Read Beyond 10 Nights Online

Authors: Michelle Hughes,Karl Jones

Tags: #Romance

Beyond 10 Nights (3 page)

The beds of flowers and plants that
surrounded the pool, so colorful and exotic, made it seem a scaled down replica
of the pool and waterfall Rhett had taken her to while they were in Mexico.
“There are no words, Sir,” she said softly, not taking her eyes off the
beautiful sight before her.

Setting their hamper down on a small
glass table, Rhett smiled at the look on her face. “None are needed sweetheart,
I’m glad you like my little sanctuary.” It pleased him immensely to know she
enjoyed his garden, his pleasure magnified by the smile that had replaced the
look of sadness she had worn a short while before. “Since I can’t get down to
the islands as often as I would like I decided several years ago to bring a bit
of the islands to my home." He wanted her mind focused on him, and not her
earlier unhappiness, so he rambled on in an effort to distract her.

“I couldn’t do so literally, but it
was easy enough to have this replica made. The only thing missing, aside from
someone to share it with, which I now have,” he pulled her to him and kissed
her tenderly, “is the birds and the music they make.”

Releasing her, he spread the blanket
out on a patch of soft grass and grabbed the hamper, placing it in the center
before sitting down. “Come.” He patted the blanket and smiled up at her,
waiting for her to join him.

Still stunned by the scenery, Leah
settled onto the edge of the blanket, struggling to take her eyes away from the
scene before her. Her attention was drawn back to Rhett when he began unpacking
the hamper. Being with the man she loved, in such a beautiful setting, it was
hard for her to remain depressed.  Determined to forget her worries, for
the time being at least, she watched him, a smile playing about her lips.

From the basket, Rhett took out
filet of beef on baguettes, champagne with crystal goblets for them to drink it
from, salad, and an array of cheeses, fruits, and crackers. As was his nature,
he arranged everything in an orderly fashion, and then looked up to see her
smiling widely. “My girl is pleased with our picnic?”

Laughing softly at how overboard he
went with everything she nodded. “Your girl is pleased with everything you do,

“As she should be.” Giving a little
smirk he poured them both a glass of champagne and handed her one. “To a
beautiful life together.” Smiling as she touched her glass to his, he realized
that enjoying such a simple thing with her was enough to make him happy.

They ate in companionable silence,
sipping at their champagne, and Leah couldn’t help but look up from time to
time, wonder filling her mind. Rhett never did anything by halves, she decided
as she picked up the cloth napkin to wipe her lips when she was full. There was
still plenty of food left, enough for another couple to have joined them
without fear of running out.

“Are you full, sweetheart?” Rhett
asked. He wasn’t full, but his mind was already on another appetite he was
longing to satisfy, and it had nothing to do with eating, at least not food.

The intensity in his eyes made her
shiver, and she found that words eluded her; all she could do was nod. Without
a word, she began placing all the containers back inside the basket as her thoughts
went to the dessert he had promised. His hands on hers startled her and looking
up she found herself mesmerized by his gaze.

“The cleanup can wait.” His smile
was devious as he lifted her shirt without warning; it was over her head before
she knew what was happening and trapping her hands in the fabric of her shirt
he pushed her back to lie on the blanket. His mouth covered hers, and his
tongue delved inside to tease hers.

Leah was overwhelmed by the
suddenness of his actions and could only surrender to his onslaught, while she
struggled to free her hands from their entanglement, wanting to touch him.

“Be still, sweetheart, I’ve got
plans for that beautiful body of yours, and they don’t involve your hands being
available.” He chuckled as her eyes widened, grasped her secured hands in one
of his and with the other he lifted her bra to bare her breasts. His mouth
wasted no time latching on to her pale nipple, which he suckled deeply.
Allowing his teeth to graze across the sensitive peak, he quickly moved on to
the other creamy mound.

Leah arched up to meet his mouth,
and a gasp escaped her lips as his hand moved under the fabric of her skirt and
up her leg. When his long fingers slid under the elastic of her panties and
began caressing her, she cried out softly. Her body was on fire for him the
moment his fingers reached her heated velvet passage, but his touch wasn’t
enough to fill her needs. “Please, Sir!” she begged softly.

Clasping her hands together, he held
them against the blanket and looked down on her, his gaze heated. “Keep those
hands perfectly still, or there will be a penalty.” At her nod, he pulled off
her skirt, aided by the lifting of her hips. He tossed the skirt away with a
negligent flip of his wrist, and followed it with her panties a moment later,
leaving her naked from the waist down.

Clasping her hands together over her
head helped her fight the urge to touch him, but her body refused to remain
still. Despite her best efforts, her body arched into every touch of his hands and
mouth, her heated flesh aching for more. It was madness how quickly he could
arouse her body to heights of passion and desire she wouldn’t have dreamed
existed only weeks before.

“Spread those gorgeous legs,
sweetheart, I want to see what you’re hiding from me.” Standing, he undressed
quickly, watching as she opened herself to him, pleased by how quickly she
followed his orders. “Wider, baby, I won’t let you hide anything.”

Flushing deeply, she spread her legs
as far apart as they would comfortably go, both pleased and embarrassed by the
way he drank her in with his eyes. Never would she have imagined that she would
allow herself to do such a thing, not even in a private room with a locked
door, let alone outside in the middle of the day. She doubted there was much he
could ask of her that she wouldn’t do. Pleasing him, she had discovered,
pleased her.

“Fucking beautiful.” Rhett knelt
between her thighs and quickly found her core with his mouth. Without
hesitation his tongue delved deep inside her. His hands gripped her hips and
lifted her against his mouth as he teased and devoured her essence. He couldn’t
get enough of the taste of her, she was like a glass of cool water to man dying
of thirst in the desert, and he wanted everything she had to offer, and more.

Her breath escaped in short gasps of
pleasure as he continued to drive her insane with bliss, making her come
undone. She didn’t know how much more she could handle as he continued the
gentle assault with his tongue, the sensation almost akin to pain after the
powerful release he’d given her. “Please, Sir!”

Raising his head, he grinned
devilishly. “I will please you, sweet girl, and you will most certainly please
me.” Moving up her body, he held his thick cock in one hand as he guided
himself to the entrance of her core.

Without warning, he plunged into
her, filling her with one long thrust. He loved the way her body held him tight
within her as he rode her, pumping in and out quickly until she found release
for a second time.

No sooner did he feel her body tense
around him, than he pulled out and turned her over onto her stomach. Lifting
her up until she was on all fours he traced his fingers up the inside of her
thigh before dipping them into her core, which was drenched with her passion.

When his fingers were coated with
her juices, he slid them out and moved them to her tight bud. He slowly pushed
one finger deep inside her and gently moved it in and out, giving her time to
become accustomed to the invasion. Once she had relaxed, and he felt he could
do so without hurting her, he eased a second finger in alongside the first,
stretching her.

“I want to cum inside you,
sweetheart, so this ride is finishing another way.” Plunging his shaft into her
core until he had her gasping again, he pulled out and slowly inched inside her
other passage. He had no desire to cause her pain, even though his body was
demanding he ride her to fulfillment quickly.

The feeling of him inside her back passage
made her gasp, and she tried to relax her body as he took her. Unlike the last
time he had entered her anally, the pain was minimal, and she was relieved that
he took such care with his entry. She sighed thankfully when he was all the way
in her and stopped moving.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” He
wanted her to enjoy the experience, and loved the feeling of taking her in such
a way, but if it was too painful he was prepared to stop.

She nodded slightly, still unused to
being invaded in that fashion, but determined to please him. It was a strange
experience to feel so full of him, but not altogether unpleasant.

“Words, sweetheart, remember you
have to tell me what you feel,” he reminded her softly, even as his body was
demanding release.

“I’m fine, Sir,” she whispered

Those were the only words he needed
to hear, and slowly he began riding her. The tightness of her was almost
painful on his swollen cock, but he enjoyed every delicious moment of it. One
hand held her hips steady while his other moved round to play with her clit
piercing. He was close to release, he could feel it building, and he wanted her
with him when that moment came.

The touch of his fingers was all it
took to make Leah forget about the slight discomfort of being so filled by him.
Soft moans escaped her lips as he thrust into her harder and deeper, and her
body flooded his finger with her juices as he toyed with the piercing he had
decorated her with.

The clenching of her muscles during
orgasm squeezed his cock deliciously and he came undone forcefully, filling her
with his seed. Her tight chamber milked him dry, and he felt the world go dark
for a brief moment before finding reality again.

As slowly as he had entered her he
withdrew, removing his now flaccid cock from her tight glove, and moved to lie
on his back, pulling her with him. “Damn, sweetheart, you love me in just the
right way.”

Breathless from their exertions,
Leah rested her head on his chest, marveling at the sensations this man, her
man, was able to bring out in her. When he shifted, sitting up and bringing her
with him, she couldn’t help uttering a soft moan of disappointment.

“I wish I could stay here and love
you all day, but I have to get back to work.” Caressing her cheek briefly he
quickly finished packing up the rest of the picnic. “Tonight the dungeon is
open again;” he told her, “so make sure you get some rest. This will be your
first time as a participant; you will need all of your energy.” Standing, he
waited until she had moved off the blanket and then folded it, with her

Leah wasn’t sure how she felt about
their private place being opened or about him expecting her to be involved. She
couldn’t deny that she had asked him to be her Master, as well as her lover and
fiancé, and if he wanted her in the dungeon then she would be there. As they
made their way back through the maze on their return to the mansion, she knew
that tonight would test her resolve.









Leah managed to grab a few hours’
sleep after Rhett left for work, which gave her scattered emotions time to
settle. Her life was undergoing so many changes, so quickly, it was a little
overwhelming. The only thing she was certain of just then was that she was
living life to the fullest.

As she got out of bed, she found herself
wondering if David and Janie were going to show up, or if her argument with
Janie would keep them away. Taking a quick shower she found that thought
pressing on her mind more and more, as well as how her argument with Janie
would affect things between Rhett and David.

The thoughts overwhelmed her mind
and she paced the floor as she attempted to calm her thoughts, to no avail. She
was marrying a Master, and the dungeon would become part of her everyday life,
but somehow she knew that part of her life would grow easier with time. 
The whole married thing was really what concerned her. What if she wasn't a
good wife, she worried? Maybe he would grow bored with her and decide he needed
something more than she could be for him. Sitting on the bed she tried to get
her thoughts under control.


When Rhett arrived home, hours
later, Leah was in a state of complete panic, and he quickly picked up on it.
“Are you having second thoughts about the dungeon tonight, sweetheart?” He
hoped that wasn’t the case because it was so much a part of who he was. While
he was willing to give it up for her sake if necessary, he worried that the
lifestyle was too much a part of him to ever abstain from altogether.

“I’m a little nervous about being in
public that way, Sir, but no, that’s not truly the problem.” She quickly
explained her concerns about Janie to him, leaving out her thoughts about not
being good at the whole marriage thing. “It's not just that, Sir; I don’t have
anything to wear at the moment, other than what I have on at the moment.” In
all honesty, she thought, the dungeon tonight was probably the least of her
concerns, even if the thought of being put on display for his friends terrified

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