Read Collision Force Online

Authors: C.A. Szarek

Collision Force (24 page)


He’d got fucking shot. Again. And his arm was bleeding like a stuck pig. Carlo gritted his teeth and glanced over his shoulder. The aluminium briefcase containing his fifty K was safe. That was all that mattered at the moment, though his blood boiled that he’d lost the girl. And Caselli was going to be
about Lucas. He’d send men after Carlo, despite G’s

Pulling the Escalade behind a gas station, he looked around. No one in sight, let alone a stupid cop. How long had he been driving? A glance at the clock told him it was five-oh-two a.m. So, about four hours. Just past the Arkansas border. Podunk, worse than the small Texas city of Antioch, from the looks of things.

He grabbed the new cell he’d picked up at a truck stop and cut it from the bubble pack with a cheap pocket knife. He’d wrapped his arm as tightly as he could, but it still stung like hell with the movement. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do.

Activation and applying minutes took a second, then the phone was ringing.

“Hello,” the gravelly voice greeted him. It was early up north, only an hour ahead of him, so he’d probably woken his old mentor, but desperation guided his actions now.


The pause was reminiscent of the conversation he’d had with Bruno.

“Carlo?” He heard age in the voice more than sleepiness.

“Yeah, it’s me.” Gulp. “I fucked up. I need help.”

“Where are you?”

“Arkansas.” Another silence made his stomach jump. “I have money.” But would a bribe make a difference?

The cackle that greeted his ear sent a shiver down his spine. “I have money.”

What the hell could he say to that? He didn’t have the balls to demand that the man who’d taught Caselli the ropes help him. Since the falling out between the older generation and the younger, the two men, his old boss and his new, didn’t speak.

He hoped.

Getting turned in to Caselli Junior would have the bite of betrayal if the man on the phone was the one to do it.

“Why are you so quiet, boy?”

“I’m here,” Carlo croaked.

“Well, you need to be

Relief caused his breath to exit on a whoosh. How long had he been holding it? “When?”

“When you get here.”

“Okay, I’ll drive straight.”


His name made his finger stop its hover over the red ‘end’ button. “Yeah?”

“This is the last time I clean up your mess with my son.” The steel in the tone made Carlo’s hand shake.

“Yes, sir.”

He gulped as he tossed the phone to the passenger seat. Upstate New York was going to be a hell of a drive, but he had little choice. He ignored the niggling reservations about what would greet him when he got there.


Chapter Twenty-One




Damn, Lee could argue. If Cole wasn’t so irritated by the words coming out of her mouth, he might have had to grudgingly respect that she had the balls to argue with him, buck up to him. Even stick her finger in his face.

But it didn’t matter. Berto’s intel was correct—Cole’s
ass was going back to New York with or without her.
was preferable. He didn’t need a partner.

Rapping his knuckles on the table, his eyes darted to Andi sitting across from him in the briefing room. In silence, she assessed him like she hadn’t in weeks. The bags under her eyes told him how exhausted she was, but there she sat, her head still in the game, pushing with Lee when he pushed back. Strategising, planning. His detective was a damn good cop.


Cole swallowed back a sigh. Mixed emotions rushed him. The thought of leaving her, leaving Ethan…

It was going to kill him. But he had to go—he had a job to do, a case to work and a slimy bastard to apprehend.

Carlo had fled Texas—he had to follow. Was there was a reason for Cole to stay?

Chest aching, he took a deep breath and forced his gaze away from the woman who’d stolen his heart. How could he say goodbye?

“I trust Berto’s info. I’m going to New York.”

Lee rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “Maybe you can talk some sense into his hard head,” she muttered, throwing a glance at Andi. “I’m done.” Shaking her head, his new partner headed out of the briefing room, cursing under her breath.

His eyes found hers. She bit her bottom lip and he reached for her hand. She didn’t pull away as he entwined their fingers. Flashes of taking her against the wall, kissing her, and then holding her while she slept in his arms danced into his mind. The intensity of the feelings washing over him made Cole swallow hard.

Son of a bitch, he loved her.

“I have to go.” Voice cracking, he ignored his sudden revelation.

“I know.” A nod punctuated her affirmative.

He wanted to ask,
that’s it?
But words wouldn’t form. He didn’t have the balls to ask her what she was thinking. “Tonight. I don’t want to give Maldonado any more time to get lost.”

“Okay.” Andi’s voice was low, but he couldn’t read her expression when their eyes met.

She glanced away, her breasts heaving as if she’d taken a breath, but when she faced him again she wore a smile. “We’ve had quite a run.”

Cole swallowed panic. She was shutting him out. “Yeah, you could say that,” he managed, every word forced past the pain in his chest.

What the hell was happening to him?

“I’ve got a flight. I already let Agent Barnes know what’s going on, since you have to be so damn stubborn.” Lee’s voice in the doorway made his breath exit on a whoosh.

He looked Lee’s way, not missing her keen dark gaze honing in on his and Andi’s joined hands. When Andi yanked away, Cole let her go, his chest tightening all over again.

“I’m driving,” he said.

One of his new partner’s eyebrows shot up.

Cole shrugged. “I bought my rental. Gotta get it home, is all.”

“I don’t know why you’re so sure you can trust this guy, Lucas,” Lee said, taking a seat across from him, next to Andi.

“I was under for fourteen months, that’s how. I trust his intel. The guys he contacted were all mine. Caselli’s father always had a big mouth, but it’s never without a purpose. My guess? He’s double crossing Maldonado and trying to get back into Junior’s good graces. The money tree is yielding more for the son than it ever did for the father.”

Lee nodded, but her expression fairly bled scepticism. “I’ll meet you at the office then.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“I’m out, gonna head to DFW Airport.” Standing, Lee thrust her hand out to Andi. “Nice working with you, MacLaren. Tell that partner of yours I hope to see him again. And don’t worry, I’ll take good care of your boy, here.”

Andi muttered pleasantries and shook his new partner’s hand, but her jaw was tight as Lee winked.

Was she jealous? It wasn’t the first time he’d thought so when it came to Lee. His lover didn’t relax until Lee was gone, but Cole tamped down the hope that popped up. Just because Andi might be jealous, it didn’t mean she cared about him. Did it?

“We should go,” Andi said, clearing her throat. “I want to get home to Ethan and make sure Bella’s doing all right.”

I need to get on the road,
he left unsaid. Maybe he could ignore facing it for a little while longer.

The ride home was silent. Words wouldn’t form, so Cole didn’t push her to talk. What the hell could he say, anyway?

He’d been stabbed in the leg when he was seventeen, shot twice as an adult. Even had appendicitis. Nothing compared. He’d never been in so much pain in his life. Every breath stuck him like a dagger, his chest was torn open and his stomach felt like it was riddled with ulcers.

When Ethan flew into his arms after greeting his mother in the living room, Cole almost lost it. He buried his face against Ethan, breathing in detergent, soap and clean little boy. Cheek to the kid’s chest, Cole needed a moment to gather himself.

Natalie was there. Her voice, along with Bella’s and Andi’s, sounded far away. He heard the door shut. Jerk that he was, he hadn’t even said goodbye to mother and daughter.

Cole barely processed Andi explaining things to her son.

“You hafta go?” The little boy’s voice trembled, but he didn’t cry.

He was proud of him for that. “I do.” His voice cracked.

Ethan met his gaze and nodded seriously. Cole was able to smile genuinely—the kid was a mini adult sometimes.

Andi cleared her throat and their eyes met. God, she was beautiful. He wanted to kiss her, but not touching her was a plan he needed to stick to.


He didn’t have the balls to tell her he loved her.

“Do you have everything?” she asked.

“Yeah.” He glanced at his black duffle. As with his hotel, he’d never unpacked. He’d always kept his life grab and go.

“Don’t want you to go.” Ethan’s voice was small.

“I have to, buddy.”

“When you comin’ back?”

“I’m not sure.” He hated lying. But he couldn’t look Andi’s son in the face and tell him he might never see him again.

Damn, how could a three-year-old look so solemn? It was killing him. Cole kept his eyes glued to the little boy. He couldn’t look at Andi. God, his gut ached.

If he looked into her blue eyes and saw hurt—even sensed it—the composure he was fighting for so hard would dissolve.

Was she dying inside like him? She’d never professed love, either. He had no idea what she felt for him.

He wanted to yank her into his arms and kiss her to find out. Was it worth the risk?

a voice whispered. He ignored it and tightened his hold on Andi’s son.

“I’ll see you when I can,” Cole whispered.

Ethan flashed a brilliant grin. “I love you, Cole.” He squeezed his arms around Cole’s neck, almost too tight.

His heart dropped to his stomach. Sucking in a breath, he buried his face against the little boy to hide his reaction. Caressing Ethan’s copper curls, he was still unable to meet Andi’s eyes. “I love you, too,” he croaked.

Closing his eyes, Cole set Andi’s son to his feet. The little boy slid his hand into one of his.

Her gaze found his and he swallowed hard against the lump in his throat. It was time to go. Before he did something stupid or weak.

“Good luck. No doubt in my mind you’ll get him.” She swallowed, making Cole want to kiss her throat. “Then you’ll have a tough road getting back to normal after being under so long.”

You and Ethan are my new normal.

He didn’t give a shit about getting settled back in at work. Cole could only nod. Digging deep, he forced words out of his mouth. “It’ll be good to get back.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
Double liar.

“I figured you would be,” Andi said, grabbing Ethan’s free hand.

The little guy looked up at his mother then at him, contentment in his expression. Cole’s heart flipped.

His eyes swept over their joined hands.
settled over him.

This was

Ethan and Andi were supposed to be

Releasing Andi’s son, he took a step back, loss hitting him in waves. Every breath was tight, painful. “Well, I need to hit the road. Take it easy. Say goodbye to Pete for me.” His words were rushed.

Just go. You need to leave. Now.

“I will.”

Reduced to small talk? They were lovers.
Had been lovers.
Pain threatened to cave his chest. Cole bit back a cringe and planted his hands at his sides.

Get. It. The. Fuck. Together.

He shot a look at the door and shifted on his feet.

“Drive safe, okay?”

Mouth dry, he nodded. No way he could talk.

Squeezing his eyes shut when he heard Ethan shout one last goodbye, he closed the door to her house.

Fucking coward. What the hell is wrong with you?

Tossing his duffle in the back seat, he slammed the car door shut and pounded the steering wheel as soon as his ass hit the bucket seat.

Was leaving a mistake? Couldn’t Lee get Carlo? He’d briefed her on his whole case history. She was more than capable. Why didn’t he have the balls to let it go?

He was losing them. The only woman he’d ever loved and the kid he couldn’t bear not seeing every day. Was he walking away from his…future?

Andi had stood there wishing him luck with a smile on her face.

Did she feel anything for him at all? Was he arrogant to think so, to wish so?

She didn’t cry or ask if he’d come back. Tell him she cared about him…even loved him? Why had they never talked about it?

Because, asshole, you wanted it that way.

Why would she have risked herself with him when he’d never offered her the same consideration? He’d never told her a damn thing, other than confessing to
her. That was a drop in the bucket compared to how he felt now.

So, the joke was on him.

He was the one who’d fallen in love.

Cole should have kissed her goodbye. But if he’d touched her it would have been over. He’d have told her he loved her. He may have even
her to let him come back when Maldonado was behind bars.

With one last glance at the door, he started the Challenger. He still loved the car, and now it was truly his. But Andi and Ethan were not.

“Fuck,” Cole muttered, shaking his head.

He shoved the car in reverse and gunned it to the street. Long drive meant he’d better get the hell on his way.


* * * *


Andi had struggled for control the whole time he’d stood talking to her. Like
Like everything was okay. Like he wasn’t ripping her heart into pieces with every word.

When the door shut, she fell apart. Knees buckled, her ass hit the couch hard. Damn good thing she’d been standing so close.

Tears cascaded. How could this be happening? The man she loved…leaving her. Again. A voice whispered he hadn’t wanted to leave, that he’d had to go. He said nothing about coming back.

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