Boots and Leather: Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 2 (18 page)

Through it all he held his tense stance, chin thrust out. She liked to think she had all of him at attention, but she didn’t dare go for his crotch. Not yet.

The coat dropped to the floor behind him. “Thank you,” he said curtly. “You can hang that up now.”

Cass hid her smile. She angled her backside in such a way that he would get the choicest view as she bent at the waist. She took her time, first retrieving the coat, then strolling to the closet where she found a hanger. Every action felt bathed in molasses, so achingly slow. In that hotel room, time had ceased.

sound yanked her heart into her throat. She turned to find Ryan pouring champagne. The pale blue dress shirt did even better things for his tan than the dark coat. Muscles pulled and shifted with every movement. Her mouth watered at the prospect of seeing him fully nude. They’d shared so much so quickly, but damn did they have a long way to go.

“Come,” he said.

“So soon?”

His gaze jumped to hers. His expression told her she was naughty to risk ruining their charade. “Cut the impertinence, miss. Come here.”

She toyed with the lace edge of her skirt as she approached. His eyes jumped and danced, as if trying to take in everything.

He handed her a full champagne flute before downing a big gulp from his. Maybe he wasn’t as controlled as he managed to appear. “Now, drink.”

Cass dove in for a healthy sip. The bubbles went straight to her oxygen-starved brain. Ryan made her half-drunk already. The alcohol didn’t stand a chance when compared to his blatant sex appeal.

“I want you to do something for me,” he said, his voice tight and low.

“Anything. Anything you need.”

“Go sit on that loveseat.”

Cass willed her feet to move. She crossed away from the serving cart and sat primly on the edge of the loveseat’s stiff cushion.

The window behind her allowed the lights of the Strip to shine in, bathing his face and his crisp, pale blue shirt in color. She just waited, perched there, loving the way he touched her everywhere with his hot gaze.

“Cassandra,” he said softly.


“I’m going to go down on you.”

The man won the hand, but the women changed the rules.


Duty Bound

© 2011 Myla Jackson


Bound and Tied, Book 2

Cowgirl KC Matheson is fresh out of ideas. Thanks to her father’s unlucky poker hand, her family is about to lose their ranch. Desperate to entice the winner to let her family keep their home, KC appeals to a sensual stranger, Rosalyn, to help awaken her inner vixen. A vixen with the womanly skills to make a deal with the devil.

Sent to fetch a companion for his partner’s pregnant wife, miner Jake Thompson never thought luck could change this fast. First, his royal flush lands him a ranch. Then a punch in the face. Now the rancher’s daughter, a woman with a body made for sin, is trying to seduce him into giving up his winnings. Jake has a better idea: her for the ranch. And to ensure she makes good on the bargain, there’s a catch—she has to keep his interest, or the deal is off.

The three set off on the two-day trek to Jake’s claim, experiencing wondrous delights in the cool mountain air. Then reality sets in, leaving Jake saddled with a mail-order bride, a deflowered virgin, and an unexpected desire to make things right with KC…forever.

Warning: This title contains hot ménage a trois scenes, girl-on-girl action, bondage, and two determined women—double the heat for one sexy miner. To settle a debt right proper only takes some female know-how, a willing student and a length of rope!


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Duty Bound:

KC glanced down at the thin, light blue shirt, and her face burned. The dark circles of her nipples shown through in the firelight. She crossed her arms over her breasts.

Jake stood next to the fire, stripped his shirt off and draped it over a branch near the crackling flames. “If it offends you, turn your backs. I’ll only take a moment.”

KC obliged. Rosalyn had no qualms watching Jake strip out of his trousers. “My, my. He is quite the catch,” she whispered.

“Have you no decency?” KC hissed through her clattering teeth. Too cold to give a damn, she finally moved to unbutton her shirt, only her fingers were too stiff to maneuver the buttons out of their holes.

“Let me. After all I feel responsible.”

“Damn right you are. What got into you?”

“I don’t know. Seems like you might have taken all night to get naked.” Rosalyn removed the last button and slid the shirt from KC’s shoulders. “Falling in the creek sped up the process.” Her slim fingers trailed over KC’s chilled skin, spreading warmth where they touched. “Mr. Thompson, is it right to assume sharing body warmth is one of the best ways to warm somebody quickly?”

Rosalyn unbuttoned her riding coat and dropped it to the ground. She worked the buttons loose at the waist of her riding skirt and let it slide down her legs, leaving her standing in her blouse and drawers. She planted her fists on her hips and glared. “Are you two going to stand there and freeze to death?”

“No, ma’am.” Jake shucked his trousers and long underwear, standing there in nothing but the clothes God gave him, a grin spreading across his face.

“That’s more like it.” Rosalyn removed her blouse and twisted her arms behind her to reach for the strings of her corset.

Jake came up behind her. “Let me help.”

KC stood with her mouth open as Jake let Rosalyn manipulate him like she’d manipulated KC into the water and now out of her clothing. The cool night air made her sluggish and she’d stopped shivering. If she didn’t get out of the wet trousers, they’d freeze against her skin. The nights in the mountains sometimes got down below freezing. If she didn’t do something soon, she might as well die.

With a sigh, she unbuttoned her trousers and peeled them down over her thighs, kicking them and her boots off together.

Jake whistled when she stood naked in the light from the campfire, his hand growing still over the laces of Rosalyn’s corset.

Rosalyn reached behind her, finished loosening the laces and slid the corset down over her hips, pushing the drawers with it. Wearing her fancy black boots and nothing else, she pulled the blanket from the back of her saddle and spread it out beside the fire.

Jake grabbed his and the one from the back of KC’s saddle and held them out.

KC shook her head, the lure of the fire too much of a temptation. Rosalyn walked by her and squeezed her naked ass. “Shoulders back. Be proud of your body,” she whispered.

With a deep breath, KC pushed her shoulders back and forced her arms to her sides. Her breasts jutted forward, the nipples forming shriveled little peaks, gooseflesh pebbling every inch of her skin.

“Come, Katherine.” Jake held the blanket for her as she walked into it and let him wrap its warmth around her curves.

“My name is KC.” Her words shook with the force of a mighty shiver snaking down her spine.

“I’m not going to ravish your body.” He grinned. “At least not until you’re thawed out.”

Her lips pressed together. “Have I told you I’ve been known to throw a two-hundred-pound calf down in twenty seconds?” She lost some of the threat in her voice with the sound of her teeth clattering together.

Jake laughed out loud, the movement rumbling against her back. “I’ll be sure not to bawl like a calf.”

His laughter made the frown loosen on KC’s forehead. The man was almost human when he smiled. Still, she held tightly to her anger at the entire situation, while knowing she had to live up to her end of the ill-fated bargain.

A shiver shook his frame and he hugged her back to his front, fitting the curve of her bottom against his thighs.

Rosalyn took the other blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders, then she stood behind Jake, enfolding him into the warmth of her dry arms. They huddled together beside the fire, letting the blaze warm them.

As KC’s body began to relax, she could feel other parts of Jake’s body stiffen. Her breath quickened. How soon would he demand the ultimate payment? Would she be ready? Would it hurt?

Rosalyn’s hands moved around Jake and bumped against KC’s back, skimming down over her to her bottom. “It works better if you get skin to skin, KC.” She tugged at the blanket.

“Don’t push me, Rosalyn.” KC refused to let go.

“Fine. Have it your way.” She handed Jake the blanket and moved around to KC’s front, where she forced her to open up and let her slide into the circle of her arms.

With her breasts pressed against Rosalyn’s, KC’s blood heated infinitely faster. The previous night’s lessons came back to her in sordid, blood-stirring detail.

Jake left KC’s back, wrapping himself around Rosalyn’s naked backside, circling his arms around them both, crushing them closer. “Ah, Katherine, now I can see you. Did you know that your face tells me everything?”

“Wonderful.” KC frowned. “What is it telling you now?”

“KC…” Rosalyn warned. “You have a bargain with this man.”

“Thank you, Miss Rosalyn.” Jake winked at KC.

Her stomach flipped. The man had a way of making her insides stir, and KC didn’t want her insides stirred over the man who’d bought and paid for her body like she was a whore.

Not to mention, this entire situation was foreign to KC. Her world was working cattle, tending stock and taking care of a ranch. She’d never stood naked in the woods with another man and woman…total strangers.

The backs of KC’s hands rubbed against Jake’s furred chest. His muscles were taut, rock solid like she’d imagined when she’d been studying his shoulders on the ride up the mountain.

His gaze captured hers over Rosalyn’s shoulder.

Holding the blanket’s ends didn’t give KC the freedom of movement she’d hoped for. If she tried to feel more of Jake’s body, she’d drop an end and the cold air would chill their skin all over.

Rosalyn laughed. “You two are trying too hard to avoid what’s obvious.”

“And that would be…?” Jake pressed closer, his arms tightening around the two women.

“You’re attracted to each other.”

“I am not!” KC sputtered. “I’m only living up to my end of the bargain.”

Jake’s smile dimmed. “That’s right. I paid for her. And she was damned expensive.”

“Oh, pooh.” Rosalyn shook her head. “You two are fooling yourselves. Give in to the feeling and warm your bodies at the same time. Here, let me show you.”

“Is she always this bossy?” Jake asked KC.

KC smiled for the first time since she’d left Idaho Springs. “Yes. But she’s a fine teacher.”

“Damn right. So shut up and follow my lead.” Then she ducked out from between them, and with a hand on Jake’s back and one on KC’s, she shoved them together.

Jake’s naked chest bumped against KC’s naked breasts, knocking the breath right out of her. Not with the force of the blow, but with the attack on her senses.

She’d never been naked with a man. His rock-solid, angular body was completely different from Rosalyn’s curves. Her hands pressed against his chest. Instead of pushing him away, she juggled the ends of the blanket while running her fingers slowly over his skin, studying the different textures, comparing them to Rosalyn’s. Where the other woman had soft, smooth mounds with rosy brown nipples, Jake’s hard muscles were scattered with crisp hairs, the dark nipples buried in the matting. She had to search to find them, but when she did, they stiffened into tiny little peaks.

“Let me hold that.” Rosalyn stepped behind Jake and took his blanket. She flipped it around behind her and pressed her naked body to his back. “There, that ought to get you warm.”

“Oh, honey, I’m getting warm, all right.” His cock jutted straight forward, nudging against KC’s belly.

The decadence of it all made KC’s neck and face burn. She glared at Rosalyn.

With his hands free, Jake could do anything he wanted to her and all she could do was stand there holding the ends of the blanket. Exactly what Rosalyn had planned, no doubt.

And he went right along with her plan.

Boots and Leather




Myla Jackson





This biker chick longs for the open road…until two Kiowa cowboys shift her gears.


Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 2

Eight months ago, Libby Jones parked her motorcycle in Temptation, Texas, to work at the Ugly Stick Saloon. Since then she’s grown to love the bar’s feeling of family, but now it’s time to hit the road. The longer she stays, the greater the risk her father’s investigators will track her down.

Yet she can’t resist taking the Gray Wolf twins up on their offer to go riding on their ranch. Even though getting involved should be the last thing on her mind.

Ever since Libby landed at the Ugly Stick, Mark and Luke Gray Wolf have been trying to capture her attention. She's blown them off at every turn, until now. Their plan: expose her to the delights only twins can provide—and persuade her to stay for the long haul.

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