Read Beautiful Outlaw Online

Authors: Emily Minton

Tags: #Biker

Beautiful Outlaw (16 page)

“I’m here now.”

I move my head, looking around Bowie.  It only takes a minute for me to realize who the man is.  He has the same blue eyes as Bowie, but they are cold.  There is not a hint of warmth anywhere in this man.   Everything about him screams danger, just being around him sends a shudder down my spine. For years I have been scared to death of making Marcus mad, but something about this man makes Marcus’ anger seem almost benign. 

Before I can move back into my hiding spot behind Bowie, he levels his cold eyes to mine. A menacing smile spreads across his face, as he winks at me.  “Who’s the hot little piece you got hiding behind you?”

Bowie’s body shifts, completely blocking me from the man’s view.  “She’s mine, that’s all you need to know about her.”

“Well, now.  I didn’t get a good look, but I’m damn near sure I didn’t see a patch on her.”

“I’m fuckin’ sure I didn’t see a patch on that bitch you claimed.”

A harsh laugh fills the air around us.  “That cunt’s not getting my patch.  I told you a long time ago, boy.  There’s not a bitch alive worthy enough to wear my colors.”

Anger vibrates off Bowie, when his father calls him boy, but his voice doesn’t change.  “She said you claimed her.”

“I claimed her mouth, her pussy, and her ass.” The man says with a snicker.   “That’s doesn’t make the bitch my Old Lady.”

“You might want to let her know that, before she runs her mouth too much.” Bowie says, still shielding me from his father. 

“She can say whatever the fuck she wants, as long as she keeps servicing my dick.”

Bowie stays silent, not responding to his comment, but that doesn’t keep the man from going on.  “Now, if that one you got there isn’t wearing your patch, I want her in my bed.”

The thought of being anywhere near this man has bile rising up in my throat.  “No.”

My voice is soft, but Bowie hears it.  Without hesitating, he slides his vest off his shoulder and slides it on me.  Then, he turns back to his father.  “She’s wearing my colors now.”

A chuckle reaches my ear, before he responds.  “I’ll let it slide this time, but she better have your patch next time I see her.  If not, her ass will be under me.”

The men go silent for a minute, before I hear a door open then slam shut.  Instantly Bowie turns around and looks down at me.  “Stay the fuck away from him.”

My mind is rushing with everything that just happened. In the course of the last few days; my mom is gone, and Bowie decided to move me from Nina’s. Then there is the fact that Bowie claimed me, which I still don’t really understand what that actually means.  To top it all, I’ve met the devil incarnate. Of course, I’m going to stay away from him.

When I don’t respond right away, Bowie reaches down and wraps his hands around my arms.  His fingers tighten, causing a slight sting.  “I mean it, Shay.  If you see him, go the other way.  Do not talk to him, don’t talk to anyone else about him, just stay the fuck away from that bastard.”

Fear fills me as I give him the words he needs.  “I promise.”

My Property


I lead Shay into the clubhouse, anger causing my hands to shake. How fuckin’ dare that bastard make that play?  There’s no doubt in my mind he was trying to force me to claim her publicly.  Well, fuck him.  I plan on doing it anyway, so might as well get the shit done. 

We step through the door, and I feel Shay move closer to me.  Her side is plastered to mine; it’s like she is trying to disappear.  Not fuckin’ likely, when every set of eyes in the house are on her.  The music is so loud that I can barely hear myself think and the smell of stale beer assaults my nose. 

I slam the door as Rollo comes rushing towards us.  “We got a problem.”

I lift my chin to him but give him a slight shake of my head, letting him know now is not the time.  I move to the side of the room, pulling her behind me, and jerk the cord from the radio out of the wall.  Immediately, the room goes quiet. 

I wait until all eyes are on me, before I push Shay in front of my body. She tries to pull away, but I tighten my grip and lean down to whisper in her ear.  “Don’t move.”

My voice has her shaking; her fear is so strong that I swear I can taste it, but this shit has to be done.  Putting my hand under her chin and lifting her eyes to the crowd.  I run my other hand up to cup her breast, making sure the boys get my point, as I start to talk.  “Take a good look, brothers.  This here is mine.  If I even hear of one of you laying a finger on her, I will fuckin’ kill you.”

A few hoots and hollers fill the room, but I ignore them. I look around, just to be sure everyone understands.  “I claim her as my property.  She’s my Old Lady. Stay the fuck away from her.”

With that, I lower my hand from her face and place it on her arm.  I pull her along as I make my way to my room.  As soon as I step inside, I slam the door.  Looking down at her, I lay out the rules.  “Never fight me in front of those boys, and I mean fuckin’ ever.  If you don’t like what I do, tell me when we’re alone.  Throw all the sass you want behind closed doors, but never show anything but complete respect in front of them.”

Her face is hard.  Instead of the tears I expected to see, her eyes are burning with anger.  “So, I can say whatever I want right now?”

Her voice comes out in a hiss, as she crosses her arms.  Every inch of her is vibrating with fury, and she looks hot as hell.  I nod, trying not to crack a smile.   “Yeah, any fuckin’ thing you want.”

She lifts a hand, point a finger at my chest.  “Next time you decide to treat me like a piece of meat, give me a little warning.  Tell me you’re about to parade me in front of a bunch of bikers and let them look their fill.  Don’t scare the hell out of me like that.”

“Is that all?” I ask, still working to keep my laughter in check. 

She moves forward, her finger now poking me.  “I’ll treat you with respect, but you are going to do the same for me.  I’ll play your little lap dog in front of your friends, but you better not do something like that to me ever again.  If you do, I’ll be out of here and back at Nina’s before you can even blink an eye.”

The humor of the moment dies a fast death, and I reach down and grab her.  Walking her back to the bed, I push her down and climb over her.  As I cage her body below mine, I start to speak.  “Never fuckin’ threaten me again.  You’re not going to Nina’s or any damn where else.  You’re mine, and you better never forget it.”

The anger in her eyes is replaced with fear as she says, “I don’t think I can do this.  I lived too long being controlled by a man.  I can’t go through it again.”

I know she’s about to break, too much has been thrown at her; I gentle my voice. “I don’t want to control you, Shay.  I just want to protect you.  I had to do that shit out there. If not, every boy in the club would have been after you.”

“I don’t want any of them though.”

I lean down, placing my forehead against hers.  “They wouldn’t give you the chance to say no.”

Her arms latch on to mine, holding me tightly.  “They would’ve raped me?”

“They would’ve done whatever the fuck they wanted.  If you’re here and not claimed, they won’t even consider it rape.  They’ll look at you as club pussy, and they’ll think it’s their right to take you.”

“Club pussy?” Her question is filled with disgust, but just hearing her say that word has my dick hardening. 

“Most of the women you saw in there are club pussy.  They are here for the brothers to use as they see fit.  They don’t get much of a choice in who or how they fuck.”

“Oh my God.” She gasps out.  “Those poor girls.”

I pull up from her and look into her eyes.  “No, baby.  Every single one of them wants to be here.  They chose this lifestyle.”

“Why would someone want that?” She asks, her question sincere. 

“Some of them just like to be fucked; others like the money.  When they work the club, most of the boys are generous.  We don’t have to pay for club pussy, but we don’t let our girls go without.”

The anger is back when she asks, “We?  You sleep with those women?”

“I did, but I won’t be anymore.” I give her a lopsided grin as I run my hand between our bodies and cup her between the legs.  “I got my pussy right here.”

Not giving her time to respond, I lower my lip to hers.  “And I want some of it right now.”

His Colors


I look up to him, fear still strumming through my body.  “I think we should talk about this a little more.”

“We’ll talk after I fuck that sweet pussy.” His hand works between my legs causing my jeans to press into my sensitive flesh. Each press of his palm steals my breath. I’m torn between trying to pull away and working my hips into his touch.

His teeth scrape along my jaw until he reaches my lips, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth. He bites down enough to make me gasp, but not enough to cause any real pain. He uses my moment of distraction to his advantage and thrusts his tongue past my lips, instantly tangling with mine. I’m quickly swept away by his fierceness until my tongue is fighting with his for dominance.

My anger fuels the feral need I have to show him I’m not some possession, but as his hand works my pussy over, the fear and anger melt away. Somewhere in the back of my mind there is still a protest; something is telling me I should stop this, but no matter what that little voice says my body knows who is in charge.  It’s ready, willing, and needy for Bowie.

“Fuck, baby. I need you naked,” He says, while deftly working the button on my jeans. I sit up enough to shrug off the leather from my shoulders, his hand pushes me flat on my back again, showing that he is in control.

His lips are everywhere, my neck, the swell of my breast, his teeth sink into the softness of my stomach, pulling my t-shirt up to bare my midriff to his mouth.  Then his tongue is trailing down while his hands push under my bottom, grabbing the waistband of my jeans and pulling them down my thighs. His hot mouth lowers until his breath is right against the silk of my panties.

“Damn, you smell so fuckin’ good, Shay,” He groans out, while burying his nose into the wet material. The heat of his breath surrounds my sensitive nub and my breath hitches. I’ve never felt anything like it before and I’m overwhelmed from the pleasure.  His mouth is suddenly gone as he pulls my shoes from my feet, throwing them to the floor; my pants quickly follow.

Those deliciously rough hands run up my legs, completely avoiding where I need him most, stopping to pull my shirt over my head. His lips are on mine again, this kiss is gentler, but no less possessive. Cool air meets the heated skin of my breasts as my bra gets added to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. That talented tongue of his circles my nipple and it instantly pebbles into a tight pink peak. He showers the same attention to my other nipple while his fingers pinch and tug at the first.

“Ah, God, Bowie.” I moan, my hands grasping at the back of his head, then his neck as he moves back and forth between my nipples, driving me mad. I pull on his shirt and he gets what I’m trying to do.  He pulls away just long enough to drag it over his head, throwing it over his shoulder. My nails score his shoulders and his hips thrust against me in reaction.

I reach between us and attempt to open his belt, but my fingers struggle in their rush to get him naked. He rises from the bed, toeing off his boots while loosening his belt and in seconds he is pushing his jeans and boxers down.  His cock juts out, long and hard.

As he crawls between my legs, my eyes are drawn to the white bandage covering his wound. “We shouldn’t be doing this, you could hurt yourself.” I murmur, running my fingertips lightly below the bandage.

A sexy smile, a smile that could make a woman’s panties melt off her body, spreads across his face. “The only thing hurting right now is my dick, but this tight pussy of yours will cure that.”

I reach up, grabbing the back of his neck to pull him down into a passionate kiss. He reaches down between us and tears my panties from my body, his finger slides through my slick folds teasing my clit before lowering and slipping inside me. He massages my walls, while his thumb strums my clit, drawing a moan from my lips. I feel myself building towards an orgasm, just before I tip over the edge he pulls away. Before I can protest, his cock replaces his fingers as he rubs the head up and down my slit, covering himself in my wetness. “I’m going in bare, baby. Didn’t wrap up when we were in the shower, so I don’t see a reason to do it now.”

“Uhmmm…” I groan, as his thickness pushes the barest inch inside me.

“I don’t do bare-back. Never, so I’m clean.”

His words barely make sense; I’m completely mindless with need. “I can’t get pregnant, I’ve got an IUD.”  I manage to say, even though the only real thought in my head is more.

He plunges into my pussy, each stroke getting harder and faster. “That’s good. We don’t need a baby, yet. Right now, I want to fuck you whenever and however I want.”

As soon as the words leave his mouth, he starts pounding into me. He pinches and tugs on my nipple making me jerk away, but in moments I’m pushing my breast into his hand wanting more. He abandons my nipple in favor of circling my clit. Every thrust is punctuated with a grind of his hips and that combined with his fingers working my sensitive clit has my orgasm rushing forward like a freight train.

“You feel so fuckin’ good, baby. Gonna come so hard, fill this hot cunt up.” 

“Bowie, please.” I beg, my nails digging into his arms while my hips meet him thrust for thrust.

His fingers pinch my clit, as his cock punishes my pussy.  Within seconds, I detonate around him. Without thinking I sink my teeth into his shoulder, biting down to keep from screaming out my pleasure. He powers into me once, twice, three times then buries himself to the hilt and I feel his cock jerk as he releases into me.

He takes my lips in a gentle kiss, which is completely at odds with how he just worked over my body.  The tenderness is welcome, and I revel in it. Long moments pass before he rolls off me then pulls me onto his chest. I wrap my arm around his abdomen, careful of his wound, sighing in contentment. His fingers trail lazy paths up and down my spine and even though I have no idea what’s going to happen now, I can’t stop the overwhelming happiness I feel in this moment.

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