Read Brotherhood of Fire Online

Authors: Elizabeth Moore

Brotherhood of Fire (13 page)

Chapter Eleven


"Stop pacing; he'll be here in ten minutes."

Her calm was unsettling against the raking claws of adrenaline surging through him. "Shouldn't you be the one pacing?"
"Nope. I'm not nervous; you are," she said, glancing up at him from her magazine.
He pointed at his groin. "This ain't nerves, honey; I got wood like a baseball bat here."
"What do you think, he's going to walk in the door and we're just going to strip him down and fuck his brains out right here on the hardwood?"
"Why not?"
"Uh, let's let him get his stuff inside first. I still can't believe he's going to stay with us."
He swung around to look at her, concern riding against the desire to get her naked and between them. "Don't you want him to? It was your idea."
Carrie sighed, put the magazine down, and stared out the window.
"You know I do. Feels like that first crush sort of thing. Now that we've all been together, I don't like us apart. Is that too much? Does it sound as crazy to you as it does to me?"
The words penetrated his hormone-fueled agony. Concern in her voice meant she was thinking heavily. Thinking that hard meant she was dissecting how she felt, and that led to the fact that she was feeling something at all. They'd had a weekend of really hot sex, were comfortable together, joked and laughed like three friends should, never mind they spent the rest of the time naked, panting and groaning. He pushed aside the tiny buzz of warning that she might be thinking of something more than the fact that they, a happily married couple, were also happily fucking his best friend.
"No, but I'm a horny guy, I have my reasons." He grinned and stalked toward her. "I'm sure we'll slow down in time, get more normal. We're all a raging mess of hormones right now. Might take awhile though. We might have to do it, oh, a few dozen more times before we take it slower."
"Nothing wrong with that," she teased, watching him move in closer.
Her brazen words brought him back to the comfort zone. "That's what I love about you, no holding back," he said, dropping to the couch next to her, planting a big, wet kiss on her nose.
Reaching out to stroke his cheek, she smiled at him. "Uh huh. That's why you brought in reinforcements, right?"
"Oh, I can handle you, but hell, I think what this adds to things raises the bar as to how much all of us want to feel."
"Speaking of, here he is."
Hearing her laugh behind him as he bolted out of the door, he met John getting out of his truck. Two bags dumped out on the ground, and he had to hold back a grin. He wasn't going to fuck and run again. Good.
"Hey yourself. You set with this?" John stood, hands on his hips, looking unsure of himself.
"Yeah, wouldn't have said it if I wasn't."
"Should we, uh, discuss any ground rules, how to handle me being in your house? Hell, I don't know."
Brushing aside the idea it might come to them doing any sort of discussion involving anything other than sex, Garrett ran his hand through his hair. "We'll figure it out as it comes. Not rocket science."
"Well, the sex isn't, but the rest—"
"Will just come naturally. Come on; let's not stand here in the driveway all day."
Hefting one of the bags, he left John to trail behind him. Taking a deep breath, he shoved down the slight tension at feeling the same vibe from John he felt from his wife. Intense. John's eyes were a vivid blue and full of heat, and he wondered if he had the same kind of tell his wife did, if his eyes gave away his emotions. Shit, if that was true, the two of them were going to end up having him turning in circles, one foot nailed to the floor. If John could mirror her razor-sharp perception, his already less than emotionally adept self was in for a world of hurt.
Walking in the door with John in tow, he watched Carrie's eyes light up, then slowly lower to a sultry heat as she took them both in. He had started to become accustomed to that look. It replaced the look of shocked desire she'd had on the porch the first day, and it was the one that always met the two of them together now. It was close to the same look she always held just for him, but slightly different. Again, the idea that John had gotten far enough in to incite that much appreciation from her tugged a little resentment from him. He pushed it back. He put them together; he put John in their bed. If there was anything coming from it besides whatever deeper connection you formed with a good friend who was sharing your bed, he'd caused it. Besides, Carrie would tell him if something like that was happening. Even if she didn't, he'd be able to read it in her, he always could.
Garrett turned, watching John stare at Carrie, watching the slight grin curl her lips as she looked from John to him.
Her eyes were on him as she gave away his impatience of a few moments ago. "Don't get all quiet on him, John; he has fantasies about us all falling on the floor and doing it right here. He's been pacing like a dog."
John's eyes got a little brighter. "Good," he said, laughing. "I'm not the only one with a freaking hard on like an iron bar in my jeans? I mean, it has been almost a week."
Garrett's body temperature spiked.
"See, honey, it's a guy thing. Come on, let's, uh, help him get this stuff upstairs."
"Ri-ight." She smiled, trailing along behind the two men as they led John to the extra room.
Pushing the door open to their room, he decided to hell with the guest room, as if John would sleep there anyway. He stepped in ahead of the two of them. Turning, he dropped John's bag to the floor. John dropped the one he was carrying, and as soon as it hit, he picked Carrie up, swept her into his arms, and crushed her into his chest as he claimed her mouth. He heard John groan into her lips as he moved in opposite him behind her, sliding his arms around her waist and bracing her between them. He felt her settle back into him while she still shared a scorching kiss with John, and his blood pumped harder. John's hands were already tugging at her clothes. He clearly felt the same driving need Garrett did after a week apart.
They were impatient, not rough, but demanding. Garrett tugged her jeans and panties down from behind; John unbuttoned her blouse. They had her stripped down and naked in seconds, and he watched John rip his T-shirt over his head, then grab her back into his arms. The sound of a zipper sliding down followed his. They moved in a blur. John lifted her legs to his waist, and before she had time to settle into him, he could tell John had sunk his cock solidly inside her. Garrett didn't see it, but the impact rolled through his entire body. He absorbed the sensation through her reactions as she stiffened, then relaxed back against his chest where he held her tight.
The snap of the cap of the lube bottle clicked, and her eyes opened. "God, Garrett, did you have that in your pocket?"
"Uh, yeah." He laughed softly into her neck, his hands stroking her skin, squeezing the back of her thighs impatiently.
His fingers slid over her. The feel of her soft skin giving way to the tight ring of muscle at her ass made his breath shorten to small bursts. Slipping his fingers into her, feeling John already in a slow, sensual glide on the other side of the thin membrane within her, it was all he could do to not plunge into her, hard. Steeling himself, he held back, working his fingers into her before pulling them back. He poised his throbbing erection at the slick, warm entrance to her body. Moving slowly, he gently slipped into her. Her tight heat enveloped him, John's heavy thickness slid against him through her thin tissue, and he didn't even have to move to rocket to the edge of an orgasm right then and there.
"Garrett! Oh, god . . . ."
Her moan was cut short by John, watching her, keeping tabs on how she was doing. "This too much too soon?"
"No—god, no, feels so good, all of us together," she whimpered, shimmying down onto his cock a little farther, turning to bury her face in his neck as she pushed back harder into his chest, clinging tighter to John at the same time. A sigh of relief washed through him that John had the control to keep an eye on her while he didn't, and that she was more than fine with having the two of them buried in her to their balls.
"You set the pace; I'll just hold her here," John said over her shoulder.
"You got it, man," he managed to grunt out.
He moved, beginning to stroke in and out of her. Gathering his wits, he cleared his mind for a moment, the soaring ecstasy of fucking his wife in tandem with his best friend snapping him back and forth from clarity to complete and utter hazy bliss. "You should see your pretty little ass wrapped around my cock. God damn, you're so sexy."
John groaned in her ear. "I'm going to take you there again. Soon, Carrie. God, I love that sweet ass of yours. You want that?"
"Yes, god yes," she whispered.
Garrett felt her shudder, felt her muscles tighten on them both at the words, and he lunged into her hard.
"I want to see that, can't wait."
The image filled his head, and he lost himself in the idea of watching John take her like that. He began to piston in and out of her with heavy thrusts, his breath coming harsh and hot on the skin of her back in tempo with the deep lunging into her body. The heavy ache in his balls tightened, the tingling throb shooting up from the base of his dick into his entire body.
"God, I'm going to come already; hold her tight." He pushed deep, pulsing into her, breathing hard into her back while John held her hips and rocked her gently through it. He let the throbbing cadence in his balls subside, the same beating rush in his body slowing with it. Opening his eyes, he saw John, his eyes heavy lidded with lust, but a brief glint of understand passing through them. He hadn't been able to hold back at the vision of the two of them in his head; the three of them together had become his flash point. The moment when you couldn't hold back the explosion, when the physics overtook everything.
"Sorry. I couldn't hold on. It was just too much."
She leaned back, wrapped her arms around him, and pulled his face into her for a kiss. "You felt so good, don't ever apologize. Just hold me."
Her words sweetened the fading glow of his release, love replacing lust. "Anything for you, sweet thing, you know that. Lean back and relax, let him take you for a good ride. I got you."
He slid gently out of her and pulled back a little, making space between them. He supported her from behind, while John kept her legs wrapped around his waist and started on a smooth, even stroke into her body. Garrett reached down, slipped his fingers into the cleft of her pussy and swirled them over her clit. She moaned into his throat, biting down a little on him.
"She likes that, John; keep the pace up. I'm going to make her come for you."
John just growled and shifted a little, pushing deeper.
She was suspended between them, held in mid air by the support of the two of them. It struck him how evenly they cared for her, how instinctively they fed each other the sensations of sharing her. As the orgasm swept through her, making her buck and shudder between them, he felt John go rigid and cry out with his own climax. A brief moment of satisfaction surged in him. Would it matter how far this went, when it could be this perfect?

Chapter Twelve

Even chopping tomatoes, she was so damn sexy, John got hard just looking at her. As intense as they had been going at it for two days, he still couldn't resist sliding in behind her. With a sly grin to Garrett, who stood facing them on the other side of the island, he slid his hands down the curve of her waist and hiked her denim mini skirt up over her hips.
"Fuck yeah, bare."
"Oh . . . oh, god . . . ."
He smiled, closed his eyes, and let the satisfaction her reaction to him brought on

rush over him. He kneeled low, pushing them deeper.
"You're already wet; what have you been thinking about?" he whispered against
the back of her thigh, then ran his tongue over the soft curve of her hip. "Same thing you are, apparently . . . oh! That's why I didn't . . . bother . . . oh, god
. . . with panties; you already ripped three pair to shreds. Oh! Right there . . . ." "Mmm. Yes, I did. Wait, just two, Garrett did the other pair."
"Told her I would if she didn't get the damn things off faster." Garrett laughed,
watching them from the other side of the island with eyes heavy lidded and full of lust. A surge rolled through John's body as it hit home that half of the thrill, half of the
high, was sharing this with Garrett, not just having Carrie. All the months he'd
daydreamed of her and he never knew something like this would make it even better,
or why he felt that way. His biggest desire had been granted, and the fact that his best
friend came with her had become a bonus, not an obstacle.
That was part of the reason he'd been making a big effort to be sure Garrett could
see and feel every damn thing he did to Carrie, and he knew he'd been doing the same
for him. He hadn't anticipated watching two people together would be such a turn on,
but he saw the look on Garrett's face and knew he was experiencing the same thing.
Something no one would understand unless they'd been there, seen it, shared it. Never
could he have guessed what this would do to him, how much he'd started to grow to
need it.
His dick swelled to new proportions as he watched Garrett study him running
his tongue over Carrie's ass. Then heard his groan as she bent low over the island, her
knees buckling as his tongue delved deep to tease the puckered opening. Everything faded when he slid his tongue farther down, and her taste flooded
his mouth. Nothing existed but her soft, wet, pink flesh, his mouth, and the little sounds coming from her as he drove her to the edge of orgasm. Since the first time he'd tasted her, having his mouth on her and grown into a grinding need every time he got close enough to catch her scent. The extra kick in the balls was the way his gut clenched and his dick surged when those tiny cries escaped her throat. Those little sounds sent him
over the edge every time.
The awareness of heat radiating over his shoulder broke through, and he turned
to see Garrett leaning over him, his mouth on Carrie's as he joined in.
"Your cock is like, five inches from my face."
Garrett looked down and laughed. "Be damn glad I didn't take the thing out of
my pants yet then."
John gave a short laugh, pulled himself out from between her legs, and grabbed
her hips.
"Turn around."
When she complied, he lifted her easily to the counter top as Garrett shoved the
knife, the cutting board, the lettuce and tomatoes out of the way.
"Tacos can wait."
"Got that right," John agreed as he spread her thighs. "You can keep her mouth
busy if you like; I might manage to make her scream over that cock of yours if you're
fast enough."
"Fuck yes," Garrett groaned, getting up on his knees on the island next to her,
John waited just long enough to catch the sight of Carrie eagerly sliding her
mouth over Garrett before he buried his face back between her legs and drove his
tongue deep into her.
The scream came sooner than he expected, but Garrett didn't come until John
managed to get her to her second orgasm, right there between the tomatoes and the two of them. He smiled, knowing it was him driving her so high that pushed Garrett over
the edge, too.
Wiping his mouth, he straightened up and eased his throbbing cock down in his
"How are we managing to even do this?" Breathless, she slid down into him from
the island. As always, the feel of her warm, soft body against him sent a new thrill
through him, a new round of throbbing to his cock, and he wrapped himself around
"Do what?"
"Let's see, we had sex when you got here yesterday, during the movie on the
couch after that, last night, we only slept between what, two more rounds? This
morning in the shower too."
"We managed a nap this afternoon."
"True. Nice sleeping wrapped up in you two, by the way." Carrie murmured into
his mouth as she kissed him. Her fist wrapped in Garrett's shirt as she pulled him
closer, repeating the scorching hot kiss on her husband's lips.
Her hand sliding into the front of his jeans sent a shiver through him. "Poor baby," she teased. "You got left out." Dropping to her knees, she clearly
intended to remedy the situation, but he had other ideas.
"Uh-uh, I'm driving," he said, lifting her again but this time around his waist. He
turned, using one hand to unzip, the other to hold her pinned between his chest and the
wall. He positioned himself, bending slightly, then lifting his knees and sliding inside
her in one deep thrust.
Her whimper in his ear, coupled with the sudden feel of her hot, wet pussy
swallowing his cock, nearly made him lose it. Holding back, he began rocking her up
and down, fully intending to take it slow, enjoy the ride.
"Never did this against a wall; gotta say it's pretty damn amazing," he whispered
into her neck, licking her skin, the salty sweet taste of her sending another rush of blood
screaming into his cock.
"John, oh god, this feels so good." Her arms wrapped tight around him, her legs
He didn't think he could get her off with a pry bar if he'd wanted to, and he sure
as hell didn't. He thrust into her, making every effort to go slow and hold back a little,
failing miserably at it. Her wet heat surrounded him, the sweet cream that he still had
the taste of in his mouth was sliding down his balls while her inner muscles squeezed,
pulling at him, clamping down on each trip deep inside her body. His back taut, his
knees quaking he felt like he was on a ride, and all he could do was hang on and hope
he made it to the end. The rush of blood through his body had a pounding tempo.
Sweat dripped into his eyes as he lost himself and slammed into her. The shelf rattled
on the wall, but the murmurs and moans working their way out of her throat between
each ragged breath, and her hands gripping his hair, told him she wanted more as
much as he did.
Reining in his lack of control, he focused on giving her what she needed, not just
satisfying his own raging cock. Tilting his hips, he worked the base of his shaft over her
clit, feeling her tighten, the tiniest flutters of her orgasm starting to pull at him. When
she bore down, the inner walls of her body clutching at him, he gulped a breath and
tried to hold off his own release. He leaned back, looking for her eyes. He wanted to see
her coming around him, watch that look of utter pleasure overtake her. What met him
sent a shock completely through him, and he lost it. He shot his load into her then and
there, riding out the last of her orgasm while he struggled to breathe, struggled to keep
his heart from hammering out of his chest.
What he saw was the very look he'd seen on her face a hundred times or more.
The one he craved. The one he'd braved all this madness in hopes of someday seeing
directed at him. The one that came over her face when she looked at her husband, and it
was clear she loved him.
Gasping for air, he leaned into her, forehead to forehead. Not a damn
worthwhile word came to his mind. He was lost. Totally, completely lost. "John?"
Her eyes swam back into focus, the sharpest green, slightly wide and a little
surprised. His mouth opened, and he had to work his throat over the sudden dryness to
manage to even croak.
"My legs are going numb."
His sharp laugh broke the moment, and he released her. The snicker he heard
behind him almost made him jump. He'd actually forgotten Garrett for a moment. Shit. With a shy grin, she lifted on her toes, raised her lips to his, and they savored a
long, slow kiss before she pulled away and headed upstairs to clean up without a word.

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