Read Big Spankable Asses Online

Authors: Lisa G Riley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Stories; American, #African Americans, #Sadomasochism

Big Spankable Asses (17 page)

“And he didn’t fight you over it?”

“Oh, no,” she said sleepily. “He didn’t want to be with me any more than I wanted to be with him, so it was easy. Hell, it was all over but the shouting by then.”

Nicholas said nothing as she made herself even more comfortable. She shifted again, and he caught a glimpse of the curve of her hip in the mirror. He narrowed his eyes and leaned toward the mirror. “Is that a tattoo?” he asked in surprise and bent over her body to get a closer look.

Half-asleep now, Mel mumbled, “It’s a phoenix…symbolizes my freedom…got it to celebrate divorce.”

Nicholas rubbed the small tattoo a couple of times. She was just full of surprises. He felt her slump against him and knew she was asleep.
She won’t be for long
, he thought, and lifted himself to pull his pants up. He rose with her in his arms to carry her to bed. He scooped up the dress from the arm of the couch, and unwilling to bend so low to reach her panties, he left them on the floor.


elinda woke up to find herself being lowered onto the bed. She grabbed on to Nicholas to bring him down to lie beside her. She turned to face him. “I’m sorry I fell asleep,” she whispered as she traced his mustache with her finger.

He kissed her finger. “It’s all right. You were probably asleep for five minutes at the most.”

“Oh. What time is it, then?”

“About ten.”

“No wonder I fell asleep so easily. I’m usually in bed by now. Well, that and the fact that thanks to you, I’ve had more excitement in one night than I’ve had in years,” she teased with a smile as she tangled her bare legs with his jean-covered ones. She’d expected to feel embarrassed by her nakedness, but felt only contentment.

“Years, huh?” he asked as he captured her lips in a slow, thorough kiss.

“Mmm-hmm. Years,” she managed to whisper when he released her mouth. She arched closer to him as his hand massaged her back, tracing her spine until he reached her behind, which he caressed until she felt the heat that never seemed to quite disappear when she was near him slowly building again in her belly. She stretched into the caress and moved even closer to him, her body automatically seeking the fulfillment that the caress promised. “Why are you still dressed, Nicholas?”

Nicholas arched a brow at the question and sat up. “Because I’ve got a greedy wench in my bed who until now hasn’t given me enough time to really do much of anything but quench her insatiable lust.” He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off.

Mel grinned unashamedly as her hands went to the front on his jeans. “Is that so?” she asked.

“Exactly so,” he said, and completed the job himself, pulling his boxers off with the jeans and tossing them both to the floor.

“Why, that selfish bitch,” she teased as he pulled her into his arms. “Did you at least enjoy it?”

“Mmm-hmm.” His response was muffled against the sensitive skin at the back of her ear. He rubbed his mustache and beard against it and did it again when she shivered with need. “I enjoyed it, and I’m going to enjoy her some more.” His voice was gruff with the strain of holding himself back. Her smell, the little sounds she was making, her fingernails biting into his skin, the picture of intense pleasure on her face when she came earlier were all getting to him, and he eased his hand between her legs to see if she was ready for him. She was drenched. Automatically, he dipped a finger inside, working her clit until her hips were bucking up against his hand. Quickly, he gave her another orgasm.

Mel could not believe how skilled he was at working her into a fever pitch. The emotions rollicking through her body were so intense that she could do nothing but close her eyes and ride them out. She felt his hands on her knees, and eager to feel him stretching and filling her again, she opened her legs for him.
Good Lord, yes
, she thought when she felt his hands at her hips and the thick head of his cock at her entrance. She lifted her hips and felt herself close around that first inch like a fist. She bit her lip to keep a scream of unadulterated joy locked behind her teeth.

Eyes still closed, she accepted his tongue into her mouth when he licked her lips for entrance. She loved the feel of him inside of her, she thought, just before she winced as he pushed another inch inside. She felt him shift so that he leaned over her more. Abruptly, she was reminded of old times and was back to being the old Mel.

Her body suddenly went dry. Her fingers lost their tight grip, and suddenly, instead of Nicholas leaning over her, it felt more like he was looming and she wanted him off of her. Old habits died hard, and without conscious thought, she stopped participating and lay there. “Yes…yes…yes,” she mumbled.

Even in his frenzied state, Nicholas felt the change in her immediately. He studied her. Her face had lost all excitement and lacked expression completely as she just lay beneath him. She mumbled a monotone series of yeses again, and he frowned when the reality of what she was doing hit him. Angry and insulted, he pulled out with a slick sound and moved off her and to her side. “What the fuck are you doing, Melinda?”

He didn’t yell the question at her, but there was no doubt he was furious and wanted answers.

Still caught in the grip of her past, Mel opened her eyes to find Nicholas staring down at her with a scowl on his face. He was livid. She realized what she’d been doing and flinched. “Oh, my God,” she said in horror, and scrambled into a sitting position. She averted her gaze.

“I want an explanation, Melinda. In the past hour, I’ve given you at least three orgasms. Did you really think I wouldn’t recognize the difference between a real one and a fake one?’

“It was four,” she mumbled without thinking, still not looking at him. She risked a peek at him and flinched again when she saw the disgust on his face. Suddenly, she didn’t feel comfortable in her nakedness anymore and looked around for something to cover herself up with. Her voice was stifled when she asked, “May I have something to put on?”

“No.” Nicholas was implacable. “The next thing you’re going to do is explain what the fuck just happened. There will be nothing else until you do.”

Mel looked at him like he’d lost his mind. Defiantly, she pulled at the light spread that covered the bed, prepared to pull it up and wrap her body in it.

“Don’t even think about it,” Nicholas said as he grabbed her hand. “I’m not finished with you yet.”

She tried to snatch her hand away and couldn’t. “What is this? Some kind of perverted payback?” she asked angrily.

“If you like,” he conceded with a nod. The truth was, he knew that her response to him a few minutes before was all about her needing to keep control. The response had probably been automatic, which was all the more reason, as far as he was concerned, to keep her vulnerable now. If this was going to work between them—and he was determined that it was—she needed to learn to give up control during intimacy. She needed to know that she could trust him even when she was at her most vulnerable. “Start talking, Melinda.”

Mel scowled at him. “You can kiss my ass,” she said.

“I will. Later,” he promised. “Now, talk.”

Melinda’s eyes went to the door, and she wondered if she could make it down the stairs to her clothes before he caught her. She felt bad for what she had done and knew she owed him an explanation, but now she was angry with him for treating her like this and just wanted to leave for home and safety. Who the hell did he think he was? She looked at the door again, trying to gauge the distance.

“I’d catch you, so don’t even think about it,” Nicholas said, and trapped her gaze with his when she whipped her head around to look at him. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Seeing that he wasn’t going to give in and feeling completely powerless and exposed, she looked away as tears filled her eyes. She moved away from him until her back hit the headboard, where she raised her knees to her chest and buried her face in them. She wrapped her arms around her legs, wishing she were anywhere but there with him.

Nicholas couldn’t stay angry. She just looked so miserable and alone. He moved closer to her and brushed his hand over her hair several times, letting his fingers massage her scalp. She didn’t respond. He continued to stroke her for several more minutes. “I thought you said you were going to trust me,” he reminded her softly.

She sighed but still didn’t lift her head. “You don’t understand,” she said plaintively.

“You’re right. I don’t understand,” he agreed before sliding his hand between her knees to grab her chin and lift her face. “Make me,” he said softly as he looked into her eyes. He saw that although her lashes were wet, her face was still dry, and used his thumbs to brush the tears away.

“I don’t know if I can.”

“Try. Let’s start with what happened a few minutes ago. What the hell, Melinda? You laid there like a corpse.”

She saw the hurt and the confusion and grimaced. “I’m sorry about that, Nicholas, I really am. It was just habit.”


She nodded. “Edmund and I didn’t have sex until we were married. I’d wanted it that way because of past experience. As you already know, I’ve never had an orgasm until tonight. I figured that it hadn’t happened with my college boyfriend because I didn’t love him. With Edmund, I did love him, or at least I’d convinced myself that I did, and at least I felt those first feelings of heat in my belly with him. It just never got beyond that. Anyway, I thought waiting until after we were married would make the act even sweeter.”

“And he went along with this?” Nicholas asked in disbelief.

“Yes. He didn’t want to, but he did. Besides, we’d only known each other for six months before we got married, so he didn’t have long to wait.”

“Sweetheart, when sex is done right, six months can feel like a lifetime.”

She smirked but continued. “Anyway, the first time we had sex, I didn’t…couldn’t feel anything, and I just laid there until he finished. He didn’t touch me like you did tonight, he just pulled my clothes off and had at it and I hate to say this, but it felt more like an invasion than anything else.”

“The stupid fuck didn’t prepare you?”

She shook her head. “No, but I didn’t demand it, either. I just assumed that he would. I thought it would be like they described it in romance novels and movies; when it wasn’t, I became disillusioned and thought that there was something wrong with me, so I just laid there. He became angry, of course, and told me that…” She stopped there, feeling ridiculous at the thought of telling him exactly what Edmund had said. “Well, uh…let’s just say he said he would keep at it until he made me come. He couldn’t do it, and I got tired of him trying so hard, so I started faking it, which is what you saw tonight.”

“Unbelievable,” Nicholas said.

“I guess,” she said with a shrug.

“But I still don’t understand how that happened tonight. I need you to give me details.”

“I really don’t know how it did. I was really enjoying feeling you inside of me. There were all these sensations that I’d never felt before with anyone else. You were so big, and it felt so tight; then it felt more like you were looming over me and taking over, and I just went on automatic Melinda pilot. I felt like I had lost control, and I wanted it back, so I took it the only way I knew how.”

“Looming over you? That’s when you felt like you were losing control?”

“Yes, and I’m sure I was just going back to old habits. I’d never liked to feel Edmund’s—”

“Don’t even think like that,” he interrupted her. “When I get my dick inside of you again, which will be very soon, it’s going to feel so good, you won’t want me to pull out,” he said as he nibbled at her mouth.

“Really?” she asked between nibbles.

“Really,” he confirmed, and unbent her knees, stretching her legs out. Taking her by the waist, he scooted her down on the bed until she cleared the headboard, then he laid her back against the pillows. “You see, what that idiot Edmund failed to understand is that a woman’s body is like a delicate instrument.” He kissed her forehead and then her eyelids, followed by her nose, her cheekbones, and finally her lips, where he sipped gently at them until she was trying to kiss him back.

He ignored her efforts and continued to move his lips over her, tasting and savoring as he went along. Her chin received stinging little nips, and her neck was treated to a thorough licking and sucking until her legs were moving restlessly against the bedspread. “It’s a delicate instrument that needs to be wooed and worshipped until it willingly, happily, gives up its beautiful music,” he finished, right before he bit down briefly on a turgid nipple, causing Melinda to let out a keening wail and arch her back clear off the bed.

“Like I said,” he stated between the kisses he was trailing across her chest to her other breast, “music.” As he gave her second breast the same treatment as the first, his fingers found their way between her opened thighs. “And if a man is skillful and…” he began as he took his mouth down her torso and back up again.

Melinda didn’t think she could take much more of his torture. His hands and mouth were everywhere, leaving burning heat in their wake. She moaned when he let his finger just barely trace her opening. She wanted to beg when he scraped his nail on her clit and then teasingly took it away. “If a man is skillful
,” she reminded him desperately as she pushed her pussy toward his hand. She knew he wouldn’t let her come until he finished his explanation.

He tongued her navel several times, further stirring the heat that was just below the surface. “If a man is skillful and very, very lucky,” he said as if she hadn’t said anything at all, “he’ll get—” he pushed a finger inside her opening and pressed his thumb hard against her clit, “several encores before the night is over.” He finished just when she started to scream his name over and over again as she began to shatter inside.

Moving quickly, Nicholas removed his finger from her vagina, kneed her legs even farther apart, and slid his dick into her until he filled her to the hilt, taking her legs and wrapping them high around his waist. He watched as her eyes popped open in surprise and felt her begin to stiffen. Eyes narrowed, he took the flat of his hand and gave her a slap to one raised buttock.

Melinda let out a sharp little cry and her eyes, widened by shock and pain, looked into his. She didn’t acknowledge the little shot of pleasure she felt and she slapped at his shoulder. “Stop it!”

“Don’t you dare stop, Lindy.”

When she tried to push away from him, he smacked her ass two more times, right on the exact spot of the first slap. Each smack brought a rush of white-hot pleasure to the forefront and made her squeeze his dick a little more.

Melinda tried to ignore the frisson of pain-induced pleasure the stinging smacks sent through her system.
tried, but her body didn’t, and it was bucking wildly beneath him, leaking out its joy and appreciation all over his plunging dick.
she thought even as a long moan of yearning escaped her throat. She closed her eyes to enjoy the dual shots of pleasure and pain.

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