Read Believe: The Complete Channie Series Online

Authors: Charlotte Abel

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Witches & Wizards, #Paranormal & Urban

Believe: The Complete Channie Series (128 page)

“Actually… Wisdom left right after Diego died. My dad and Liz are fostering the triplets.”

“But…they’re empties. They won’t be able to handle the boys’ magic.”

“I made shields for them. CoCo promised to keep them charged.”

“Wow. You’ve really taken charge, haven’t you?”

“I delegate a lot.” Josh didn’t want Channie to start feeling guilty for keeping him away from his ‘destiny.’

Channie sighed and returned her head to Josh’s shoulder. “Where are you going when Vengeance comes back?”

“Don’t worry about me, babe. Hunter and I have it all figured out.”

Channie sat up and frowned. “That’s supposed to reassure me?”

Josh laughed then kissed the tip of her nose. “Have a little faith, okay?”

“Can you at least tell me your plan to keep yourself safe?”

“It’s better if I don’t. You are a hostage after all.” He trailed his fingers up and down her arm. Josh froze when he realized what he was doing.
Stop over thinking every little thing
Channie will tell you to stop if she doesn’t like it.
“We don’t want to give Vince a reason to torture you for information.”

Channie squeezed her eyes shut and fisted her hands. “I hate this!”

“Do you want me to cast a relaxation spell on you?” Josh pried her fingers loose and rubbed circles on her palms.

“No. Just keep touching me. That helps more than any be-calm spell ever could.”

Josh’s heart jumped at the thought of ‘touching’ Channie. He still needed to take things slow, but that was going to be hard to do with her sitting on his lap. Especially since he could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Damn. Think of something else.
“Hunter said this place is fully stocked. How about we make some popcorn and watch a movie?”

“I’ve got a better idea.” The tip of Channie’s tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip.

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Josh couldn’t have pried his gaze from her mouth if his life depended on it.

Channie stood up and tugged him to his feet. “Let’s make cornbread.”

Josh had a hard time hiding his disappointment. He kept his face averted as he dug through the cabinets, looking for a mixing bowl and a square pan while Channie searched the pantry for the right ingredients. She claimed she didn’t need any measuring cups or even a recipe. Josh found a set of nested glass bowls and set them all on the counter. “Will one of these work?”

“The middle one.” Channie barely glanced at the bowls then pointed at the oven. “Can you set that to about three fifty?”

“We’re at a much higher altitude. You might need to make some adjustments to the recipe.”

Channie frowned, puckering her lips.

Josh wanted to kiss her. No. He
to kiss her. A purple haze seeped out of his stomach. He sucked the lustful energy back inside but not fast enough.

Channie arched her eyebrows then smirked at him.

Josh pretended he hadn’t noticed her reaction, even though the heat creeping up his neck indicated otherwise. He set the oven then cleared his throat. “You need anything else?”

“I…um…need to go get something in the loft. Promise to stay in the kitchen?”

“Just tell me what you need and I’ll go get it.”

“No. That’s okay.” Channie’s cheeks turned pink. “I’ll be right back.”

When she returned, she was wearing different clothes. Jeans and a sweater replaced the baggy sweats.

Josh hopped his butt onto the counter and watched her mix all the ingredients. She looked so damn cute with a smudge of flour on her cheek. Who knew that cooking could be so freaking sexy?

Channie dipped her fingers into a can of shortening and smeared the goo inside the pan.

Josh reached over and swiped the wooden spoon out of the bowl. He hummed with pleasure as he licked the batter off.

“Josh!” Channie yanked the spoon away from him, leaving a glop of shortening on the back of his hand. “I wasn’t done with that.”

He grinned as he slid off the counter. He crept closer, stalking her.

Channie’s eyes narrowed as she backed away from him. “Don’t even think about it.”

He grabbed her around the waist with one hand and smeared shortening on her cheek with the other.

She squealed and writhed as she tried to escape his grasp. “You’re asking for it, buddy!”

“Give it your best shot, shorty.”

Channie managed to work one arm free. She plunged her hand into the bowl of batter then showed him her dripping fingers.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

She lunged for his head.

Josh ducked to the side, but she still managed to get a small amount of batter in his hair. Most of it landed on his neck. Quite a bit of it dripped inside his shirt, down the front of his chest. “I should make you clean that off with your tongue.”

Channie’s pupils dilated. She licked her lips but didn’t say a word.

Josh had no idea why he’d blurted out that highly suggestive comment, but it was a little late to take it back. He didn’t know what to say so he just stared at her. The silence stretched out until it grew uncomfortable. When Josh couldn’t stand it any longer, he said, “The batter has raw eggs in it. I don’t want you to get salmonella.”

Channie blinked then dropped her chin. “Why don’t you go get cleaned up while I get what’s left of this in the oven?” She patted his cheek and smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

Josh waited for her to slide the pan into the oven then brought his right hand to his chest and touched the star sapphire through his sticky shirt. He called up a small amount of energy and focused on his desire to clean up all the mess, not just what was on him. The air hummed with magic. Batter, flour, cornmeal, sugar and shortening floated off every stray surface, whirled into a mini-tornado then disappeared down the drain in the kitchen sink with a

Channie’s mouth fell open. She touched her cheek then stared at her fingers. “You cleaned me with magic?”

Josh shrugged, suddenly embarrassed. He didn’t want Channie to think he was showing off. “It’s no big deal.”

She looked around the kitchen with a growing expression of awe. “Everything’s clean…even the bowl and spoon.”

“It’s easier than doing it by hand.”

“Aren’t you tired?”

“Not really. Should I be?” Josh knew that magic could drain you, but honestly, he felt even more energized than before he’d used the cleaning spell. Just being near Channie was like being plugged into a light socket.

“After a spell like that? You should be exhausted. You should probably go lie down for a while.”

“Now that you mention it, I am a little tired.” He stretched and faked a yawn, hoping she’d join him.

“Come on.” Channie took him by the hand and led him into the master bedroom.


She squeezed his hand then tugged him closer and pressed a quick kiss to his mouth. “Why don’t you take a nap while the cornbread is baking?”

Josh fell backwards onto the bed, taking Channie with him. “I said I was tired. Not sleepy.”

Her eyes widened in surprise then sparkled with delight as she fell onto the bed. “What did you have in mind?”

Josh rolled them both over, so he was on top, nudging her legs apart with his knees. He’d done it without thinking. Instincts taking over again. But nerves replaced instinct as soon as he realized what he’d done. He kissed the tip of her nose then flopped onto his back. He hid his eyes behind the crook of his elbow.

“Josh?” The tremor in Channie’s voice wrapped around his heart and squeezed. “Do I need to brush my teeth or something?”

He lifted his arm and found her sitting hunched over on the edge of the bed, hiding behind her curtain of hair. “No. You’re fine. You’re perfect.”

“Then what’s wrong? Why don’t you want to be with me?”

Josh sat up and brushed her hair over her shoulder so he could gaze into her emerald eyes. “I thought you wanted to take things slow this time.”

“I never said that.” She lifted her chin. She wasn’t crying, not yet, anyway. Her breath hitched. “You did.”

She was right. He hadn’t insisted they ‘take things slower’ for her benefit. It was for his. He needed to stop worrying about whether or not he made a fool out of himself. This girl loved him enough to marry him—
enough to have his baby
. She wanted him. She
him. His insecurities were making her believe he wasn’t attracted to her.
I don’t care whether or not I can remember our wedding night.
I just want this to be good for
. I want to make her happy.

Magic stirred in Josh’s gut. He still didn’t remember having sex with Channie, but he didn’t need to. All he needed to do was give in to the joy of loving her.

“Come here.” Blood roared behind his ears as he kissed her. She moaned into his mouth then pulled away. At first, Josh was confused. But he figured out what she wanted when she wove her fingers through his hair and tugged his head to the base of her neck.

He lifted her onto his lap so that she was straddling him then trailed kisses up and down her throat. Her skin smelled like soap, but tasted sweet as honey. He’d never made out with anyone before, well, not that he could remember anyway. He’d never understood the desire to suck on a girl’s throat so hard it bruised her—until now. He refused to mark Channie, but damn, she tasted good.

She tugged on his shirt.

He broke free just long enough to yank it off then crushed his mouth against hers. He slid his hands under her sweater then trembled when his thumbs brushed the lacy lower edge of her bra. Her ribs were so prominent he could count them. That got his attention. He broke the kiss and lifted the hem of her sweater.

Channie misunderstood his intentions and pulled it the rest of the way off.

Josh’s gaze shifted to the front of her chest, but he was too concerned about her health to let it linger there for more than a second. He skimmed his fingers over her ribs. “When’s the last time you ate a decent meal?”

Channie folded her arms under her breasts, making them swell out of the top of her lacy, hot pink bra. “I’m not hungry.”

Josh shook his head to clear out the lust and forced his gaze to her eyes. “When was the last time you ate?”

“I had a couple of snickers bars and two cans of Dr. Pepper before Hunter got here.”

“Are you kidding me?” Didn’t she care about their baby? Maybe she just didn’t understand the importance of good nutrition during pregnancy. “You can’t just eat candy and soda.”

“You can go get me some fried potatoes from McDonald’s tomorrow.”

“French fries aren’t healthy.”

Channie gave him a playful shove. “I’ve got a ways to go before I start getting fat.”

“Give it a couple of months.” Josh dropped his gaze to Channie’s flat stomach.

Channie’s eyes flashed. “You better just shut up and kiss me before you dig that hole you’re in any deeper.”

Josh wouldn’t get anywhere by making her angry. He’d bring Channie some pamphlets or maybe go buy her a book about how to have a healthy pregnancy.

She grabbed his wrists and guided his hands to her back, right over the clasp of her bra.

The damn thing refused to cooperate but Channie didn’t seem to mind as Josh fumbled around with the hooks. If the way her body arched against his wasn’t proof that he was doing something right, the little noises escaping her throat were.

When the hooks finally sprang free, she dug her fingers into his back. The bite of her nails stung, but it also felt good. Channie stood up and slid her bra off her shoulders.

Josh’s mouth fell open. “You are so beautiful. I can’t believe you’re mine.”

“I’m yours all right. But that means you also belong to me. Stand up.”

Josh’s body hummed with excitement as she traced the waistband of his jeans with her fingertips. She popped the button then tugged at his zipper.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head. He grabbed her wrists. “Wait a second.”

Channie smiled and moved her hands to her own jeans. She unbuttoned the waistband then paused, blushing. “I didn’t have any clean clothes with me. The stuff I found in the chiffarobe isn’t what I would have picked out for myself.”

Josh’s voice was rough as gravel. “You could wear a potato sack and still be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I better be the only thing you’ve ever seen.”

“You are!” Josh gulped a quick breath. “I promise.”

Channie bit her lip, but kept her gaze locked on Josh as she lowered her zipper then wiggled out of her jeans, leaving her in nothing but a pair of barely-there panties that matched the bra on the floor.

“Holy sh—” Josh stopped himself just in time. The last thing he wanted to do was defile this perfect moment with profanity.

Channie blushed but didn’t hide her body as she stepped closer. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of Josh’s jeans then slid them down past his knees.

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