Bad Jack ((Ascension: Book 1)) (22 page)

“I meant are you guys going to eliminate him when he’s no longer useful, or will Lucifer do it for you?”

Melanie was aghast.
She looked deeply hurt, insulted. “How dare you say that? We’re not evil. God is evil. All we’re trying to do is stop God. Even the Constitution says that if you don’t like your government, if it’s abusing its power or not using it properly, you have the right to overthrow it and institute a new one. That’s essentially what we’re doing.”

“I don’t think that’s anywhere in the bible.”

“Not the ones you’ve read.”

shook his head, trying to reboot his brain, knowing it was on the verge of crashing. “So is Jessie the antichrist or is that my role?”

No, just about everyone on this planet is the antichrist. All the word means is that you aren’t Christ like. It’s the very definition. I’d bet there has only been one person throughout history who could claim to not be the antichrist and that was Christ himself.”

“Jesus was a good dude and he was on God’s team. What’s so wrong
with God if he gave us Jesus?”

“I would agree but don’t forget what God did to Jesus; the greatest man to walk the earth.”

He nodded but he wasn’t sure what she meant. Maybe she meant it was God’s fault he was tortured to death.

stood up and paced back and forth. “Was Oliver going to tell me any of this or did you jump the gun?”

“Oliver would have done it right. He’s probably been wording it just right since the moment he
found out about you. I’m sorry if I jumped into it too fast. I know it’s a lot to handle.”

“It’s fine. I wanted to know what the hell was going on. I guess I’m grateful for it.”
He wasn’t sure that was correct but it sounded right. At least he knew what was going on behind his back now.

stood and embraced him. He’d have thrown her to the floor like a jerk but he couldn’t bring himself to harm her. He kissed her and she kissed back.

e pulled back. “Jessie said I’ll kill people tomorrow, do you think that might happen?”

“I’m afraid so. If he said it then it’s
probably true.”

“You don’t know me that well then. I couldn’t hurt a fly.”

“Ten minutes ago you didn’t believe in angels either.”

“I still don’t.”

She hugged him tight and he was glad for the human contact. His brain needed a break from rationalizing the irrational.

Oliver arrived out of breath. He looked at Melanie pointedly and she nodded
, meaning she’d told Jack everything. He said, “Jack, let’s see if Jessie will talk to you again. I think the time for action’s upon us.”

During the short walk to Jessie’s room Oliver asked, “Are you certain you’re ok with this?”

Jack snorted. “Of course I’m not certain. I’m not even sure I believe it.”

“You will.”

Chapter 57: Father and the Son


The three of them went into Jessie’s room together. The boy was playing video games, ignoring them completely. Oliver switched the TV off and Jessie looked at him incredulously. Oliver spoke in a low grandfatherly voice, “Jessie, I need you to tell Jack everything he needs to know about what’s coming.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know you won’t talk to me and that’s fine but Jack needs to know what to do.”

Jack interrupted, “
Leave us alone for a minute.”

Oliver took Melanie by the hand
like she was his own daughter and led her out of the room without a word.

Jack sat on the bed and tried to think where to start. He wasn’t good in critical situations or
with uncomfortable conversations so he just got right to it. “Jessie, it turns out I’m your real dad.”

The boy
was skeptical. It showed all over his face.

“They ran a
blood test and it’s true. I didn’t know or I would’ve come to see you sooner.” Jack wasn’t sure this was true but maybe.

“It explains why you keep dreaming about your father coming for you.” This perked Jessie up. “It’s why I’m going to get you out of here.” Shit, that sounded like a promise. The kid would hold him to it. He needed to shut up before he wrote a check with his mouth that his ass couldn’t cash. “I promise.” Damn it.

“Do you know where my mom is?”

Jack shook his head. “Did you call for me? Oliver thinks you summoned me here.”

Now Jessie shook his head. Jack looked for deception but he didn’t see any.

the boy said, “Maybe I did but I don’t remember. A lot of stuff happens to me when I go to sleep that’s pretty weird.”

suddenly realized their conversation had taken a mutinous turn. If anyone else found out what they were talking about it was Jack’s ass. He whispered conspiratorially, “Make sure to keep our conversations a secret especially from Doctor Collins and the security guards.”

Jessie nodded. “By tomorrow it won’t matter but I promise.”

Jack’s anger flared briefly. He was about to tell Jessie again that he was not going to kill anyone tomorrow but it was a pointless waste of breath. He would see so in twenty four hours.

had the overwhelming urge to check Jessie for the mark of the beast. Then the child teared up and he felt foolish.

Don’t be mad at me.”

“I’m not buddy.”

Jessie looked up at him. “It’s funny, I’ve been dreaming about my dad and then you showed up.”

Jack didn’t see the humor.

“In my dreams my dad looks a lot like you too but he’s different.”

Jessie seemed to drift off into his own thoughts. Jack urged him on. “How’s the dream version different?”

“You have wings in my dreams.”

Jack sighed. “Listen pal, I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow but I’ll do my best to get you out of here, alright?”

He ruffled the boy’s hair. It seemed like something a dad might do.

Chapter 58: God isn’t home, leave a message


Oliver and Melanie were waiting for him in the monitoring room.

He took a seat at the break table and they followed suit.

explained, “The boy doesn’t know anything. He just knows that strange things are happening to him.”

Oliver said, “I’m not surprised. I think our angel might be acting through him, influencing things in this world.”

Jack shook his head.

He was actually having a conversation about angels like th
ey really existed. “So the boy’s just a tool then? Like me?”

“Your words, not mine Jack. I prefer to use the word instrument.”

“Fucking semantics Oliver. You know what I mean.”

“Don’t be nervous about your role in this Jack. O
ur lord is kind and just. You’ll be taken care of. We all will.”

“And what about the rest of the world? How will Lucifer deal with them?”

“With far more compassion and understanding than the current, aloof God.

Melanie chimed in, “God doesn’t deserve for you to stick up for him Jack. He wouldn’t do the same for you. He hasn’t caused the atrocities among man but he has the power to stop them and he chooses not to. It’s the same thing if you think about it.”

Jack wasn’t sticking up for God at all. He actually understood why some people might want a change of management.

But he got where she was coming from. She assumed he’d been brainwashed into thinking God was good and anything that stood against God was evil. But being an atheist, he found both scenarios reprehensible. The notion of a great overseer was what had Jack’s brain doing back flips. But if he had to accept an eternal supervisor then he’d prefer one who gave a shit over one who ignored him
, at least he thought he did. Was Lucifer that God? He didn’t know. But that was important; he had to decide or else why bother trying to free Jessie?

Then he realized his train of thought had gotten
derailed by Oliver’s mumbo jumbo; he had to free Jessie because he was a human being and because he was his son. That was clear now. Everything else, all of Oliver’s plans were secondary.

He just didn’t know if he had it in him to stand up to the over
whelming military force that would surely kill them all given the slightest provocation.

He said, “I’m done here. I want to go get some rest. A
nd ten or twelve stiff drinks.”

Oliver went red.
“We’re almost out of time Jack. We need to formulate a plan.”

Jack s
hook his head. “I’m not sure I’m going to help you. If I help get Jessie out it’ll be on my own terms and also when I feel like the time is right. Your scheming and planning isn’t important to me.”

Oliver looked like he might faint
or cry but Melanie interjected with, “Oliver, you’ve been thinking about this for a year and you still don’t have a working plan that doesn’t scare the crap out of me. What do you think an extra day will give us? Let the man get some sleep. If it’s destined to happen tomorrow then we’ll deal with it then. Until then, try to be decent.”

Oliver capitulated. “Sorry Jack. I’ve devoted my whole
adult life to this and it’s so close. I’m just excited. I can’t believe it’s really happening.”

Chapter 59: The Last Night of Semi-Normalcy


The clones watched Jack as he walked past. They seemed more alive than before. Melanie caught up with him and grabbed his elbow. He turned his head enough to acknowledge her presence but otherwise kept walking.

She asked, “Do you mind if I join you for a drink?” He almost told her no but he was a sucker for a pretty girl, even one that wanted him to release Lucifer from hell.

Billy wasn’t at his usual post outside the elevator doors which was odd but Jack was thankful
for it. Billy was far too cheerful and Jack didn’t know if he could put up that level of a charade right now.

He unlocked the door
to his apartment and let Melanie take a seat in the living room. He slipped the shot glass, now full to the top, out of his lab coat pocket and stashed it in the fridge for safe keeping. He grabbed three bottles of beer, two for him and one for Melanie. He chugged the first one to death in seconds and let out a throaty belch. Melanie didn’t say anything shitty about it which was for the best. Jack was half way through the second one before Melanie had the courage to speak. Her voice was croaky and trembling.

“I’m sorry this is happening to you Jack. I chose to be here and so did Oliver but you’re stuck in this situation and I wish there was something I could do to make it all better for you.”

He tipped his beer back, afraid to talk just yet. Melanie suffered the silence. He got up and grabbed two more beers, giving neither to Melanie.

Finally he said, “You know I’ve never done much with my life. I’ve never really had anyone to love or care about. Now I have a son and a purpose. I even have a pretty girlfriend. Life should have gotten exponentially better this past week but it hasn’t. I’m sorry if I seem mad at you. I’m not. I’m mad because I feel like a puppet and it seems like too many people are pulling on the strings. I’m angry because if this prophecy of
Jessie’s is true, then I’ll kill people tomorrow. I’m mad because I know we could all die for an old man’s pipedream. I’m just mad.”

Melanie scooted over beside him and put her head in his lap.
She looked up into his eyes and whispered, “I’m sorry.” He ran his fingers through her hair and felt himself relax instantly. He dozed off.

Chapter 60: Fucked


awoke to a crashing noise. His heart was hammering a hole in his chest. Melanie jerked awake and sat up, alert. There were footsteps rushing down the hallway. Men in military uniform surrounded the sofa and when Jack tried to stand he was pushed back onto his butt.

There were seven jackbooted men around them
. When the General strode in they made a hole for him.

“Stand down men. As you can see he’s unarmed. Wait outside. You too miss.” He was talking to Melanie.

She looked to Jack and he nodded for her to do as the General said.

The General paced frantically until the door of the apartment closed. “Do you know why I’m here?”

Jack might have answered - because you found out we were going to make a daring escape in order to help my son turn me into Lucifer - but he was sure it wouldn’t roll off the tongue the way he’d like. Plus, he was sure if the General knew about it he’d have shot him already. He certainly wouldn’t have let Melanie out of his sight.

He shook his head in silence.

The General took a seat on the coffee table so he was leaning just inches from Jack’s face.

“I’m here because
William returned an artifact way too late. It was the small shot glass and it had been gone for almost six hours. This grabbed my attention so I decided to do an inventory check and guess what I found?”

Jack already knew.

“I found out that one of those deadly red balls was missing. You were downstairs so I took the liberty of checking your quarters. I didn’t find it. I got called away so I had William finish up searching your office. Well guess what? He found it. And he touched it. And he’s dead.”

Jack gasped and leaned back into the sofa.
He felt numb. His whole world seemed to be conspiring against him. Billy was dead. His friend died because of him.

The General smirked. “I should have wagered you’d get someone killed but I didn’t think it would be your only friend.”

Jack said accusatorially, “Why didn’t you call for me? I would have brought it to you.”

“Well Jack, because I just don’t trust you.
You have no integrity to speak of, you’re a sexual deviant and you’re a thief. Would you call upon such a person for help? I don’t think so. I certainly wouldn’t.”

Sexual deviant, thought Jack. Did he glean that bit of nonsense from the bio? Whatever, the General was a moron and a bastard.
“Can I see him please?”

“Of course not. The office has been sealed up
pending a formal investigation. The only thing you’re going to be seeing is the inside of a cell and then, once I get the paperwork in order, the rifling down the barrel of my gun before it blows your God damn head off your shoulders.”

Harsh, thought Jack.

The General needed to be taught a lesson. Who the hell did he think he was fucking with?

Jack stood up and the General nearly bowled backwards off the coffee table. He stumbled to his feet and pulled his gun. He said, “It doesn’t matter how important you are to the research happening downstairs. I’ll have you executed before anyone can object. And don’t think for a second that I care if it sends my career into the toilet. It’s been there ever since they posted me here. The Doctor has no jurisdiction when it comes to punishment so don’t go looking to him for help.

asked, “Why do you hate me so much sir?” He genuinely meant it.

“Jack, you got one of my men killed. You stole top secret government property. Even if I liked you I’d have no choice but to deal with you severely.
And I don’t like you.”

could see anticipation in the General’s eyes. He wanted Jack to make a move so he could defend himself and do away with all that boring paperwork.

Once, Samantha had said she wished
he was dead but he knew if he’d put a gun in her hands at that very moment she wouldn’t have pulled the trigger. It was quite humbling having an armed man before him who really did hate him and wanted to kill him more than anything else in the world.

thought, so much for your prophecy Jessie, the only person being killed tomorrow is your dad. He batted the thought away as soon as it appeared.

“Can I have a last request before you inter me
for execution?” He didn’t wait for the General to respond. “I want one last drink. You can join me if you wish.”

“Have your fucking drink but I won’t be joining you. Make it a stiff one, you’ll need it.”

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