Burnin' Love [Men for Hire: Firemen 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

When he lifted away from her, she reached out, trying to hold onto him. His dark gaze met hers as he tugged his shirt off. Almost laughing with joy, she undid the silver buckle and yanked his belt free. He shoved her hands away and unbuttoned his jeans. She helped him shove them over his hips and down. His cock struck outward like a sword ready to slice her in half and she was willing to die for the cause.

Kicking off his boots and then following them with his jeans, he flipped her again, putting her back on top of him. Rolls of toilet paper scattered to the floor around them as they made a bed of the rest.

“Damn, but you’re beautiful.” He threw his arms back as she crossed her arms, then tugged her shirt over her head. His gaze fixed on her breasts as she reached behind her and unhooked her bra. When it fell off her and her breasts bounced free, he groaned and took them in his massive hands.

She shimmied out of her jeans, then yelped as, once more, he took her onto her back. He yanked on her shoes then took her jeans from her. The lace panties she wore weren’t the best she had, but he didn’t keep them on her for long. In the next instant, he tore them from her body.

They paused, each silently regarding the other. The muscle in his jaw worked as he scanned her body, then trailed his gaze with his fingers sliding slowly downward. Between her breasts, over the rise of her stomach, until, startling her, he whipped his gaze and his hands back to her breasts.

His strong fingers played with her breasts, his fingertips toying with her nipples, sending quick stabs of desire into her skin and then into her heart. With each touch he raised her need, her lust, her yearning. She clutched his arms, silently willing him to do the same to the rest of her.

He bent and kissed her neck, then pressed his face to the hollow of her shoulder blade. She heard him inhale, his breath shaky.

“The smell of you drives me insane.”

Whether it was what he’d said or from his touch, she didn’t know. Her skin tingled as though a tiny fire had swept over her, awakening every nerve ending, and electrifying all her senses. She arched, preening toward him as his hands flowed over her, exploring every curve, every slender slide of her.


She responded, her body reacting to his like the tide of the ocean to the moon, urging him to do with her what he would. Each touch, each caress he gave her heated her until she was sure she’d burn alive. Her pussy ached, needing to have his fingers, then his cock inside her. She squirmed, dislodging even more rolls to fall to the floor. Her craving for him was insistent, a living, breathing creature of lust that only he could feed.

“Please, Paul.”

He answered, slipping his hand between her legs. “You’re mine.”

Hadn’t Troy and Wade said the same thing? And yet, they all spoke the truth. The truth resonated within her, filling her with resolve to keep them forever, to possess them as much as they would possess her. She’d submit to them, control them, be whatever they wanted her to be, act however they commanded.

And in return, she’d become their everything.

His fingers found their way between her folds and she cried out, then shut her mouth, remembering where they were. Swirling his fingertips over and around her clit, he took the fire inside her and changed it into a raging inferno. A lust-filled blaze consumed her, searing through her. Every inch of her was his to blissfully torture.

He kissed her again just as he entered her pussy with his finger. She arched upward, pushing her breasts against his chest. His thumb toyed with her hot little bundle of nerves, driving her to the brink of madness. Where she’d wanted the pleasure to go on forever, now all she could think was to end the pain of her need. She spread her legs and wrapped them around his waist, then tugged him to her.

He chuckled, then, with a groan, replaced his fingers with his long, thick cock. He pierced her, plunging his shaft into her weeping pussy. The fire inside her grew stronger, threatening to take her over until she could stand no more.

“Do it. Please. Harder.”

He drove into her again, harder, faster, only to slide out of her in an agonizingly slow draw. She dug her fingernails into the flesh that covered his hard shoulders and held on for the ride.

“Ride me, baby.”

He turned over, pulling her on top of him, but never taking his cock away from her pussy. She cried out, uncaring who might hear them.

He rammed into her, his gaze fixed on her face, his jaw set. She bounced upward and pushed her breasts together as she put her hands against his wide chest and tried to hold on.

He was her hero, her modern day warrior.

She rode him like the stallion he was.

Her climax spun out of control before she could prepare for it. Again, she cried out as every fiber of her being got caught up and turned upside down. Her body shuddered as it racked out of her, her juices flowing over his cock and the curly hair beneath her.

She closed her eyes and held on for as long as she could. If she could’ve stopped time, freezing them together forever, she would’ve done so without regret.

Suddenly, he drove up again, ever harder, then groaned as he took her breasts in his hands and squeezed. She opened her eyes, capturing the sight of his climax in her memory forever.


His name echoed over and over as her body lost what little strength she had left. He lowered her to his side, then laid his arm over her stomach.

She struggled with her breaths, gasps slowly becoming soft puffs of air. Turning to face him, she saw the only thing that could’ve made their time even better. His smile.

“I’m never going to think about toilet paper the same way.”

She giggled, heard the echo that it made in the cavernous room, and realized how easily anyone could’ve overheard them. As much as she hated to, she pulled away from him and started gathering her clothes.

“Take it easy. If they haven’t found us yet, then they’re not going to.”

His light touch on her arm made her tremble with renewed need. If they were anywhere else, she would’ve attacked him again. “Still. We need to get back.”

She took in the toilet paper packages and single rolls scattered around them. “After we clean up.”

Paul rose in no hurry as though they were safely in a bedroom without the possibility of anyone walking in on them. “Don’t worry about it. I know the guy who’s working back here. He’ll take care of it.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re not going to tell him, are you?”

“Nope. It’s on a need-to-know basis only.”

She tugged her jeans on, slipped on her flats, then smoothed down her wrinkled shirt. All at once, she was wracked with nerves. Even if someone walked in and found them now, dressed, they’d know what they’d done.

“If you say so. But let’s get out of here, okay?”

He tossed a few more packages of toilet paper into the cart. “I reckon I should buy a few more to make up for the mess.”

Daisy glanced around her. Did no one work back here? But thank goodness they didn’t. Taking control of the cart, she headed back the way they’d come.

Miz Charlotte caught them as they were checking out. “Did you two get what you needed?”

Daisy wanted to sink through the linoleum floor and straight down to China. Paul, however, was cool and collected.

“Sure thing. Be sure to say hi to Leroy from us boys at the station.”

“Pff. I will because you asked me to, but if I find that he’s been smokin’ while I’m at work, he’s going to be sleeping outside in the hammock.”

“You’re right about that, Miz Charlotte. Take care.”

Daisy glanced at Paul and saw the affectionate look he gave the older woman. Was he nice to everyone? Did he save his scowl just for her? Or was that when he was “on duty”?

“Y’all take care now.”

Daisy murmured her good-byes and did her best to avoid Miz Charlotte’s steady gaze as she hurried out of the store.

“Slow down, baby. You act like there’s a hound from hell snapping at your heels.” Taking the sacks two at a time, he loaded them into the car.

When Paul’s cell phone rang, Daisy jumped, suddenly unnerved by the interruption. Her throat closed up as she faced Paul and saw his sudden hard expression.

Paul motioned her into the passenger side and slid behind the wheel.

“What’s wrong?” Judging from his reaction to the call, whatever was going on was bad. Real bad.

“The rental house is on fire.”

Chapter Six


rental house?”


“But how? Is everyone all right? Were Wade and Troy there? And Melissa?”

“All I know is that Wade called it in. That was one of the other firemen at our station. He said they’ve dispatched a unit.”

She pulled out her phone then realized that she’d never gotten Melissa’s number. Staring at the screen, she willed the girl to call her, yet she sensed it wouldn’t ring.


He didn’t want to talk. That much was clear by his steady attention on the road. She could’ve yelled in his ear and she doubted he would’ve flinched. Instead of asking one of the many questions storming her mind, she stayed quiet and let him concentrate on navigating the Rover around traffic.

He was out of the car as soon as they’d pulled up in front of the house. Smoke billowed from the left side of the home, the side where Melissa’s bedroom was.

She raced after Paul who whirled around and grabbed her by the arm. The sound of fire engine alarms blasted in the air, growing louder, closer by the second.

“No. You stay here.”


“I said no.”

She fisted her hands even though she knew he was right. She’d only be in the way. He and the others were the trained professionals and she had to let them do their jobs.

At that moment, Wade burst out of the door with Melissa in his arms. Daisy took off running toward them. When they met, Wade put Melissa on the ground. His blue eyes were calm, but his body tense, ready to spring back into action.

“Stay with her.”

Melissa coughed and put her hands on top of her stomach. “I’m…all right.” Yet the round of coughs that followed made Daisy’s chest tighten.

“The hell you are. Now stay still.” She knelt next to the girl as Wade dashed back inside the house.

A fire engine, its sirens blaring, pulled up to the house. Several men jumped off the truck and started a flurry of activity. While most of them split off and headed toward the side of the house where the smoke was, one of the men rushed to their side.

“Don’t worry. We’ve called for medical assistance.” He pushed his yellow helmet back and studied Melissa. “Do you think you can walk?”


He helped her to her feet along with Daisy, then escorted her to the curb just as the EMT unit arrived. Now that Melissa was getting help, Daisy shifted her attention back to the house.

Her heart pounded in her ears as she watched, feeling helpless. Wade was all right. Or at least he had been before he’d dashed back inside. But what about Troy? And now Paul had entered the burning house.

She couldn’t tell what the firefighters were doing and she wouldn’t bother them to ask. They knew what they were doing. Instead she stood off to the side, her hands clasped, and tried to breathe. One glance at the EMTs reassured her that Melissa was doing fine. They’d given her oxygen, but she didn’t seem to be in distress. Worried, sure, but not having any trouble breathing. And the fact that she kept nodding at their questions was a good sign.

At least the smoke had stopped. That had to be another good sign.

But Paul, Wade and Troy rounding the side of the home was the best thing she could’ve ever seen. In that brief moment, she realized that she couldn’t have lived if anything had happened to either one of them. They had somehow become more important to her than anything or anyone else, including herself.

Not caring what the others might think, she ran to them. They stopped just as she did, each of them looking at her with a question on their faces.

“Are you all right? All of you?” They didn’t seem hurt, but she had to hear them tell her that they were.

Wade’s grin split his face. “Yeah, baby. We’re all good. Why? Were you worried about us? Especially about me?”

If she hadn’t been so relieved, she would’ve smacked him upside the head. How could he joke now? And yet she gave it right back to him.

“Naw, that’s not it at all. I just wanted to know if you were okay. If so, could you rush back into the fire and get my suitcase? I’d hate to lose the new undies I just bought from Sandy’s Seduction Parlor.”

She should’ve expected Wade to run with her joke. He’d spun halfway around to head back inside when she grabbed his arm and held him back. “You lame brain, don’t you dare go back in there.”

With a cry, she fell into his arms and hugged him as hard as she could. “And don’t you ever scare me like that again.”

Wade’s strong arms wrapped around her, comforting her more than she could ever say. “Hey, there. I’m fine. So are these two lugs.”

She squeezed him hard before turning him loose to pull Troy into an embrace. He lifted her off her feet and whirled her around before setting her back down. She laughed, relief swamping her. Then it was Paul’s turn.

He brought her into his arms and she would’ve sworn she smelled the fragrance of toilet paper. When he turned her loose, she wanted to hug them all again.

“Promise that you’ll never do that to me ever again.”

“Baby,”—Wade’s tone was the kind that adults used to calm frightened children—“we can’t promise that. It’s kind of our job, you know.”

“Yeah, I know. But right now, it sucks.”

She was glad that they didn’t take it the wrong way. “I don’t really mean that. Your work is—” She paused as one of the other firemen who had hurried around the side of the building strode over.

“Excuse me, miss, for interrupting, but I need to tell these guys what we’ve found.” His face was grim and his tone ominous.

“Whatever you have to say to them, you can say to me. I’m renting this place.”

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