Casting Stones (Stones Duet #1) (26 page)

I open the passenger door for her and step back. Abruptly, she turns to me and slides her hands around my waist, her fingers dig into my back. I can feel the desire in her touch as her chest presses into mine. I lift her small frame and set her down on the seat of my truck, wedging myself between her spread legs. Our mouths meet with desperate kisses. Our tongues invite the other to join in. The blood surges through my body, making me instantly rigid with longing for hers. I need her. I need to touch her. I need to be in her. Her hands roam against my chest as I pull her forward. I need this contact. As if we are the only two people who exist in the world, we make an unspoken promise of what is to come. An unspoken promise of the incredible connection that lies between us.

“We need to eat something,” I offer instead of begging her to come back to my apartment to finish what we’ve started.

“Shane,” she breathes heavily against my mouth.

I kiss her lips softly, understanding her need to join our bodies.

“Remy, I want you. I want you so bad I can hardly see straight.” I grin. “But I don’t want to rush into something with you.”

With a deep sigh, she drops her head before pulling her cheek into a smirk. “Are you sure you’re not gay?”

Fuck it! With narrowed eyes, I grab her hand and push my stiff dick into it. “Definitely not gay.”

She laughs and exhales loudly. “You’re not normal. Most guys wouldn’t think twice about having sex with me.” Her greens widen in surprise and she stammers, “I mean…with any girl.”

Remy swings her legs in and closes the door. With a playful expression, she watches as I jog around the front of the truck and slide into the driver’s seat.

“Ready?” I ask as she secures her seat belt.

“Take me…to get something to eat.”

I lean over. “Come here. I have to tell you something.”

She moves, listening intently. “Stop stealing my mints.”

Her lips pull into a wide grin when she opens her mouth and reveals the small piece of candy.

She turns the dial on the radio and fills the space with Taylor Swift’s newest song.

Little does she know that I see her in my wildest dreams especially when I’m stroking myself until her name falls from my lips in a frenzied groan.



you’ve never been here.” I look around The Beehive, a lively restaurant known for its live music.

“Nope,” Remy shakes her head, pops a cherry into her mouth and then sips the cranberry juice.

“Have you always lived in Boston?” I ask after the waitress drops off our entrees.

Immediately, her eyes flash to mine with a look of worry before she answers, “No.”

“Always in Massachusetts?”

“Yeah. I lived just outside of Boston for a few years...when I was in foster care.”

Foster care.
My chest tightens at the sad situation that forced her in to the foster care system. “How long were you there? How many times? Why…” Words fumble from my mouth. The thought of this beautiful woman as an innocent child living with strangers who probably were just in it for the money shreds me and my body stiffens with anger. As if she could read my mind, she opens her mouth and extinguishes my unease.

“I told you what my mother is like. I spent a lot of years in and out of different homes, but I eventually found a wonderful foster family who took really good care of me. I was one of the lucky ones.”

I can hardly allow myself to imagine what life was like for her as a little girl. “How old were you?”

“Old enough to know what was happening. Old enough to know my mother couldn’t take care of me.”

“Why didn’t you stay with them then?”

She shrugs sadly. “I didn’t have a choice. My mother completed the rehab program and both the court and Child Services thought it was best for me.”

“And did you think it was best for you?” I wrap my hands around the neck of the beer bottle to shield the shaking of my fingers.

“I think I was too young to know what the right thing was. Looking back now, I should never have been given back to her. She wasn’t a competent mother.”

“What happened to the family who took you in?”

“I still see him, but my foster mom died.”

I quickly move the wooden chair beside her and take her hands in mine. “Do you realize how amazing you are? You’re working hard to get an education and do something with your life. You’ve overcome and beat the system. You should be proud of yourself.”

She shoots me a look and whispers quietly, “No, I haven’t.”

“Yes, you have. Don’t ever let
make you feel less than good about yourself. You’re going to graduate and get a job helping people. That’s a huge success in my book.”


“Quiet.” I press my finger to her lips, silencing the self-doubt and criticism I know she’s about to say. “Accept the compliment and eat your dinner.”

She stabs a piece of grilled chicken and smiles. “I’m glad you came to Boston.”

“Me, too.”

We stroll out to my truck after she declines my offer to get dessert. “Do you know how many calories are in those desserts?”

I shake my head and roll my eyes at her comment; she doesn’t need to worry about her body. It’s fucking perfect.

“I know a good way to burn a few calories,” I tease as I open the door for her.

“I’m sure you do.” Using the backside of her hand, she slaps my stomach.

“Are you tired or do you want to go somewhere else?”

Her eyes sparkle with an expression I’ve not seen before. “Home.”

My eyes shoot open, wide and surprised. Home? She wants to go home? I can’t let her go back home. It’s not safe there.

“Why? Why do you want me to bring you home?” I pull back and search her face, hoping to find the answer to my question.

“Take me home with you.” Her beautiful green eyes are crystal clear, speaking words of truth. “I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of trying to fight the inevitable.” She moves closer and whispers, “I want you.”

Again, I crash my mouth into hers and devour her until she moans in discomfort. “Baby, I’m sorry. I got carried away.” I kiss the swollen part of her lip gently.

“It’s fine. I grew up all over the south side. Southies are tougher than we look.” She turns quickly, opens the passenger door and hops in. I’m left standing there as she smiles at me through the closed window.

I glance over my shoulder before I pull out onto the street and offer up a silent prayer to the traffic gods, hoping they’ll be kind enough to part the means streets of Boston tonight and let us get home quickly before I combust right here.



the odd side of the street between a Saab and a Volvo. The tension floating between us is enough to crack the windshield wide open even though the windows are down as the crisp air nips at her beautiful face. I wanted to make her put her seatbelt back on, but when she unbuckled it and slid over to cuddle up next to me, the words fell silently on my lips. I knew she was safe with me as I wrapped my free arm around her petite shoulders. We didn’t talk much on the ride back to my apartment; she hummed along to an acoustic version of Ed Sheeran’s latest hit
. I kissed the top of her head when she ran her hand over my stomach and gave me a little squeeze when the song ended. I tried to concentrate on the chords of the song just to distract myself. Her proximity was doing insane things to my body while my mind was reeling with thoughts of kissing her again, tasting her before finally being able to take her to my bed.

“This is so beautiful,” Remy eyes the brick building with awe, her eyes taking in the unique architecture along the top. “I mean it’s

I stand there for a moment memorizing the soft planes of her face and her profile with the contour of her full lips. I feel everything harden instantly. Her body is incredible, but who she is makes her even more beautiful. I don’t think anyone compares to her. I love the way she sees beauty in all the small things in life. Even the story she told me about the two swans named Romeo and Juliet that are inseparable comes into my mind.

“It’s incredible to think that someone envisioned this and then created it. It’s beautiful.” She turns and catches me staring at her.

Immediately, I close the space between us and cup her face. “You are beautiful.” Our lips touch as I lower my head and she stands on tiptoes, curling her hand around my wrists and leaning against me. The tiny gasp assures me she’s felt my erection. There’s no denying what she does to me.

“Let’s go inside,” I mumble against her lips.

She sighs and hums her response before opening her eyes to look at me.

Desperation mingled with need kicks in and I force myself to use every ounce of willpower to refrain from scooping her up into my arms and carrying her into the apartment. I know if I give in to this uncontrollable desire, our time together will be over too soon. I will have taken her harder and faster than I intended. I don’t want to hurt her; I want to love her. I nearly miss the step and trip when the realization of my thoughts occurs to me.
I love this woman.
She’s like an unexpected gift, a pleasant surprise that has turned my world upside down. I want her. I crave her. I need her.

As if it’s the most natural thing, Remy leads me up the stairs to the top landing, taking slow steps one at a time.The lithe movement of her body and the graceful way she moves causes the blood in my body to pool in one area, making my dick painfully stiff, begging to unleash the silent fury. By the time we reach the narrow hallway where the heavy door with three small windows awaits our entrance, my patience is just about all but gone. I pull out the key and slide it into the keyhole. I know that once we step over the threshold, there’s no going back. It’s one step closer to making her mine.

Silently, I unlock the door. I glance at her, looking from her eyes to her lips and hope she understands that she’s safe here. I will protect her. No one will ever hurt her again. With a subtle nod and small smile, Remy accepts my offer and steps through the doorway. I welcome her into my home. God knows she’s already taken up residence in my heart.






I glance at him as he watches me carefully. My bag slips off my shoulder as I walk over to the couch. I run my finger over the soft material.

“Pottery Barn or LL Bean?”

Shane practically flies through the air and crashes into me. His heavy body hovers over mine on the plush cushions. “You have a smart mouth. I might need to put something in it.”

I gasp at his words. “What?”

He kisses my lips quickly before he stands up. I watch him walk away as he steps into the kitchen where he yanks the freezer door open. I smile when I see him open a drawer and take out two spoons.

“Open,” he orders when he straddles over me with a spoonful of chocolate ice cream.

I shake my head and turn away. “Too many calories.”

Blue eyes narrow at me. “Open your mouth. I told you I was going to put something in it, didn’t I?”

I press my lips together.

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