Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set) (117 page)

‘What have you got for me?’

The detective pulled out a bunch of photos from a folder.

‘Stills from the restaurant’s CCTV, like you asked. They were surprisingly accommodating when I told them who they were for.’

Isaac studied the photos. In a few he saw himself and Sarah at their table; Sarah looked upset and he cursed himself for the way he had behaved that day. In the next
he was alone. It was the photo after that that gave him pause. A tall, blond haired male, talking to the waitress. Isaac’s jaw clenched. The photo was fuzzy but he could see who it was; without a
he was looking at the very much alive face of Daniel Bailey.

He looked up at Stan. ‘You get anything else on this joker? Is he following Sarah?’

Stan shook his head. ‘Not that I’m aware of, anyways. He
screwing some woman. She comes to the city twice a week and they hole up in a motel together. What do you want me to do?’

‘Try and find out who the woman
if you can. Apart from that, as long as he’s no threat to Sarah, just keep an eye on him.’

After Stan had left, Isaac couldn’t concentrate on anything, just sat in his office, staring at the photo of Dan Bailey.

What do you want?
Was all Isaac could think but he pushed the thought away because he already knew the answer. He already knew the reason Dan Bailey had returned to Seattle.

The woman you love…



‘Here, let me.’ Molly took the tube of antiseptic ointment from Sarah, smoothing some on her battered ear. Her touch was cool and soft and Sarah felt herself relaxing into it. She closed her eyes, her head throbbing with pain.

‘All done here. I’ll get you some painkillers. Where…?’

‘In the bathroom cabinet upstairs.’ Her eyes still closed, she felt the swish of air as Molly passed her, heading for the stairs. She laid her head down onto the cool surface of the table.
What the hell is that matter with me?
She felt completely out of it.

Molly was back, she heard her fill a glass from the faucet. ‘Here.’ Sarah sat up and took the glass and the pills from her, throwing them back quickly and draining the glass. She smiled wryly at her friend.

‘Sorry, I’m not much company, am I?’

Molly looked contrite. ‘With what you’ve gone through lately, it’s not surprising. Just relax.’

Towering fatigue swept over Sarah and she put her head down
the table again, closing her eyes. She felt Molly’s hand stroke her hair, the smooth, soft rhythm lulling her already tired brain. She found sleep then, unexpectedly. Sweet oblivion.

A car door slamming shocked her awake. Molly was up then, heading toward the front door. She tried to gather herself – what was she thinking falling asleep like that? She heard them talking, hushed tones she couldn’t make out. She went over to the sink and cranked the faucet, splashing the cold water on her face.


She turned to see Steve, ahead of Molly and Finn, coming into the kitchen. His face was drawn, sickened. Her gaze slid to Finn, who looked equally shocked.

‘Hey,’ she hugged Finn, felt his arms tighten around her. ‘What happened with Buddy?’

Steve looked at Finn, who cleared his throat, and shifted from foot to foot.

‘Sarah…Buddy’s dead.’

For a second it didn’t register then she let out a shaky breath. ‘I don’t…’ She looked at Steve’s stricken face.
Of course,
she thought,
of course.
She turned back to Finn, her voice stronger now. ‘Did he have an accident? Did he kill himself?’

There was silence then Finn spoke, his voice harder than she’d heard it before. ‘No.’

She looked between all three of her friends. ‘I don’t understand.’

‘He was murdered, Sarah. Buddy was stabbed to death.’

She felt her knees give way and sat down hard. ‘Oh my God…but…it couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes…’ She looked at Finn, a horrific idea flooding into the front of her mind. ‘Finn, you don’t think
did it, do you? I swear he was alive when I ran away. I
I’ll do whatever you need, DNA evidence, lie-detector…’ Her voice, rising, was on the edge of panic and both Finn and Molly reached for her. Finn sat next to her, took her hands in his, Molly sat on the edge of the table, his hand on the back of her neck. Steve’s face softened.

Finn hugged her tightly. ‘Sarah, as
police officers
, we have to suspect everyone, and I would appreciate if you would come in to answer some questions but at the moment, there is nothing to worry about. We’re just trying to establish what happened. The thing is…your encounter with Buddy this afternoon….um…well, we’re having trouble…’ He looked at Steve, suddenly awkward.

Steve squeezed Sarah’s hand. ‘Sweet girl, we think you may be confused about what exactly happened.’

There was a silence while Sarah digested this. She felt the hot flame of embarrassment redden her face but she shook her head.

‘No…no, what I told you is what happened. I don’t understand…why do you think I’m lying?’

‘Not lying, honey, confused.’ This was Finn. He kneaded her shoulders. She pulled away and stood.

‘I’m not confused. I know what happened, I was there. Why are you saying this?’

She looked between Steve, Molly and Finn, seeing their concern, feeling their pity. Humiliation washed over her. Steve looked at Finn, who nodded. Steve cleared his throat.

‘Sarah, it couldn’t have happened the way you said it did. Honey … Buddy’s been dead for at least three days.’



Isaac was about to leave the office when Saul stopped him. His brother wore a serious expression as he motioned for Isaac to sit down.

‘Isaac, we need to talk. Look, I really like Sarah and , god knows, I owe you but I’m beginning to struggle with the workload – bud, you’ve been letting things slide for a while now. I’m working all hours to catch up but – ‘

‘God, Saul, I’m so sorry.’ Horrified, Isaac realized that he’d been so wrapped up in Sarah, he hadn’t even
that his brother looked exhausted. The weight of guilt pressed down on him.

‘I’m sorry, I am.  Look, it all changes now, I’m here, I’m present.’

For the next hour they talked business then Isaac sent his brother home to Maika and the kids. Jesus, how had his life turned into this?

He looked through a stack of notes that his assistant had given him. Invitations to social events. Maybe it would Sarah’s mind off things to go and schmooze with Seattle’s A-list. He smiled to himself. She would be the most beautiful woman in the room. He allowed himself to feel pride at that; the most beautiful woman in the world, at least to him, loved him.

He realized his cell phone was switched off and quickly fired it up.

Seventeen voicemails. The first one made his chest clench. Sarah’s voice, hard, angry.

Isaac. Call me back.

We need to talk.




Sarah felt drained. After Finn and Steve had left, Molly had stayed a little while longer but she’d desperately wanted to be alone: she needed time, time to process what they had told her, the implications, the insinuation in their voices.

She went upstairs and laid on her bed, pulling her knees up to her chest, plumping the pillow underneath her head to get

‘Okay,’ she said out loud, ‘let’s go through this.’ In her
she recalled every part of the incident, the trailer park, the singing, the threats, the way he’d hissed at her. Had she imagined it? She tried to step back and look at it dispassionately but eventually shook her head.
I know what I saw, what I heard.
If it wasn’t Buddy threatening her, then it had been someone else.  The person who had been stalking her.
You know who it is…
The thought made her stomach roil. In the
she could hear the discordant song of police sirens, a sound that made her mouth go dry, her heartbeat quicken.
Mommy’s screams.
Go spread your legs for the deputy, you fucking slut. I got the joy, joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart…

Sarah pulled the pillow over her head and began to sob so much so that when the front door bell rang, she didn’t hear it at first. When finally the sound got through to her, she stumbled down the stairs and yanked the door open. Finn was there, his face wan.

‘Sweetheart…I need you to come found to the station. We need you to answer some questions.’.




Isaac almost groaned when the first person he saw as he drew up to the coffee house was Caroline Jewell. She was standing outside, smoking, and when she saw him she pushed away from the wall and came over to him.  Isaac didn’t greet her or smile; he had no time for this wretch of a human. Her smile was unpleasant, mocking as she walked toward him. He sighed and turned to leave.

‘I just saw your girlfriend.’

Isaac’s shoulders tensed. ‘So?’

‘On her way into the police station. Kind of seemed like she was under arrest.’

Isaac stared at her in disbelief. ‘Man, you have some imagination.’ His talk with Saul had made him feel guilty and stressed out and, now, he could do without Caroline’s spite.

‘It’s true. I could have sworn she was cuffed. You don’t believe me, go see for yourself.’

Isaac stopped, stared at her. Caroline grinned widely, knowing she had him.

‘What you see in that slut is beyond me.’

Isaac’s lip curled in distaste. ‘You really are a nasty bitch, you know that?’

Caroline mocked curtsied. ‘Still, you get tired of Asian pussy, you come see me.’

‘Yeah, hold your breath,’ Isaac muttered as he walked away from the  cackling redhead. He made a mental note to ask Finn again why the hell he’d married such an evil woman.

He walked the block to the station and into the office. The office was empty but he could one of the two interview rooms was occupied and he slipped into the adjoining room to look through the one-way glass. Sarah was facing him, sitting across the table from Finn and
ther detective he didn’t recognize. She looked calm but tired and stressed; her elbow was bandaged and he could see her ear was swollen and bloody. He watched as she wiped a tear from her cheek. Isaac
and went to bang on the interview room door.

‘Jewell! Get out here!’

Finn came to the door immediately and shut it behind him. Isaac caught a glimpse of Sarah’s shocked face before the door closed. Finn pushed him into the other room.

‘Keep it down, Isaac.’

‘What the fuck is going on, Finn? Why is Sarah in there?’

Finn waited until Isaac had calmed down before speaking. ‘Buddy Harte was murdered. She was the last person to apparently talk to Buddy Harte. Although we don’t think it was Sarah who killed him, we still have questions for her. You know how it is, Isaac, I don’t need to tell you this.’

Isaac chewed his lip, rocked back on his heels a little. ‘Is she okay?’ he said finally, his voice softer now. ‘Was she hurt?’

Finn nodded. ‘But just superficial wounds from falling and from having to break into her house. She’s fine. She’s helping us, answering everything she’s being asked. We’re waiting
a female doctor to come do some swabs.’

Isaac narrowed his eyes. ‘You cuff her?’

Finn put his hand on his deputy’s shoulder. ‘No, Isaac. She’s not under arrest, she’s just helping us out. She’s very co-operative, very open. Trust me, there’s nothing to worry about.’

Isaac shook his head. ‘You can’t honestly think she had anything to do with this? And who is that speaking with her?’

Finn hesitated for a moment. ‘I think you should go home, Isaac. I’ll see you in the morning.’

Isaac stood up. ‘I want to see her.’

‘Wait. I’ll see what I can do but in the meantime, calm down.’ Finn clapped Isaac on the shoulder. ‘Look, man, she’s fine, she’s good. Just hand for a few, let us finish up.’


Cabot Marin, the detective from the city, studied her. ‘Sarah, we have reason to believe that Buddy was killed by the same person who is murdered young women in the city. The young Asian-American woman. I’m sorry to have to tell you that the victim resembled
a undeniable

Realization dawned – then horror. ‘Oh God.’ She felt sick.

Cabot nodded. ‘
we can’t be one hundred percent sure, we’ll have to wait on forensics but if we’re right… we need to take samples.’

A sense of dread, of inevitability, hung over her. ‘So I
a suspect.’

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