Read Carnal Slave Online

Authors: Vonna Harper

Carnal Slave (12 page)

The other woman hadn’t been strapped into leather the way Master Damek had done to her, and now that her gag had been removed, Willow envied her her relative freedom. Or rather she did until Stoker grabbed her left breast and closed a clamp around the nub.

Squealing, she struggled to turn away. Using the chain, Stoker pulled her around so she was facing the camera. She’d started trembling, and her nostrils were flared. The way her eyes rolled up, Willow wondered if she was going to pass out.

“Damn but those knockers are sensitive,” Stoker said.

“Looks like it. You going to finish the job?”

“In a minute.” Stoker let go of the clamp so everything dangled from one nipple. The poor woman repeatedly rose onto her toes.
Take pity on me
, her expression said, but Willow knew neither man would.

“So,” Stoker asked her master, “what’s next on your agenda?”

“Like you have to ask.”

The man who’d demonstrated control over every inch of her grabbed Willow’s hips and made her she face him. He didn’t have to say a word for her to understand she didn’t dare move. He reached into a back pocket and withdrew a thick black dildo.

“I don’t know where this fits on the pleasure scale.” He slid it between her legs. “Guess we’ll find out.”

Hard plastic touched her opening. After everything she’d endured today, any pleasure was welcome. Her eyes drifted to half-mast and she had to work at not sighing.

“Look at that,” Master Damek said. “Damn but she likes sex.”

She always had, right up to the moment when she started to climax. Then, although it was too late, vulnerability swamped her.

“Like we keep saying, every slave’s different. How about a little friendly competition,”

Stoker said. “You and I see which of our bitches goes off first.”

“You’re on.” Master Damek rotated the toy against her already heated labia. Groaning, she straightened slightly and thrust her pelvis at him. A part of her stood off to the side cursing her easy capitulation. The rest dove into anticipation and escape. Soon, she prayed, her mind would no longer heed her body’s misery.

The sex tool entered her. Her inner muscles twitched around it. If it wasn’t battery driven, she’d be totally dependent on Master Damek to pleasure her, which she didn’t believe was part of his makeup. Yes, he’d forced climaxes from her, but it hadn’t been because he cared about her. Whatever happened now was part of his plan to break her apart.

“Ah, please, it hurts.”

The other captive’s cry pulled her back to reality. Stoker had fastened the second nipple clamp in place and was attaching a weight to the chain. Seeing how the weight dragged the large breasts down, Willow mumbled words of sympathy.

“That one is a pain slut,” Master Damek told Willow. “I suggest you learn from watching her.”

Master Damek shoved the dildo deep into her and let go. She pressed her legs together so it wouldn’t fall out. He stepped to the side so she had an unobstructed view of her fellow captive. Although she didn’t want to, she couldn’t stop looking as Stoker pinched the skin along the woman’s side and attached a clothes pin to it. Sweat glistened on her face, and she shook violently. Stoker attached another clothes pin near the first.

“Please don’t hurt her,” Willow begged. Her words weren’t making any sense, but she couldn’t stop herself.

“Stay out of it,” her master snapped. “It’s none of your business.”

If that’s what you believe, why are you making me watch?

She was relieved when Stoker stopped applying clothes pins and strapped the woman into a pussy harness that included a knob that snugged against her clit. Smiling, Stoker punched something on a remote. Within seconds, the woman started writhing. Stoker used the breast chain to hold her in place.

Vibrations rocked Willow’s vagina. Caught unawares, she shuddered and whined.

“The decision’s up to you,” Master Damek told her. “You can let it slide out or keep it there.”

Much as she hated the idea of taking pleasure from something that had been forced on her, she needed the escape and he knew it.

Judging by her reactions, the other slave’s clit teaser was vibrating at a fierce pace. She couldn’t escape the assault any more than she could stop Stoker from attaching more clothes pins to her side. Despite her constantly-in-motion body, the man added a last one and then moved over to her other side. Her grunts and groans became primitive cries. Her eyes rolled back in her head. Several times Stoker stopped what he was doing and fingered the remote.

Each time the woman squealed and danced as if she was being electrocuted.

“Turn you on?” Master Damek asked and stepped up the speed on the large, stiff dildo lodged in Willow. “You like seeing someone try to deal with equal measures of gratification and hurt?”

The accusation made Willow sick to her stomach, yet she wondered what it would feel like to be in the same position. She’d hate the clothes pins, but she’d survived cruel attention directed at her breasts. The searing sensations that originated in her nipples had changed over time into what, not enjoyment but an incredible overloading of her senses.

“Top speed,” Stoker announced and tucked the remote in his back pocket.

The woman kept lifting one foot and then the other as if she was standing on something hot. She leaned forward so the weighted chain swayed, causing ripples to roll through her breasts. A moment later she arched her back and thrust her pelvis at her trainer. Her sounds were both awful and wonderful.

“Oops,” Master Damek said, “I forgot to keep pace.”

Willow wasn’t surprised when the dildo began shuddering double-time. The pulsations were stronger than any man’s cock, fiercer than anything she’d ever put in herself. She couldn’t stop moaning and was beyond caring how much she’d revealed about her weakness.

The first
had consisted of one horror after another. Her body had endured restraints she’d never considered and her flesh—had Master Damek thought of her at all as he’d beaten and whipped her?

This gift to her pussy was the only reward she might ever get. Demeaning as it was, she’d cling to it.

A muffled grunt cut into her self-absorption, and she watched as Stoker knocked one pin after another off his captive. Instead of screaming, pleasure sounds rolled out of her. Her body gyrated. Sex juice escaped.

“Holy shit,” Master Damek muttered.

“Yeah, holy shit. Now you understand why there’s so much interest in her. Your slave’s going to come in dead last.”


In the short amount of time she’d been under his control, she’d come to understand some of Master Damek’s emotions. Right now he was angry—an ugly and unnerving mood. She tried to concentrate on him but between the other woman’s seemingly endless climax and her own simmering beneath the surface, she couldn’t. The dildo felt so damn good. Whatever it took, she’d keep it in her until it did its work. Closing her eyes, she shoved her fellow captive to the back of her mind and focused on the delicious pleasure spread through her.

“Okay slave, time to see if you can top the other bitch.”

Hating her master, she pulled herself back to reality. His gaze challenged her to give as good as she was getting, but all she could do was keep her vaginal muscles tight until her body stepped over that wonderful/frightening line.

“What’s that, slave? Rebellion. That’s the last damn thing you should
do around me.”

She saw his hand coming, couldn’t stop him from slapping her cheek with what felt like all his strength.

“Easy,” Stoker muttered as the blow knocked her back. “Crap, Damek, don’t let her instinct for survival get to you.”

“Never. I know what I’m doing.” Grabbing a nipple, he hauled her toward him and struck her other cheek.

She swung away, losing her footing as she did. The dildo squirted out.

“Damn it, Damek, you’re—“

“Shut the fuck up! I know what I’m doing. Watch and learn.”

“The hell you know. You—“

“Enough, damn it!”

If not for the rubber filling her mouth, she might have bitten her tongue. Her ears rang and her cheeks burned where his hand had landed. She couldn’t survive this! No way could she—Master Damek let go of her nipple and reached down.

“Holy shit,” Stoker said. “That’s going to be interesting.”

“You should know better than to throw a challenge my way.” He looked up at the camera. “Let’s let our audience decide which bitch is loudest.”

He cupped his hand against the inside of her right thigh and pushed, forcing her to widen her stance as much as she could. Something pressed against her labia.

“Let’s get rid of that gag,” Stoker said. “Give the audience the full effect.”

“I don’t know. That thing—“

“She’ll survive, at least I think she will.”

This was a nightmare! One moment she believed she understood what was happening to her, even why. The next Master Damek took her to a foreign and terrifying place. She’d never felt more alive.

Stoker started in on the straps around her head, and she looked forward to the bit of freedom that went with no longer being gagged. When it happened, her gratitude nearly had her thanking the other man.

Then she remembered Master Damek’s warning about her survival and the thing against her sex. With her head no longer immobilized, she was able to look down but couldn’t see anything except his hand.

Sick with anticipation, she stared at the other woman. The clothes pins were gone, thank goodness, but the weighs were still attached to the nipple chain which elongated her breasts. Alone and forgotten, the woman continued to try to deal with what she’d been strapped into.

All at once, the men seemed to be waiting for the same thing. Filled with dread, she tried to breathe. A snapping sound alerted her to a change. Fire erupted over her pussy.

“Oh God!” She stood on her toes.

The fire returned. This time it lasted long enough for her to realize she was being shocked. Wild with fear, she fought her restraints. Master Damek tightened his hold on her nipple while Stoker did the same to her other nipple. Caught between them, she stared all around. Her frantic gaze landed on the overhead camera. Much as she needed to curse whoever might be watching, she knew better.

Fire again. Electricity arcing through her vagina and seeming to reach her uterus.

Mewling sounds that didn’t begin to equal what she was experiencing flowed from her open mouth. Urine dribbled out while her legs shook. What existed of her mind said she wasn’t being electrocuted. The sensations weren’t intense enough for that.

The shocks kept coming. She fought to bury herself in the moments of peace, but they didn’t last. No matter how much she tried to anticipated, she was never prepared for the next attack.

No, not that.

Her sex nerves were being overstimulated. If the shocks had been relentless, she would have already been forced to climax. Instead, she likened what was happening to matches being thrown on kindling. The matches kept going out before the kindling caught fire, but the heat grew and smoke rose.

“How long you going to play with her?”

Master Damek laughed. “I haven’t decided.” He ran what she’d determined was a wand over her sopping pussy. “Wait, yes I have.”

Explosion upon explosion. A constant snapping now, her helpless body jumping and jolting. She felt
coming. “No, no, no!” she screamed. “Oh please, Master, no!”

“Oh yes.”

She rolled double-time into a fierce climax. Harsh, useless sounds raked her throat.

There was no getting away from the assault. The longer it lasted, the less she knew.

“Too much,” she somehow got out. “Too God damn much!” After that she simply screamed.

Chapter Thirteen

Willow lay crumpled on a floor made wet by her body’s discharges. She vaguely remembered that Master Damek had taken off the straps around her chest and let her down.

She’d sagged against him while Stoker removed the restraints around her wrists. Her master had ordered her to stand, but her legs had gone out from under her before he finished re-cuffing her arms in front of her. Her ankles remained connected.

Stoker had taken off his captive’s nipple clamps, but the pussy restraint remained in place. Judging by her restless and disjointed movements Willow guessed she was still being vibrated but not as intensely as before.

Willow wanted to hate the men and their easy control over two smaller, weaker human beings, but she couldn’t pull her thoughts together enough for the emotion. Thankfully her arms were no longer wrenched behind her, and she could move her head, but her use of her arms was limited.

“The decision isn’t up to us,” Stoker said. “How about we’ll let members wade in about the competition. If they approve, we’ll reward the winning slave with another protracted climax.”

She shuddered and looked up at her master in time to see him lift his leg. He kicked her side.

“What was that about?” Stoker demanded.

“I felt like it.”

Stoker muttered what she took as disapproval. Then he turned his attention back to his trainee.

“You’re going back to your stall for a while,” Master Damek said. “I’m not going to carry you so figure out how you’ll get there.”

Her side where he’d kicked her throbbed, but she sat up. A chair with leather restraints and a large opening in the base of the seat was nearby so she crawled over to it and used it to push herself to her nearly useless feet. She started to sway, compelling her to lean against the chair.

He picked up the paddle he’d repeatedly swatted her with. “What the hell’s the matter?”

“I’m weak, Master.”

“Because you’re the hell out of shape. “

That’s not it. I’m like this because of you. You know that.

“Last chance. Get over here.”

Or what
. Letting go of the chair, she took a tentative step. There wasn’t enough play in the ankle restraints to allow her to move her legs, and she fell. She hated thinking what would have happened if she hadn’t been able to partly break her fall.

“That’s a damn problem, isn’t it. Fortunately, I have a solution.”

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