Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2) (37 page)

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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“Please say something Karen.”

“I … I don’t know what to say to you Jason.” And I don’t know what to say. Every time I think I have all the pieces to the puzzle he hands me ten more to fit in with the original one. When I learn something new from him, I can help but question everything about him. Or if I can really and fully trust him. 

“Be angry with me. Tell me how much you are pissed at me for keeping this from you. Tell me I am a monster for killing my son’s mother. Say anything. I can’t take the silence from you.”

I can hear the desperation in his voice. I can tell he is worried how I will react. But suddenly everything he has told me makes sense. This is why he continued to work for that horrible and sick bastard. He had to keep this secret to keep his son safe. And the only way for him to do that, was to pretend everything was as it was. I hate knowing this. I hate that Jason had to do all those horrible things, but at the same time, I would do the exact same thing if that were my child at risk. 

“I wish you would’ve told me this before. It all makes sense to me now.”

I see Jason rub the name Julian that is tattooed on his chest. I look at him in confusion for a second and then it clicks. Julian is his son. 

“Julian. That’s your son’s name isn’t it?”


I fall back against the couch. This is not how I imagined the rest of the night going. I never thought Jason’s past would come back and hunt us down. Literally.

“I still think you should go to the police. You don’t have to give up yourself to save him again. I will help you. I will be there for you every step of the way.”

“That’s not all Karen.”


“If I don’t go, not only will they kill Julian, but they will kill you as well and they will want to do things to you…things that I cannot let happen. And without you, and Julian, I won’t survive. You have to leave. Go pack your things. You have to go now.”

“Jason, I’m not going anywhere. I am not leaving you knowing you need me right now. How can you ask me to leave?”

“Because Karen! You can’t fucking die!”

I get off the couch and walk over to him. I see his fears. I know he wants to protect me, but sending me away will not help him. I need to be here for him. I need to show him I can be strong for not only myself, but for him as well. I wrap my arms around him and I pull him close to me. He gives in and does the same with me. We stand in the middle of the room just holding each other. 

“I’m not leaving you.”

He sighs as he says, “Why are you so fucking stubborn?”

I chuckle at his choice of words. “I don’t see it that way. I just want to be there for you. I help you tame your darkness and you know I do.”

Jason sighs and he seems to accept that I am not letting this go. He holds me tighter almost as if he is afraid if he lets go even a little, I will somehow disappear. He kisses my forehead and slowly pulls away from me. He leads me to the couch and he pulls me in his lap. I straddle him, and wrap my arms around his neck. I run my fingers through his hair and he relaxes for me. I love that I can help him come back from almost going over to the dark side. I love that with just a touch from me, I can instantly calm him down and make things even a little bit easier for him. 

“Tell me about Julian.”

He looks at me curiously and he nods his head. He doesn’t respond right away. I want to think he is thinking of what to say about his son. I want to think he knows his son well enough to tell me about him. I can’t imagine having a child and not being able to see him or her every day or hell, even talk to them. 

“Julian is a remarkable kid. He is very smart, witty, and he has the best personality that I have ever seen. He looks just like me, it’s scary sometimes knowing how much we resemble each other. Marcus was able to get him into a small town school, far away from Dominic, and his teachers love him. He stays with Marcus’s younger sister and she takes great care of him when Marcus or I can’t be around. I wasn’t always there for him, but with the help of Marcus I haven’t missed much. At least that’s what I tell myself. He really is a great kid, and I hope one day you will want to meet him. He’ll love you.” 

“Of course I’ll love to meet him.”

Jason spends the rest of the night talking about Julian. He tells me how sweet and caring his is to the other children in his class. He tells me that Julian loves dogs and every time Jason goes to see him, Julian begs almost to the point of crying to have one. The way Jason tells me about the way Julian can draw extremely well at such a young age makes me want to see him more and more. Everything about this little boy warms my heart. I feel as though Jason is worried Julian will turn out like him, but I know that isn’t the case. Jason will do whatever it takes to keep Julian safe and to have a happy and normal childhood. All I have to do is think about what all Jason has put himself through just to make sure Julian is safe. I have to admit, I am sort of jealous that Jason has a child by another woman. Not that he was really with someone else, but they created another life together. But then I think of the horrible way she died, and how she is missing out on her son’s life. It makes me want these things with Jason, and that thought scares me just as much as it excites me. 



I wake in a jolt. I must have fallen asleep listening to Jason talk about his son. I am lying in the bed and I don’t even remember coming to bed. I smile knowing that Jason is the reason I don’t have a cramp in my neck from sleeping on the couch. I get up and do my morning routine, and I put on some new and fresh clothes. 

I walk out of the bathroom and I can hear Jason talking to someone. I tell myself not to panic, and not wanting another round of fighting with Jason, I walk out to see Jason talking to Frankie. What the hell is he doing here? They both turn and look at me. I am so confused right now. 

“What are you doing here Frankie?”

I see Jason shake his head and Frankie thinks a few moments before he answers me. 

“Oh you know, I come here all the time. Just wanted to enjoy the beach.”

“I know you’re lying Frankie.”

Frankie looks back and forth to me and then to Jason. He must see I am starting to get pissed off. I know Jason is up to something. I know that Frankie wouldn’t lie unless Jason told him to. 

“I’m just … going to go … somewhere else.” Frankie says as he walks off the porch and heads towards the beach. 

I glare at Jason. He does the same to me and I fight the urge to yell at him and demand what the hell he is up to. 

“Please tell me there is a damn good reason is to why Frankie is here.” I ask in the calmest voice I can muster right now. I feel like Jason is trying to do something behind my back again. All he has to do is talk to me and we can figure out what to do. Whatever the problem that is. 

“He’s here because I asked him to come. He’s doing a favor for me.”

“Okay. Why did he lie to me?”

“Because you’re not going to like the favor I asked him to do for me.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Jason walks over to me and touches my cheek with his hand. 

“Do you trust me?” He asks so low that I barely hear him. 

“Of course I do.” I tell him honestly. I know he has done some horrific things, but as long as I can see him doing good things and trying to be a better man not only for me but himself, I will trust him. 

He kisses my forehead and before I know what is happening, I feel something sharp pressing into my arm. I look down and I see Jason pushing a needle full of drugs I assume, into my shoulder. I look at him shocked, and utterly confused. As the drugs take effect, I hear him tell me he is sorry and there wasn’t any other way. 

Then my world turns dark. 


I lay Karen down on the bed and I think that I have made yet another mistake. I look at her, and I wish she would’ve just listened to me and left when I asked her to. I didn’t want to resort to drugging her again, but I knew she wouldn’t leave. I knew she would fight me tooth and nail to stay and help out any way she could. It’s just to fucking risky for her to be around me or this fucked up shit. I need her back in California safe and away from this. When she wakes, I know she’s going to be livid. But what other choice do I have?

Frankie walks in and he looks at me with concern. He didn’t agree with my choice to drug Karen, but it wasn’t up to him. His only purpose is to get her back home and keep an eye on her until I can come back to her. 

None of this would be happening if only I had done the job I was supposed to do. 

Everything is all fucked up and twisted now. Now more than ever. All I can think about is keeping Karen safe and finding where Julian is. I’m not as worried for Marcus. If they didn’t kill that bastard then he will show up eventually. 

I walk into the closest and I grab Karen’s bag. I have everything ready to go when she fell asleep last night. I put her to bed and tried to come up with a better plan but this one is the only one I could come up with. I hand the bag over to Frankie and I walk over to the couch. I run my hands through my hair hating myself for the choices I have made recently. 

“You better head out. The flight leaves in an hour.”

Frankie walks over to me and sits down beside me. 

“You sure this is what you want to do?” He asks. 

“It’s already done. Just keep an eye on her for me.”

Frankie nods his head and he takes the bag for Karen and walks out to his rental. I get up and walk over to Karen. She looks peaceful sleeping from the drugs I used on her. I lean down and I pick her limp body up and I carry her to the car. I hold her close to me, savoring the feel of her body close to mine. I don’t know when I will be able to do this again. I don’t know if I will even come out of this hell alive. Frankie opens the back door and I gently put her inside. I shut the door and I step away from the car. I nod to Frankie and he gets in and shortly after, he drives off. 

A part of me dies a little seeing them drive away. I don’t know for sure if I will even make it back to her. I can only hope this Vincent guy is true to his word. 

I turn and walk back into the cabin, regretting everything I am about to do.


As I slowly start to wake, I have to blink a few times to figure out where the hell I am. I slowly open my eyes and take in my surroundings. The last thing I remember, I was at the beach. Now, I think I am on a plane. My mind is so foggy. Nothing is making sense right now. I see strangers all around me sitting in seats. A few have headphones on, a few are asleep, and I hear kids crying. I look to my left seeing we are up in the air and I can see the clouds. Yep, I am on a plane. How did I get here?

“Here, I got you some water.”

I turn when I hear the familiar voice. I see Frankie sitting beside me, and he is holding a bottle of water out for me to take. It makes me think of a peace offering. He shakes it in front of me and I grab it and I gulp it down like I have been dying of thirst. 

Once I catch my breath from drinking so fast I ask him, “How did I get on a plane? What the hell happened?”

“I brought you here. Jason asked me to take you home and keep you company for a while.”

I take in what he tells me and like a bad memory that won’t stop repeating itself, it all comes back to me. Jason hiding something, Frankie lying to me, and then Jason stabbing me with that damn needle. I let my head fall back on the seat and I try as hard as I can not to be pissed at Frankie. I know he is only doing what Jason asked, but I feel betrayed.  Yet again.

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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