenary, who had gave no name, let
his gaze leave Oliver as he turned to face the alpha.

“Thanks but I work alone”

“Fine, well you know where we are if you get tired of the lone wolf lifestyle”

“I won’t ever get tired, believe me”

Lawson nodded, admiring the man’s honesty. Oliver had let his wolf retreat, as he sat back on the chair he had so recently vacated.

“So you gave her our terms? One week?”

“I did, she will come. Her emotions skyrocketed when I gave her the lock of hair”

Oliver grinned, yeah finding the brother was like finding a gold mine. Fuckin awesome. A perfect bargaining tool
. He nodded at his father, who approached one of his enforcers. Moments later he came back with an envelope stuffed with cash.

“I hope it’s all there Lawson because if you have short changed me, I will return, with my wolf in full pissed off mode”

“I don’t take kindly to threats wolf. But I can assure you as alpha it’s all there, count it if you like”

Oliver practically rolled his eyes as the mercenary did indeed just that. Satisfied it was all there he inclined his head, nodding once

“Nice doing business with you”

With that he left the hall, leaving the small group of men. Lawson grinned at his son. His eyes flicked to the side.

“How’s our guest liking his new cage?”

One of his enforcers stepped forward, head lowered.

“I think he finds it lacks a homely appearance my alpha, he’s a big guy with a small cage”

Oliver laughed out loud.

“Oh I cannot wait for that bitch to come running. Either way the brother dies, he should never have left the pack. An Oakfield always seeks his revenge”

Lawson stepped towards his son and heir, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“I could not agree more son, wise words”


Brandon could hear the men above him talking, thank god for shifter hearing. He knew he was in the holding cells and that the meeting hall was directly above. Many times he had
walked those floors, listening to the screams of his fellow pack members that had been placed in the very room he was now caged in. Growling, he pushed again against the bars but they were reinforced for wolves. Sitting back down he tried to calm his wolf who was becoming increasingly restless, many times since he was captured he had to fight for control. The time would come when he would seek retribution on Lawson and the pathetic piece of shit he calls a son.

Leaning his head against the side of the cage, a lock of his long blond hair fell forward, jagged at the end where they had sheared it off. A gift for his sister they had said. Shit, he had not seen Lizzy in all those years, not since, their parents had been killed. He had returned for her weeks later, meeting a former pack member out of town. He had said she had also ran after that deranged seer Duncan had bound her wolf, and why did he? She was a threat with her powers.
Bunch of bastards, he had been told he was the bargaining power to bring her in. Oliver wanted her to breed, to harness her powers in his own offspring. Brandon’s claws cut into the palms of his hands just thinking about how he would kill the fucker. He had lost all telepathic link with her, almost like a cut down the middle. What he would do to be able to warn her. She might be the older sister but as the male of the family it was his job to protect her. Sighing he closed his eyes, conserving his strength for the battle he knew would come. One he would make damn sure he would win.


Lizzy took a gentle sip of wine that had been placed in her hands what seemed hours ago. She was in red stones pack and after her little outburst yesterday she did not want to lose control and embarrass herself. Katie had been so kind, showing her the guest room which was many corridors away from the main hub of the house. She had enjoyed the free luxury toiletries and loved the dress Katie had gave her. It was new, never been worn, in fact the tags were still attached. Katie had bought it to wear last year but changed her mind, unfortunately the receipt had gone missing. The crimson red showed off her new hair colour beautifully, the velvet sat just above her knees with a satin halter neck tie. Fortunately, the bruises around her neck had just about gone, a little bit of make-up covered the yellow that was left. A plain black pair of heels completed the outfit. Looking around the packed room, the party was in full swing. Katie’s sister Jess was the centre of attention. Lizzy had chatted too many of the pack members that were so welcoming, even had a few males test the waters. They had respectfully realised she was mated, yes not bonded, but one hundred percent had a mate. She had only just checked her messages once she had changed due to lack of time. Her heart fluttered like a young cub when she saw that Connor had tried to contact her. Before she could text him back she had been whisked into the main hub of the party.

She let her body sink back against the cushions, she had specifically chosen this seat as it was right at the back in the darkest corner. Most of the pack were too
far gone with the triple strength alcohol to notice her. Katie had been the perfect host but after half hour of watching her gaze follow her mate around the room, Lizzy had insisted she go to him. For the first time in a few days she felt truly alone, unsure of where the future was going. She had replayed many scenes over and over of rescuing her brother. Maybe she did have all this repressed power once her wolf was unbound, it was exciting and scary at the same time. One thing was for sure, if she had an advantage in her favour then she was going to use it, even if it meant taking a hit in the process, she would release Brandon.

Sighing she placed her glass on the table beside her, holding a cushion in front of her, the underlying message was that she just needed her mate to hold her, to be here giving her strength. A single tear tracked down her face as she thought about the whole situation. Why did her life have to be so complicated?

“I hope those tears are not for me Baby?”

The smooth voice that she love
d so well caressed over her, a soothing balm to her tattered state of mind. Lifting her watery eyes she smiled softly as Connor stood in front of her.

“Don’t flatter yourself Beta, it was one tear” she laughed.

Connor gave her the most, sexiest lopsided grin she had ever seen, before sitting next to her, taking away the cushion and pulling her into his lap. Connor’s heart ached when he saw Lizzy sitting by herself, he could sense her emotions were fragile and upset and he hated that, all he wanted to do was comfort her, take away her pain, of which he knew he was at least a small cause of it. He had never held her so tight, fingers buried in her hair, lips kissing the curve of her neck. His wolf had relaxed as soon as he inhaled her scent. He brought her mouth down onto his in a gentle but demanding kiss, his tongue pushed its way inside, exploring every inch of the warm cavern. Music to his ears was her sweet moans that had him aching to be inside of her.

“Connor” she gasped.

“I know baby girl, I need you to” he whispered.

Lizzy had never felt so sexy and passionate as she did now, her core was on fire with a burning desire to have Connor buried deep inside of her. She could feel the hard erection pressing into her mound, the sitting position on his knees providing the perfect union, if only they were naked without an audience. His breathing was ragged as he pulled back to look into her glazed hazel eyes.

“I am so sorry if I hurt you Baby, I never meant to say what I did, the words just came out wrong”

“Don’t apologise Connor, I was in the wrong too, I guess I was a little overwhelmed”

“So we call it a truce?”

Lizzy giggled when he wiggled his eyebrows.


“Good, now we have that cleared up we have some talking to do, but first I need to be deep inside of you,
reaching your soul, making you pant with need”

Lizzy moaned as he nipped her earlobe.

“I have a guest room for the night, far away from here, we won’t be disturbed”

“Sounds perfect” he managed to rasp out.

Moments later she was being guided through the crowds with Connor’s grip on her hand possessive and controlled. The crowds naturally parted the way, the energy Connor was projecting made easy work of the environment. Lizzy steered him down the meandering corridors, stopping only once to turn the handle on the thick wooden doors. The heat of Connors palm on her lower back as he gently pushed her into the room, made her very aware of the sexual tension between them. Hearing the lock click into place, her heart raced when her eyes landed on her mate. His wolf was close, the glow of soft amber perfectly situated with locks of unruly brown hair hanging to his shoulders. Silently he reached for her, fingers deftly undoing the bow of the halter neck straps. Lizzy shuddered as the top half of the dress fell to her waist, exposing her naked breasts for him.

“Beautiful” he whispered.

Ducking down he massaged one breast whilst sucking the nipple of the other one. The double pressure had her grasping his hair, moaning. She felt as if he was everywhere at once, the small tingle of electrical charge passing through her were exquisite. With urgency he removed the rest of the dress, followed by her satin panties. For a moment he circled her taking in his prize, a steady rumble emanated from his chest. She bit her bottom lip as she watched him divulge himself of his clothes, until he was naked, with a very hard erection. Pulling her to him he plunged into her mouth with his tongue, taking and demanding. The feel of his hard length pressing into her stomach made her want him now, skip the foreplay. His eyes were glazed with lust as he guided her to the bed.

“I need you now Lizzy, want you to ride me so I can watch when I empty myself inside of you”

Lying on his back he pulled her on top of him, until she was straddling him.


Lizzy wanted this but she was not ready to bond, he must have sensed her uncertainty.

“Baby, like I said, we won’t bond until you ready, there is too much going on right now. Tonight, it’s just about you and me joining, giving each other pleasure”

His hand found her clit, and began circling in a steady rhythmic pattern, until she was wet and needy.
Needing to feel him inside of her, she lifted herself onto his ramrod shaft, lowering herself slowly, feeling the stretch of the girth until she was all the way down.

“It’s been too long baby……….”

His voice was strained, he was trying to stay in control. The span of his hands found her waist as he lifted her slowly, then bringing her down hard. Again and again he repeated the action until she was crying out at the sweets sensation it was developing in her.

“Connor, that feels so good”

Placing her hands on his chest she picked up the rhythm, letting her head fall back, eyes closed, the heat of their bodies firing every nerve ending. His chest was suddenly against her breasts as he sat forward, gripping her tight around the waist.

“Ride me harder baby”

His fingertips dug into her skin, as his mouth found her lips. Lizzy could not help the groans that poured into his mouth, his own moans filtered back to her, a perfect audible union. She was riding him so hard now, trails of sweat began to trickle down her back. She felt him take over slamming her hard and fast onto his cock.

“Oh my god…….”

“Baby, you need to come, let it go, let me fill you up”

The sounds of two slick bodies, oiled with sweat, sliding against one another heightened both their senses. Lizzy could feel her core tighten before a crashing wave of pure euphoria flooded her entire system. Her nails dug into his back, she could smell the coppery aroma of his blood as she clung on never wanting the sensation to end. His words were encouraging and demanding, making her last longer than ever.

“That’s it baby, milk me hard, you feel amazing, so close, let me see you”

Lizzy gasped just as another orgasm hit her hard, before feeling his cock lengthen, dig deep then warmly explode inside of her. As they locked eyes he roared his release, filling her so deep. She could feel the warm fluid deep with
in her, where it should always be. As his release began to ebb, he slowed the rhythm down until they both stopped. No words were spoken, the love shining through his eyes was enough. Gently he nipped her lip before kissing her softly as he lay back down on the bed, arms clasped around her as she lay on his chest, still feeling the semi-erect cock buried within her.

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