Read Breaking Perfect Online

Authors: Lydia Michaels

Breaking Perfect (23 page)

began to eat in relative silence. Sean caught Liberty glancing at Mase, and
when her husband caught her glance he reassuringly returned it. Liberty smiled
at him and looked to Sean and smiled again. He was a goner.


* * * *


was drying off the dishes as Sean entered the kitchen, his hair still damp from
his shower. With Mason at work, she wasn’t quite sure what the day would bring.
She looked up at Sean as she placed the last of the silverware in the drawer,
excitement churning inside her belly.

what’s on the agenda today?”

had to think. It was unlike her to be so scatterbrained. “Um, well, it’s
Wednesday, so Mason’ll be home for dinner. I usually just putter around on
Wednesdays once my chores are done.”

dried off the three plates and placed them in the cabinet they belonged. As she
reached up to open the cabinet, she winced.

what was that?”

was what?” She stood on her toes and put a plate on the stack.

made a face. Did I say something wrong?”

no, it’s just my back. I must have slept at a weird angle.” She placed another
plate on the stack and a nerve pinched. She sucked in a breath as a precise
stab of pain lanced just beneath her shoulders.

did it again.” The sound of Sean’s stool scraping across the floor filled the
kitchen. “Where does it hurt?”

nothing, really. I just need to work it out.”

you take anything?”

can’t take pills.” She hated swallowing pills. It never felt like they landed
in the right place. Her arm reached up to place the last plate on the stack and
the motion sent a searing sting slicing up her shoulder and into her neck. She
must have made a noise because the next thing she knew Sean made an exasperated
sound and shut the cabinet for her.

stepped close behind her and she froze as the heat from his broad body
penetrated her clothing. His strong hands landed gently on her shoulder. He
held her left shoulder as his right palm glided down her spine. “Where does it
hurt? Here?”

winced. “Yeah.”

you got a knot.”

began rubbing and kneading out the knot and she sighed. For someone so large he
sure had a gentle touch. Her weight leaned into him and shut her eyes.

you what, why don’t you let me give you a massage?”

straightened and sucked up the sharp pinching pain that came with the motion.
“Don’t be silly. It’s nothing. I’m sure once I get moving it’ll work itself

put more pressure on the nerve and do more damage. Seriously, Liberty, let me
give you a massage. I’m a physical therapist. I do it all the time for my
clients. I’ll be completely professional.”

sighed. She didn’t want her back to hurt even worse. It already was pinching
more than it had been an hour ago. “Fine. Where should I sit?”

no,” Sean said and smiled. “You’re getting the full treatment. Go upstairs, put
on a robe, and meet me in my room in about ten minutes. I just gotta go get my
things out of my truck.”


Don’t worry. I’ve seen it all before. You have to be naked so that I can do it

mind screamed mayday. Mason said that he wanted her to let herself go with
Sean, do what she felt she wanted to, but this was all very, very new. After he’d
kissed her this morning in front of her husband, Liberty wasn’t sure what to
make of it all. Being intimate with Sean felt oddly right, but also unfamiliar,
and therefore wrong on some level. Mason seemed pleased with the way things had
gone last night and this morning. His only request was that there be no
intercourse. So what did that mean?



It’s just a massage. I just want to help your back. Go put on a robe.” She
looked at him for a moment and then he crossed his arms and gave her a stern
expression and said, “Go.” There was no arguing with that kind of
determination. Liberty turned and went to go change.


* * * *


smiled as he watched Liberty scamper out of the room. She left three glasses on
the counter. Interesting. He slipped them into the cabinet and flipped the last
one as he remembered the way she kept them.

getting his bag from his truck he headed to his room. Sean tossed the sheet
aside and fluffed the comforter over the bed and smoothed the surface. In the
bathroom he found a large towel and laid it in the center of the mattress. He
folded some hand towels to replace the pillows for Liberty to rest her head on
and began setting out his oils on the bedside table.

everything was set he grabbed the sheet and shut off the lights.
Soft gray light filtered past the shades
casting the room in a somber glow. There was a soft knock at the door. His body
pulsed in a surge of misplaced excitement.

just helping her back. Chill.

He opened the door and found a timid looking
Liberty on the other side in an oversized white terrycloth robe. God, was there
anything she didn’t look good in?

on in.”

stepped through the door and looked around. “I would have made the bed for you.”

he reminded. “Your back’s messed up. I wouldn’t have let you.” She frowned at
him. He raised an eyebrow and held up the sheet. “Drop the robe.”

big, she turned to face him. “But…”

we really need to go through this again? Where is the brave girl I saw last
night? She had no problem being naked.”

blushed and it traveled down the length of her throat to the tops of her
breasts, disappearing behind the heavy material of the robe. He winked at her,
which only seemed to fluster her more. Cutting her a break he held up the sheet
and turned his head. The muffled thud of the robe hitting the carpet was the
prerequisite to her yanking the sheet out of his hands. When he turned back she
stood before him like a Grecian Goddess wrapped in white.

swallowed. “Go lay on the bed,” he rasped. “Make sure the sheet doesn’t get
tucked under your body.”

moved to the bed, collecting the discarded robe on the way and carefully
placing it on a chair, and situated herself as he instructed. Sean found it
amusing how she struggled to keep her modesty while untangling the sheet from
under her limbs. When she settled, he stepped over to the bed. He needed to
slow his pulse. The sight of her on his bed did crazy things to his psyche.

folded down the sheet, exposing her narrow shoulders and the tapered line of
her spine. Her skin was made of satin and cream. How did girls always manage to
be so soft? He left her bottom covered and moved to the table for the oil.

rubbed the oil between his hands, warming them before he applied it to her
skin. Sean climbed onto the bed and straddled her small form, careful not to
put any weight on her lower back. When he first touched her she flinched.
“Relax. It’s just oil. Shut your eyes and try to unwind.”

appeared to forcibly try to unclench her muscles. Thankfully, once Sean began
rubbing the warm oil over her shoulders and down her back much of the tension
visibly left her. He worked in slow strokes, massaging down to the deep tissue,
and working out knots and kinks along the way. One of his large hands covered
the span of her waist.

hands rubbed over her narrow thighs and spent extra time at the backs of her
knees. Her ankles were so extraordinarily delicate.

discovered Liberty was ticklish on her side and at her feet. He only mildly
tormented her. He would come back to those spots later. For now he wanted her
at ease.

worked over her body for well over an hour, removing the sheet little by
little, exposing more of her ivory flesh one inch at a time. His fingers
drifted over her satin skin. He always kept contact with her, never removing
his touch completely as he worked.

had become a sighing form of putty. His hands coasted over the soft curve of
her calves, the petite arches of her feet. He caressed and memorized the shape
of her thighs and the firmness of her backside. He made love to her fingers and
toes and pulled and applied pressure to every nerve, joint, and muscle. He
never enjoyed giving a massage so much.

he neared the end of the rub down, he scooted down the bed and kneeled between
her legs. He eased her legs apart to accommodate his bulk.

palms glided up her legs, over the backs of her knees, and his thumbs worked
the firm muscles of her gluteus. He moved the sheet slightly higher so that he
could better reach her upper thighs. The unexpected flash of moist pink folds
made him pause.

she was drenched. He massaged her ass, his eyes glued to her tight little
passage. His thumbs traveled closer and closer to her entrance and she began to
moan, hips slowly undulating, dragging her front slowly, pressing it into the
bedding. Liberty was obviously aroused.

folded the sheet up more, exposing her entire bottom. His mouth went completely
dry as he set his sights on the perfect little rosette snugly set in between
the two succulent globes of her ass. He wondered if she was a virgin there and
fought the urge to lean forward and take a bite of her heated flesh.

thumbs began to work inward, creeping in on the cleft of her ass. A slow glide
of iridescent honey worked its way from her pussy onto the sheet. He shifted
uncomfortably, trying to ignore the raging hard on he was contending with. The
pad of his thumb crested her buttocks and accidentally came into contact with
her tight little asshole. Liberty moaned long and hard into the mattress.

stilled. What to do? He sat back on his heels for a moment and she moaned in


His voice sounded like gravel on sandpaper.

you stop?”

needy voice enchanted him. What should he do? What would Mason want him to do?
He knew what he wanted to do, but that was a given. “Do you want me to keep
going?” he finally asked, voice tight.

pert little butt swayed seductively before his eyes. “Your hands are like

swallowed down a hard lump of desire. If he touched her again he couldn’t be
held responsible for what happened next. Reaching for the bottle of oil, he rubbed
some more into his hands. Trying to be somewhat professional, he began to work
on her lower back some more. The farther he leaned in the more the intoxicating
scent of her arousal penetrated his senses. Soft, sweet, succulent flesh…

Liberty squeaked. “Did you just bite me?”

cleared his throat. “I might have.”

giggled. “You like to play rough don’t you, Sean?”

you have no idea,” he grumbled as he moved his hands over her ass and leaned in
low to take a long inhale of her sweet, tangy sex.

always afraid I’ll break.”

mention of Mason did odd things to Sean. Holding another man’s wife under his
hands provoked a dirty feeling inside of him, yet his mind reminded him he’d
been given permission. He held onto the secret of their past, knowing he and
Liberty had more in common than she realized. “He just doesn’t want to hurt
you. He would never forgive himself if he caused you pain.”

pain isn’t always a bad thing.”

head kicked up and his fingers stilled.
Well, well, well.
“And what do
you know about pain, little Liberty?”

voice was slow and drowsy as he continued to massage her flesh. “I know that
there’s pain that’s bad and then there’s pain that’s good.”

what’s good pain?”

kind that stings for a moment, but then gives way to a soft burn that spreads
over your flesh like a blanket, making all the hurt turn slowly into deep
pleasure. That’s the good kind. Like when Mason’s kissing my breasts and he
suddenly bites the tip. It stings for a moment, but then this warm heat spreads
through me and everything becomes a little more sensitized and every lick feels
like it’s left by a hundred fiery tongues.”

made slow circles and worked his thumbs into her crease. “Are you saying you
enjoy a little pleasure that burns?” He gently placed his thumb on the tiny
rosette of her ass.

stilled and gasped.

began to massage the small bit of flesh. “I agree, sometimes a little nip of
pain can give way to a nirvana of pleasure.” The oily tip of his thumb nudged
her tight opening and she made a small startled noise in the back of her
throat. “Are you asking me to show you what I’m referring to?” He pressed the
broad tip of his thumb a bit farther until he met the resistance of her tissue
and waited for her answer.

was completely submissive whether she knew it about herself or not. The memory
of her surrender with him and Mase sent him into total dominant male mode.
“Answer me.”

don’t know.”

Mason ever fucked you here, Liberty? Fingered your tight little pink hole while
he played at your pussy?”

breathed a breathless, “No.”

you trust me to decide for you? To bring you pleasure without causing you real

back rose and fell as her breath quickened. She was thinking. He held his thumb
partially seated in her ass and waited. Finally, she nodded.

that a yes, Liberty?”

she moaned grudgingly.

smiled then stilled. Still conflicted about his friend’s request to touch his
wife, but not fuck her. It was a blurry line and he wasn’t sure on which side
he currently stood. His hands led as his mind followed.

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