Confessions of a Naughty Night Nurse (22 page)

I giggled. ‘Good.’

He explored my ribs, belly and hips with deft, sweeping strokes and then pushed at the waistband of my pyjama bottoms. Together we shoved until the pink material was bunched at the base of the bed. His bare hips and legs felt big and hard next to mine, his body hair a little tickly.

‘I need a condom,’ he said, kissing across my cheek to my temple.

His breaths were hot and loud, music to my ears. I ran my hands over his shoulders, skimming the arch of my foot down his calf to his heel. ‘Mmm.’

‘Condom,’ he said again.

His skin was so warm and smooth, and his weight just lightly pressing me into the bed was divine. I bowed my back, pushed my nipples into his chest and ran my tongue over the angle of his jaw; the scratch of his stubble drew an appreciative moan from my throat.

‘Condom,’ he said more firmly. ‘Now.’

‘What? Oh, yes.’ I fumbled blindly to my left. Yanked at the drawer and felt around until I found one. ‘Here.’

He took it, sat back on his heels and proceeded to carefully unfurl the latex over his piercing. ‘A bit tricky the first few times,’ he said a little breathlessly. ‘But I’ve got the hang of it these days.’

‘I can see that.’

Once the condom was completely rolled down he nudged my legs apart and settled between them.

I opened willingly and reached for his shoulders. He prodded at my pussy and I tilted my hips impatiently. I was wet and hot, and when he reached down and slid his fingers through my folds and into my entrance, I clenched around him.

‘Carl,’ I said, just needing his name on my lips as I experienced this first, intimate moment.

‘I want to touch you,’ he whispered. ‘But I want to make love to you too.’

‘We’ve got all day,’ I said, ‘we can cover all bases.’

A muscle flexed in his jaw. ‘Yes, you’re right.’

He withdrew his fingers. I moaned a complaint, but then what I needed most was there, pressing into me.

Damn, he felt good, and I could feel the cool lump of the metal.

Staring up into his face, I rested my hands on his cheeks. I had a sudden need to look into his eyes as he penetrated me. No longer a nameless sex act, this was what I was ready for again. It had been so long since I’d had an emotional connection with someone I was letting into my body. Too long.

Thank goodness that was all about to change. I may have been broken beyond repair if Carl hadn’t insisted I give him more than a quickie in the cupboard. A wave of gratitude washed over me. He’d saved me from myself. I’d been on a mission to starve my soul of love. Self-destruct.

Where would that have got me?


I thought of Ted, injured and alone. I didn’t want that solitary life, no way. I wanted heart-stopping, jump-off-a-cliff-for-you love. Till death do us part, richer for poorer, hold-you-until-the-end-of-time love. I’d had it and it had been taken away, but I was ready to try again. I had to. There was really no choice.

A lump of emotion caught in my throat. I opened my mouth to speak but couldn’t form words.

Carl pushed in a little further. I gasped and that lump juddered out into the air between us.

He froze. ‘You OK?’ He bit at his bottom lip as if harnessing his willpower.

‘Yes, fine.’

Although I didn’t say it, he seemed to sense this was special on lots of levels for me. He locked his arms either side of my head, kept steady eye contact and seated fully inside me.

‘Oh, oh,’ I gasped, bending my knees and wrapping my lower legs around the backs of his thighs. ‘Oh, that feels good. You
feel good.’

‘Tell me about it.’ He was still gazing at me, barely blinking.

I smoothed my hands down the column of his neck then back up to his face. I wanted to touch him everywhere at once but didn’t know where to start. ‘Carl.’


He pulled almost out and eased back in. My G-spot received a delectable long, firm stroke, not just from his cock but also from that wicked piercing. His pubic bone rubbed against my clit, sparking the swollen bud to life and making me instantly greedy for more.

A tremor ran up my spine, and my breasts felt heavy and aroused. ‘That promise,’ I managed.

‘What about it?’

‘You did mean it, didn’t you?’

‘Yes, absolutely. I want this. I want you. Not just in bed but in my arms, my life, for as long as you’ll let me.’ He kissed me, deep and profound, weaving his tongue with mine and feeding me his desire. ‘Dare me to stay and you’ve got me until you dare me to go.’ He managed a strained little smile.

‘I don’t want you to go.’ To prove my point I clung to him tighter, succeeding in heightening the already intense sensations. ‘I really don’t want you to go. Stay, I dare you to stay.’

‘Then just watch me.’ He clenched his teeth, hissed in a breath. ‘Fuck, I’m nearly there. You’re amazing wrapped around me, fucking amazing. I feel like we’ve had months of foreplay.’

‘It’s just about driven me crazy with longing sometimes.’

‘That could tip me over the edge just hearing you say that.’ The tendons on his neck stood out as he lifted his head; there was a tiny drop of sweat in the hollow of his throat.

A shiver of bliss raced through me. This was how I’d wanted to see Carl, hear him, feel him. At war with himself and pleasure. The need to give in almost winning the need to continue with the build up. And all because of me.

Luckily my build up was almost at its height too. ‘Don’t stop, don’t stop,’ I gasped, bucking my hips to enjoy each one of his firm glides. ‘I’m gonna be coming soon. That Prince Albert is sinfully good.’

‘You like it?’

‘More than like. It’s amazing.’

We met each other, firm deep thrust for firm deep thrust, the sound of our breaths loud over the scrape of our pubic hair brushing. Our sweat-slicked bodies smoothed over one another in an erotic dance we’d perfected on the first try. We continued to gaze at each other; it was such a bare-boned, terrifyingly honest thing to do. Part of me wanted to glance away but I didn’t dare break the spell. Spoil the moment or be the one to throw in the towel.

Suddenly it was there. My orgasm had built fast and solid and crashed down quicker and harder. His scandalously placed piercing, combined with his insanely skilled hips had thrown me over the edge and left me to spiral out of control.

‘Oh, God, I’m coming,’ I managed to gasp, a split second before the air trapped in my lungs and stayed there.

I hung on that precipice of extreme pleasure, the ultimate sensation, trying to prolong it and not once did I break eye contact. And then I was flung every which way. My pussy clamping hard, over and over, bliss darting like wildfire through my body. My clit was humming with pleasure as he bashed into it with a sublime pressure.

My toes curled, I dug my fingers into his shoulders, and arched my spine. I couldn’t remember ever coming so hard. So beautifully, or so totally. Every nerve in my body exploded and, all the time, Carl held me together.

‘Ah, baby,’ he gasped. ‘You done?’

I managed a brisk nod.

The controlled rhythm switched, suddenly, dramatically. One, two, three, fast, furious thrusts and then he was groaning through his release. Riding hard as he filled the condom and rammed so deep his balls crashed up against my buttocks.

He screwed his eyes up and his lashes knitted together.

I lifted my head and claimed his mouth.

He was passive to my kiss for a second or two then returned it hungrily. His whole body concrete beneath my hands. Hard, shaking, concrete.

‘Ah, that was so intense,’ I gasped as his shuddering eased.

A fraction of the tightness left his body and he dropped his weight to his elbows. ‘Intense is one word, I suppose.’ He paused to drag in air. ‘A few others I can think of … just off the top of my head … fucking awesome … bloody brilliant … seriously sensational.’

I slept all day in Carl’s arms, my head nestled in the crook of his shoulder, my legs kind of flung over his, but tangled too. I could feel his heartbeat beneath my palm. Slow, steady, reassuring, and although I was sleeping I was still aware of it, even in my dreams.

When I’d last slept with someone, as in literally, closed my eyes and let my brain drift through REM cycles, I couldn’t remember. Well, that wasn’t true, I could. It had been that very last night with Michael, after we’d been to see the Julia Roberts romcom.

But not any more. Now I’d slept with Carl.

As soon as I became aware of the room I knew it was late. The sunshine dribbling weakly through the gap in the curtains was definitely a pre-evening glow, darkness the only thing coming next.

A glance at the digital clock told me it was a little after five. Later than normal for me to sleep on a workday.

‘Hey, you.’

I twisted my neck to look up. Felt the skin on my face peel from Carl’s shoulder and knew my cheek would be creased and lined. Not attractive.

‘Did you sleep well?’ he asked, moving a lock of my hair that was dangling over my eye.

‘Yes, really well. Guess that sleep injection helped.’

He laughed and my body jigged with the rise and fall of his.

‘Glad to be of service,’ he said. ‘You want some coffee?’

‘Yes, please. Sounds great.’ I shifted to the right and flopped onto a cool section of sheet.

‘Coming right up.’ He stood and stretched in a totally unself-conscious way with his back to me.

Damn, he had some fine bum cheeks going on. Pert and dented on the outer edges. Yum.

‘Sugar?’ he asked, reaching down for his boxers and giving me a completely sinful, but perfectly delicious view.

‘Er, yes, one please.’

He turned and grinned. I knew in that instant my dark horse had truly charged out of the stable. Carl was going to be so much fun for a naughty nurse like me to play with.

He wandered out of the bedroom, humming an old Beatles tune and I glanced at my uniform, discarded over the dressing table chair. There was a flash of white sticking out of the pocket and I remembered the letter Iceberg had given me.

Quickly I retrieved it, and after plumping the pillows and sitting back on the bed, tore it open and began to read.

Dear Sharon Roane,

This letter is sent to you from the partnership of Gorly and Rimes, of 46 Heatherstock Road, Bingley, W. Yorks, and is to inform you of a gift attached to your name.

It is with a matter of urgency we urge you to contact us and provide your bank details so that the sum of £10,000 can be placed in your account.

Naturally, this is likely to come as a shock so I have added a personal letter, addressed to you but given to us on instruction.

Yours sincerely

K. Gorly.

My dear Sharon,

I know this letter will come as a surprise to you, though I very much hope a good one, so please forgive me for the official way in which these matters must be addressed.

We only met once, when I was scared and confused in hospital a few weeks ago, but you were so incredibly patient with me and your sweet nature and gentle words have stayed with me in a way that warms my soul.

Your heartfelt kindness is something I simply can’t let slip through my fingers the way so many other things seem to these days. So I have had my solicitor, Mr Gorly, contact you with the intention of giving you a gift to express my gratitude.

I sincerely hope that you can accept the sum of a little over ten thousand pounds. This is the total of a small endowment that has matured and it would give me great pleasure to know that I’ve given it to someone with such a pure heart.

Please don’t think that by taking this money you will leave me short. I was a successful businessman in the later half of my working days and I could give you much more, so that you never need work again. But it scares me to do so. For your destiny is to nurse, the same way fighting those blasted Germans was my destiny. So, I hope this money helps pay off some bills or upgrade your car so you are safe on the awful icy Yorkshire roads, or maybe even treats you to a holiday, some winter sunshine.

Whatever you do with it have fun, please remain exactly who you are, doing what you do best. And once again, thank you so much for your kindness to a scared, old man.

Yours truly,

Reginald Watkins. VC

My whole body tingled, my eyes prickled. Dear Mr Watkins, I remembered him well, lying in bed, cold, scared and believing that the Germans were coming. He’d been much happier and more orientated by the time I’d moved to my next duties and left him warm and supping on sugary tea. He’d then had a good night’s sleep and woken eager for the morning paper and marmalade on toast.

I shoved my hands into my hair, tipped my head to the ceiling and sucked in a deep breath. That wasn’t a letter I ever thought I’d receive. I scrubbed at my eyes and then re-read the entire thing, from start to finish, and by the time I had, Carl was walking back into the bedroom holding two steaming mugs of coffee.

He stopped at the end of the bed.

‘What’s wrong?’ The smile on his face fell.


‘Something is.’ He appeared frozen.

‘Nothing, it’s nothing. I’ve just had some rather amazing news. A letter.’

‘Oh, yeah?’ He set my coffee down.

‘Yes, a patient, has given me ten thousand pounds.’

‘What?’ His own coffee started to tip and he quickly righted it. ‘Ten grand? Bloody hell!’

‘I know, it’s amazing.’ Actually, it was. And as I said it I realised just how amazing.

Ten thousand pounds!

I passed the letter to Carl. ‘Read it.’

He sat on the bed, his back rod-straight against the padded headboard. I handed him his glasses and he rubbed his index finger on his bottom lip as he read.

‘That’s fantastic,’ he said, shaking his head in amazement and passing the letter back to me.

‘I know,’ I said. ‘I’m so happy.’ I grinned, slightly manically.

‘Put your coffee down.’ His voice was suddenly low and deep.

‘What?’ My smile fell.

‘You heard.’ There was a steely look of determination in his eye.

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