Read Big Spankable Asses Online

Authors: Lisa G Riley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Stories; American, #African Americans, #Sadomasochism

Big Spankable Asses (2 page)


That night as Lilliana lay in bed she thought back over what she and her friends had discussed and wondered what it would feel like to have a man really know what the hell he was doing in bed. To know what it would feel like to have a man do her real slow, take his time and work her until she cried out in mercy, pleading for him to take it
on her. Make her call his name and like it. No faking, no pretense. A real man would know what she wanted. He’d know just how to handle her.

As her mind brought up images of an unknown stranger’s large hand caressing her, she opened her legs and withdrew the vibrator from her side table drawer and soon a low hum filled the air. She leaned back against the pillows, licked her lips, closed her eyes and allowed her imagination to take over.

Slowly, he’d climb up her body, his dick thick and strong as it slid along the inside of her thigh. As it rubbed against the outer lips of her pussy, the head would be damp with pre-cum before it would thump a happy welcome against the curvature of her belly.

He’d lean down and kiss her. Slowly, skillfully, and completely…kiss her. He’d make love to her mouth like a porn star, sucking and nibbling until the kisses were no longer enough.

She brushed the vinyl-skinned vibrator against her aching, wet pussy, imaging it to be her dream lover’s stiff dick. He’d play with her at first. Tease her wet lips, rubbing and torturing the hidden nub of her clit with the round knob of his penis until she was breathless in anticipation, waiting to see when he’d stop toying and give her what she needed.

Lilliana reached up and lightly cupped a breast in her hand and massaged the large globe and imagined how good it would feel to have a man’s big hand in the place of hers. Lilliana pinched and pulled her nipples until they stood out in stiff peaks while she feathered the rubbery end of the vibrator against her clit. Slowly she eased the broad head of the apparatus into her vagina and groaned out loud as the smooth hardness of being filled to the rim with ten inches of vibrating sensation filled her.

She spread her legs far apart and allowed her knees to fall to the bed as she moved the plastic apparatus, bucking her hips and allowing her mind to imagine a man was riding her…to imagine it was the perfect man, making perfect love to her.

As she ground against the vibrator, she placed the palm of her hand above her pelvic bone and applied slight pressure and soon felt the heady sensation of an orgasm just out of reach. She quickened her pace and roughly massaged her breast and within minutes she cried out long and high as she came.

Once her heartbeat returned to normal and her breathing was once more under control she curled on her side and hugged her body pillow tight.

Lilliana wished with all her might that the sex she’d just had hadn’t been a solo experience and the pillow she was hugging was a real man who’d just made love to her, instead of the fantasy man in her imagination.

A man who knew what to do with a big spankable ass, she thought with a humorless laugh.


hold that elevator!” a low, feminine voice cried. Josh reached out just in time to prevent the doors from closing shut.

“Thanks!” The woman rushed inside the jam-packed elevator, the occupants inside pressed shoulder to shoulder, all trying to make it in to their respective offices before eight

Josh was normally in the office himself much earlier, but he’d had a late start to his day trying to get off the phone with his mother, listening to her badger him about when she could expect a grandchild or two from him.

At twenty-eight years old, marriage and children were nowhere on his to-do list for the near future. No matter what lectures his mother gave about sperm count and his ability to father children decreasing with every year, he didn’t produce a grandchild for her.

As the woman moved inside, Josh’s gaze absentmindedly raked over her small body and an appreciative, purely male smile spread across his face. The elevator was so packed that she’d somehow gotten squashed between a very large guy and the wall, and from his vantage point, he didn’t bother to pretend
to check out her breasts, full and flowing over in the peasant-style blouse she wore.

The blouse pushed them together and the soft-looking, large brown globes were high and firm-looking, her nipples straining against the bra she wore. Josh loved it when a woman’s nipples poked her bra, unable to be contained…the sight was hot as hell. And this woman had his mouth watering when he saw the way her nipples were almost revealed through her gauzy blouse.

She kept her head down and her gaze averted and Josh looked down at the soft curls covering her head. He stopped himself from reaching out to see if her hair was as soft as it looked.

He inhaled, deeply, her fragrance reaching his nostrils. She smelled like a mixture of cinnamon and nutmeg. Either he was hungry from missing breakfast, or she smelled good enough to eat. Either way, she’d caught his attention. The thought of eating her appealed a lot more to him than his healthy rice bran cereal did. He subtly adjusted his pants.

The elevator jostled when the door opened up and as passengers left, more entered the overcrowded space. The woman stumbled when the large guy she was pressed against all but shoved her aside as he tried to get out of the elevator door before it closed.

Josh reached out to help steady her. Her skin felt smooth as butter when his fingers sank into the soft brown skin of her upper arm.

When she mumbled a thank you and glanced up at him, he felt sucker-punched.

It was her.

He’d seen her off and on for the last two weeks and this was the closest he’d ever come to seeing her up close. The first time had been in line in the large cafeteria the firm provided, during a late lunch.

She’d worn a badge clipped to her blouse, so he knew she worked for Longmire, Lieberman and Strauss, the same financial investment firm that he worked for. But unlike the sexy, curvy woman, he didn’t have to wear a nametag identifying who he was. That was something he’d not had to wear since he’d been promoted to upper management.

He’d been two people behind her in line and had done his best to get closer, to get a better look at her. But his uncle had chosen that moment to find him and pulled him away to discuss a new client’s portfolio.

Josh rarely ate at the cafeteria, but after seeing her there the first time, his interest had been piqued. He’d gone in every day over the last two weeks to try and corner the elusive woman who’d captured his attention, and find out her name.

Josh had an appreciation for all women, no matter their race, color or hue…fine was fine. And this woman was fine as
Her skin was the color of rich milk chocolate and her large, light brown eyes—almost too big for her face—were framed with thick, dark eyelashes. His gaze quickly slid down to her lips and he restrained a groan.

Her lips weren’t exactly large, but they were lush enough to send his libido into hyper-drive, imagining what inventive things she could do with them…what he could do

Especially when she pulled the lower, lush one into her mouth with her top teeth and slowly allowed it to pop back out as they stared at one another.

Although they could have only been looking at each other for a moment, Josh felt as though he’d lost track of time, not sure, really, how long he had been staring at her, gazing at that luscious mouth of hers. Imagining how good it’d feel wrapped around him.

He saw the way her eyes widened, as though she were startled. She was staring at him as though he was the big bad hunter and she was prey. He smiled, exposing all his canines, feeling like a hunter indeed. He didn’t miss the way her breath hitched, her large breasts heaved, and her chest filled with fortifying air.

The intense, brief moment ended when she motioned to move away from him. Josh reluctantly released his steadying hands on her shoulders and with a nervous smile, she stumbled away.

Shit. What the hell had just happened? The acute disappointment he felt when she made a move to get off on the next floor didn’t make any sense either, but damn if he didn’t feel it.

She left the elevator, but before she did, Josh noticed that she paused and cast him a look on the sly, from the corner of her eye, before she rushed off the elevator. He canted his head to the side and admired the way her full hips swayed back and forth beneath the long green skirt, before the elevator doors shut, taking her away from his view.

Joshua glanced down and his eyes caught the flash of a silver clip with a name badge attached to it. He quickly bent to retrieve it. It must have come off when she’d been jostled to the side.

Hmm. He knew just who to talk to…to find out more.


Lilliana rushed away from the elevator as fast as her legs could take her, feeling flustered and ridiculous. Here she was, a grown woman of thirty-two…almost thirty-three years and she’d allowed herself to get all hot and bothered just by looking at a man. Okay, so he wasn’t just
any man
. He was a big, blond,
, fine as
man. And she really, really wanted to be done. It had been way too long since she’d felt the caress of a man.

She’d noticed the way he’d been checking her out in the elevator although she’d done her best to pretend as though she hadn’t. The way he’d been staring at her tits, her lips…Lilliana shivered.

She’d taken side peeks at him a few times, but she’d had to look away for fear he’d catch her eyeballing him. She noticed right off the bat how tall he was. He had to be at least six two or three and had a body like a linebacker. His dress shirt had been tucked neatly into the tailor-made slacks, showing off a trim waist, no doubt courtesy of the gym.

His hand had been the one to stall the elevator as she’d made the mad dash to get inside, trying to avoid being late for the second time.

She’d noted how nice the man’s hands had been, with the neatly trimmed fingernails and a barely discernible dusting of hair over the backs. Not too much hair, like a Neanderthal, just enough to be sexy.

When he’d helped steady her and she’d looked up to say thank you, she’d felt like someone had kicked her straight in the gut. He’d smiled down at her and two dimples flashed in his lean, lightly tanned cheeks and she’d offered up a weak smile and hopefully mumbled
back. But in all honesty she hadn’t a clue what she’d said, if anything, as she’d looked into his eyes, feeling like a women in one of the erotic romance books that she secretly read.

Lord have mercy, if he wasn’t fine, though.

He was white, but although it was early in the summer, his skin was a nice golden tan as though he’d spent time in the sun.

His dark blue eyes were deep set and the look in them when he’d held her gaze made her think, for one moment, that she was the only woman in the world. The way he’d given her an almost quizzical half-smile, the flash of dimple and way he’d stared at her mouth, had her imagining what she’d like to do to him with her mouth.

No two ways about it, the man was fine.

“Okay, so you said that part already. He’s fine. Now move on,” she said to herself.

“Hi Lilly! Ooh, girl, thanks! You like my new blouse? I bought it yesterday at Macy’s one-day clearance sale! But don’t tell anyone that. Gotta protect the diva image,” her co-worker said as she passed his desk.

“Lee, you nut, I wasn’t talking to you. I was just talking out loud,” Lilliana laughingly answered.

“Oh poo! I thought you were talking to me!” The Hispanic man made a small moue with his lips and Lilliana reached over and patted him on the back.

“I’m sorry, sweetie! Yes, I like your blouse…although, Lee—women wear blouses, men wear shirts.”

“Um well, not this man. Don’t I look
in it?” he said and promptly jumped up from his chair and did a small pirouette for Lilly and curtsied.

“Of course you do! Now sit down, before Ms. Hillman sees you out of your chair! If you want to get hired on as a full-time administrative assistant, you need to fly a little further under the radar!”

“As if! Girlfriend, all this fineness
can not
be contained.” He laughed and leaned against her partition, examining the nearly clear coat of polish on his manicured hands.

“Lee,” she began.

“Please call me by my diva name. That’s Ms. Leesia to you, ma’am.” He tooted his lips out and gave her an air kiss.

“Do you
to be the stereotype?” She tucked her large hobo bag underneath her desk and started pulling out documents in her inbox to prepare for the day.

“It’s what I do best, sweet thing! Why be a drear queer?”

“I guess,” Lilliana said as she readied her desk and situated herself.

“Life is too short to try and live up to someone else’s expectations of who you should be. Been there, done that, got the friggin’ badge,
” he laughed. Lilliana heard something more than humor behind the laugh. Lee noted the look and answered her unasked question.

“Long story short, I grew up with a father who didn’t exactly take well to his ten-year-old son telling him he preferred Ken over Barbie, and ballet to football. Added to that, there’s the bizarreness of my mother who continually caught me dressing up in her stilettos, makeup,
and panties
. Her only response was ‘It’s just a phase. He’ll grow out of it!’” The happy, carefree veneer dropped from Lee’s handsome face, leaving a disgusted sad look in its place.

“I’m sorry, Lee.”

“No biggie. I’m happy now and my parents are slowly coming around. Eventually maybe they’ll accept who I am. And if they don’t…oh well! I’m not missing Macy’s one day sale for anyone! I’d sell
mi abuela
to get that new Versace blouse I’ve had my eyes on for the last month. It’s going on sale twenty percent off for one…day…only,” he dramatically stretched out the last three words.

“You are so stupid!” Lilliana said with affection.

She and Lee had taken to one another quickly during the last two weeks of her employment with the firm. Lee too was a temporary hire, and like her, he wanted to be hired on full time. When Lilliana had been assigned the cubicle next to his, he’d taken the sole responsibility of hipping her up to what went on at Longmire, Lieberman and Strauss, and the beginning of their friendship.

“But you love me anyway. So what did you and those heffas you hang out with decide to do?”

“About what?” She didn’t bother to check him on calling her girls heffas. He’d ignore her anyway if she did.

“Honey, don’t play with me! You know what I’m talking about! Big, spankable…”

“Sshh, Lee! Someone might hear you!” Lilliana said and stood up at her cubicle and glanced around. She caught the supervisor’s eyes, and quickly sat down. “You’d better sit down, Lee. Ms. Hillman is eyeballing you all the way from her office. And this time, I don’t think she’s got her eyes on your new bag.” Lee swore up and down that the woman was jealous of his collection of Louis Vuitton bags.

“Whatever, chica. I’m not afraid of that overgrown rat.” He talked a good game, but Lilliana noticed he sat down anyway.

“That’s not nice, Lee. She can’t help her overbite,” Lilliana said automatically.

“Braces. How about a nice set of braces? Hmmm? And you know she’s making mucho dinero! The heffa’s been working for Longmire since the Stone Age. Not married, no kids…uh huh, she got money,
, trust me. She needs to use a few of those greenbacks and get her damn mustache waxed…with her ole evil self.” He quickly turned to his work when the woman turned her eyes on him, a deep frown settling across her mustachioed face.

“Lee,” Lilly hissed, trying to make him be quiet. If he kept on, she knew she’d end up laughing out loud and drawing more attention to herself and give Ms. Hillman a reason to come over to their cubicle.

“We’ll talk about this later!” Lee promised in a low voice.

She turned her headset on and listened to Kem croon low in her ears. Music always helped her work go by faster and she was surprised when they were allowed to listen to headsets in the office.

Lilliana happily began on the mountain of statements she had in her inbox that needed to be processed into the computer and bounced a bit in her chair as she worked.

“So…did you?”

“Boy, you almost gave me a damn heart attack! Did I what?” She’d been concentrating for several minutes when Lee plucked one of the earphones away from her ear and asked the question.

He frowned at her and poked out his lips and she sighed. “You are not going to let it go, are you?”

“No, I’m not! I just don’t think you have the balls to actually go through with it, that’s all.”

“Don’t have the what? Pulleeze! I not only have the balls to contemplate it…I did it! I took out the ad!” Lilliana stated proudly. She lowered her voice when a few co-workers turned their heads in her direction at her confession. “And not only that…it comes out in today’s issue of the
!” She smirked when Lee’s mouth literally dropped.

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