[Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption (14 page)

He gathered Ariel close, then spun around and felled the last few men remaining. He then sent out a wide burst of energy to ensure everyone who was down, stayed down, knocking the pistol from Rumsinger’s hands in the process. The professor stood on the periphery, his normally ruddy complexion ghostly white. He gripped the hand that had once held the pistol, his trembling fingers assessing the injury.

Coridan raised his hand, building energy for what he knew would be a death blow. Anger surged. His body shook, trembling under the strain. Golden energy swirled around him like frenzied fireflies.

Rumsinger’s eyes widened as he watched the energy rotate and crackle. Coridan held Ariel around the waist as he brought his free hand back against his body. He’d need all the support he could get once he released the flow.

“Prepare to die, you black-hearted bastard.” Coridan roared.

His muscles tensed as he anchored his hand. Energy singed his skin, making the hair at the nape of his neck stand on end. He took a deep breath and aimed. The professor stared, like doe-eyed prey right before a predator pounces upon it. Sweat drenched Coridan’s body as his arm shook in the ready. He released his breath and prepared to fire.

The energy roused Ariel. Her hand snapped up, encircling his wrist in a velvet touch that felt more like a shackle. Coridan’s gaze flickered to hers and locked at what he saw there.

No… She murmured in his mind. You have done enough. Do not allow this slug to drag your renewed honor down to his level of hatred.

He has injured you, abused you, and threatened to kill us both. For that, I cannot let him live.

Ariel’s fingers released his wrist and gently stroked the side of his face. He could feel the strain ease with each pass, each caress.

I do not debate that he deserves to die, but as Seer, I cannot allow my true-mate to come to me with tainted blood upon his hands.

Coridan opened his mouth to argue. Her words fought their way through his muddled mind.
Did you say true-mate?
He had to ask. He had to know if his mind had simply wanted to hear the words so desperately that it had created them.

She smiled, her full lips parting enough to expose the gold in her breath.
The gold does not lie.

Coridan’s eyes widened, his gaze snapping to Rumsinger for a second to ensure he’d not moved, before returning to the angelic woman in his arms.
Are you offering me what I think you’re offering, seer?

Ariel’s aqua gaze turned molten for a moment despite her obvious pain.
I shall only offer it once. The choice is yours.

Coridan felt as if he were being split in two. The warrior in him demanded justice. While the man wanted nothing more than to draw his mate near in a searing embrace which would seal their fate forever.

In the end, there was no decision to be made. He glanced at the professor, then raised his hand, sending an energy blast shooting through the air. Rumsinger flew off his feet, landing hard on his back.

Ariel frowned.

Stunned him.
Coridan smiled, then raised Ariel up in his arms, taking care to avoid her injury.

The kiss was tentative at first, tasting and nibbling the plump flesh of her mouth as if she was a rare delicacy. In his case, that’s exactly what she was, a rare delicacy, a gift from the Goddess, a second chance all rolled into one woman.

Ariel’s tongue darted out, flicking against his lips, urging him to take a deeper taste. Coridan sank into the kiss, devouring her essence as she released her magic so they could perform an energy bind.

Flames shot through his blood, healing his wounds both inside and out. His once shattered heart stitched itself back together as Ariel’s love flowed through him. Coridan inhaled as much of the gold breath as his lungs could hold, allowing it to mingle with his essence before returning it fully to the woman he now called mate.

* * * * *

Ariel’s lungs filled with the spicy male scent that could only be Coridan. The wound at her shoulder began to burn as the binding energy spiraled through her system, bonding and healing. She would have cried out but Coridan refused to release her captured mouth. He fed, he supped, drawing her deeper into a world of pleasure. Her body came alive with a craving for his cock which bordered on insanity. Would she ever get enough of him? She didn’t think so.

He was her warrior, her man—her mate.

Reluctantly, Ariel broke the embrace. Coridan’s nostrils flared, his chest heaving in an effort to draw breath. Gold floated in the air between them, circling, spiraling—binding. His gaze remained unfocused, heated.

‘Tis time we leave this place.

At her suggestion, his mind seemed to clear. He still hadn’t released her, but Ariel didn’t care. She found comfort in the warmth of his body, in the bond that now existed between them. That had somehow had always existed between them.

Rumsinger groaned, his pudgy hand groping at his chest. He sat up and then quickly rose, albeit on wobbly legs. His mouth opened and closed like a gaping carp.

“You are not worth our time.” Coridan’s voice growled menacingly at the professor.

Ariel and Coridan turned away and took the final steps needed to reach the transport. With one final glance over their shoulders at the professor, they stepped into the swirling mass and left the only world they’d ever known behind.

* * * * *

“It’s about fucking time you guys got here.” Jac’s voice broke through Ariel and Coridan’s harmonic connection.

Coridan stumbled, barely righting himself while Ariel found her feet. Ariel’s gaze narrowed on the band of people gathered around them. Guards dressed in black uniforms flanked familiar faces, surrounding them with sword-like weapons drawn. The guards’ faces were harsh as their gazes locked on the intruders. Ariel dismissed them with a glance, turning away to address the familiar faces.

Rachel stood to the side, dressed in a gown of white, a band of jewels woven into her long brown hair. Jac wore a single emerald at her forehead with a gold band holding it in place. Her skirt, which was a lovely shade of jade, was much shorter, showing off her long lean legs. For a second, Ariel experienced a flash of jealousy, then as if realizing her foolishness, she relaxed. Coridan was her mate, not Jac’s mate.

She turned to her old nemesis. “It’s nice to see you too, Jac.” Amusement filled Ariel’s voice as she watched Jac’s gaze narrow in suspicion.

“Lower your weapons.” Rachel commanded, as she stepped forward. The guards only did so to half-mast. “What took you guys so long?” she asked idly stroking her protruding stomach.

Ariel’s gaze locked onto the Queen’s abdomen, then focused on the slight bulge appearing in Jac’s stomach. “How long has it been?” Her brows furrowed as she calculated the days on Earth.

“Months,” Jac and Rachel answered in unison.

Coridan stiffened beside her, his discomfort rolling off him in waves. Ariel reached down and took his hand in hers. Rachel and Jac’s eyes widened a second before matching smiles appeared on their faces. Their brows arched as they assessed them.

Jac turned to Rachel, who met her knowing gaze. “Well at least now we know what they’ve been up to lately.” The women burst into giggles before stepping forward to embrace Ariel. They remained in the group hug for several moments.

* * * * *

Coridan warily watched the exchange, his gaze darting from face to face. From the Queen’s and Jac’s expressions, he knew Ariel was relating their adventure, but she’d purposely blocked him, keeping him from hearing the tale. The women pulled apart, then looked at Coridan.

“You didn’t think you were getting off that easy, did you?” Jac asked accusingly.

Coridan’s face flushed, his muscles tensing for the worst. It was too much to have expected things to change concerning his people. He’d made a mistake and now Ariel would pay.

There was only a slight hesitation before they pulled him into their embrace. For a second, Coridan’s mind froze. His breath caught as he tried to assimilate the information he received from the women. He immediately relaxed, his body trembling beneath their caring touch. He dropped to his knees, giving the women a traditional Atlantean greeting. Two loud voices barked orders and the guards parted like water when a boat slices over its surface.

Ares and Eros approached, their stern gazes taking in the homecoming scene. The two warriors assessed him, his tattered clothes, his battle worn appearance with cold eyes.

Coridan rose to his feet, prepared to face any punishment they saw fit to give him. At least he had his true-mate by his side. The men looked from him to Ariel and back again.

Our wives tell us you should be looked upon as a hero.

Coridan shook his head in denial. I acted, as any warrior would have, given the circumstances.

Ares stepped forward until he stood toe to toe with Coridan, his jade eyes giving nothing away about his true emotions. Coridan braced himself. He deserved any blow the warrior bestowed upon him.

Jac tells me you had the opportunity to kill that bastard professor and you let him go in favor of experiencing an energy bind with your true-mate. Ares’ harsh voice boomed in Coridan’s head, demanding answers.

Coridan fought the urge to flinch under Ares’ accurate appraisal. ‘Tis true. He whispered in the warrior’s mind. I chose to accept my true-mate’s offer of bond over protecting my people. I shall accept any punishment deemed necessary. The admission burned like acid in Coridan’s throat, even though he knew he’d do so again without question.

Ares’ eyes flared a second before a smile broke out across his face.
‘Tis about time you learned priorities.
He threw his head back and laughed, clapping Coridan on the shoulder in a brotherly embrace.

Eros joined the men.
Welcome home, warrior.
He clamped Coridan on the other shoulder and drew him away from the transport.
So when can we expect to have a little seer added to the family?

Coridan’s face heated, his gaze seeking Ariel. Jac and Rachel, who chattered enough to give monkeys pause, were leading her in the same direction. For a second their gazes locked and heated. In that moment, a promise was exchanged. Coridan broke the contact and turned his attention back to the two men.

So ‘tis all right that I’ve taken the seer as mate? He held his breath, waiting for their reply.

Ares and Eros laughed. It had better be, since ‘tis already done.

What about Atlantean law?

Eros faced Coridan, stopping their progress. Much has changed with the Atlantean people over the years of our separation. There are no longer preparation rituals or laws forbidding seers from joining. Our people have diversified much on this planet. We even have alien races amongst us. They all live in harmony despite their differences. You have much to see and even more to learn, but all in due time.

Coridan nodded, relief streaming through his body. They walked on and made it another thirty feet or so from the transport when the machine started to rattle. All turned as one to face the noise. Coridan caught Ares’ eye, questions filling his mind.

‘Tis what happens when someone comes through the transport. ‘Tis probably my half-brother Orion, we sent him to find you after retrieving Queen Rachel’s and Jac’s friend Brigit.

Coridan arched a brow. Ares’ half-brother? He said nothing, saving the question for later. He knew Ares would eventually tell him about everything that had occurred since he and Ariel had been away. The guards stepped forward, positioning their bodies between the transport and the royals.

The machine thundered, growing blacker by the minute. Suddenly a hazy form appeared. A second later Rumsinger tumbled forward, the force of the transport hurling him into the room. He stumbled a second before falling to his knees. The guards stepped forward, weapons held at ready.

Rumsinger stood, brushing his hands off, his mud brown eyes slowly taking in his surroundings while a combination of awe and shock flitted across his face. He looked at Jac, Ariel, and then Rachel, his eyes widening on the last.

“You’re dead,” he gurgled, not appearing to realize he’d said the words aloud.

“Let me at the bastard.” Jac stepped forward, only to be swept up in Ares’ strong arms. “Put me down this instant, damn you!”

“No!” Ares’ face remained a hard unrelenting mask.

“Let me go, so I can kick his ass.” Jac struggled, arms and legs flailing, in her mate’s arms.

“I will not allow you to harm yourself or our child.” With those words spoken, Ares’ stride grew longer.

Coridan watched his one time mentor make his way toward a set of jewel encrusted double doors, which appeared to be made out of crimson colored crystals. He could still hear Jac’s murmured grumbles, but she no longer fought Ares’ hold. The doors opened as the couple approached. Ares stepped through and disappeared with Jac down a hallway leading to the right.

“How dare you?” Rachel approached the professor, her hands planted on her hips.

Queen Rachel’s question drew Coridan back to the immediate problem. Stunning the red-devil had not been enough. Coridan reached out and snatched Ariel from the place rooting her, enclosing her within the safety of his arms.

“Stay back!” Eros commanded.

Rachel jumped, but took a step closer to Rumsinger.

Before the guards could fire a weapon, the professor closed the distance, his hand snaking around Rachel’s throat in what could easily become a death grip.

Ariel and Coridan tensed. Eros stopped all movement, his face displaying for a second the fear Coridan knew the King felt.

“Stand down, men,” Eros ordered. “No one is to harm the Queen.”

“That’s right,” Rumsinger shouted. “Behave and I won’t have to kill her.” He squeezed his fingers together to emphasize his point, causing Rachel to cough.

Coridan’s blood boiled. He glanced down into Ariel’s terrified face and pressed a chaste kiss upon her forehead before placing her behind his large body. Rachel’s eyes rounded with fright, her fingers clutched protectively over her abdomen.

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