Read Breakfall Online

Authors: Kate Pavelle

Breakfall (17 page)



.” S
ground his hip against Asbjorn’s awakening arousal. “I want to make you feel good, Asbjorn.” He trailed kisses down Asbjorn’s chest, over the pale scars that marked his lower abdomen, continuing south. He touched Asbjorn’s hard length experimentally and felt him tense and gasp, and it was all so very different from the night before. Maybe this reckless experiment would actually work. Sean felt only Asbjorn’s hands slide across his shoulders. The intruder’s touch was but a pale memory, one he worked hard to supplant with the hot, hard heat of Asbjorn’s generous hands.

No pressure.

The light is on.

I can stop if I want to.

Except he didn’t want to, and Sean slid down to kiss the erect cock under him. He eyed Asbjorn’s size and shape. This was different from the night before, too.

This was a guy he really liked—a guy who liked him back, or else he wouldn’t be there. With sudden decisiveness, he licked the hard length from root to tip. The taste was clean, like skin, and incredibly smooth under his tongue.

“Sean… you don’t have to.”

“I want to.” As Sean slid his lips down, he felt Asbjorn tense under him and was rewarded with a sweet, incoherent moan. This was
different from the other night—he filed away the minutiae of the smooth, hot contours in his mouth, the friction against his lips.

So different.

So good.

He had never done this before—except for last night, which didn’t count—and he was surprised to feel hands struggle not to grasp his hair as Asbjorn arched under him.

“You need to stop,” Asbjorn gasped. “Too much!”

Sean ran his tongue up the side of the hard, smooth cock with interest; Asbjorn sighed and relaxed under him.

He pulled off. “You’re sure?”

“You’ll make me come right away,” Asbjorn said with an airy laugh. “It’s just too good.”

“I see,” Sean said and licked the hollow of Asbjorn’s hip, making him writhe. “Ticklish?”

“Too much,” Asbjorn said again. “Trade places?”

“But this is so much fun,” Sean said and felt the wonder of making someone else feel like that. There was power to it.

He sucked Asbjorn’s tip in, moving down slowly, exploring with his tongue. Asbjorn smelled strong and warm, yet different from the attacker, and that was good. His skin bore a hint of salt, most likely from exercise earlier. Asbjorn sank his fingers into Sean’s hair and uttered a long, quiet moan.

Encouraged, Sean slid down Asbjorn’s shaft and hollowed his cheeks a bit. There was a place he found on the tip of Asbjorn’s crown that made him stiffen and gasp. He played his tongue over that place again and felt the silky length swell and pulse as Asbjorn gasped another word of warning.

Sean stayed the course and grinned as a new and welcome warmth filled his mouth. Slightly bitter and with a hint of sweetness—not like the bitter musk of the previous night. Sean allowed himself to experience the taste, relishing the knowledge that he was in charge this time.

There was no gun pressed to his head.

He could have stopped anytime he wanted.

This time, he swallowed.




Sean.” Asbjorn was still breathing hard, but his solicitous care won over the sudden lassitude that threatened to overwhelm him.

When the glass was safely returned to the night table, Asbjorn applied himself to marking his territory, erasing every memory of the strange and brutal hands from Sean’s body, from Sean’s mind. When Sean rewarded him with quiet cries of pleasure untainted by tears, Asbjorn smiled. Two hands clenched his shoulders. He was drowning in the intoxicating sound of his own name on Sean’s lips as Sean arched toward him in crashing waves of turbulent release.

They were tangled under the covers, almost asleep, when Sean stirred. “Bjorn. Would you turn that light off, please?”

“You sure?”


Asbjorn grinned in the dark, delighted at the stubborn streak in Sean’s voice.

Chapter 10



of silence around him awakened him. Sean strained his ears in vain for familiar sounds. The car traffic of Cambridge was replaced by the gray, early morning stillness of nearby woods. There was no sound of a clock ticking, no popping of ancient radiators, no footsteps of fellow students overhead. The silence was like a blanket of cool, morning fog, comforting and private.

He turned toward the source of breathing to his right. This was Sean’s first-ever opportunity to observe Asbjorn at leisure. His eyes, deep like the ocean blue, were closed, their pale eyelashes stretching down in a graceful arc. It amused Sean to find faded, sun-kissed freckles on Asbjorn’s nose and cheekbones—a testament to his heritage as well as to his lifestyle. The scar splitting his right eyebrow was still angry and red, a reminder of his bout with Don, a fight without a victor. Sean let his gaze travel down the chiseled planes of Asbjorn’s exquisite, sharp cheekbones, his lovely and defined jaw blurred by morning stubble, his stubborn chin. Above his chin, his lips: lush and generous and tinged pink with promise.

Sean leaned forward, sharing his breath with Asbjorn, feeling the stirrings of air on his nose. He brushed his lips against the stubbly jaw with a soft caress.

Asbjorn opened his pale lids. “What time is it, Sean?”

“I dunno. Early.” Sean reached for his cell phone, only to realize it was still in police custody.

“What day is it?” The pressure-cooker of recent events had left him disoriented.

“Uh, Thursday. Thanksgiving.” Asbjorn’s voice was still clogged with sleep.

“Shit.” Sean hit his head back against the pillow. The lab. He never handed in his stupid physics lab report.

Asbjorn reached for him with his large hands. “Shh. Don’t worry about anything right now.” Asbjorn’s voice soothed him. The strength of Asbjorn’s arms filled him with strange awareness as he was pulled in closer. The warmth was comforting, and he did not resist. He felt a cool nose nuzzle his neck.



“You’re not helping.”

“Not helping what?”

Sean blushed. “My morning situation.”

Sharp teeth worried the tan skin of his shoulder. Soon, a warm, wet tongue laved the nibbled skin smooth again. He felt sensuous lips taste of his arm and neck, and Sean felt himself arch. His morning wood was now a fearsome force of nature.

He felt Asbjorn press into his lower back, feeling his heat and the smooth hardness trapped between their bodies.

“Good to know I’m not alone in my predicament.”



taste of tan skin, the enticing scent of honey-colored hair, and the sight of Sean’s smooth limbs made Asbjorn’s jaw ache with the desire to bite him, to
sink his teeth into the flesh of his shoulder and leave a mark.

A curious pressure began to build in Asbjorn’s chest, and he turned his head away from Sean’s enticing body part.

I love you so much, Sean.

His mouth refused to open—the words just would not spill out. The pressure continued to mount, threatening to leak out somewhere, elsewhere, anywhere. Asbjorn dared to thrust against Sean’s thigh to distract himself, but the pressure was still there.

I want you to stay with me forever.

The thought of losing Sean almost blinded him. His breath came out in ragged pants, holding the tide at bay. Yet relentless moisture continued to gather, as though barometric pressure and temperature dropped at the same time.

“Arrrgh!” He roared into his pillow, flipping Sean onto his stomach with a sudden twist of his arm. On top of him, pinning him down, he rubbed his hard length against the smooth, rounded cheeks.

Sean. I love you so much.

“Sean. I want you so much.” He pinned the smaller man under his legs, his arms, engulfing him entirely while hiding his distress in Sean’s sunshiny hair.

He would not cry.

He would

He would

He felt Sean wiggle beneath him, and he thought Sean’s moan was smothered by a pillow. Asbjorn lightened up on his elbows.

“You okay, Sean?” he asked in a strained rasp.

“Lemme go, Bjorn!”

Wild-eyed and skittish, Sean rolled away from Asbjorn’s possessive grasp, ready to strike out, his voice riding high.

A flashback. Asbjorn’s tight, possessive embrace had restrained Sean too hard, too soon.

Fuck, and I’m the cause of it.

I ain’t gonna cry.

With a muffled roar, Asbjorn curled his fist into a ball and punched the wall above the low, wicker headboard. A crunch split the air and little particles of gypsum dust rained upon them while a pleasant, satisfying tingle of pain danced on his freshly healed knuckles. He watched Sean stare at the hole in the wall. He wanted to make another one, and another, and another.

Tiger would have sent him to the heavy bag…

He lost Tiger.

He almost lost Sean.


He felt long tan arms wrap around his shoulders.


Sean was kneeling before him, pulling his head into his chest, raining soft kisses into his hair. It was high time to renew the buzz cut in hopes that the reminder of Tiger’s bet would deter him from damaging his new sensei’s house.

“Bjorn… it’s okay, Bjorn. I’m sorry—I just freaked there for a bit. I’m okay. Really. I am.”

Asbjorn gasped for breath, his face buried in Sean’s chest.

“No, it’s my fault. I got carried away. I forgot. I suck.” Asbjorn inhaled the sweet scent by the crook of Sean’s elegant throat and wrapped his arms around the lithe, shapely torso.

“Sean….” He heard a hollow howl emanate from him, and the pressure wouldn’t leave his chest, threatening to spill in some other way again. Asbjorn knelt, reaching up, and took Sean’s mouth with his, kissing him with feral, desperate need.

He would not cry.

He would

Tears threatened to spill out of his already moist eyes. He would

“I love you so much, Sean, it’d be easier to just die.”



, S
kissed him back in response and guided him down to the bed, presenting himself on his stomach the way he was before. He pulled Asbjorn’s arm to position his body on top again. He undulated his hips, pleased by the warm, steady pressure on his back. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, he felt snug and secure. Protected, even. The realization alarmed him, and he suppressed the thought, focusing on Asbjorn’s body heat instead.

Sean spread his legs just a little. Reaching behind him, he felt Asbjorn’s arousal with the back of his fingers. Gently guiding, he pushed Asbjorn’s hot length down while he inched his way up the bed. He tilted his hips up just a bit, feeling Asbjorn slip between his smooth, almost hairless thighs.

“Sean….” The name fell off Asbjorn’s lips like a benediction as he moved in a sensuous rhythm, the tugging friction of Sean’s skin making his eyes roll back in their sockets. He aimed a bit higher, daring to come closer to the good parts, grazing against the soft, fuzzy place behind Sean’s balls. He felt Sean stiffen, then relax with a quiet moan.

“Harder… oh….”

Asbjorn pulled on Sean’s shoulder, turning both of them sideways; spooned together. He wrapped his hand around Sean’s length. As he thrust forward, his blunt, hard head brushed against the soft perineum. Sean’s gasp encouraged him, and the way Sean pushed his hips back against him filled his heart with joy. Their rhythm made the bed squeak, but he blocked it out.

Sean was his entire focus now – the heat of his thighs, his soft gasps of pleasure, the comforting scent of his skin.

He felt a scream being ripped out his throat. Sean’s shoulder brushed his mouth. He bit down and clenched his jaw, holding back, trying desperately not to break skin as his pleasure crested and he felt his own moisture add the exquisite, smooth lubrication between Sean’s thighs. He gathered some of the slick with his hand and smoothed it over Sean’s iron-heavy length. He felt Sean stiffen and gasp and thrust into his hand and then, smothering the sound in his pillow, Sean spilled his hot, slick essence into Asbjorn’s hand.

They stayed like that for a while, catching their breath, listening for signs of life from the surrounding bedrooms.

“I hope nobody heard us.” Sean was flushed with both pleasure and embarrassment.

“Yeah.” Asbjorn pulled him closer from behind. “It would have been my fault. I’ll have to fix that wall.” Asbjorn looked down into Sean’s soft brown eyes. “That was so amazing. Sean, have you ever…?”

Sean snorted. “No. No… I looked up the basics on the Internet. This gay stuff is really complicated. I have some websites for you to read.”

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