Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set) (61 page)

‘God, Jessie, when you make that sound…we need to get home now.’

They both laughed as they disengaged and Theo started the car. Jess was sure they broke all sorts of laws as Theo drove the car back to her apartment.


They’d barely got in the door before Theo started to peel her dress from her. Jess turned to kiss him, gasping as he pulled her roughly to him, grinding his mouth down on hers with a frenzied need.


She gasped his name as he slid two fingers inside of her, grinning wickedly. Barely able to concentrate she stripped him and they tumbled onto her bed, his hand still caressing her, making her wet and unbearable excited.

‘I want to taste you,’ she said and was rewarded by his kiss.

‘Want to try doing it at the same time?’ Theo’s eyes were excited, sultry with his desire for her. She nodded, smiling and he manoeuvred her so he could bury his face in her sex as she took him into her mouth. She heard him moan as her tongue teased the tip of
cock, could feel it jerk.
he tasted so good, clean and salty and the silky softness of his skin belied the diamond-hard stiffness of him. She felt his tongue sweeping along her cleft, circling her sensitive clit.

Before long, Theo was desperate to be inside of her and he shifted her so she straddled him. He slid into her velvety slickness, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her hips as she moved on top of his, rocking her hips to take him in as far as he would go. She gazed down at him, as they moved, her long hair tumbling in damp strands across her shoulders. Theo cupped her breasts in his hands, teasing the hard nipples with his thumbs, letting his fingers drift down her stomach, stroking her belly with his thumbs. The way he looked at her in these moments was addictive, thrilling and she found herself telling him she loved him over and over and over…


The bubble burst in the morning. The paparazzi had done their job thoroughly and their
was splashed over the morning’s tabloid – local and national. A billionaire mogul like Theo Storm having a new girlfriend was big news in the gossip columns and the business world.

Jess read the write-ups silently. They’d done their homework and found out who she was – lord knows how but there it was. They’d gone public.

‘You okay?’ Theo had presented her with the papers earlier without comment and now he
her with a wary look in his eyes.

Jess tried to smile, shrugging her shoulders. ‘Well, we knew it wouldn’t be long before it got out. Shame. I liked it when it was just ours to enjoy.’

She sighed and Theo took her in his arms. ‘I’m sorry but yeah, it was only a matter of time. Doesn’t change anything between us – at least not for me.’

Jess kissed him. ‘Me either.’

He hugged her to him. ‘Still want to go back to work today?’

Jess nodded, smuggling into his big chest. ‘
I have to. We’ve got big projects coming up and I’ve already stretched Gerry’s goodwill. Not that it wasn’t totally worth it.’

She grinned up at him and Theo smiled.

‘Anyone tell
you, you
have the most beautiful little face?’ He said and she giggled, flushing.

you the pretty one,’ she sing-singed at him and he laughed.

‘No you
girl,’ he replied, mimicking her tone then kissed her. ‘How about I come pick you up after work? I could meet your boss, your friends.’

She considered for a moment. ‘That would be good. I’d better get going.’


Theo dropped her off at work – after kissing her thoroughly – and she drifted into her department with a
dazed smile on her face. Gerry was waiting for her, his arms crossed. She knew from the look on his face he was trying to look stern but she gave him a wide, cheesy grin and he crumpled.

‘You stood me up for dinner,’ he accused as she dumped her bag on the desk and shrugged out of her coat. She smiled at him. He looked like he’d dressed in the dark as always; bedraggled beard, smeary spectacles, food-stained clothes. Jess hugged him fondly.

‘I know. I’ll make it up to you, I promise but I did have a good reason.’

‘I know.’ He waved a copy of the paper. ‘By my reckoning, since I asked you to go to the speech instead of me…you owe me two dinners.’

‘Fair enough.’

Gerry went back to work with a satisfied harrumph and Jess sat down to go through the work piled up on her desk. The morning passed quickly as she deftly dealt with paperwork, delivery notes and emails.

Theo called her at lunchtime. ‘

Jess smiled down the phone. ‘I missed you.’

‘Me too. Any trouble at work?’

‘None. Gerry’s very easy-going and as yet I’ve not had time to see anyone else. You?’

‘Only Max’s less than subtle jokes. He wants to double-date, by the way. I think you have another admirer…I might get jealous.’

She laughed and as they said goodbye, she felt a warmth settle in her stomach. The fact Theo wanted to involve her as much as he could with their family made her feel good, that she belonged. It was an oddly new feeling.

‘Hey…’ Gerry had stuck his head out of the office. ‘You wanna grab some lunch? We’ve got a whole afternoon of restoration; the museum is sending over ‘Luna Soleil’.’

Jess smiled. ‘Wow. Yes, let’s go grab something, I’m starving.’




Jules stared at the paper’s front page, fury roiling inside him. Fucking, fucking whore. And that rich bastard with her…now he knew who had threatened him. Theo Storm. A fucking billionaire. So much for Jessica’s holier-than-thou attitude. She’d been screwing a freaking billionaire.

Jules Gachet had never known such anger. After all her crap about money meaning nothing, she’d betrayed him for a fucking meal ticket. He couldn’t – he wouldn’t – let her get away with that, by god, he would make her pay.

He slammed the door on his way out.



At a quarter of six, Jess stood upright and stretched. Working on the painting had been
, inspiring and now she had an evening of food and sex and love and Theo to look forward to. Yes.

Gerry had disappeared somewhere so she was alone in the studio. The main lights were off; only her work lamp, concentrated on the painting was on and she flicked it off and blinked, her eyes adjusting to the dark. She flexed the muscles in her back, her shoulders, let out a long breath, glancing at the lock. Her stomach gave a little flutter as she realised that Theo would be here very soon.

She grabbed her bag and headed to the ladies bathroom to freshen up. There was a shower cubicle and she quickly stripped and let the hot spray of water relax her tired body. After, she dressed, not bothering to slip her panties back on. Theo was in the habit, when they were in his car, of running his hand up her thigh. Today, she almost purred at the idea, his fingers would find her ready for him. Damn, you are turning into a wanton woman, she grinned to herself. The thought of him touching her made a pulse between her legs and she squeezed her thighs together hard to control herself.

She went back to her office and was gathering her things when she felt two hands slide around her waist.

‘How did you manage to
in so quietly, sir?’ She said, grinning but as she turned she gasped with shock, shoving herself backwards, away. Jules smiled…and it was not a pleasant smile.

‘Waiting for your billionaire, Jessica?’

Her heart beating furiously, Jess’s eyes narrowed. ‘Get out or I’ll call security.’

Jules, in a
movement, cuffed her so viciously around the face, she tumbled over her desk. He pushed the phone from the table then grabbed Jess, forcing her
the table. She cast around for anything to help her fight him
but Jules was stronger, had her at a disadvantage, pressing his forearm against her throat, choking her.

‘Fucking hypocritical little bitch. Why don’t you share the good fortune, huh? Maybe I should take you with me, see how much your rich fuck will pay to get you back alive? Because now Jessica, right now, all I wanna do is break you.’

Jess, barely able to
, was losing consciousness, Jules’s arm was cutting off her oxygen supply. Jules smiled and with his free hand, he
her legs apart. As his hand moved towards her naked sex, Jess summoned all the strength she had left and jerked her knee upwards, hard, into his groin. Jules howled with agonised rage and jerked away from her. She scrambled up and darted towards the
but he grabbed her hair and threw her to the floor. His face was a mask of uncontrollable rage, and he grabbed something from the desk as he dropped to his knees, straddling her. Jess’s blood froze when she saw it was her

Oh god,

Jules put his face next to hers, so angry was he, he spoke and fleck of spittle flew out. ‘Don’t ever forget who you belong to, little girl. Next time he’s fucking you,
, my cock was in your sweet little cunt first, my hands were on your tits before you even knew him.’ He was pressing the blunt tip of the paperknife hard into the soft flesh of her belly but then he released his grip, pulling her to her feet by
his fist in the hair at the nape of her neck. He pulled her against him, put his lips to her ear.

‘I’ll kill you. I’ll fucking kill you, Jessica. Break it off with him or next time…’ He pressed the knife to her belly again.

Jess felt herself shrinking back into the terrified young girl she had been the first time Jules had assaulted her. Destroying her peace of mind. Humiliating Her. Hurting her.

Jules smirked nastily and let her go. ‘I mean it, Jessica. End it with him. You belong to me.’

He flung her paperknife back on her desk and stalked out.

Jess’s legs gave way then and she sank to the floor, hyperventilating, trying to stop the jagged sobs which were forcing themselves out of her. Her mind screamed with pain, terror, heartbreak, fear…shame. Who was she kidding? She must have known that Jules would spoil it, ruin her happiness. Jess curled up into a ball and sat there for she didn’t know how long until she heard footsteps.

Oh god, Theo… She wanted to get up, straighten out her clothes, dry her cheeks but she found she was paralysed, unable to move. Broken.


Theo peered into the dusky light of the room. The security guard, with a knowing smile, had directed him up to the art department, to where he knew Jess worked but now he wasn’t sure he’d found the right place. He had turned to leave, retrace his steps when he heard it. A sob. He darted back into the room and saw her, curled up in a ball on the floor, her hands over her face. His heart began to beat a frenetic, panicked beat.

‘Sweetheart! What is it, what happened?’ He dropped to his knees beside her and gathered her to him. For a
she resisted then let him pull her tightly against his chest. His mind whirled with fear and worry. Instinctively – desperately – he knew it had something to do with them – and something to do with the controlling step-brother. Asshole.

He let her cry herself out then just held her as she caught her breath.
she moved away from him, brushing her tears away with the back of her hand. She gave him a watery smile.

‘I’m so sorry, Theo. You didn’t need to see that.’ She scrambled to her feet and held out her hand to him. He stood, his brows knitted together, the angles of his face sharpened with tension. He watched as she sucked in a couple of
deep breaths
and let them out.

‘What happened?’

‘Just a row with Jules – that’s my step-brother. He’s not too wild about the idea of you and me.’

Theo made a disgusted noise. ‘What the hell business is it of his?’ Her face was in shadow and he could not read her expression. He reached over her desk and flicked the lamp on. He looked back at her – and his stomach disappeared. Across her throat were dark red
and bruises.


She looked away and he realised that, unbelievably, she was ashamed. His heart thudded with pain and love for her. Gently, he took her face in his hands, tipping it up so he could kiss her gently. He swept his thumbs over the plains of her cheeks, wiping the moisture from her eyes. Her lovely dark eyes were red and full of pain, and she wouldn’t look at him. For a
he didn’t know what to say.

‘What did he do to you?’ His voice was soft but she winced and pulled away from him.

‘Like I said, an argument. Please, Theo, for me, don’t push this. I’m not ready for you to be dragged into my ridiculous family drama.’

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