Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3) (36 page)

Shaking like a leaf, her teeth chattered, and Addie willed them to stop. “I can’t go back to being your wife, pretending everything is okay. Now that I know who and what you are, I can never be with you. Can’t you understand that? How can you expect me to live as your wife knowing that each time you go to work, you destroy a life?” She stifled the cries threatening to spill from her mouth.

Ian didn’t answer, and Addie thought he’d hung up the phone. As she began to follow that thought, she heard his voice—hard, bitter, and drenched in hate. “When did you start fucking an outlaw?”

She bristled. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

“Oh, but it is, my dear wife. When any man puts his cock in your cunt, it is most definitely my business. Someone needs to be taught a lesson, wouldn’t you agree?”

Addie held her breath as goosebumps pricked her skin.

“I’ve never once cheated on you, and you disrespect me by spreading your legs wide to have an outlaw stick his dick in you? I never knew I’d married a whore. No matter. After you’re taught a lesson on how to be a good wife, we’ll pick up where we left off two years ago.”

The tension was too much. The chasm between her sanity and his insanity was too deep. “Ian, you’re a sick man, and you need to get some help. Please, I beg you, leave me alone, go back to Chicago, and get some help. Please.” She knew her pleas would fall on deaf ears, but she hoped there was a thread of humanity inside the man she once cared for.

come back to Chicago with me. I’m watching you. I’ll be in touch real soon.”

The phone clicked. The cold sociopath had ended the conversation with his veiled threat, and each word stabbed Addie’s brain like a pick chopping up a block of ice. Ian would never give her up. For the first time in two years, she felt defeated. There was nowhere to run—Ian would
find her.

She stared blankly at the white wall in front of her. White—the color of her penthouse in Chicago. Monochromatic—the color of her married life. Tears rolled down Addie’s cheeks as she let out the sobs she’d been holding in since Ian first called her. After she had let it all out, a strong surge of determination zigzagged through her body, chasing away the weakness.
No fucking way am I going back to you, asshole.

She picked up her cell phone and texted Chas:

Hi. U ok with me?

Yeah. U good?

Perfect. U want to have pizza n watch a movie? Want to b with u.

Can’t. Taking Jack to skating rink. Wanna join us?

Yes. :) Do u have Jack for whole night?

No. Drop off at his mom’s later.

Do u want to come over after for a grown-up sleepover?

Fuck yeah!!!

Addie smiled as love replaced the tension in her body. She refused to think of Ian. All she wanted was a relaxed, happy time with the man she loved and his adorable son. She’d be damned if Ian was going to ruin her night out.

*     *     *

Addie watched Jack
and a couple of his friends zip around the skating rink. She marveled on how fast they went, and how no one fell down.

“He’s really good,” she said to Chas.

He killed his beer then nodded. “Yeah, he is. I don’t know how the fuck he doesn’t fall on his ass. I can’t do that shit.”

“He’s never asked you to join him?”

“He has, but I draw my fatherly duty lines at the skating rink. No way am I gonna make an ass of myself.” He smiled and covered her hand with his.

After a couple of hours of zooming around the rink, Jack came up to his dad. “Did you see me, Dad? I was freakin’ awesome out there.” He laughed while turning his head to look at the skaters in the rink. “I was the best.”

“Did you ever doubt it? After all, you’re my kid. Being the best runs in our blood. I think Ms. O’Leary will attest to that.” Chas winked at Addie then laughed when deep red streaked her face.

“Did you see me, Ms. O’Leary?”

“I sure did. How do you skate so fast and do all those moves?”

“I dunno, but I love to skate. It’s almost better than riding on your bike, Dad.”

“Watch your language.” Chas feigned a disapproving scowl.

“I said ‘almost.’ Can I have a pretzel with cheese? Please, Dad?”

“Didn’t you eat enough at El Tecolote? You had the supreme burrito.”

“I know, but I’m still hungry.”

Shaking his head, Chas gave Jack a ten dollar bill, and he dashed off to the counter to order his pretzel.

“Were you that hungry all the time when you were Jack’s age?” Addie asked.

“To hear my mom tell it, I was worse. Didn’t seem to cause me any problems, right?” Chas opened his cut, exposing the ripped muscles molded by his t-shirt.

Running her eyes over his gorgeous chest, she licked her lips and said, “No complaints here. You’re definitely drool-worthy.”

She laughed and ran her fingers up his arms, squeezing his biceps. They were the things she dreamed about. She loved touching them, watching the tattoos move every time he flexed. Feasting her eyes on them as they spoke, the sweet sensation between her thighs pulsed, and her panties dampened slightly.

“Feeling horny, precious?” Chas hot breath scorched her eardrums.

“Always,” she whispered back, licking his earlobe. His growl sent shots of pleasure from her nipples straight to her throbbing mound.

Chas craned his head. “Jack, you finished?”

Jack ran over, his small hand wiping his mouth. “I’m done.”

“You ready to take off?”

Yawning wide, Jack nodded. Chas laughed and ruffled Jack’s hair. “Let’s go.”

The skating rink was a twenty-minute ride to Brianna’s house. When they pulled up to the house, a wicked-looking Harley greeted them. Chas whistled softly under his breath.

“Nice bike, huh, Dad?”

“Fuck yeah. Do you know who it belongs to?”

“One of Mom’s new guys. I can’t remember his name.”

“He take you for a ride?”


“Good. You don’t ride with anyone but me. Okay, little buddy?”

“Okay. This guy is pretty nice, though, and he plays video games with me. I think he knows you. He wears a jacket like yours, but it has a different name on the back.”

Addie felt Chas stiffen.

“The guy’s in a motorcycle club?”

“I think so.” Jack opened his car door. “Here comes Mom. You can ask her. Bye, Ms. O’Leary. Bye, Dad.” Jack slammed the car door.

“I hope your ex doesn’t make another scene when she sees me,” Addie said, her eyes fixed on Brianna as she came down the sidewalk.

“Sit tight. I’ll meet her halfway.” Chas exited the car.

Addie watched as he and Brianna spoke. A tall, good-looking man dressed in leather and denim stood on the porch, observing the couple. Addie saw Chas wave at the man then walk up to the porch. The three of them spoke for a few minutes.

Addie closed her eyes, wishing everything could go back the way it was the previous day, before Ian called and shattered her new life. Whenever she remembered Ian’s voice on the phone, her stomach knotted. The car door opened and Addie screamed while opening her eyes. She expected to see Ian’s cruel face, but Chas’s smile greeted her instead.

“Did I scare you?”

“Yes. I guess I dozed, and you startled me, that’s all. Did you know your ex’s new man?”

“Yeah. That was Steel, the president of our affiliate club, Night Rebels. They’re based in Puebla. You know, the southern part of the state. He came up for the party last night. He’s a good guy. I made sure to tell him no one takes Jack on a bike but me.”

“At least your ex got it right this time.” Addie leaned her head back against the seat.

“Steel’s just wetting his cock. Brianna has that ‘I want to be an old lady look’ in her eyes. But I know Steel—he’s a wolf. No fuckin’ way he’ll be tied down by a bitch. Anyway, Brianna doesn’t have what it takes to hold a man.” Chas brought Addie’s hand to his lips. “Not like you do.” He turned and their eyes locked together until he leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips.

“Let’s go to my place,” she whispered.

*     *     *

As the moonlight
bathed their naked bodies, glistening with sweat, Addie dug her nails into Chas’s shoulder as he sucked her nipples while stroking her swollen pussy. The way he fluttered his fingers above her sweet spot, barely touching it, drove her insane, and she wanted to slam his hand down on her clit and move it up and down fast and hard until she came.

The sound of Chas’s mouth sucking her rosy nipples pushed her further to the edge of her mounting tension, deep inside her core. In the morning, her breasts would be covered by red and purple love bites. The first time she’d seen them in the mirror—after one of their rough fucking sessions—her stomach had done flip-flops, and her mound had pulsed. Whenever she looked at them, a slow, hot thread of desire uncoiled inside her. The only worry she had this time was she had a doctor’s appointment in the coming week, and she knew she’d be mortified when the doctor saw them. Addie should’ve told Chas to cool it, but it felt so good with his mouth sucking her tits, she didn’t want to push him away.

His wicked, hot tongue trailed down to her belly button, swirling in and around it, making her squirm underneath his hard, sexy body. He was so gorgeous; she never grew tired of looking at him. Addie sneaked peeks at him whenever she could. Sometimes, she wondered if she was a nymphomaniac because she could never have enough of his mouth on hers, his hands on her skin, or his dick inside her.

She gasped when his tongue flicked against her bundle of nerves. How did he know where the right spot was for her? It was like he knew how to set every inch of her body on fire. She thrust her hips up toward his face.

“Greedy, precious?” He chuckled. “You want my cock in you?”

“Yes. Oh, yes.”

His dirty mouth was an aphrodisiac for Addie. The dirtier he talked, the hornier she became. She’d never tire of his filthy mouth or the way he fucked her with both roughness and tenderness. Chas’s tongue swirled around her hardened bead, and Addie moaned while she arched her back. She was so close. With her legs wrapped around his lean hips, he pressed his cock against her wet slit, pushing it in a tiny bit. Instinctively, her legs drew him closer to her. Again, he pushed in a little bit then withdrew. A strangled cry full of frustration passed through her lips. He was teasing her, and she wanted none of it. Addie had to have Chas’s dick in her now.
Right now.

“What’s wrong, babe?” Chas asked as he pushed in a little further.

Squirming, she said, “Fuck me. I need you inside of me. Now.”

From deep in his chest, he chortled. “Don’t like what I’m doing to you?” He withdrew again then pushed in a little bit further.

“No. I mean, yes. I mean… just fuck me.” She moved her head from side to side on the pillow, her mussed-up hair fanning around her.

Chas’s lips covered hers, and his eager tongue plunged deep in her mouth. As he pushed in further, his cock thrusted all the way into her hotness. His thick, wide dick filled her up as he went higher and deeper, until she felt him touch her womb. Every fiber of her body burst with high-voltage sensations as he consumed her with his mouth and cock. He was everything she had wanted, what she’d dreamed about when she’d lain on the sheets in her white bedroom while Ian grunted and plodded his way through their lovemaking.

Chas made her feel like a sexy, desirable woman, and that alone could make her climax.

“Fuck, I love the way your sweet pussy clamps around my cock, precious.”

Harder. Faster. Rougher. Chas pummeled her until the tension, which had been building, finally broke, like a dam during a flood. Waves of pure pleasure pushed her along the precipice of total abandonment—unadulterated ecstasy. Then his teeth grazed her nipple, and all her senses, her thoughts, her nerves shattered into a million pieces, floating around her as jolts of intense euphoria ripped through her.

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