support us, 43 centrists, with 12 centrists with rightist leanings among them. The progressives include 15 undercover Communists. The leadership of the Preparatory Committee is securely with the Communist Party. A standing presidium of 21 has been set up within the Preparatory Committee. Leadership in this presidium has likewise been secured for the Communist Party.
The Preparatory Committee has decided to admit to the forthcoming PCC yet another 14 democratic parties and groups that could send 142 representatives. There will be 102 delegates in the PCC from various districts, 60 from the army, and 206 from mass popular organizations, ethnic minorities, and Chinese citizens resident abroad. All told, 45 organizations will be represented in the PCC by 510 delegates. The Communists will make up a majority.
We believe that the PCC of China is a suitable organizational form for a single national front in the Chinese Revolution, a form that is well known to the popular masses. Therefore, we are preparing to let the PCC continue as a standing body, and on the local level, where necessary, local PCCs will be established.
At the PCC we intend to adopt a common political program which will be adhered to by all parties, groups, and organizations. The PCC will elect a Central Government, draft and publish a declaration, approve the new national anthem, emblem, and flag. (But will there also be provincial governments?)
The organizational composition of the new Central Government has not yet been determined. Besides the Military Council, the new Central Government, its cabinet of ministers, will also include: a Financial and Economic Committee, a Committee on Culture and Education, an Administrative and Juridical Committee (this committee will be concerned with matters of state security, internal affairs, and justice); also to be established are ministries for railways, agriculture, forestry, trade, metal industry, textiles, fuels, communications and roads, the post, telegraph, etc. Comrade Mao Zedong has been nominated chairman of the central government. and Comrade Zhou Enlai prime minister. (What's that: president in fact?) Comrades Liu Shaoqi and Ren Bishi will not be within the government.
We perceive the nature of the new democratic state and the nature of new government in China in this way:
This state is a people's democratic dictatorship based on the class alliance of the workers and peasants under the guidance of the proletariat.
This dictatorship is directed against the imperialists, feudal forces, and bureaucratic capital. (What is ''bureaucratic capital"?)
The working class is the leading force of this dictatorship. The working class in alliance with the peasantry and the revolutionary intelligentsia constitutes the core of this dictatorship. Simultaneously, being drawn in every way into participation in this dictatorship are the petty bourgeoisie, the liberal bourgeoisie, their representatives, and polit-