Read Colby (Season Two: The Ninth Inning #6) Online

Authors: Lindsay Paige,Mary Smith

Colby (Season Two: The Ninth Inning #6) (14 page)

I blush and it’s not because of the rising heat. “Ready to try some street food?”

“Lead the way.”

The day is perfect. I can’t even imagine how it could be better, but as with everything, it has to come to an end. After we’ve seen the last booth, eaten more food than we needed too, and drank more water than a fish, Colby drives me home.

He carries my bags in and once he drops them on the kitchen table he follows me out to the backyard with Buster.

“I don’t want to leave,” he confesses.

“I don’t want you too either.”

“I’m on the road this week.”

I nod. “Remember, I’m stalking you.” I nudge his shoulder.

“Right.” He smirks.

“When you come back Monday, the picnic is that afternoon. But, I’m serious, if you’re too tired, don’t worry about it.” I want him to go so badly, but at the same time, I know the guys will never let me live it down.

“I will be there.”

I lay my head on his shoulder and lace our fingers together. “Thank you for everything.”

“The pleasure is all mine.”

I lift my head and he gives me a kiss I know will last me for the next seven days.



Duke pounds on the door harder. He and I are standing outside Dice’s girlfriend’s house.

“What the hell are you banging for? I have a sleeping baby.” The young black girl yells as she yanks open the door.

“Are you Sassy?” I ask even though I know she is.

“Who wants to know?” she sneers.

Duke and I both hold up our badges. “Memphis Homicide does,” I say. “Are you Dice’s girl?”

“If he’s in jail, I ain’t bailing him out,” she smarts off.

“We need to find him. Where is he?” Duke is firmer with her.

She shakes her head. “I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do.” He pushes her a bit. “And I’m sure you don’t want any charges brought against you for hiding him either. Do you?”

It’s a small threat, but we could bring charges. Well, it’s a stretch, but it might work on her.

Sassy looks around to make sure no one is near us. “He’s over at the complex. He stays with his sister, Star. She’s on the fourth floor. But I didn’t tell you.” She is suddenly very scared.

“Is he there now?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve not seen him in a few days.” She lowers her voice. “But he’s staying there.”

“Thank you.” Duke keeps his voice low in case someone is listening and we leave her alone.

Once Duke and I are back in the car we drive toward the complex. I’m sure we’re not going to get him right now, but we need to tell the Apprehension Unit. They’re the experts at picking up the criminals we need.

“You seem awfully happy today?” My brother-in-law grins.

“It’s a nice day.”

“It’s over a hundred degrees, and I’m basting in this suit. You’re smiling because you got laid.” He sings out the last bit.

I don’t say anything and look out the window.

“Ha, I knew it. Mr. Colby ‘Baseball Man’ Wilson got lucky with Detective Craft. Did you use your cuffs?”

I laugh aloud. “I’m not answering anything you ask.”

“I know what that means.” He pokes at my side, and I laugh louder.

“Stop it. We’re working.” I try to take this seriously as we reach the apartment complex.

Duke and I ride around keeping our eyes out for Dice, but see nothing. I’m not too discouraged now. I know we’ll catch him.



“HEIDI’S KEEPING YOU busy,” I comment, as Jordan gets comfortable in his seat next to me on the plane.

“What makes you say that?”

“You haven’t been bothering me lately,” I chuckle. Jordan never actually bothers me, but it is a little odd that I haven’t heard from him much away from the field lately.

“No more than usual. Trent, Scarlett, and Kaelyn have been over some. Did you know he used to work on old cars?”


“Well, I was talking about what I’m working on now and found out he likes to do it too, so he’s been over some helping with that. Heidi’s become friends with Scarlett. She doesn’t want to be just a baseball wife, and for some reason, Scarlett is her perfect partner in crime.” He pulls out a folder from his bag and starts leafing through them. “God, I’m so ready to find a fucking house already. The search started so promising. I’m hoping we find one soon. Heidi’s apartment is too small for me, and I don’t want her to be too much further along in her pregnancy without us having a home for the kid.”

I can’t help but somber a bit at the mention of her pregnancy. “She still doing well?”

“She’s worried; we both are, but every check-up has reported in healthy mom and baby.”

“That’s good.”

He nods, glancing down at one of the houses for sale in front of him.

“Are y’all going to find out the sex?”

“No,” he sighs. “Heidi is convinced it’ll jinx us, and considering we’re trying to not get too excited, just in case, she doesn’t want to know yet. It’s part of her way of proceeding with extreme caution.”

I frown. “Are y’all enjoying anything about this pregnancy?”

Jordan lifts his head, a touch of horror on his face at my question. “Of course, we’re just—”

“Worried, I know. That’s completely understandable, but it almost sounds like you’re too worried, if that’s possible. If everything does work out, are you going to look back and wish you’d celebrated each moment and milestone more instead of being so worried and careful?”

“I don’t know,” he answers honestly. “Things have just been extra stressful with us trying to find a house, too. I get what you’re saying, though. In some instances, I’d totally agree, but I do think that for the most part, we’re extremely happy and enjoying every moment.”

I nod. “Good. Need help looking through those?”

Jordan jumps at the opportunity. He hands me half the stack and tells me what he and Heidi are looking for. Heidi has already vetted these houses, but Jordan tells me he had the retailer go ahead and give him the complete rundown on all the houses. He’s hoping that by doing this, he can weed some out and only visit those that might actually fit what they’re looking for. The rest of our flight is spent looking through the houses.



“Hey, beautiful,” I say when Ariella answers the phone.

“Hey.” Her voice is light, and I’d bet she’s smiling.

“How’s your day? You’re not busy, are you?”

“I have a few minutes to spare for you. My day has been good. I’m watching the game tonight over at my parents. They invited me over for dinner. How’s your day?”

“Not bad,” I answer. “I miss you though.”

She laughs. “It hasn’t been that long since you last saw me, Colby.”

“Is that your way of saying you don’t miss me too?”

Ariella is quiet for a moment. “No, I do miss you.”

“Good.” I glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to the bed. Damn. “Sorry, Ariella, I have to go. I thought I had a few more minutes. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Okay. Good luck tonight.”

“Thanks. Bye.”

We hang up, and I head downstairs where I know most of the guys will be waiting to head to the field. I can’t help thinking about how Ariella said it worried her about how I could leave Memphis one day because of my career. If things become serious between us, could I leave knowing she’d rather stay and most likely wouldn’t join me? Could I stay for her?

I honestly haven’t put much thought into what will happen after I retire. I don’t have a particular place I call home. For a while, I thought about how I could move to Maryland to be closer to my sister and my nieces. I could go back to Michigan where my parents’ home is whenever they aren’t traveling.

And now, there’s Ariella. She’s pretty spectacular. I’d do anything for her. The realization is somehow both shocking and not surprising. I’ve never been so attracted to a woman, both physically and intellectually before. I wish I could spend more time with her than I do.

She’s all I think about as we head to the field, do our pre-game activities, and eventually make our way onto the field. We need a win today. Everyone is in good spirits, which is good. As if the baseball lords were waiting to give us a sign, Tanner is up first to bat. He hits one way out to left field. He takes off and manages a double.

Hector is up to the plate next, landing on first while Tanner makes it to third. It’s then my turn. Getting the first run in will be good for us. Even better if I can be the one to do it. The pitcher winds up and throws a ball first. I don’t swing on the second, earning myself a strike. On the third, however, my body turns as I swing. The familiar crack of the bat sends adrenaline surging through me.

I drop it and take off running as the ball soars to right field. Cheers from the dugout signal that Tanner made it home. Hector ends up on third and I’m on second. I can’t stop the grin on my face. This is so going to be a good game.

This game is the complete opposite of our terrible one the other day. We’re hitting well, getting the runs, and playing as a team when out in the field. Even our coach, who is usually pretty stoic, is smiling.

If we can keep up this tempo, this energy, throughout the rest of the season and into the playoffs, we might have a decent chance to go further than we did our first season together.

While we don’t score any more than we did in the first inning, we’re able to keep them from earning a run. The game ends 3-0 in our favor. When we make it back to the locker room, I check my phone, finding a message from Ariella.


Ariella: Great game, Colby!

Me: Thanks. Reward me once I get home?

Ariella: Was already planning on it. ;)


With a smile, I put my phone back and hit the showers. Let’s hope the rest of the road trip goes just as well as today. The better the trip, the better the reward once I get home. After I go to that picnic thing, of course.



I’M NERVOUSLY PACING the around my car. Colby’s plane is late, and he said he would drive to the picnic, instead of me picking him up at his place. Duke is already here, along with my family. Of course, not
the detectives could make it, but the majority of us are here along with our families.

This was such a stupid idea. Why did I ask him again? I’ve already subjected him to my family once. Now, he’s about to meet my extended family. This will definitely make him run away from me. I look at my watch for the millionth time and worry he isn’t coming.

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