Read Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack) Online

Authors: E. A. Price

Tags: #Romance, #shifter, #Short Stories, #Fantasy

Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack) (18 page)

Hans raised an eyebrow and had the audacity to smile. “For what? For once, I don’t actually think I did anything wrong.”

Normally when they went out, he picked a fight with at least two people, and insulted about a dozen more. He had actually been on his best behavior that night,
apart from one thing...

“You were flirting with that woman!”

Hans blinked as his wolf roared. Abruptly, he swerved and parked at the side of the road. He took off his belt and shifted round to look at his mate.
Was this some kind of joke?
He’d assumed so, but the angry hurt in her eyes said differently.

His jaw ticked as he forced his livid wolf to back down. “What woman?”

Melanie looked at him incredulously. “Myra, of course!”

Hans felt like he’d been punched in the gut, and his braying beast was not helping. “I was not flirting with her.”

“Ooh, Hans, look at your muscles,” hissed Melanie, in an unflattering impression of Myra. “Ooh, Hans, we’ve missed you. Ooh, Hans, let me fondle you while your mate watches!”

With that, Melanie got out the car, slamming the door behind her. Quick as a flash, Hans jumped out and ran round, grabbing her arms. She squirmed under his grip, and his fangs lengthened as his wolf became excited. The animal in him wanted nothing more than to take her and give her so much pleasure that she completely forgot what she was mad about. The man, however, hesitated. He knew that if she were mad enough, she wouldn’t forget that easily.

“Sugar, I was not flirting with her. You know full well from when we met, I’m not capable of flirting.”

Melanie huffed. “I can’t believe you. You give me crap if I so much as flash a friendly smile at another man, but you expect me to just sit there while your ex-girlfriend tries to molest you!”

“She was never my fucking girlfriend!” roared Hans.

“But you had no problem with her touching you.”

Hans shook his head. “We used to work out together; that was it. We were the only wolves at the base, so naturally we found each other. We were sort of friends, and barely even that.”

“Well, how would you feel if some old, male friend of mine started groping my stomach?”

Hans snarled in time with his beast. “I’d fucking murder him!”

Melanie threw up her hands in exasperation. “You don’t see the double standards here, hmmm?”

His nostrils flared as his beast simmered. “It’s different.”

She rolled her eyes. “How is it different?

“You have no reason to be jealous; I would never cheat.”

Melanie was so mad she was almost spitting. “And you think I would?!”

He shook his head as his beast started to howl at him. “That’s not what I meant...”

Melanie completely freed herself from his grip and started pacing. “You think that you love me more than I love you?”

“I didn’t say that,” he replied quietly.

“It was implied.”

“It’s just different. I’m a wolf and a possessive one. Some wolves can get over losing their mate, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t live without you, but you could live without me.”

“Says who?” she demanded fiercely.

He let out a growl as his muscles trembled holding back his animal. “It’s obvious. Look at us; we’re beauty and the fucking beast. You could do better than me; that’s why I don’t want you round other men. I don’t want you to find someone who’ll be able to treat you better. You deserve someone better than me, but I don’t want that. I want you to be with me.”

Melanie let out her own mini roar of disgust. “You idiot, I am with you! Does this mark not prove to you how much I love you?” She pulled the collar of her dress to the side so he could see the bite mark he had placed there. “And what about this?”

Hans’ eyes bulged, and his wolf panted pathetically as she turned around and lifted her short dress up. She revealed both the tattoo she had of his name on her lower back and the fact that she was wearing stockings. He looked around to make sure no one was lurking in the shadows, perving on the luscious sight before him.

To his disappointment, she smoothed the dress back down. “You’re in my skin, Hans. Look, I’m not a wolf, and I know it’s disappointing that I can’t bite you in the way you bit me, but I thought this was enough for you.”

Hans felt a stab of pain through their bond, and his wolf whined at him. “It is enough; it’s more than enough, and you’re not disappointing. You’re more than I ever hoped to deserve...”

“So what the crap are we arguing about?”

“You were angry because you thought I was flirting, which I fucking well was not!”

Melanie folded her arms and pouted. “Maybe you weren’t, but she was.”

“So what? I didn’t even notice. She might as well have been another guy for all the difference it made.”

Melanie looked at him doubtfully. “She’s an attractive she-wolf…”

He put his hands on her hips and maneuvered her closer to him. “I couldn’t care less if she were a bear, a wolf or a fucking martian. I wasn’t interested in her before I met you, and now that I have you, no one else will ever be enough for me. I love you Melanie, and you’re the only woman I have ever loved or will ever love.”

She softened as she saw the emotion in his eyes and felt the love pass through their bond. “I love you too, and you’re the only man I have ever loved or will ever love… you idiot.”
She threw the last part in for good measure.

His wolf panted happily, and Hans stroked her hair. “I’m sorry if I upset you,” he told her softly. “But you never have anything to worry about. Even if hundreds of women threw themselves at me, I wouldn’t be interested.”

Melanie raised her eyebrows. “I don’t think we have anything to worry about there, but I get what you’re saying.”

His expression darkened. “I don’t like you being jealous.”

“Welcome to my world,” she muttered lowly. But not so low that he didn’t hear.

“I’m sorry... I’ll try not to be so jealous.” He winced as he said it and his wolf roared. He knew this was as restrained as he was ever going to get.

Melanie snaked her arms around his neck. “It’s okay; it just bothers me that you don’t seem to have a problem with random females slobbering all over you.”

Hans bared his fangs, and Melanie felt a flurry of arousal. “What will it take for you to get over this?”

“Ooh, I don’t know. What are you offering wolfman?”

“What do you think?” Hans ground his hard erection against her slender body and, in spite of how many times they’d been intimate before, she gasped.

Melanie’s expression went from surprised to delighted. She pulled her mate down for a punishingly sensual kiss. He grasped her ass and pulled her up his body; she wrapped her legs around him and moaned as he pushed his sex against hers.

They broke free from their kiss and panted.

“Maybe we should go home...” he murmured as his wolf howled excitedly.

“Think you can wait that long, wolfy?” she cooed.

“No,” he growled.

He pushed her up against the truck, letting it take her weight. He smothered kisses over her neck as he fumbled to release himself. Melanie gripped his shoulders as he pushed a finger past her panties and twirled it inside her core.

He groaned at finding her so wet and ready for him. Lining himself up, he quickly pulled her down his thick length. She muffled her scream by biting his shoulder. The pain and thrill of her biting him as a she-wolf would sent his feverish wolf wild. His beast roared, and Hans began taking her with rough, hard thrusts.

She clung to his body as passion permeated every inch of her. The need for release quickly overtook her, and she bit him again, silencing the cries of happiness that wanted to escape. His movements became jerky as he and his wolf were overcome by the lust they felt from their mate; within seconds his own release followed hers. He buried his head in her shoulder and howled as he exploded.

Melanie stroked his hair as they stood, still entwined, and slowly came back down to earth.

Hans ran his hands up and down her thighs. “Stockings, sugar? Fuck me, you’re trying to kill me.”

She giggled. “My Valentine’s gift to you.”

“Fuck, now I feel bad I didn’t get you anything. Not that anything I could buy could compare.”

She nibbled on his earlobe. “Don’t worry, you have all night to make it up to me.”

Hans graced her with a devilishly wolfish grin.


Liv & Alec – Cheating


“Angel, I’m home.”

Liv’s eyes widened, and she almost scraped a line of mascara across her cheek in surprise.
What the heck was he doing home?

“You upstairs?” called Alec, as his heavy tread mounted the stairs.

“Ummm, yes, I’m just getting dressed,” she replied as she kicked her shoes off.

She heard him chuckle. “Perfect timing then.”

Liv quickly dabbed at the lipstick she had applied. Alec hated her wearing make-up. She never used to, mostly because she didn’t really have the money to buy make-up. But recently, she had gotten some tips from a fellow pack mate and witch, Kayleigh, whose own make-up skills would put Estée Lauder to shame. And Liv had started using eye shadow, lipstick, mascara and a little blush. She thought it enhanced her face; Alec was peeved because he assumed more men were looking at her.

Alec was a wolf shifter, and Liv was a witch. They had mated just under six months ago, and Liv had joined his wolf pack. She was also pregnant with their first pup, or witch as the case may be. Alec was just a tiny bit possessive toward her and jealous of other males, to the point where he had beat up one of Liv’s best friends when the other male put his arm around her. All male wolves were possessive to some degree, but the fourteen-year age gap and Alec’s somewhat rogue nature seemed to make him worse. Not that Liv minded; she loved him just as fiercely as he loved her.

She just didn’t love him coming home in the middle of the day like this…

Alec sauntered into the room, and Liv sighed. Mmmm, he was a six foot three god of a wolf shifter, with tightly packed muscles, and a ruggedly handsome face. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was that this man mountain would even deign to look at her. Frankly, she was a little on the chubby. Okay, a lot on the chubby side, and the pregnancy certainly wasn’t helping with that. But Alec told her over and over how much he loved her curves,
and who was she to argue?

Alec frowned at her. “You look very nice,” he said suspiciously.

Liv jutted her chin and tried not to look guilty. It was true she was wearing her nicest maternity dress; it was black with little daisies all over it. But that was no reason for his suspicion. Because she was actually sneaking off to do something she shouldn’t;
that was a reason for his suspicion.

He folded his arms. “Where were you going?”

Liv smiled at him and tried to calm her thundering heartbeat. “Out to brunch with Terri,” she told him, confidently. “You’re home early; I thought you were working all day.”

His lips twitched. “I managed to swap shifts so we could spend Valentine’s Day together; I thought you’d be pleased.”

Liv almost giggled at the hurtful needy tone of his voice. Alec was the pack Beta as well as the town Sheriff and generally a force to be reckoned with. While the rest of the pack was terrified of him, Liv knew he was a big softie deep down.

She walked over to him and easily unfolded his arms and wrapped them around her. She stood on her tiptoes for a kiss, which wasn’t easy given that she was only five feet tall and had a small yet protruding baby belly. He soon melted into the kiss and allowed his hands to wander over her generous body.

She drew back and ran her hands down his chest, cooing in delight. “I’m very pleased,” she breathed, her heart racing for a completely different reason. “I just hope that nobody minded covering your shift so we could be together.”

Alec smiled down on his tiny mate;
she was always thinking of others
. That morning they had celebrated quickly in that they had made love and exchanged gifts. He had bought her some bubble bath, and she had knitted him a sweater. Hardly the sexiest gifts in the world, but they were both thrilled. He was fully prepared to go down the jewelry route, but she had been dropping hints like crazy about wanting some pumpkin spice bubble bath. So, he got her what she wanted.

However, when he had arrived at work, he had felt a distinct longing to return home to her. His wolf had been prowling and snarling at him. He’d barely been able to concentrate. It was hardly something new; it had been getting worse for a few months now. He had all but lost interest in his work as the Sheriff. Why would he want to be cooped up in the stuffy Sheriff’s office when he could be home with his beautiful mate? He did feel a little guilty about piling more and more work onto his Deputy, Jake, but Jake didn’t complain.

Alec ran his fingers through her silky blond hair. “Don’t worry; it’s fine.”

Liv gave him a naughty, little smile. “Hmmm, well, in that case…”

She started fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, and his wolf growled excitedly. He watched, marveling at his mate as she tugged at his clothes.

She kissed his chest as he kicked off his shoes. She helped him shimmy out of his trousers, and she led him over to the bed, pushing him to lie flat on his back. Moments later, she carefully climbed over him, and Alec was delighted to find his luscious mate was completely naked.

She sat over him, so their sexes touched. He was already hard and straining to be inside her; he could feel the wetness weeping from her channel, begging him to take her, and he couldn’t hold back.

Tenderly he ran a hand over her stomach before lifting her by her hips and slowly impaling her on his thick length. Liv closed her eyes and let out a lusty moan as she felt every inch push inside her. She covered his hands with hers as he lifted her up and down his shaft. She emitted sweet little gasps every time he filled her, exciting both him and his wolf.

Alec felt his claws lengthen, and carefully made sure they didn’t pierce her skin. While he adored the bite marks on her neck and breast, he didn’t want to mark her beautiful skin further. Her breasts heaved up and down as her breathing hitched, and instinctively she began tensing around him.

His wolf howled at him to hurry, and Alec began taking her in short, hard thrusts. She bit her lip as her body quivered, and the marvelous orgasm swept through her. She screamed and seconds later, he roared and exploded, emptying himself inside her. His wolf howled at their completion.

He held her tightly and carefully lifted her off him and laid her down. Alec kissed her extended belly and Liv smoothed her fingers through his hair.
Mmmm, this was definitely a perfect Valentine’s Day.



Alec whistled as he neared the Sheriff’s station, but then started frowning. His wolf was once again furious at being taken away from their mate, and Alec wasn’t far behind. He just couldn’t seem to find any enthusiasm for his work as the Sheriff anymore.

He parked his truck and stared at the entrance. It was a little easier when Liv was insistent that she come to work with him and act as the receptionist. But she had said she was a little tired in the last week and had asked for time off, which was gladly given, of course. It had been a source of contention between the two of them since they got together. Liv wanted to work; Alec wanted her to stay home. Usually, Liv always won the argument, so he was a bit surprised when Liv wanted a few days off. Then, last night, she had stated that she wasn’t sure she did want to come back. He wasn’t sure how, but apparently he had won the argument.
He was a little uneasy about that

He saw Terri across the street, smooching with her own wolf mate. Trying to delay the inevitable of going to work, Alec decided to apologize to her for the day before.

Alec jogged over to them and bade them hello. Terri’s mate, Mal, immediately slipped an arm around her waist and half-pulled her behind him. Mal was almost as bad as he was. Terri was also pregnant, a few weeks further along than Liv. But while Liv had a cute little baby bump, Terri looked enormous.
Not that he’d ever say that to her or Mal.

“Hey, Alec,” said Terri, trying to look around her mate who was watching Alec warily.

Alec gave the young pup a raised eyebrow and Mal looked a little sheepish. Alec smiled at Terri, “Hey, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday.”

Terri furrowed her brow.

“I’m sorry Liv couldn’t make it to brunch, but I decided to take the day off work.”

Terri looked at him in confusion for a few seconds, and his wolf was immediately on guard.

Mal looked between the two of them. “You were working yesterday, why would you have plans with Liv?”

Alec’s jaw ticked with the effort of controlling himself, and Terri looked apprehensive. Liv had lied to him.
His mate had lied about her plans!
God knows what she had been planning on doing, all gussied up in her best dress and slathered in make-up.

Alec roared, and Mal took up his protective stance again. Alec ignored him and stormed away to his truck.

“Wait, Alec, it’s not what you think, let me explain,” called Terri in a worried voice.

He ignored her and drove like he was on fire.

Terri pulled out her phone. “I better warn Liv.”


Alec burst into their house. “Liv!” he roared.

He tore through every room searching for her, but she was gone. He’d scented she was, but he needed to check. He was praying she was still there, and wanted more than anything for him to be wrong. But, he wasn’t.

He trembled as his wolf snarled and tried to push forward. Another male was trying to take their mate. They needed to remain calm, find the other male and then Alec would shift and rip the fucker to pieces.
Yep, that was the most reasonable plan he could come up with.

First, he needed to find her and drag her back to their house. She belonged to him, and he was damned if he was ever going to let her go.

He looked over at their laptop. She didn’t use it much; mostly he did for work. But she synched her phone to it, and it would, therefore, have her up to date calendar. Maybe that would tell him where she was.

He impatiently searched through until he found what he was looking for. It was a simple entry; it gave the name Aaron, an address in Alexandria and said 11am. If he hurried, he could make it there for about quarter past.

He tore out of the house and sped away. His heart was breaking, and the only thing keeping him going was the thought of the things he was going to do to the man who was trying to steal his mate.


Liv stepped out onto the sidewalk and smiled happily.
She was almost walking on air.

That all changed as she felt a flash of anger and jealousy. She grimaced at the feelings flooding her; where the hell had they come from?

She shook her head to try and get rid of them, and when she looked up, she was startled to find her mate had appeared before her. He looked grim. “What the hell are you doing?” he demanded fiercely.

Liv felt a wash of guilt spread through her. “I’m so sorry; I’m cheating.”

“What?!” snarled Alec. “Who is he? I will murder him!”

Liv shook her head. “It’s not his fault; I made him do it. I said I’d pay extra if he’d squeeze me in, but he’s Terri’s brother-in-law, so he said it was no problem.”

“You paid him?” asked Alec incredulously. Wait, what was going on?

She nodded. “I just couldn’t wait until the baby was born; I was dying to know.”

Alec looked to his wolf for help, but the beast was just as confused as he was. “What are you talking about?”

Liv cocked her head on the side in confusion. “The sex of the baby, of course, why? What did you think I was doing here?”

“You said you were cheating,” he growled lowly.

“I am; you made me promise to wait until the birth, and I couldn’t help myself. I know how excited you were about it being a surprise, and I’m sorry.”

Alec let out a chuckle of relief as his wolf sighed. He placed his hands on her shoulders. “That’s what this sneaking around was about?”

“Yes, I was going to come for my scan yesterday, but when you came home, I had to reschedule.”

His wolf was almost rolling around at how silly Alec had been. “You should have told me, angel; I’d have come with you.”

“But I thought…”

“I thought it’s what you wanted too; I don’t mind, at all.”

Happy relief spread across her face, but she frowned. “So why were you angry?”

Alec looked down in embarrassment. “I thought you were, you know, cheating on me.”

Liv gave him a stern look. “I know I was being a little sneaky, but come on, have a little faith in me, Alec.”

“I’m sorry.”

She let out a small huff. “Good; I take it this is why I have seventeen missed calls from Terri?”

Alec shrugged uneasily. “I guess she was trying to warn you. Really, angel, I’m sorry.”

“Well, to make it up to me you can buy me something very expensive to eat as both me and your daughter are starving, and then we can go shopping for baby clothes.”

Alec nodded but stilled. His wolf panted like a puppy. “D… daughter?” he stammered.

Liv flushed in pleasure. “Mmmm hmmm, a little girl. I’m thinking Lily or maybe Isabella, what do you think?”

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