Read Boxed Set: Innocent Immigrant Online

Authors: Jax Lusty

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Romance, #Victorian, #Multicultural, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Colonial New Zealand, #Historical

Boxed Set: Innocent Immigrant (18 page)

My stomach clenched with my fists, and it was all I could do to stop myself from rushing at the Pastor and throttling him. Poor Katie looked shocked, as did Miss Knox.

wife, Pastor, is perfect in every way,” Griff said. “It would be impossible for
to be more pleased.”

As he spoke, Katie did the most remarkable thing: she dropped Griff’s hand and came to my side.

“Come on, Ari,” she said quietly, tugging at my arm. “The three of us are in this together, are we not? Please come and stand with Griff and me.”

“I don’t want to agitate the mood, Katie, so I’ll wait over here.”

“That’s nonsense. I was led to believe our arrangement was common in this town. If that is the truth, then I have nothing to hide, and neither do you.”

What we hadn’t told her was that these arrangements in Kotuku were always made among the Pākehā—the colonials—not with a person of another race, and certainly not with a mixed-race Māori-Pākehā like me. The small gathering had fallen silent, the air tense, and Thomson’s store wasn’t the place to explain the intricacies of race to her.

“And where is the native?” Mackay asked. “Oh, there he is, lurking between the sacks waiting for someone to toss him a penny to make him go away.” He reached into his pocket. “Here you go, boy—”

Griff grabbed Mackay’s arm and shot me a warning,
stay where you are,

“I would have thought such a pathetic attempt at an insult beneath you, Pastor. But it seems where you’re concerned, my contempt is justified. I won’t have my family reviled in this way. Good day, Mr. Thomson, ladies,” he said, tipping his hat to the others in the store. “Good luck to you, Miss Knox, you’ll need it.” He nodded towards the poor young lady with the Pastor. “Come along Katie, Ari, let’s continue our business.”

I was still fuming as we left the store. In a show of great spirit, Katie took each of our arms as we set off along the boardwalk towards Mrs. Gooding’s drapery.

“Griff has promised Maraea and me cloth for new dresses,” she announced with her bright smile.

I knew she was trying to help me forget about the Pastor, but I had lost all enthusiasm for our intended group introduction of Katie to the town merchants. I begged off entering the drapery with the excuse that I had business with the grain merchant that needed attending to before he closed for luncheon at noon. Griff’s look suggested he’d rather come with me then enter another shop filled with curious women. I winked at him and kissed Katie lightly on the cheek before leaving them. Part of me wished the Pastor could have witnessed the scene, but I knew the less thought I put into his opinion, the better off I would be.

When I’d placed my order with the grain merchant, I continued to the blacksmith’s shop. He was trimming the hoof of the second horse, so I went around the back to collect the buggy and my other horse tethered there. I was just securing the horse to the rear of the buggy when I heard the conversation among a small group of men who’d congregated near the smithy.

“...she’s a pretty young thing. Poor Watson’s timing has always been off, but his demise couldn’t have been more poorly planned.”

The men joined in, laughing.

“She’s jumped from the kettle into the fire. I don’t know what would be worse in a young lady’s mind; the Watson drunks or having to bed with a native.”

My face burned with shame, and I struggled between wanting to accost them, and a desire to keep myself from their sight.

“...she won’t be so proud when she delivers herself a dark-skinned half-Māori baby...”

“...with her red hair...”

Their laughter and insulting gossip grew, spurring my anger. They could say what they wished about me, but I’d not have them slandering Katie. I made sure the colt was securely tethered and ducked around the side of the building. The voices had fallen quiet, and as I looked at the group I saw Griff had come upon them. I didn’t hear what he said, but his fury was evident in his stance and the rabble quickly dispersed. As usual, he’d stepped in to fight my battles.

I slipped back to where I’d left the horses. If Griff knew I’d overheard the men, he would do his best to soothe me, explaining how the men didn’t really mean what they said. All things I’d heard before.

I’d formed a plan on the day of the wedding to protect Katie. This trip to town confirmed my course to be true.

Book 3, Part 7


Katie sat between us in the buggy, her parcel of cloth and lace, paper-wrapped and held firm in her lap. She seemed to have put the incident in the store behind her, and she spoke enthusiastically of she and Maraea spending time together to sew their new dresses. Ari teased her, saying that Maraea would add feathers in place of the lace she’d bought. He, too, appeared happy. I was relieved I’d arrived at the blacksmith’s shop in time to silence the crude talk of the men while Ari was still tending the horses, unaware of the gossip. After the incident in the store, it would have pained him tremendously to know that we seemed to be the main source of talk around Kotuku. The curiosity of the townsfolk would soon turn in a new direction, so it was simply a matter of keeping Ari calm until the citizens bored of us.

That evening I could hardly wait for dinner to be finished so that we could take Katie to bed.

I fucked her first. I was desperate to be inside her, and Ari was happy to wait, wanting to watch as I took my pleasure in Katie, in the heat and tightness of her welcoming cunt. I went as carefully as I could, making sure she was almost ready to come before working my cock inside. She smiled at me, kissed me so sweetly before her passion rose in a manner that made my heart sing with gratitude at the luck we’d had in finding her.

Once I’d spent inside her, I rolled to my back and sat up against the headboard of the bed. I pulled Katie to me, cradling her against my chest so that we could put the next part of our plan in action. Ari would begin preparations to take her arse.

The idea was for him to break her in gently over the coming nights until she welcomed first the idea of a finger or two in her bottom, then perhaps something more. Doctor Blandford had given us a set of dilators to use if necessary, but mostly we just needed Katie to be comfortable with our touch. From now on there would be little release for her unless her bottom was involved in the pleasure.

Ari knelt up between her legs, his beautiful cock fully erect, his self-control as magnificent as ever. I watched his hands drift up and down her thighs, all the while his concentration completely on Katie’s face, watching for her reactions. Then his mouth replaced his hands, kissing and nibbling as he made his way towards the triangle of fine red hair, parting her lips with his hands.

“I love your cunt, Katie. The way it looks, all pink and swollen, the way it smells, how Griff’s cum has mingled with your own spendings. I can’t wait to taste you again, watch your lips part and flush beneath my tongue.”

Ari’s head disappeared from my view again, and Katie arched in my arms. She certainly found renewed strength when she was aroused, and I belted my arms more tightly around her to keep her in place. She all but melted into me when I did that, bringing me a rush of pleasure that restored life to my cock. Some women enjoyed being restrained, and as one who found pleasure in a good spanking I wasn’t too surprised that Katie also liked to be physically kept in check.

Over my thoughts and the sound of Katie’s quickening breath, I heard the hungry licks of Ari as he cleaned Katie of our emissions. Her hips begin to rise as he nursed on her, and then she stiffened.

“No, Ari,” she moaned, trying to lift her legs from their position draped over my thighs.

“Hold still, sweetheart, or I’ll have Ari birch you when he’s finished.”

“He can’t do that...he keeps...he...”

“Tell me what he’s doing.”

“He’s kissing me in the wrong place,” she said.

She was even more delightful when she was embarrassed. “It’s another part of your body that will bring you much pleasure. It’s not wrong, my love.”

“It’s dirty,” she went on, making a fresh effort to struggle from my arms.

I was sure Ari was fully aware of her concerns, but he never wavered from his task. Katie should have been enjoying the exquisite teasing of Ari’s tongue but like many experiencing their first time, she needed encouragement to tell her it was okay to take pleasure this way.

“It’s not dirty, sweetheart; it’s just another way to show how much we love and care for each other. Believe me, Ari enjoys doing this. You relax and concentrate on the wonderful sensations he’s creating for you.” Just as I finished speaking her hips jerked again, and she released a long moan.

I knew what Ari was doing, but I wanted Katie to acknowledge the act rather than hide away from it. “Is he putting his tongue in your bottom?”

“Yes,” she whispered. I’d never seen her face so flushed, and when I ran a finger down her cheek she turned her head and took it in her mouth and began to suck the way she had on my cock earlier. Her breath was erratic as she curled her tongue into a long, moist furrow which cradled my finger. My prick wanted to be in there, and I took a selfish moment to study the way we lay to see if I could do that. But I didn’t want her distracted from the tonguing she was receiving from Ari, so I left her to nurse on my finger.

Ari took a hand from where he gripped Katie’s thighs, motioning with his fingers at me. That was quick, but I knew I could trust him to know she was ready, so I reached beneath the pillow for the jar of ointment we used. Passing it to him, I wrapped his fingers around it and gave them a squeeze. I couldn’t wait until we could both take her, and my cock had fully hardened again with all the lovely whimpers and wiggling of her bottom. She must have been experiencing the most glorious sensations.

Soon Ari sat back on his heels, his eyes filled with lust. I was proud of my self-control, but he was executing tremendous restraint by not touching himself. His prick stood proud, his essence glistening over the tip.  He slid a hand down between my legs and wrapped his fingers around my cock in a manner that had my hips jerking for more.

He gave me a wink. “She’s doing so well, Griff, why don’t we turn Katie over?”

I lifted Katie and placed her knees on either side of me. Ari took hold of my cock again, and I saw his other hand wrap around Katie’s hip. I pulled her in to take her mouth as Ari eased her down onto my cock. He loved to tease, and he circled my cockhead around her entrance in a manner that soon had Katie and me moaning into each other’s mouths. I’d already come once and knew that now I could last for a lengthy amount of time. Finally, he pushed me inside a couple of inches but when I tried to lift and drive into her swollen cunt Ari put his full weight on his forearms that rested across my thighs. I wanted to order him off but decided I’d follow whatever plan he had running through his head.

His cheek brushed against my leg immediately followed by his mouth on my balls. They ached as he took them in his mouth, then released them and ran a stiff tongue around the junction of the root of my cock and the plump entrance to Katie’s cunny. She groaned again, her kiss becoming still as Ari’s tongue left me and returned to the pretty pucker of her bottom.

I cradled her face, taking her lips away from mine so that I could watch her reaction to what was about to happen.

Her eyelids fluttered as she arched, tipping her head back in response to the new sensation, but Ari had scarcely started, and I knew the best was to come. “You keep you gaze right at me, sweetheart.”

Ari was back on his knees, removing the lid from the container of ointment and scooping a large amount on to his fingers. How I wish I could watch when he breached her, his expert finger slowly working its way inside that place she never knew could cause her such delight. When she jumped, her eyes widening, I could envision Ari circling and massaging, bringing the area to life so that her natural instinct would take over and welcome him inside.

Her small mewls were constant now, and her lovely channel tightened and released around my cock. Then she became completely still.

“This is one fingertip, Katie, nice and easy... You stay just like that, with Griff, while I slip it inside. Don’t tense, sweetheart... don’t tense.”

I’d heard Ari talk many women through their first time, his voice deep and soft, almost trance-like as he coaxed them into surrender.

“There we go. Do you like that?”

I knew he must only have his fingertip working around the inside of her tight muscle, otherwise I’d have felt it against my cock. Her eyes had closed, but when I spoke, they flew open again.

“Answer Ari; do you like what he’s doing?”

“Yes,” she panted, then let out a long cry as Ari slid his finger all the way in. I could feel his progression through the thin wall of tissue that came between my cock and his finger.

“All the way in, Katie. You’re doing really well. Stay still on Griff’s cock; I’ll say when you can move. For now I’m going to get you used to having something in your bottom.”

The way Katie’s cunt spasmed around my prick made me wonder if she would come without anything further than the fullness of her pussy and the careful ministrations of Ari.

He pulled out and went for more slippery ointment.
I mouthed to him. He grinned and nodded in reply. Katie had whimpered when he removed his finger, but she sighed and relaxed again when it was clear he’d returned to the task of stretching her bottom. Her eyes had closed again, and I knew she’d be tiring, keeping herself upright, so I lowered her to my chest, her tight nipples pressed against me.

“Hold her, Griff.”

Ari’s words were a warning that he was going in with two fingers. If one wasn’t careful, it was a move that could take a virgin all the way back to their original anxious state ruining any progress that had been made.

Her forehead rested against my shoulder, so I clasped her, one arm across her back, one hand cradling the back of her head and whispered encouragement between soft kisses in her ear. Sure, she tensed but soon became lost in her own world of arousal and desire. I started to shift slightly until my movements became long thrusts against Ari’s fingers.

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