Blood-drenched Beard : A Novel (9781101635612) (20 page)

Hey, buddy. How's life on the beach?

All good, Gonça. How are things there?

Same old circus as always. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I've been swamped and only managed to follow up on that matter in the last few days. I talked to some people in the civil police and the Santa Catarina state court. There's no way you'll find the inquest, if there ever was one. Forget it.


He goes to the window and unlocks the shutters.


Gonçalo makes a dramatic pause. He opens the shutters a crack and sees the sunny beach.

—I consulted the old payrolls and found the name of the police chief who probably went to Garopaba to look into the crime. I did some research on the guy and discovered two things.

He glances over his shoulder. Sara is sitting cross-legged on the sofa, almost in a position of meditation, staring at the sandy-colored floor tiles with a vague expression. She looks like a robot that has been switched off.


First, the guy's still alive. Second, I know where he lives. In Pato Branco.

Is that here in Santa Catarina?

In Paraná. In the west of the state. Near the border of Santa Catarina. His name is Zenão Bonato. He's a partner in a private security company called Commando. I hope that's a reference to that Schwarzenegger movie. Give him my regards if it is.

But how do I find him?

I've got the company's address and phone number here.

Hold on. Let me get a pen.

He rummages through the wicker basket on the counter for a pen and piece of paper to write on. He still has a hard-on, and Sara watches his movements with the same empty expression on her face.

Okay, what is it?

He writes down the former police chief's name, address, and phone number on a pamphlet for an adventure tour operator specializing in whale watching.

Thanks, Gonça. I can handle it from here.

No problem. I'm here if you need me. Are you busy?

No, why?

Dunno. Are you okay?

I'm great.

Good to hear. Okay then. I've got an article to write here. I hope the info's useful. Let me know how you get on.

Will do. See ya.

As soon as he hangs up, Sara comes to life again and glares at him with her slanting eyes. She looks like a patient who has been forgotten for hours in a doctor's waiting room.

That was a friend of mine from Porto Alegre.

She doesn't say anything.

Want a glass of water?


She gets up and walks over to him. She puts her face very close, with her nose touching his cheek.

I'm going to have a shower now.

He moves her backwards and to one side with a deliberately mechanical gesture, as if repositioning a mannequin.

Be quick then, she says, and let's go and buy this fucking flank steak, or rump or whatever it is.


He takes a step toward the bathroom but stops that very second, turns, and goes to close the shutters, extinguishing the beam of sunlight illuminating the room. When he turns around again, Sara is moving in and stops only when her body is flush against his. Fuck it. He has allowed himself to be cornered, and now he needs to act accordingly. Sara wraps her arms around his neck. He wedges his hands under her jacket and runs his palms up her warm belly, sticky with sweat. He works his fingers under her top and fondles her small breasts. Sara kisses him timidly. It is more a series of little pecks than a real kiss, not at all the eager kiss that he was expecting, given the circumstances. It's her way of kissing. Half the fun of it is that things are never exactly as you imagine. She kneels and sucks his cock. He holds her by the ponytail. She stops for a moment and says, Just today, okay? I promise.

 • • • 

efore catching the bus
to Florianópolis, he stops by the veterinary clinic. Greice is in a good mood and greets him with a kiss on the cheek. He asks how Jander is, and she says he is great. What lovely weather we've been having. Come see your pup. The kennel is behind the clinic and has a dozen cement compartments with barred fronts. Some are open at the top, and this is where the animals that need more intensive care are kept. Beta is in one of these, lying on her side on a blanket. There are two small bowls containing water and dog food, and the rest of the floor is covered with newspaper. As soon as she sees or smells him, she starts trying to move. One of her front paws is bandaged. Parts of her fur have been shaved and are covered with plasters and crusty bits of healing flesh. She has lost a piece of one ear. Greice says her spine wasn't fractured. It was swelling around the spinal cord. She opens the barred door and strokes Beta. Look at this. Greice carefully picks her up and sets her on her paws. Beta stands there but doesn't move.

Her movement's slowly coming back. I still can't say if she'll be able to walk normally. We'll have to see how she goes. But she's a fighter, your dog. I didn't expect this. It's a tough breed.

Greice steps aside, and he enters the small space, crouches down, and strokes Beta's neck while murmuring in her ear. She's going to walk again, aren't you? I have to make a short trip, but I'll be back the day after tomorrow, and I'll come visit you every day, okay?

The vet lays Beta down again.

How much longer will she need to stay here?

About two weeks. At least.

He smiles to himself several times during the ninety-minute bus trip to Florianópolis, thinking about how things go well when you least expect them to. Beta is able to stand. Sara has still been coming to their morning workouts trying hard to act as if nothing happened. The water has been so warm that he has been swimming in just his Speedos. His more dedicated students haven't abandoned the pool even though winter is coming, and they are swimming better and better. When he is out and about, he is greeted and waved at by people he doesn't recognize, and whenever he can, he approaches them and strikes up a conversation until he is able to tell who they are. Nights pass in the blink of an eye and are restorative. The day smells of ozone and the salty sea breeze. The green of the vegetation pulsates on the slopes of the Serra do Mar Range, and the mountaintops framed by the bus windows speak of the mystery of unspoiled places. The vibration of the bus is calming, and the landscape sliding past on the other side of the glass makes him think about the obvious things that one never thinks about. How it is incredible that all the things around him are actually there. That he is there. That he can perceive them. He feels as if he is stationary and moving at the same time and remembers his parents telling him how they used to drive him around in the car to get him to sleep when he was a baby. Across the aisle, a few seats ahead of his, a girl is asleep leaning against her boyfriend with her foot stretched out in the middle of the aisle, and he can see her turquoise-painted toenails, a Mayan sun tattoo on her ankle, the boyfriend's hand caressing the caramel-colored skin of her calf. The whole composition reminds him of something he once had and that he isn't sure if he misses. He does and he doesn't at the same time. It is less the melancholy memory of an absence and more the comforting evidence that it exists and is still part of the world.

During his two-hour wait at the bus station in Florianópolis, he has dinner at a coffee shop, explores the streets adjacent to the bus station on foot, and goes to a news-stand to get something to read. A man with a shocking appearance approaches the news-stand at the same time as he does. His whole head is enlarged due to some deformity or elephantiasis, especially his jaw, which is four or five times bigger than that of a normal man. He is fair-haired and is wearing a pair of jeans and a colorfully striped wool sweater. The man peruses the magazines on the stand, taking casual steps from side to side with his hands clasped behind his back in a restful position, seemingly unaware of his effect on the attendant and passersby, who glance away as soon as they set eyes on him. He takes a few good looks at the man's deformed face, while pretending to choose a magazine. Then he picks up the triathlon magazine he intended to buy from the outset, pays, and returns to the bus station waiting area, trying to retain the man's features in his memory for as long as possible, but they slip away as they always do.

Once he is settled in his bus seat, he takes a look at the map of downtown Pato Branco that he printed out from Google Maps at the Internet café in Garopaba. The addresses of Zenão Bonato and the hotel that was recommended by the former police chief are written in the margins with a few notes to himself. He got the man's cell phone number from his security company. Zenão agreed to talk to him without asking many questions. I think I know what you're talking about, he said in a hoarse voice on the telephone. If you really want to come here, come. I'll tell you what I can remember.

The bus makes a lot of stops. He sleeps for much of the twelve-hour ride to Pato Branco, listening to music at a low volume on earphones connected to his phone. He wakes up every time the bus parks in a small town in western Santa Catarina to drop off and pick up passengers. He gets out to go to the bathroom and stretch his legs. He eats some of the worst highway diner food of his life and dreams about an icy-cold can of Coke until the next stop. It is dawn when he wakes instinctively at the entrance to the town, feeling the curves and bumpy terrain. It is much colder here, due to the distance from the coast and the altitude. It can't be any more than fifty degrees. He opens his backpack with cold hands to pull out his jacket. Fields covered with veils of dew and tiny sleeping farmhouses give way to houses with verandas that increase in density until suddenly, to his surprise, the bus is in an urban center with wide avenues, shopping arcades, and malls. He takes a taxi from the bus station to the hotel. The car climbs steep streets paved with impeccable tarmac. When the young receptionist hands him the key to his room, she says ceremoniously that his password is ninety-eight.

What password?

For the sports channel, sir.

He calls Zenão Bonato from the hotel room. He says he'll be busy all day and asks if he doesn't mind postponing their meeting until quite late, perhaps around midnight. He finds it odd but says it isn't a problem. Zenão asks him to meet him at a place called Deliryu's. He jots down the address with the hotel pen and notepad on the bedside table. He thinks it must be the name of a brothel but doesn't have time to ask because Zenão quickly says good-bye and ends the call.

He turns on the TV and types ninety-eight on the control. It's a porn film with a story, and right now it's in the story part. He waits for it to get to the interesting bit and jerks off quickly. Then he takes a twenty-minute shower.

His watch says ten o'clock in the morning. He gets dressed, leaves the hotel, walks down a few steep streets, and arrives at a large avenue with a wide planted area in the middle that forms an attractive, well-kept square. He doesn't remember seeing such a clean, organized town before. The side streets are almost deserted, but the avenues are busy. The town center is full of modern buildings with more than ten stories, but the flower beds and gardens are like those of a country town. The air smells of carbon monoxide and wet earth. The women are at once both slender and strong. He withdraws some money at an ATM, stops at an Internet café to check his e-mails, and walks in the cold wind and midday sun until he is tired. He has a late lunch at an all-you-can-eat buffet and eats so much that he can barely walk. He drags himself back to the hotel, lies on the bed with the heating turned up as high as it can go and the TV on channel ninety-eight, and alternates between snoozing and anticlimactic sessions of self-stimulation. Late in the afternoon he goes out again, heads down to the avenue, and walks through the square a little until he finds a café with large windows and a supersize TV in the outside area. A few spectators are already gathering, some wearing Grêmio jerseys. He enters and asks if they are going to show the Grêmio game. A muscular waiter in a black apron and hat with the name of the establishment written on them says yes. He orders a coffee. The game begins, and in the next two hours he drinks a few draft beers and eats a serving of French fries. Atlético Paranaense beats Grêmio 3–0. His teeth are chattering, and the thermometer in the square says it is fifty-two degrees. He sets off walking through the town again, passing in front of bars full of university students, entire blocks without a soul in sight and gas stations frequented by young people on their way to parties and taxi drivers without customers. It is almost midnight when he returns to the hotel. He doesn't even go up to his room. He asks the tall young man at reception to call him a cab. He shows him the address and asks if he knows the place. The receptionist presses his lips together and raises his eyebrows.



Who told you to go there?

I have a business meeting with someone. He was the one who gave me the address.

Well, if he told you to go there . . . but be careful.


Mafia. The sort you don't mess with. And the girls there are quick. Real quick. They make off with your money, and you don't even know what happened. My dad used to say we should steer clear of three things in life: fast women, slow horses, and engineers. I'm giving you the same advice. Just the other day two guests came back early in the morning in a car with the bouncer of the place. With a gun to their heads. They'd spent eighteen hundred
and didn't have enough cash on them. They'd thought they were going to spend five hundred each, and the numbskulls weren't carrying credit cards. They had to drive around with a gun in their ear until six in the morning to withdraw the rest at an ATM.

What a mess.

They'll kill you if they have to. Mafia. Have a good think if you really want to go there.

I just need to talk to the guy. I don't intend to hang around there.

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