Casting Stones (Stones Duet #1) (32 page)

She snorts sarcastically, “Don’t we all?”

“You don’t have any issues. You’ve got it made. Your parents love you and provide pretty much whatever you want. Is your dad still pissed that you dropped out of school again?”

“I didn’t drop out. I’m changing majors.”

I roll my eyes. “Whatever you want to call it, you’re wasting his money.”

“I think I want to be a nurse.”

“You? A nurse? Since when?”

“Since I saw the doctor stitch Lenny’s hand up. It was pretty cool.”

“Okay ‘Miss Queasy Stomach.’”

“I can work with wounded warriors like Collin. Those guys saw some really bad things.”

My mouth drops open slightly. “You guys talk about that stuff?”

“Yeah. He told me all about his deployments and how he lost his leg.”

I nod solemnly, thinking about how taciturn Shane is about his time with the military.

My phone chirps at that moment. I chew my lip with eagerness, hoping to see Shane’s smiling face on the screen of my phone, but since it’s a number I don’t recognize, I let it go to voicemail.

For the next hour, I enjoy my time with Jenna and forget about the conversation I’m going to have with Shane tonight.

After carrying my bike up the flight of stairs, I unlock the door with my newly acquired key and step into Shane’s apartment. I find the rumpled blanket on the floor, drawers left open and no sign of him. A feeling of anxiety seeps in, chilling my already wet and cold body because it’s unusual for us to go all day without some form of communication. I spy the note I left still on the coffee table. With cold hands, I rub my arms to warm up as I search my brain because I’m worried and I don’t have any of his friends’ phone numbers. Suddenly it occurs to me that I do know where one lives.

With quick steps, I trot down the hall to Brandon’s apartment and knock. I bounce from foot to foot as I wait. Nothing. I knock again. Just as I begin to walk away, the sound of the dead bolt stops me. I turn to find Brandon standing there with nothing but a loose pair of unbuttoned and nearly unzipped worn jeans.


“Hi,” I look down to avoid staring at his sculpted chest. I inhale deeply and meet his eyes, completely bypassing his shredded abs. “I’m,” I stutter, “I’m looking for Shane. I haven’t talked to him all day.”

“C’mon, babe. I’m waiting for you. I can’t hold this position forever.” A woman’s voice calls seductively.

Brandon’s cheek pulls back in a devious grin. “Haven’t seen him today. He called out sick today.”

“He did?” An unwarranted image of Shane, pale and lifeless, enters my mind. I swallow the lump in my throat when the vision of his handsome face transforms into my mother’s and then Simon’s. My breathing quickens as panic sets in.

“Baby! C’mon!” The playful voice calls again.

Brandon acknowledges the voice and then looks back at me. Lustful eyes trail down my body. “I gotta go.”

“Uh…sorry for interrupting. Thanks,” I stammer as I begin to walk away.

Brandon’s voice makes me stop and turn around.

“You could wait in here if you want.” He gives me a knowing smile that makes bile rise in my throat.

I narrow my eyes. “Excuse me?”

“I’m sure Shane won’t mind. He said I could borrow anything I wanted.” Brandon smiles deviously.

I narrow my eyes and decline his offer. “No, thanks. But I’ll be sure to let Shane know what a good friend you are.”

“Suit yourself,
.” He emphasizes my name as he raises his arms to hold onto the door frame, exposing his body, putting it on display for me. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”

I want to kick him in the balls and then punch his face when he drops to his knees in agony. I’m from Southie; don’t fuck with me.

Without a single word, I turn and go back to the apartment.

After several attempts to reach Shane and talking myself out of calling around to local hospitals, I try to read but end up falling asleep with a case study strewn all over the bed.





deep breath and unlock the door as quietly as possible.
I hope the sound of the dead bolts doesn’t wake Remy, who in only a few more hours, will be getting up for work and then heading to class. The stillness and silence which fill the apartment confirm that she’s still asleep. I walk to my bedroom and watch her in her usual position with one leg swung across the bed. I long to replace the pillow she’s got wedged in her arms. I notice the bottom of the bed and the floor are littered with papers. Gathering the strewn pages, I collect them and set them on the nightstand when I notice two names displayed on the screen of her phone. Simon. David. Fierce jealousy races through me as I wonder what they want.

My stomach growls so I head into the kitchen, stopping to pick up and reread the note she left this morning. I read it once again and smile at the words she scribbled. I feel like an asshole for not taking her calls or responding to her numerous texts. As much as I want to reach out to her and tell her what was going on, another woman, someone very close to me, needed me more. Opening the fridge, I rummage for something to eat but close it when I realize there’s not much in there. Another growl reminds me that I haven’t eaten a thing all day. I dashed out of bed and hit the road the moment the words hit my ears. My body sprang into action without a thought about anyone else.

I grab a granola bar and stand against the cabinet. I look down at the light-colored stains on the front of my black T-shirt; the remnants of a somber day as I held her, offering words of support and encouragement. I shake my head and wonder how one person can deal with this again. Life’s not fucking fair.

“Shane?” I hear Remy’s soft whisper as I undress and slip into bed. “Where were you?” She sits up and blinks rapidly as if she’s disoriented and trying to figure out where she is.

“Shhhh…I’m here. Go back to bed. We’ll talk in the morning.” I coax her body down and pull her close, tucking her head under my chin.

“Where were you? I called you—”

I kiss her lips softly. “I said we’ll talk in the morning.”

“Are you okay? Did something happen?” she croaks.

I exhale a shaky breath. “Something happened, but I’m okay.” I nod even though I’m not sure it’s the truth.

“I was worried about you. We have a few things to talk about.” A quiet yawn escapes and then she falls silent.

“I know we do,” I reply back softly. God only knows I’ve got a few things to tell her.

The sound of the alarm clock blaring wakes me. I reach over Remy to shut the alarm off, but when I roll over, I find myself alone in a cold, empty bed. I sit up quick and search the room for her. Her papers are gone from the nightstand and the room is tidy. Instantly, I miss her. I miss her small hand on my chest. I miss the feel of her body against mine. I throw my hands over my face and scrub, willing myself to get up and into the shower before I’m late for work. Marty was kind enough to let me take the day off when I told him what happened. I don’t want to take advantage of his generosity.

After showering and dressing for work quickly, I reread the small note in Remy’s messy script. She misses me. She’s worried. She wants to talk.

The banging on the front door and Brandon’s words to hurry up prompt me to grab a dark tie, my jacket and my keys, making a mad dash down the stairs and out into the street to the train station.

“Yo, where’d you go yesterday?” Brandon asks as he scrolls through his phone.

“I had to take care of something back home.”

“Everything okay?”

I nod as we descend to the track.

As we roll along the Blue line, I text Remy to tell her that I’ll be at the diner soon and ask if she can have a coffee and a muffin ready. I have so much to tell her, but it will have to wait until tonight.

The moment I push the door open and the little bell rings, she smiles, looks past me at Brandon and pulls her lips into a frown before her green eyes fly to meet mine. I can’t detect what’s reflected, but it doesn’t look good. I tilt my head, silently gauging her reaction to seeing me. Brandon follows me in and finds an empty seat at the counter.

“Hi.” I lean over the counter for a morning kiss but am shot down when she turns and offers her cheek. Her rejection stings.

“Hey, Remy.”

“Brandon.” She deadpans as she wipes the area with a damp rag.

I reach for her hand mid-swipe. “Are you mad at me?”

She stops immediately and flashes her eyes to me, giving me a subtle shake of her head.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you back yesterday.”

I watch her take a deep breath followed by a hard swallow. “We’ll talk tonight, Shane. I have to work and then I have class.”

“I know you do, but I just wanted to say I’m sorry.”

Jenna comes by to greet us and takes our orders. I glance sideways at Brandon, wondering about the cold reception he received from my girl. I wave quickly to Lenny when he shouts through the window as orders are put up.

“Yo, a bunch of us are going out this week. You in?”

“I’ll talk to Remy and see what she wants to do.”

“You’re not fucking married to her, bro.”

My eyebrows shoot up.

“Besides, guys don’t marry chicks like that.”

I choke on the piping hot black coffee. “What the fuck did you say?”

He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. “What? You know it’s true. I’m mean look at her. Look at that ass.”

A loud hum drones in my ear and the walls feel as though they’re closing in on me. I set the mug down slowly and turn to face this douche bag who has just insulted the woman I love. Yeah, I love her. It’s about time she hears it from me.

“Brandon,” I lean toward him and speak slowly to make sure he understands how serious I am, “Let me give you a little bit of advice. Say one more derogatory word about my girl and I’ll fucking rip your head off your shoulders. Make no mistake.”

Gone immediately is the arrogant smile as the color drains from his face, leaving his skin ghostly white. This son of a bitch should be afraid of me.

“Chill, bro!”

I stand abruptly and walk around the counter into the kitchen area where Remy is. Lenny gives me a questioning look but says nothing at all.

“Hey!” She lets out a scream when I grab her by the waist as she comes up the stairs carrying a small box.

“Kiss me.” I demand while I take the box from her and set it on the prep table.

After a moment of hesitation, she reaches for the back of my head and kisses me hard. I deepen the kiss as our tongues begin to play their dueling game. Quiet, needy moans escape from both of us.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you back.” I say again when she pulls away.

“You already said that.” She raises her eyebrows and smiles.

“Remy, Shane’s train is here,” Jenna laughs as she pushes her way through the swinging door. “I mean his bus is here.” I scrunch my brows at her playful expression, wondering what she’s talking about.

I kiss Remy’s soft lips quickly. “I’ll text you when I get to work. I love you.”

She offers a quick, stiff goodbye and I run out to catch the bus before it leaves without me.

Brandon sits across from me, keeping his distance. I fix a hard glare in his direction.

“Yo, you know I was just kidding, right?”

I don’t respond. I know my menacing, unwavering stare speaks volumes.

“I didn’t mean what I said.”

Slowly my lips move. “Well, I meant what
said. Every. Single. Word.”



like something to eat?” Dana, carrying a folder, stands in the doorway of my office and asks. I get the distinct feeling she’s not offering something from the local deli.

“No, thanks. I’m all set.”

“You sure? You look hungry.” She moves in closer; her short skirt rising higher with each step.

“I said I’m all set.” I remove my glasses and declare with an edge of finality in my voice.

“Well if you change your mind, let me know. I like to keep my bosses happy.” She places the folder on my desk and traces a line with a lingering finger. I watch with contempt as she tries her best to be sexy. She has nothing on Remy. My girl doesn’t even try and she’s sexy as hell.

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