Read Conflicted (Secrets and Lies) Online

Authors: M. M. Koenig

Tags: #Fiction

Conflicted (Secrets and Lies) (41 page)

"It's over there," I whispered, pointing to my car in the corner of the garage.

It was a tad on the eerie side down here. A loud crash on the other side of the garage made me jump. Ethan looked at me not doing a thing to hide his confusion to my reaction to the noise.

Yea, it's a good thing he came with me. My subconscious is on high alert.

When we reached my car, I wrestled my hand out of his to rummage through my purse for my keys. As I dug, Ethan affected my ability to focus by resting his hands on my hips. He moved his thumbs closer to the inside and my breathing faltered as the rest of me scorched red-hot. I shot him a warning look and his eyes danced knowing that he got to me.

I found my keys and unlocked my car. Rather than release me, he continued the circular motions with his thumbs. Ethan pressed me up against my car. His hands trailed a blaze as they went up my sides. He was going to get me completely turned on to leave me high and dry. I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning. When his fingers ran across the bottom of my bra, I brought my hands up to stop him but they had a mind of their own. They ran up his chest when they should've been grabbing his hands. With my last rational thought, I tugged on his tie.

"Stop," I groaned.

The act only encouraged his advances as his lips captured mine. He pinned me to the car and parted my mouth with a hunger for every part of me that I'd give him. I met each lick and nip with every ounce of what he gave me. He continued at a sensual pace before we lost our breath. His lips travelled across my cheek and down my neck to my earlobe. He placed a soft kiss on my lips before stepping away.

"Are you calmer?" Ethan asked as he straightened his tie.

"Calm is not exactly how I'd describe what I'm feeling," I said with aggravation.

"At least you're calmer than you were a few minutes ago," he stated, flashing his dimples.

I loved and I hated when the dimples made an appearance. I ended up forgetting why I was irritated with him. "Yes, I'm calmer among other things. Can you text me your address?"

"Your wish is my command my dear."

I giggled at his upbeat mood. I wasn't sure what he had in store for the rest of today but I'd take it if it meant he was happy. As he dug for his phone, I saw movement at the opposite end of the row of parked cars. It sent a chilling wave down my spine to think someone might be watching us. I didn't have time to dwell on it. My ring tone kicked in with the arrival of his text. Ethan looked at me in shock as the ring tone played out. We listened to the lyrics of "With Me" by Sum 41 play around us. I smiled as my cheeks filled with color. He ran his finger along the spots that heated before placing his palm on my face.

"Is that my ring tone?"

I nodded not being able to find my voice with the look of amazement he was giving me.

He beamed. "I love that song."

I smirked. "I know. It was on my playlist."

He raised an eyebrow. "It's not the song you picked that defined your life."

"I have a variety of songs that can define my life especially when it comes to you."

Ethan ran his hand down my cheek before letting go to pick up my hand. He placed a kiss on the inside of my wrist near the scar I screamed at him about earlier. He opened my door to help me into the car. As he was assisting me, a flash of light came from the corner of the garage that I was looking at earlier. Several more flashes followed it. Ethan let go of my hand and ran half way across the garage before doubling back to me.

I rolled down my window and waited for some sort of explanation. His face was hard with anger. He slammed his fists on the top of my car. I flinched as the bang echoed throughout the garage. I listened as he took deep breaths to work his way back to a calmer state. Ethan gripped the side of the car before leaning his head through the window. I was already as far back in my seat as I could go but his eyes made me want to crawl into the backseat. His eyes were full of so much fury that whoever made him this livid should be terrified because I sure was.

"What was that all about Ethan? Why were they taking pictures of us?" I rasped. My voice wasn't working with the amount of anxiety running through me.

"Not now Mia. Go to my place and park in the garage. The stall is in the text. Wait for me to get there before you get out of your car," Ethan instructed in haste.

"But," I continued.

"Damn it Mia. Please just this once can you do as I ask without questioning it," he snapped.

"Okay," I whispered against the lump in my throat

He released his grip from my car. Ethan took a few more steps back as I started it. As I was about to pull out, he came back to my window. I shook my head completely confused by his actions. He leaned through the window and grabbed my face. I gazed at him with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm not angry with you Mia. Please drive careful and I will see you soon," Ethan said softly.

"I will," I confirmed just as soft.

The words barely made it past my lips. His mouth caressed mine until I parted my lips. It was a brief kiss but the apology was there. I reached over touching his cheek. "I'll see you in a few minutes."

Ethan nodded as he backed away. I threw my car into drive and updated my GPS with his address. Not a second after I finished, my phone started ringing again. I picked it up to see a new text message. Because traffic was thick, I refrained from opening it and kept my eyes on the road. After weaving through traffic for several minutes, I hit a stoplight. With the extra time, I grabbed my phone and opened the message to see a picture of Ethan and me. It was one of our more passionate embraces from the garage with a message.

I have eyes everywhere Mia. Remember what you committed to this morning.

Fucking Harrison

My hands gripped the wheel in frustration as the light turned green. I accelerated faster than what was acceptable on side streets. I wanted nothing more than to be in the sanctuary of Ethan's apartment. The self-loathing from this morning resurfaced. My hands slammed against the wheel. It made me furious that I had not way out of this mess.



Taking the rest of the day off ended up being the best idea that Ethan had yet. His agitation with the incident in the parking garage was still present when we met at his apartment. I decided against asking about it because he was beyond irate with the matter. After we consolidated to one vehicle, we spent the rest of the day exploring areas of the city that were significant to each of us. How much of the city a person could cover when you put your mind to it surprised us. We stuck to mundane topics of conversation with each of us treading with caution around the others unpredictable mood swings. By the time we got back to his apartment that evening, we were talking more with our bodies than our mouths. Every part of me felt sated by the time he wrapped me in his arms to sleep for the night. Without knowing, he did exactly what I needed to make it to the next day.

I woke him up before the sunrise the following morning and took him to my favorite place in the world. I needed to share that particular place since he had taken me to his. Watching the sunrise from my spot was breathtaking. The tender look upon his face as he sat with me made every part of my heart swell. It elated him that I shared this part of myself. I hoped it would be enough when the time came for me to tell him the truth. We had plenty of time before we needed to be to his office. He was taking us back to his apartment in no hurry on one of his favorite scenic routes along the lake.

As we were pulling into his garage, his cell rang. He glanced at the screen before taking the call. His entire body went rigid. It made me tense up just as much as him.

"What do you want Sean?" Ethan asked harshly.

He parked his car but kept his gaze from me. It frightened me to be around him whenever he spoke to Sean or Colin. Between the other day and today, it was apparent that he despised those two about as much as his father. I stared at my hands doing my best to keep them from shaking with the anxiety that attacked every nerve ending. Sean went on for several minutes. It served to enrage Ethan even further.

"It's none of your fucking business if I take the afternoon off," Ethan snapped.

I glanced at him with the color in my face fading. His face flamed with his knuckles turning white on the hand clutching the steering wheel. I knew our absence yesterday wouldn't go unnoticed. A wave of terror rolled within me as I contemplated what Harrison might do with that information. My self-disgust distracted me so much that I almost missed the end of his conversation.

"I'll have a rough draft up to you today," Ethan said icily. He glanced at me trying to seem like he was fine. "I don't give a flying fuck what you and Colin demand. I'll give you what I have and you'll wait until I'm finished before you finalize the meeting date."

This whole conversation made my stomach curl together. I didn't have all the details but there was enough for me to believe that Ethan had involvement in this mysterious meeting as well. My mouth watered making me swallow repeatedly to keep from getting sick. He listened to what Sean had to say for a few more minutes. Ethan banged his fist between the steering wheel and window before hanging up his phone. I refused to look at him. He'd see right through me. I needed to get upstairs to collect my purse and get home without breaking down. I went to open the door but he grabbed my arm. His hands sparked the usual slow burn but it mixed with the overwrought feelings from his phone call. I paused to look at him and prayed my face didn't betray me.

"I'm sorry Mia. I didn't mean to scare you," he said quietly.

His eyes widened when I remained indifferent. I blinked giving him a slight headshake.

"I'm fine. We should get upstairs so we can get to work," I whispered.

I got out of the car so he didn't have a chance to say anything further. He met me at the front of his car with his hand extended. I grabbed it and pulled him away from the car. We walked in silence to the elevators where I let go of his hand. I needed every inch of distance for the ride up to his apartment. Being in an enclosed space with him when I had the slightest burning sensation run through me was dangerous. Every part of me was more than eager to forget our problems by doing what we do best. He broke from brooding and gave me his naughty smirk. I cornered myself into the other side of the elevator. He chuckled as we watched the floors pass beneath us. The elevator stopped on his floor and we stepped into the hallway.

My body started experiencing every inappropriate feeling imaginable as we neared his apartment. We stopped at his door and I took a deep breath to beat down my wayward desires. His lips slipped into a half-smile as he unlocked his door. Ethan swept me into his arms as we crossed the threshold. I squealed in shock as he marched straight to the bedroom room where he set me down. He lowered himself over me. Ethan took each one of my hands and secured them above my head. His entire approach was more demanding than any other time we shared. He kissed me fiercely while his hands ran across every inch of my body before he pulled away.

"I know what you're about to say but this time I need you," Ethan pleaded.

I looked into his eyes seeing the desperation that I felt yesterday when I needed him. I nodded biting my lip. His lips dived back to mine roughly. He continued at a feral pace before switching over to my neck. He hit my collarbone and started sucking as his hand disappeared underneath my shirt to make quick work of my bra and shirt.

Once my clothes vanished, he discarded his own with his lips never leaving my body. My back bowed as he hit my breasts where he sucked hard. I gasped as he bit forcefully down against my nipple before he settled into a soft suckling between both breasts. His hands went in opposite directions. One settled on the breast not occupied by his lips with other hitting the spot I needed him at the most. His fingers dipped in and out ferociously. I was so close with everything he was doing to me. My stomach clenched along with everything south of me as I tried to refrain from falling apart. I screamed out from the amount of pleasure he was giving me. I moved my face closer to him to bring his attention back to me but he didn't budge. Ethan carried on at a meticulous pace with every inch he touched.

"Fuck!" I shouted, climaxing hard against his fingers.

He pushed forward even faster and ran his lips up my chest before kissing the sides of my neck. He settled on the spot under my earlobe that drove me nuts. The embers remaining from the orgasm he just gave me burned red-hot when he bit down under my ear. Ethan slid his fingers out from inside me and ran them along the inside of my thigh before he pushed my legs further apart to settle between me. His eyes met mine with a headiness that had me rocking against him. Ethan drove into me roughly. He took no time whatsoever to claim what was his as he pushed deeper once inside. He continued at an unforgiving pace with each thrust of the hips. His hand came against my face tenderly as his eyes begged me to stop trying to figure out what led him to this point. I closed my eyes and gave in to what he was doing to me. He twisted his hips and drove faster. As he got closer, I tightened around him. I was still out of breath from my first orgasm but my body built right back up for another. His breathing increased as he rocked harder for his release.

"I love when you squeeze against me," Ethan hollered.

He penetrated even deeper. I consumed every part of him but he carried on relentlessly like he wanted even more within me. Him getting close brought me to the brink as I clenched around him even more. He released my hands and I dug my nails deep into his back. He groaned and slammed harder as he climaxed and I exploded right along with him. He left me breathless but his warm breaths were coming in spurts too. He lowered himself between my head and neck to catch his breath. I ran my fingers through his hair. This was not what I expected from him.

It worried me that something brought his guard down this much. "Feel better?"

"Not quite," Ethan panted.

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