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Authors: Bethany Bazile

Beautifully Revealed (15 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Revealed
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Anger rages through me.

I want find Damon and make him pay for
hurting her.

I knew she had secrets and a
past she didn’t like to talk about, but I never imagined she’d been through so much. I carried her back into bed and watched as the tears trickled onto the pillow as she relives a time in her life that changed her. She’s my beautifully broken angel and the need to protect her is fierce. If I could take away the burden of her pain, I’d carry it through life with no regret.

was corrupted and marred by the realities of evil at a young age. If I knew what Damon had done to Ella when I saw him that night, I’m sure I would’ve ended up in a cell. He put a huge roadblock in her path in life and it seems she’s still struggling to clear the damage and travel on. I’m glad she finally let me in, but my intense feelings of anger and vengeance make me wonder if I was better off in the dark.

Our pett
y disagreements are in the past. I know she needs stability in her life and that’s the one thing I can offer her right now. I’ll carry her through the darkness and somehow we’ll find the light together. If Cayden is what she needs to truly heal, I won’t stand in her way.

“What are you thinking?” she asks shyly.

I sigh before pulling her closer into my body. “I’m thinking about how amazing you are,” I say while caressing her silky hair. “I’m thinking about how I admire your strength. You’ve been through so much, but you still manage to be one of the strongest women I’ve ever met.”

Her body relaxes against mine
, and I think she may have thought I wouldn’t accept her after this revelation, but she couldn’t be more wrong. “I love you, Ella”

“My dad used to call me
Ella. It always makes me feel loved when you say it.”

“You are loved.” S
he tucks her head under my chin and I breathe in the smell of fresh fruit coming from her hair. I hold her for hours after she’s fallen asleep, wondering what I can do to give her the life she truly deserves.




I jerk awake from a deep sleep. My heart is pounding and my balls are near exploding. Ella’s beautiful eyes are watching me as she works my cock deep into her warm mouth. Shit. I’m already near coming. She licks the swollen head with her warm tongue while her hand jerks up and down the shaft.

Her tongue slides along the slit, drinking the pre cum seeping out
, and I can’t watch anymore. I drop my head to the pillow and clench the sheets as I strain to keep control. Her warm mouth envelops me as she takes me deep and she chuckles as my leg twitches. She has me this time. I’m fighting a losing battle and we both know it. A few more vigorous hand movements and firm flicks of that wicked tongue and she gets what she wants.

Oh!” I grit down on my teeth as spasms of pleasure race up and down my spine, shooting out of my cock like a jet stream into her mouth. I gasp for air, trying to calm my racing heart. Ella continues to gently lap at my sensitized balls causing jolts of unbearable pleasure. I’m not sure if I want to pull her off or keep her down there forever.

She crawls up and lays her soft body over mine, nibbling on my ear
, and caressing my skin. I grab her face and bring her lips to mine for a crushing kiss. She’s been gone too long and nothing compares to waking next to her in the middle of the night.

deepens the kiss, her tongue sliding with mine as she rubs her wetness along my shaft. Within minutes she has me hard again and I’m lifting her hips and seating her on my rigid shaft. Her tight sheath grips me as she rocks her hips over me. I hold on to her hips to keep her from riding me as hard as she wants to. I control her movements to a rhythm that keeps my pulse pumping without bringing me over the edge.

The silk of her skin, the smell of her hair,
and the feel of her warmth around me is all consuming. The moonlight from the windows dances across her face, and I watch her expression of ecstasy. I’m in awe of her utter beauty. The heady smell of our love fills the room. Her breasts sway and her erect nipples brush against my chest.

bites down on her lips and moans loudly as she rides the first wave of her orgasm. Her pussy tightens on my cock and I close my eyes to the pleasure. I pump up into her, chasing my release. I can feel her biting on my neck then licking on my nipple. The tingling in my cock explodes in her as she moans her approval into my ear. I shiver as her breath tickles my sensitized skin and I can feel her smile widen against my neck. I hold her tightly, completely lost in my love of her.

“Thank you,” she says
, kissing my face.

“For what?”

“For not treating me differently. For not seeing me differently.”

“Why would I treat you differently when I still love you the same

Chapter 14




“To my beautiful daughter,” my dad raises up his wine glass, his eyes shining with love and pride. “Ella, you’ve been an amazing daughter and a father couldn’t be more proud. In less than two months you’ll be off to college and the world will be at the palm of your hand. The love I have in my heart for you will go with you wherever your journey takes you. As a graduation gift, I had this made for you.”

He hands me a velvet covered box and my hand trembles as I open it. My heart stands still as I look at the object in the box. I pick up the cool shiny piece of rock and look up into my dad’s eyes with unshed tears
that threaten to burst free.

“When you were six we went to beach and you decided we should imprint our hands in the sand
, but then you got so sad when the water washed it away. You said to me ‘Daddy why can’t our hands be together forever?’ That night I made an imprint of your hand while you were sleeping. I had this imprint of our hands made so we could be forever together. I just had to wait till you were old enough to understand what this means.”

Tears roll down my face as my dad pulls me into his arms. Applause breaks out across the room filled
with people here to celebrate my graduation. In the circle of my father’s arm I feel safe, I feel loved and cherished. But an undeserving feeling sets in. The little girl he loves disappeared years ago. He has no idea who I am, the things I’ve done. The one person in this world who loves me doesn’t even know me and it leaves me feeling empty inside.

I wake
at dawn, shaking from my dream. I haven’t dreamed about my dad in years and sadness envelops me when I think about how much I miss him. I glance over at Liam and he’s watching me curiously. He pulls me into his arms and his comfort eases my shaky nerves.

“Are you okay?”

I nod my head, but I’m not sure what else to say. I don’t know where to start, so I just blurt it out. “My dad’s in jail and it’s my fault.”

Lately, Liam’s been unusually silent when I reveal a piece of my past. It’s as if he’s afraid I’ll shut down if he makes a comment or question
s me. Knowing he’s not going to push me I continue: “The night after my confession to the police, he went looking for Damon. When he found him they argued, which led to my father beating Damon with a bat he had in his car. Damon would have died if it weren’t for Damon’s dad coming home and stopping him. My dad was arrested and Damon was in a coma for three days.”

What my father did weighed on me for a long time. I thought of all the things I could’ve done differently, all the ways I could’ve kept everything from imploding.
I was a coward for not exposing Damon years earlier and my father was paying the price.

“Your father did what he had to do to protect you, and I’m sure he doesn’t regret it.”

“I did nothing to save him, when I could’ve. I should have.”

Liam holds me until I begin to drift back to sleep, but I fight it off, knowing the memories filling my head will seep into my subconscious dream.





10 years earlier



“Drop the charges.”

“Why would I ever do that? Your son raped me for years and now my dad’s paying the price.”

“If you ever want your father to see daylight, you will drop the charges against Damon.”

He has my attention.
I’d do anything to free my father, even fall at Damon’s mercy again.

“Drop the charges against Damon and I’ll make sure the charges against your father disappear.”

I know he’s capable of fixing this mess. I’m sure he tried his damndest to get his son off, and if he’s coming to me it’s his last hope.

“You have
forty-eight hours to change your statement. You tell them Damon never hit you. Tell them that you fell down the stairs or something. I don’t give a fuck what you say just get him off before he gives his statement about your father to the cops.”

You already gave the police a statement about what you saw my dad do.”

“I’ll take care of that, a
ll you need to worry about is getting my son off.”

The next day when I go visit my dad
, I’m already certain I’m going to take the deal. “I’m going to get you out of here, Daddy.”

My dad frowns at me through the glass partition between us. I’m at the back
of the dark, hallway-like room. A row of stools are lined up in front of a Plexiglas wall, a table bordered with two pieces of plywood offers us minimal privacy. My dad doesn’t belong here. The guilt is worse when I see his disheveled hair and overgrown beard. My dad was a sharp businessman, now he’s in a jumpsuit and shackles.

“How are you going to do that?
” he asks through the phone he’s clutching to his face.

I’m going to make a deal with Mr. Porter.”

He slams his hand down on the table and immediately shake
s his head. “No. No. No, Ella.”

, listen I’m going to the station to recant my statement. I don’t care what I have to say. I’m getting you out of this place.”

“I don’t care if I have to spend the rest of my life in here as long as that son of a bitch rots in here with me.”
He’s angry and he’s not thinking rationally. How am I supposed to leave him in here when I’m holding the key to his freedom in the palm of my hand?

“Ella, you are not going to do this.”

“Do you understand what will happen if I don’t?” I shout at him. “You know Damon’s dad is a hotshot lawyer, he’s about to be a judge. If I don’t do this, he’ll make sure you get the max sentence. I talked to a lawyer and he told me they’re charging Mom with reckless endangerment so Mom is going to testify that I was in a consensual relationship with Damon and they have a videotape to prove it. The most Damon will see is five years for third degree aggravated assault while you could be stuck here for fifteen years for trying to protect me.”

He stares at me for a few silent moments
, and just when I’m sure he’ll see the light he shakes his head again. “I failed you baby girl.” Tears shimmer in his eyes. “I should’ve protected you from Damon and your mother. I knew your mother never wanted kids but I forced her into it anyway. I thought she would grow to love you as much as I do. I never dreamed she would do this to you.”

“I stopped caring about
Mom’s love years ago. All I care about is you, and I won’t let you rot in here for my mistake.”

“Don’t say that,” he
whispers, moving his face closer to the glass window. “None of this is your fault. I failed you, your mother destroyed you, and Damon abused you. You’re still my princess and I’m not going to fail you again.”

My hands are shaking and my heart is pounding in m
y chest. I know I will defy him. Whether he wants me to or not I have to get him out of here.

“I can see it in your face. Y
ou think you’re going to go behind my back and do this.”

“I have to
!” I scream at him.

“You w
eren’t there when I found Damon. You didn’t see what I saw in that man’s eyes…” He puts his head down and rubs his eyes before looking back at me. “He’s a man obsessed. He told me if he can’t have you, then he’ll make sure no one does. He’ll come after you if you get him off. I don’t care if he only gets five years. That’s enough time for you to get lost and make sure he never finds you.”

I know how Damon feels
, but that doesn’t change my need to free Daddy. He shouldn’t have been pulled into this ugly mess in the first place.

“Tomorrow I’m going to send a man named Stephen Brooks t
o see you. He manages my assets. He will set you up with money and everything you need to disappear. By the time Damon sees daylight you will be long gone. In the morning I’ll plead guilty and take your name off the visitors list. I don’t want to see you here again.”

The tears begin to fall out
of my eyes before I realized they had formed. Fear grips my heart, but I’m also in awe that he would go to such lengths for me. “Please, Daddy,” I say through my sobs. “Can I at least come back and visit you?”

“No. He’ll find you if you if yo
u’re constantly coming back here. Take the money and disappear. Go to college, make friends, and fall in love. You deserve a normal life and I’m going to give it to you.” I watch him hang up the phone and stand up with wide eyes. He turns to walk away and my hand springs forward. I knock rapidly on the window. He glances back at my tear-stained face and I point frantically at the phone he just hung up. He sighs heavily before picking up the phone again.

“I can’t make it without you,” I say in a weak voice. I’m terrified of being alone
in this world.  He was the only thing keeping me sane all these years and now I’m supposed to walk out into the world alone?

“You were the strongest little girl, fierce too,” he smiles at the memory
, but I can’t relate. I’ve never felt strong. “You’ll be an even stronger woman. Go take the world by storm. I love you, Ella.”

“I love you too, Daddy.” This time when he hangs up the phone he doesn’t look back.

The last time I saw Daddy he sacrificed everything for me. I came back to see him two more times, but I was turned away. He had done as he said and removed me from the list. So with one bag on my shoulder and a couple million dollars in a bank account, I left Florida and ended up in Chicago.

BOOK: Beautifully Revealed
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