Read Believe: The Complete Channie Series Online

Authors: Charlotte Abel

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Witches & Wizards, #Paranormal & Urban

Believe: The Complete Channie Series (45 page)

It was illegal for an underage mage to touch any magical book, much less use one to cast spells. Not only had they used the Book of the Dead, Channie had stolen it. “It’s in my backpack.”

“Well, at least it’s not with Prudence and that idiot she married. We can be grateful for that.” Aunt Wisdom got out of bed and said, “Go get it and meet me in the kitchen.”

Channie set her backpack on the pine bench and pulled out the book. She unwrapped it and set it on the kitchen table.

Aunt Wisdom traced the blackened letters that spelled out ‘Enchantment,’ with her finger tips then gripped the corner of the cracked leather cover.

Channie grabbed her hand and said, “Don’t open it. It’ll curse you too.”

“I need to read the exact words of the spell.”

“The words have already disappeared. Josh took pictures with his phone and I copied it into my journal.”

Aunt Wisdom smiled and said, “That was very creative. Do you have your journal?”

Channie retrieved it from her pack, turned to the page where she’d recorded the first spell then handed it to Aunt Wisdom.

After what seemed like an hour but was probably only five minutes, Aunt Wisdom closed Channie’s journal and said, “This doesn’t make a bit of sense. The book promised you and Josh a love pure and true if you manage to break the curse with a chaste kiss, which you did—congratulations on that by the way. It even demands you bind your hearts with no regrets—which means marriage. But then it contradicts itself and tells you to marry a royal mage? It even seems to have provided one upon your arrival. I’m obviously missing something.”

A rustling sound in the loft drew Channie’s attention. Josh was awake. He leaned over the rail, introduced himself and shared his adultery theory with Aunt Wisdom. He’d obviously been spying on them.

To Channie’s amazement, Aunt Wisdom agreed with him. “It didn’t say you and Josh have to bind your hearts to
each other
, it just says you have to bind your hearts.”

Josh said, “I’m going to need someone to zap me with a...what’s it called—”

“… be-calm spell?” Aunt Wisdom nodded. “I can do that. So can Hunter.”

“Yeah, a be-calm spell. But you better be the one to do it. I still want to beat the crap out of Hunter, but at least I don’t want to kill him anymore. That’s progress, right?”

Aunt Wisdom smiled at Josh and said, “Yes, that’s progress. Has the book given you any clues about the person you’re supposed to marry?”

Channie’s joints turned to water. She slumped into a chair and covered her face with her hands.

Aunt Wisdom seemed to read her mind. She turned towards Channie and said, “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. The book provided Hunter for you, I’m sure it will find the right girl for Josh.” So much for mind reading abilities.

Josh climbed down the ladder and said, “I’m not going to marry anyone.”

“Didn’t the book demand you bind your heart as well?”

“Yeah, but it also told me to not let any other girls lead me astray.” Josh skipped the last three rungs and hopped off the ladder. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and read from the screen…

Son of darkness, heed this advice,

Forsake all others that might entice

And lead astray with a wanton smile

The foolish boy they wish to beguile.


Burn the image in your heart and mind

Of true love’s kiss, and surely you’ll find

The strength and the will and the power to keep

The promise you made so your love would not weep.


“I promised Channie that I would do everything in my power to make her happy. And I don’t think she’d be very happy if I married someone else.”

Channie said, “I can’t stand the thought of you with another woman. It’s ten times worse than thinking about what I have to do with Hunter.”

Josh said, “I really wish you wouldn’t have shared that with me.”

“The thought of Hunter touching me makes me want to puke, but all I have to do to satisfy the book’s demands is lay there and endure it. You wouldn’t be able to do what you need to do unless you wanted to do it. I can’t stand the thought of you
another woman.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about it, because there will never be any other woman for me.” Josh clapped his hands and rubbed them together, signaling the end of the conversation. “Something smells good. I’m starving.”

Aunt Wisdom lifted the lid off the pot and said, “I hope you like possum stew.”

A rim of green circled Josh’s mouth and darkened the skin under his eyes.

Channie lifted the tea towel off the water pitcher on the table and poured him a glass. “She’s kidding. Aunt Wisdom buys her groceries at WalMart in Whistler’s Gulch.”

Aunt Wisdom said, “I haven’t been able to get into town lately, but that’s a long story.” A long story she obviously didn’t want to tell in front of Josh. “And I didn’t make the stew, Hunter did, so I can’t say for sure what’s in it, but it smells like rabbit.”

After gulping down three helpings of rabbit stew and half a pan of cornbread, Josh volunteered to do the dishes. He was down right fascinated with the hand pump next to the sink—Daddy’s idea of indoor plumbing—and the mason jar full of dish-and-laundry flakes shaved off a bar of homemade lye soap.

Aunt Wisdom told them to “be good” then disappeared into Momma and Daddy’s room with an armful of fresh linens.

Josh bumped Channie’s hip with his and said, “Do you remember the first time we washed dishes together?”

“Of course. Supper at my house, when you finally believed I was telling the truth about magic.”

“It’s hard to believe that was only two and a half months ago.” He handed her the cornbread pan.

She handed it back. “You missed a spot.”

“I feel as if I’ve known you my whole life.”

Channie swallowed around the lump in her throat and nodded.

Josh stared past his reflection in the kitchen window and said, “I can’t imagine life without you.”

Agony knifed through Channie’s heart. She gripped the edge of the countertop, but a soft gasp escaped her throat. Had he changed his mind...about sharing her?

He unstopped the sink and dried his hands on a dish rag. Even with the window closed, Channie heard the water splashing into the frozen garden outside. It was a very short pipe.

Josh pried her hands off the counter then kissed the ring on her finger. “If the book makes it clear that I’m supposed to marry someone else, I have to do it. The only thing more important than your happiness is your safety. So...if I break my promise, will you still be able to keep yours?”

A sense of dread pressed down on Channie’s body, as if Heaven itself were determined to grind her into the ground. Josh had already sacrificed so much for her, how could she deny him anything? “Yes, I’ll keep my promise.”

Josh wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “We still don’t know what the Book of the Dead intends to do with either of us. Try to get some sleep. Maybe a solution will present itself before the full moon.”

“I don’t want to sleep with Aunt Wisdom.”

“I don’t want you to sleep with her, either.”

Channie and Josh waited until Aunt Wisdom fell asleep, then crawled into the loft and cuddled up together. He spooned his trembling body around hers and silently cried himself to sleep.

Channie was too distraught to sleep, too numb to cry. Her brain was on an endless loop replaying the words of the spell without offering a single solution.
True love’s kiss will set you free...bind your hearts...a royal mage you must wed...the things you lose are forever lost...Heed the warnings, but be not discouraged.

She shivered even though she was fully clothed and under the blankets with Josh. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Nothing between her and the cold, blue moon peeking over her window sill, pouring its light through her ice-glazed window. 

She studied Josh’s face as he slept. His lips parted, softly, like a child’s, but the tears that still glistened on his lashes and the furrowed creases spanning his brow revealed the depth of his grief. She skimmed her fingertips across his forehead, smoothing the wrinkles, but as soon as she lifted her hand, they returned.

Glints of steely-blue shimmered in his curls, like moonlight on black water. Stubble shadowed his cheeks and softened the angle of his jaw. Channie inhaled, drinking his scent. It was muted by dust and sleep, but still intoxicating.

She was only sixteen, but no woman had ever loved a man this completely, this deeply, this...desperately. 

Their time together was running out, Channie was going to make every second count. She wouldn’t cross any lines that might endanger him. She would go to her wedding bed a virgin as the book demanded—if not entirely chaste. But she intended to memorize every line, every angle, every muscle of his perfect body before facing her ordeal with Hunter. If Josh wanted to do the same, she wouldn’t stop him.

“Channie.” Josh’s voice was barely a whisper, but it startled her. “What are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing?” She’d thought it was fairly obvious.

Josh grabbed her wrists and sat up. “We can’t do this. I won’t risk your life.”

“I’m not trying to seduce you.”

“Were you asleep?” He wrapped his arms around her, but did not pull her onto his lap.

“No. I was not asleep.” Her cheeks and ears burned with shame. If spontaneous combustion were possible, she’d already be in flames. “I just...I wanted...I needed ...” She couldn’t find the words to express what she was feeling, but Josh understood.

“Me too, baby, but we can’t. It’s not worth it.” He kissed the top of her head, laid down and pulled her onto his chest, but when she tried to slide her leg across his, he grabbed her knee and said, “No.”

Don’t make me beg.

“Channie, you’re torturing me.”

This was worse than when she’d assaulted him in the bathtub. She’d been under Chastity’s influence and the spell of Josh’s shield. She didn’t have an excuse this time. She said, “I’m sorry,” kissed Josh’s cheek then lifted the covers to climb out of bed.

He grabbed her waist and said, “Stay.”

She laid her head on his chest and listened to his heart until the cold, grey light of dawn invaded the loft.

Channie climbed down the ladder the next morning, Aunt Wisdom was waiting for her. She sat down at the kitchen table and nodded at the chair next to her. Channie sat down, folded her arms across her chest and waited for the lecture. But instead of scolding her, Aunt Wisdom laid a hand on Channie’s knee and said, “Ordinarily I’d say that whatever you two do together is your own business, but I can’t in good conscience let you risk your safety, or Josh’s. Not when there’s dark magic involved.”

Channie sighed and said, “We’re both virgins. All we did was sleep.”

“Did you forget what the book said? ‘
A royal mage you must wed before you share a lover’s bed.’

“I shared my lover’s bed last night and nothing happened.”

“Josh is your true love, but he isn’t your lover until something
happen. I don’t like meddling in your personal business, but I don’t trust that book. I don’t want you to sleep with Josh again until after you marry Hunter.”

Channie blinked then shook her head.

“Strange rules, I know, but these are strange circumstances. You can sleep with me in your parents’ bed.”

Channie scowled. She didn’t want to sleep in that bed until she had to.

Aunt Wisdom misunderstood her reluctance and said, “Don’t worry, I changed the sheets as soon as Hunter left.”

After breakfast, Aunt Wisdom grabbed the gunny sack hanging from a nail by the front door and handed it to Josh. “Why don’t you two go check the traps. Hopefully we’ll have some meat to add to the stew.”

Josh stared at the sack in his hands as if it already held a dead rabbit and blanched. “You...trap...animals?”

Aunt Wisdom chuckled. “They don’t exactly hop into the pot of their own accord.”

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