Read Bedding The Billionaire (Bedding the Bachelors Book 3) Online

Authors: Virna DePaul

Tags: #Bedding the Bachelors Book 3

Bedding The Billionaire (Bedding the Bachelors Book 3) (30 page)

The ball had started rolling as soon as Lucy had contacted the event planner recommended by Melina. Ariana Castillo had her own reality show and had become famous by taking people’s thoughts and dreams, mixing them with their personality, and turning them into the most fabulous, awe-inspiring parties anyone had ever seen. She was normally booked at least a year in advance, but Jamie’s father was somehow involved in the production of her show, so she’d happily put Lucy’s event at the top of her list.

When Lucy had called her, the voice on the other end of the line sounded too young for a woman who’d been planning high-profile parties for the last decade. When Lucy told her that, Ariana had laughed and said, “I guess the party lifestyle keeps me young. Do me a favor, Lucy. Close your eyes and tell me what you envision for this party.”

And Lucy had, starting with the fact she wanted it held not at a posh hotel but someplace old Hollywood, like a sunset ranch. Ariana had taken everything from there, checking in often with Lucy to make sure the event came out the way she wanted. They’d enlisted the talents of some of Los Angeles’s best caterers, florists, and set designers, and sent out hundreds of invitations after Brianne had helped her with the guest list.

Now, the time had come for what Lucy hoped would be one of the most talked about engagement parties L.A. had seen in decades. A reality star with the initials K.K. was even rumored to have tweeted about it.

It was less than an hour before the event began. She knew Jamie was coming because he’d sent in his RSVP. She couldn’t wait to see him and the expression on his face when he walked in. She wanted him to love it. She wanted him to still love her. And she hoped and prayed he’d see the party for what it was—her over-the-top pledge that she was committed to blending their two worlds—their two
—to create one incredibly fun, passionate, and unique life together.


* * *


As the limo pulled into the long driveway leading to the Dandelion Ranch, Jamie stared at the invitation Lucy had sent him. Against the elegant black background, the fuchsia embossed lettering read, “Lucy and Jamie.” Then right underneath it read “Engaged” in white scroll lettering.

He smoothed his fingers across the one word, telling himself the tightness in his chest was solely excitement, but he knew some of it was nerves. Not because he doubted Lucy, her commitment, or her ability to put on a spectacular event, but because after talking to Brianne, he knew who else had been on the invitation list, and he didn’t want anything or anyone to put a damper on the joy of evening. Lucy had invited not only his immediate family and her mother and father, but their families’ family and friends. Hell, even Gretchen and dickhead David had made the list. And Rachel and Michael, when as far as Jamie knew, the only time she’d met them was at that one disastrous encounter at the café on Coronado Island.

The driver pulled up front and Jamie stepped out of the car. The exterior of the ranch house was rugged and well maintained, but there were no fussy trappings announcing an engagement party was taking place inside. When he opened the door, however, he could see the outdoor patio and how it had been transformed…

“Oh, my God,” he said in a breathless voice.

From behind him, he heard Lucy say, “Is that a good, ‘Oh, my God,’ or an “I want to run back outside’ one?” she asked.

He turned around to face her. “I’d say that is the best, “Oh, my God,” I’ve ever uttered, but it’s not true.”

Her beautiful eyes flashed with worry. “It’s not?”

“No. Because I hadn’t seen you yet.” He twirled his finger so she’d spin around.

She looked glorious.

She’d put her nose piercing back in and wore a black and fuchsia dress that reminded him of a pin-up girl. The neckline was cut low, but not plunging, and it maintained a scalloped pattern all the way around the back. The silky material ended just below her upper thighs, where about two-inches of orange petticoat peeked out. Her shoes were orange, and her bag was a plaid of black, orange, and fuchsia. She’d colored her hair red again, and she’d pulled the sides back and pinned it with a bright orange flower.

Jamie didn’t know much about fashion, but he suspected most women couldn’t pull off such a dramatic, intensely-colored look.

His Lucy did it beautifully.

“Now that I’ve seen you,” he said, “Oh. My. God. Words can’t express how wonderful you look to me right now. And I’d say that if you were wearing a raggedy tarp.”

The worry left her eyes, and they sparkled with joy. “Right back atcha, Professor. Now…” She held out her arm. “The guests haven’t arrived yet because I wanted you to see it all first. But they’ll be here soon. May I escort you outside?”


* * *


As Jamie hooked his arm through hers and they walked outside, she saw the party decorations as if for the first time through his eyes. The colors around the room matched the invitation—black, white, fuchsia, and bright orange. Market lights had been strung up, and at sunset they would transform the party from an evening cocktail party into a magical nighttime dance in the wilderness. All the linens and chairs were black, grounding the vibrant outdoor space. The cardboard vases used to create the centerpieces were also black and blended in with the tabletop so that the color of the vibrant pink and orange roses, dahlias, and daisies, popped right off of the table.

There was a fully stocked bar, and waiters in black uniforms and orange and fuchsia ties passing appetizers on trays. The appetizers were classy, but playful—things like dirty martini skewers, crackers with pesto tapenade, spicy stuffed mushrooms and French fries served with spicy ketchup.

One table was covered with orange paper cones filled with strawberry cotton candy and the bar was serving a special drink made of vodka and orange cream club. The dessert table was filled with handmade cookies decorated in matching colors with some even bearing the monogram “JL.” There were orange and pink cupcakes with sugar flowers that matched the fresh ones on the tables.

A wooden dance floor had been set up in one corner with orange and pink planks interwoven into the brightly polished wood. The band had set up on a black stage adorned in orange and pink flowers and ribbon.

“Will the fairies be coming out when the sun goes down? Because this is all so magical, I wouldn’t be surprised at all. But there’s two thing’s missing.”

“What’s that?”

He slipped his hand in his pocket and pulled out the engagement ring. She immediately held out her hand and he slipped the ring on her finger. She stared at it for a moment, admiring the beauty of the ring that Jamie had picked out for her.

Because she knew without having to be told that he’d picked it out for her specifically.

He took her hand, lifted it to his mouth, and kissed her palm. Then he said, “You haven’t kissed me yet, sweet thing.”

“Well, we need to take care of that…”

Lucy stood on her toes, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him, putting every drop of love and happiness and excitement she felt into the act. By the time she pulled away, they were both breathing heavy. Jamie’s hands wandered her back and the top of her ass, and he leaned his forehead against hers. “You sure the guests will be here soon?”

No sooner did the words leave his mouth than they heard Brianne shout, “Oh, my God! Lucy, it came out even more beautiful than I expected!”

They turned to see Brianne, Jamie’s parents, Gabe, Ryan, Cole, and Luke stepping on to the patio. Brianne had insisted she send Eric an invitation, but he’d never even RSVP’d, which worried Lucy. From everything she’d heard about him, neither his actions on his wedding day nor the ignored party invitation fit who he was. But she wasn’t going to bring that up now. Maybe later…

After that, the guests began arriving in droves. Lucy greeted them warmly whether she knew them or not, or whether she liked them or not. Tonight was about celebrating her and Jamie, but it was also about proving to him that she was willing to do whatever it took to fit into his world without changing who she was.

At one point, she looked up to see Rachel and Michael approaching. Jamie didn’t look at her, and he didn’t say a word, but the way he squeezed her hand let her know that he was one hundred percent there for her if things got ugly.

“Jamie, what a quaint little place to have a party. Was this your idea?”

“No, Rachel, the party was all Lucy. She did an amazing job.”

Rachel scanned Lucy from top to toe and said, “Oh, hi Lucy. You blended in to the background there, so I didn’t even see you at first.” She laughed. When no one else did, she said, “Oh, my goodness, I was kidding. Can’t any of you take a joke?”

“Was that what that was, Rachel?” Jamie asked. “Because it sounded more like a put down and if it was, you can leave right now.”

Rachel’s eyes widened and her face turned red. “No, it really was a joke, Jamie.” She turned to Lucy, “I’m sorry, Lucy, if I offended you.”

Lucy just smiled. “Have a good time, Rachel.”

“Let’s go find a seat,” Michael said, dragging her away.

Jamie squeezed her waist. “I appreciate all this more than I can say, Luce, but you have to know, life with me isn’t about you having to hang out with jerks and take it. If someone hurts or insults you in my presence, I certainly won’t let it go, and if I’m not there, you’re free to go all spunky pants on whoever you need to.”

Lucy giggled. Honestly, while she’d been tempted to roll her eyes at Rachel’s failed attempt at humor, it hadn’t bothered her beyond that. It was as if, with Jamie by her side and his ring back on her finger, she was made of Teflon.

A few minutes later, however, Lucy saw her own mother and father approaching and felt that old, familiar tickle of apprehension building in her stomach and chest. It settled when her mother grabbed her in a hug and held her tight. When she finally let go, she had tears in the corners of her eyes. “Thank you for including us, Lucy. This is beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

Lucy felt tears fill her own eyes. It had been over fifteen years since her mother had told her she was beautiful.

“Thank you for coming, Mom. We’re so glad to have you.”

Lucy’s father stepped up next. He didn’t look at her dress or her shoes or her hair. He looked directly into her eyes and said, “Thank you, Lucille. You have no idea what this means to us.”

Lucy stepped forward and hugged him, and after a few seconds he relaxed and hugged her back.

There were over two hundred people in attendance by the time the guests stopped arriving and the party got into full swing. Mason’s parents and his sister never showed, and Lucy hated that Milly wasn’t there, but Jamie’s entire family, Grace and Max, Melina, Rhys, and the twins, most of Jamie’s friends and co-workers and their dates or significant others, and at least a hundred others, both rich and not so rich, mingled together beautifully. When the sun went down and the pink, orange, and white lights came on over the dance floor, the band fired up and the real fun started.

And that was when Jamie took her into his arms and danced the night away with her.





Jamie stood at the altar waiting for his bride, his best man and groomsmen by his side. Across from him stood Brianne and (Jamie still couldn’t believe it) Rachel, who shock of all shocks, had become one of Lucy’s good friends during the past year.

Jamie looked across the expansive grounds of his father’s estate to the spectacular ocean view and marveled at how far he and Lucy had come.

After things between him and Lucy had been settled, she’d turned her focus on Milly. Since Mason’s family had continued to be rude and uncooperative, she’d taken them to court. Standing in front of a room full of people, including several who’d made her feel “less than” for a lot of years, she told the judge how much she wanted to honor her sister’s wishes by taking care of Milly. She argued she’d make a great guardian. She told the judge how much she had accomplished since she’d emancipated at sixteen years old, including putting herself through college to earn advanced degrees. She detailed her teaching achievements and provided letters of recommendation from almost a hundred co-workers, friends, and family, including Lucy’s mother and father. She admitted she liked to have fun, but said that made her well-rounded and an even better role model for Milly.

The judge granted Lucy full custody with the right to decide visitation with the rest of the family as she saw fit. When she finished kissing Milly and hugging Jamie, she told Mason’s family they could visit as often as they wanted.

Her parents were at the wedding, although Lucy had asked Melina and Grace to walk her down the aisle. Her father had rolled his eyes when he’d heard that news, but he was sitting in the front row and every now and again even had a hint of a smile on his face. He and Lucy would continue to butt heads, but at least they were trying. Willing to fight for a better relationship for a change.

Jamie heard the sound of the wedding march and turned to see his bride coming down the aisle. She wore a traditional white gown that had wide, satin straps over the shoulders, was fitted in the bodice and waist, was covered in lace, and had a huge skirt with a ten-foot train. On her head she wore a wreath of white orchids, and in her hands she carried a bouquet of the brightest red and purple roses he’d ever seen. They matched the six-inch heels she wore under the dress, and with each step she took everyone could see a flash of red or purple.

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