Beautiful Bounty (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 1) (30 page)

“Baby, I’m gonna need you to bend down, and put your hands on the ledge.”

Without hesitation she complied.  She spread her legs instinctively, and she felt his cock pressed up against her ass a moment later. She was already slick and wet but not enough, and he reached for the baby oil she always used after showering. Popping the top, he poured a generous amount between her cheeks and coated his throbbing cock. He placed his hands on her hips and pushed against her gently even though he wanted to ram his cock into her depths.  In this position he would be able to sink into her as deep as he could get. He carefully eased the tip of his shaft into her.

“Is that okay?” he murmured, breathing hard. A nod of her head told him it was.  He pushed in a little deeper and she was so gloriously tight, he almost came.

“I’m okay,” she whispered huskily. Determined to please him, she pushed herself onto him even more. Despite the slightly uncomfortable new experience, she was delighted with the new heights to which he took her.

Her body was stretching to accommodate him, and he took his time.  “Relax, don’t tighten up, baby,” he cautioned.  “I don’t want to hurt you.” He waited, took another inch of her, and then slowly pulled back but never broke their connection. He repeated this slow torture, entering and withdrawing several times until she moaned with pleasure.  Only then did he thrust more deeply into her, and finally all the way.  He felt his cock slide along her walls so slick and hot, and reveled in the angle that allowed him such depth.  He felt the veins in his cock harden, and pulled out slowly, and then pushed back into her. Fuck, she was so sweet and so tight.  That she agreed to this told him so much. The pure friction was his undoing, and he began to thrust in and out for all he was worth. She kept taking him, sucking him in, and providing just the right amount of resistance, clenching around his shaft as he pulled out.

“Finger yourself baby,” he encouraged her.  “I want you to find your pleasure with me.”  She complied circling her clit with her index finger while he penetrated her over and over again. The heat of the shower and his earlier foreplay found her soon ready to reach the precipice.

“Yes,” she moaned. “Oh Nikko, it feels . . . so good.”

“Damn,” he couldn’t even speak when his cock was fully impaled inside her.  He began to move faster, in and out, and the sensation was so intense his balls tightened and he was about to explode.

“I . . . fucking . . . love . . . you,” he grunted with each thrust until he couldn’t hold back any more.  He spilled his semen into her savoring each pulsating pump the tremors of his orgasm caused.

She hadn’t come yet, so he slipped his hand around her to the apex of her pussy, his cock still fully embedded in her sweet treasure. He flicked her clit to exquisite extension, until her orgasm came.  She tightened around him causing his pleasure to become intensified. Ronnie flung her head back, wet hair plastered against his chest, and cried out, screaming his name.

He held her for a moment longer, their bodies still joined until their ragged breathing returned to normal, but as the water began to cool, he reluctantly released her and turned her around.

Looking down at her, he saw her eyes were brimmed with unshed emotion.

“Baby, did I hurt you?” he asked.

She just shook her head and washed off quickly. She couldn’t speak. He could see something was bothering her, but allowed her a moment to compose herself.

“I’m just going to go get dressed,” she muttered, trying to pass him.

He tried to stop her, to find out why she looked so sad after the pleasure they just shared.

“Please Nikko. I just need a moment. You finish showering, and we will talk in a moment.”

“Okay, baby.” He reluctantly gave in.  “I’ll be out in five.  My brothers will be here in less than an hour, tops.  Order breakfast if you want,” he suggested.

She nodded and he allowed her to pass.




When he emerged from the bathroom, she was dressed in a denim skirt, and tank top. The same one she wore when she was released into his custody from the jail in Tampa, and she was just getting off the phone.

“Breakfast ordered?” he asked as the towel he dried himself then wrapped around his torso slipped to the floor.

“Yes,” she murmured. She sat on the edge of the bed while he began to dress selecting items from the clothes in his open suitcase.

“Good. Now you want to tell me what is bothering you?” he questioned as he pulled on his slacks.

“Um,” she started.  “I just feel bad because you keep saying . . .” She couldn’t finish her sentence. The tears started to fall.

Nikko interrupted. “I love you.”

She nodded.

“Baby, I’m sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I’m new at this being in love thing. My first time and all,” he tried to tease her, and she smiled slightly.  He approached her with his t-shirt in one hand. “I know you have a lot on your mind, and saying those words back to me, yes, I’ll admit I would love to hear them, but if you aren’t ready to say it yet, I’m okay with that. I suspect you feel a lot for me, but with your situation, I completely understand.”

Ronnie was dumbfounded. It was like he could read her mind, and the tears just came. The feelings and fears she had been trying to suppress for so long just came tumbling out. She nodded to let him know that was exactly what was bothering her, and he just pulled her into his arms, held her, and let her cry.

A few minutes later, her tears subsiding somewhat, he began to release her so they could finish their conversation.  A loud thumping at the door interrupted their embrace.

“Honey, we’re home!” Gio’s voice boomed from outside the door while the incessant banging continued.

Giving Ronnie a chuck under the chin, he announced, “It seems the cavalry is here, babe.  You ready for this?” he looked down into her puffy eyes.

“I’ll just go in the bathroom, and splash some cold water on my face,” she nodded as he hastily drew his t-shirt over his head.

He gave her a moment to get the door closed before he went to answer his brother’s persistent rapping.

“About time you answered, baby brother.  I was beginning to think you went out for breakfast.”  Nikko looked past Gio to see his other brothers were not with him.

“Where are Andreas, and Blaze?” he asked as Gio pushed his way into the room without an invite.

“Andreas is renting some rooms for us, and Blaze said he didn’t want to interrupt if you were . . . you know, but I’m always game for walking in on some love birds. Where is busty?” he asked loudly, making the gesture with his hands while plopping down on the unmade bed.

“I heard that. And, in here,” Ronnie announced, sarcasm dripping from behind the closed bathroom door.

“Oh shit,” Gio murmured softly, pretending to be embarrassed.  Then more loudly, “Sorry ‘bout that.”

“No you aren’t,” Ronnie called back, not giving him a second to think.  Gio laughed heartily.

“I like her,” he pronounced, giving Nikko his stamp of approval.

Then the bathroom door opened and Ronnie emerged. “Glad to hear it.” She gave him a shifty smile.

“Nice tank top,” he winked. Ronnie rolled her eyes. It was obvious Gio was the jokester in the family.

Nikko elbowed his brother not so affectionately, and Ronnie smirked at the duo. Gio just grabbed onto his brother and then wrestled his younger brother into an embarrassing headlock even though Nikko had a good four inches on him. Gio might not be as tall, but he was definitely more bulky in the muscle department, and Nikko had to struggle a bit to get out of it.

“Cut that shit out, now!” they all heard from the open door. It was Andreas who spoke in a voice that brokered no argument. He was flanked by Blaze who was smiling, but looked uncomfortable standing at the entrance to their room.

Gio and Nikko untangled themselves immediately at the eldest Marino’s command.  A moment of silence ensued until Andreas finally nodded at Ronnie, passed the threshold into the room, and only then did the sudden tension of the moment ease a bit. Andreas Marino was definitely a reckoning, and the undeniable patriarch of the family. Ronnie couldn’t help but notice all the boys jumped when he told them to, and she witnessed it first hand with his next statement.

“Come,” he ordered and turned.  “Your breakfast is being sent to my rooms. I ordered more food.”  One after the other, the boys followed him down the hall, which left Ronnie to shut the door and follow.  They made two turns and stopped at the end of the last hall, where a set of double doors was open.  Andreas had gotten himself a suite.


Ronnie entered Andreas’ suite last trailing behind the others. Nikko waited until she passed before closing the door behind her. Andreas stood, hands on lean hips, waiting in front of a massive cherry wood conference table until they all stood around it.  He didn’t look pleased, and he was glaring at her.

He said nothing. His look said it all. He was pissed at her. Her stunt in leaving Florida.

“Andreas . . .,” Nikko started from somewhere behind her.

“Say nothing,” he stated menacingly between clenched teeth. “I heard your story last night. Now I want to hear hers.” He indicated Ronnie with his chiseled chin.

Gio and Blaze got closer to the eldest Marino flanking him on either side. His sentinels. The three stood waiting for her to speak. Her mouth suddenly went dry being put on the spot. She felt Nikko’s hands grasp her shoulders softly for support.  She knew she needed to stand up to this man if she was going to pass muster with the head of this family. She was grateful for the show of support, but it was her mess, her bed, and she had to lie in it. She shrugged off his hands and squared her shoulders. She needed to show these men just what she was made of.

  Nikko, behind her, felt nothing but pride for the woman he loved as she faced his brothers head on.

She wet her lips, and spoke firmly, with assurance. “I screwed up. I can admit that. I put my life in danger, I know that. I have heard it all from Nikko, believe me!” She rolled her eyes remembering the tongue lashing she got in the car, and the spanking later. “But I know I can get Gary to admit his part in this. I was close last night. If I can get another chance, I’m sure he will reveal something. I need to get him on tape.” She pulled the recording device she purchased from Radio Shack out of her pocket.

Andreas just shook his head and smiled ruefully. 
He nodded his head at Gio who automatically turned and snapped open a case on a side table behind him.  He began taking out much more sophisticated equipment. 

“Fine. Your equipment is better.” Gio snickered and Andreas silenced him with a glance. She continued ignoring Gio’s inappropriate comment. “Anyway, he’s not very bright. Until Nikko showed up, I felt pretty confident I’d get him to talk, but now, I don’t know. He’s going to be suspicious. But, I’ve got to try. Before you take me back, I need to try one more time,” she rushed out. “I’ll do it your way. But, a trial is months away, and Gary will be in another country in just a few weeks. If I lose this chance, I lose my life.  I am looking at years behind bars.”

Through her whole speech, Andreas watched her eyes. The girl was tough, and determined.  He had gotten that same impression the moment he met her. Nikko definitely found himself a feisty one. There would be no controlling her. He quickly glanced at his other brothers. They were grim faced too. He needed to know just one thing if they were going to risk their license, their business, on her.

And when he spoke, it was like a punch to the gut for Ronnie. “Do you love my brother?” His eyes didn’t leave her face.

“I . . . I,” her pause got her glares from all three. Gio looked over her shoulder at Nikko questioningly.

“Of course, she loves me,” Nikko jumped in. He again reached for her and squeezed her shoulders taking a step closer to her. Her back was pressed against him.

Andreas made a face, his lips twisting into a curl. He grabbed the chair in front of him and pulled it out. “Sit,” he ordered.

Nikko gave her a reassuring push, and held a chair out for her. She sat, and he followed sitting beside her. He took her hand from her lap and held it. And then his other brothers eventually did the same each taking their seats on either side of the chair Andreas pulled out.

“Hmm. Okay.” He paused significantly before speaking again, but his expression showed his disappointment in his interrogation of her. “We’ll do it, but this is how it is going to go down. You’re going to call Gary and tell him you gave Nikko the slip late last night. You’re going to tell him that he’s going have to come get you because you don’t have transportation.  You’re going to shack up in that abandoned warehouse we scoped out this morning.”

Andreas stood and began to pace as he talked. “Gio, go move the cars. Nikko give him your keys.” Gio got up and took Andreas’ keys first, then held out his hand to Nikko who passed keys to him over the table. He was already leaving before, Andreas spoke again. When he saw the confusion on Ronnie’s face, he clarified.

“In case your old lover boy decides to drive into town before you call him, we don’t want him seeing two rentals parked out front. Gio knows what to do. He’ll park one in the back by the employees parking area and one down the block.”

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