Read Clothing Optional Online

Authors: Virginia Nelsom

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic MMF

Clothing Optional (2 page)

And how would that conversation go anyway?
My boyfriend wants to sleep with a woman and me and since I have always wanted to touch you—odd as that may sound—I thought maybe you would like to be part of a man-wich? I can’t guarantee I can keep it stiff for a girl, but for you, hell, let’s go and try it out!

Yeah, fuck that.

Murphy shoved at Andy’s chest, but the other man remained immovable.

“If by feel it, do I feel the need to sleep with her…no.” Flat out denying it seemed a safer bet than admitting his odd attraction.

“I don’t think you’re being entirely honest with either yourself or me.”

Murphy glowered at Andy, sliding his hand to cup the other man’s balls. Andy’s eyes snapped closed and his breathing hitched.

“If I want her, I am still not going to take her. You are enough for me.”

With the cockeyed grin that always made Murphy catch his breath, Andy’s eyes fluttered open, his gaze locked on Murphy’s lips. “Am I? So, you don’t wonder? You don’t want to ride her body while I push into her?”

The picture Andy’s words painted and the gentle rolling of Andy’s hips in an attempt to get the sensation he desired from Murphy’s hand, had Murphy’s cock jumping on his stomach. His balls tightened, and he sucked air in through his teeth.

“It isn’t that simple, Andy.” He moved his hand, sliding it up to glide it over the velvet heat of the other man until he came to the purple head, already beaded with a pearl of moisture.

“Why not?” Andy spoke from Murphy’s neck, where he had dipped his head to nip at the sensitive flesh beneath Murphy’s ear. Those hot lips on his skin made Murphy push his hips upward so that their cocks danced together, velvet on velvet.

“She is my friend.” His voice grew breathless as he lowered his head to nibble at Andy’s nipple, increasing his tug on the other man’s hardness. Murphy’s other hand came down to touch his own dick, which begged for release. “I don’t want to lose that.”

“Then we make her very happy so she wants to stay.” In one move, Andy slid down Murphy’s body to take his cock into those full, wet lips. Murphy bucked at the attention, his hands digging into Andy’s thick dark hair.

“God, yes!” shouted Murphy. His body ached for release. And when the first finger teased at his anus, his jaw clenched at the pleasure and overwhelming desire the sensation brought. Then the suction stopped, and he looked down his body to the man kneeling between his legs.

“It can be that simple,” Andy whispered.

Murphy dug his fingers into the sheets in need. If anyone could find a way to have Brie and keep her friendship, it had to be Andy. The man was a magician, sheer heaven in bed. Not to mention, a good friend and loyal from what Murphy had seen over the past year. If he gave in to this, could he really have it all? He did want it all. Brie and Andy, in his bed…the idea tantalized and, for a moment, the awkwardness of the conversation to get her there seemed worth it.

“How do we get her here?”

Andy’s teeth flashed white and he spoke gruffly, “Leave that up to me.”

Then he was nuzzling and taking Murphy’s cock in his hot mouth again, ending the conversation.


Chapter Three


Lugging the bag from the conveyer belt, a tingle of excitement shivered up Brie’s spine. She had not been on an actual vacation for far too long. And since the rebound from Golfer Boy, who liked to play with little white balls more than with her, she deserved some quality time away to have fun. Closing her eyes a moment, she pictured the warmth of sand and sun on her skin.

Turning, she looked farther down the conveyer, where, in a flood of other travelers, stood the two men who precipitated her tropical getaway. One dark-haired and the other gold and both of them looked absolutely edible, even from a distance. Andy still wore work clothes, but the top few buttons of his white shirt were undone and it hung loose over his dress pants. He smiled at Murphy, whose golden head bent as he reached for a hot pink suitcase. Brie couldn’t stop her grin at the sight of the bright luggage.

She had given him the suitcase a few years ago for a Christmas gag. He bitched for months that every time he traveled, at least a dozen people carried the same black bag as his. When Brie found the pink suitcase in one of her secondhand-store haunts, she picked it up immediately. No one would mistake that bag as theirs on a conveyer full of luggage.

Murphy stood, his long, lean body showcased in a sporty tight tee. Equally tight denim encased his mile of leg and his broad shoulders stretched the T-shirt to its maximum capacity holding all that breadth in. He grinned, too, when his gaze met hers. The flash of white teeth in contrast to his bronze skin pulled an answering smile of acknowledgement from her lips as she was pretty sure they both remembered the story of the suitcase.

Tugging her bag, she joined the two men and headed out to the waiting cab.

“What’s the name of the hotel again?” Brie sat sandwiched between the two men and the mingled scent of their cologne made a heady brew in the close confines of the car.

“The hotel is named Paradise, and from what my friend told me, it is a place where you are welcome to be yourself in a tropical, fun-filled setting. I have never been there before but, well, I heard great things.”

Murphy’s chuckle rumbled through the car and had Brie’s lips curling automatically. “What, you didn’t do hours of research before we left? Baby girl, this man is a horror when it comes to planning. When we went to Washington, do you know he had us planned down to the
? He has lists and lists to keep track of his lists and—”

Andy reached across Brie to touch a finger to Murphy’s lips, stopping his tirade. “And you would have us just let it all go and do nothing?”

Brie caught her breath as she enjoyed the lap full of beautiful man. Andy’s shirt gaped where he had unbuttoned it and a light dusting of dark hair showed through the opening. This close, she could smell the heat of his skin.

“I never plan stuff for vacations either,” Brie said, happy her voice only sounded a little breathless. “I am more of a wing-it gal myself.”

She reached out a hand to touch Murphy, partly to comfort, partly to brace herself against reaching out and snatching his boyfriend. Not a comfort to her as his arm was warm and his skin smooth. She dug her nails in, unintentionally at the feel of his flesh under hers.

“Hey, baby girl…sheathe the claws. We aren’t really fighting. More of an on-going banter.” His eyes sparkled at her and she retracted the hand with a nervous giggle. Imagine her feeling nervous with
How silly could she get?

Before long, thankfully, the cab stopped and they piled out to look at a grand resort. Blue bungalows spread out in a gated community around the hub of a huge blue building. They dragged their bags into the lobby and once inside, stopped dead in their tracks.

Naked people. Everyone naked, or very nearly so.

Brie’s eyes bugged as a woman with enormous breasts—natural since, after all, silicone is a mineral—bounced happily by, dripping water from the pool visible through a wall of glass windows. Tilting her head, she glanced at Murphy before deciding to go with wisecracks.

“Um,” she said. “I feel horribly over dressed.”

Murphy burst into laughter. “
did you bring us, Andy?”

Andy frantically thumbed through paperwork he abruptly pulled out of his pocket before pointing to the brochure and reading off one of the pages. “Clothing optional. Okay. Well, you would think they would list that in bold letters or something.”

Brie burst into laughter and Andy flushed red, she assumed in embarrassment at his mistake. Seeming flustered, he dragged a hand through his hair. “Well, the rooms are non-refundable. How about what happens in Florida…”

“Stays on Facebook?” Brie laughed harder and Murphy leaned on her, bending at the waist with his own mirth.

“So, what do you two comedians suggest we do?” Andy stuffed the paperwork back into his pocket, scowling.

“Aw, Andy. My bikini hardly covers anything anyway. And it says optional. We don’t
to be naked…” Brie laid a hand on Andy’s arm and his dark eyes sparkled.

“Everyone else is…when in Rome?” Andy waggled his eyebrows at her. Her pulse sped a little at the attention, but Brie bit her lip and tried to ignore it.

“Let’s go to our rooms and decide from there how open we are feeling. Shall we check in to our clothing-optional getaway?” She giggled again.
This is too comical.

Linking arms, they all moved to the desk. Only to find yet another hole in Andy’s planning. “What do you mean, we only have one room?”

The naked man behind the desk pulled at his hair nervously. He didn’t have anything else to pull unless he tugged…

Mind out of the gutter, Brie
. Platonic—her word of the day.

“There is a big conference in from Miami this week. Unfortunately, your e-reservation was only for one room. It is a suite. Normally we could just get you another room but since we can’t, we have a lovely complimentary package we can offer of meals, massage, entry to the club…”


Before Andy could say more, Brie touched his arm. “It’s no big deal, Andy. I can make myself scarce so you and Murph get alone time and sleeping…well we are all adults.”
I’ll go insane with lust, but other than that, I will be fine.

The two men shared a look. Brie wondered what that was all about.

“Did you plan this?” she heard Murphy mumble as they headed to the elevators.

Brie couldn’t hear Andy’s reply but they were both smiling like loons.

“Want to let a girl in on the joke?” Brie asked.

Murphy shrugged. “Nothing. Just thinking that I love surprises.”

“And we will enjoy every surprise that comes along,” Andy answered.

A shiver snaked up her spine, and it wasn’t a bad shiver. Not at all.

Taking Andy’s hand, Murphy leaned on the elevator wall, and Brie wondered what they plotted.

* * * *

Lying on the lounge chair with her eyes closed, Brie stretched and enjoyed the luxury of not having to do anything. Too much sun exposure might be bad, but something could be said for skin warmed by its radiance. Brie never bathed in its rays naked before, but around here, she caught no stares. She smiled. This was lovely.

A hand slid up her ankle and her eyes snapped open in surprise.

“Murphy, you scared me!” Brie scolded him and smacked his arm. Her gaze slid to the portion of him standing at attention.
Damn. It’s good to be Andy.

Brie stretched again, feeling like a cat and arching her back, eyes closing in contented bliss, pretty confident he held no interest in the body she offered up like a dessert bar open for business. Brie opened her eyes to half-lidded slits in time to see a strained look on Murphy’s face—which she took for disgust at the female form—and saw Andy approach, catching Murphy’s arm and grinning. As Andy looked, though, he let out a wolf whistle of appreciation.

“Nice tits, Red.” His sometimes nickname in reference to her atrocious hair popped her eyes fully open, and she choked down a laugh.

“Thanks. Nice…” Brie couldn’t finish the thought. Even in jest, she thought it crossed a line to mention the rock hardness that bobbled when he moved. Her hands itched to reach out and touch one of them…or both of them.

“Thanks for whatever you were thinking. Anyway, did Murphy already tell you about the massages?” He quirked a brow at her and she flushed at her own straying mind.

Unfortunately, since nothing covered her, it was obvious all the way to her nipples that she was blushing, and Andy breathed a little harder, watching her. Brie remembered Murph saying Andy was bi and wondered if he found her attractive. Again, the moment she thought it, she banished the thought as taboo.

“Massages?” Brie smiled. Picking up the towel she had laid on the lounge chair next to hers, she slung it over her shoulders. She wore it as a wrap when she’d come out. When no one stared her way, she got brave and pitched it aside to enjoy the sun. Brie turned to the men as she walked and swung the towel. “Lead the way, boys.”

Andy grinned, a flash of white teeth in his dark face. “Not a problem. As a matter of fact, my pleasure.” If it was possible, Brie blushed harder, her pulse racing when his voice seemed to spill across her skin, but she followed silently.

They moved into the cool, air-conditioned interior of the hotel, and Brie followed the two firm backsides to a long hallway. Once down the hall, they entered a room containing all dark beds. Masseurs stood at the ready with everything from hot rocks to oils for working the skin of their patrons. Brie nearly purred in expectation.

But the men led her to a room set off from the main room, with only three massage beds. Brie followed, and Andy told her to lie down and close her eyes. Since the table had a hole for her head, she lay face down. As she obeyed, she wondered if the room mix-up had scored them the private massage room. Brie waited for the massage to start, but she didn’t wait long.

After a moment, hot hands glided across her skin. Brie kept her eyes closed and nearly hummed. Pleasure soaked her skin as deeply as the sun’s rays had only moments before.

Oil drizzled down her back. It seemed like more than one set of hands worked her flesh, and she tried to contain her rising arousal as her mind painted a picture of her temporary roommates. Hands traced her entire back and legs, moving so sensuously her heart sped up. She felt small, as big hands covered large parts of her flesh with their firm strokes. She struggled to control her breathing so the masseuse couldn’t detect her aroused reaction.

The hands slid from her back and one set moved to her legs. Starting from the balls of her feet, they worked their way up her calves. When they reached her thighs, they moved her legs apart and the other set of hands paused in their movements on her back. Then a single finger dipped into the burning heat between her legs.

Brie snapped her legs closed and rolled in one fast move. Her eyes opened wide. She took in the two naked men, obviously aroused, who moments before rubbed her skin like it was play-doh.

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