Armando Returns (Barboza Brothers) (28 page)




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It was Saturday. For the second morning in a row, Katie woke up naked in a huge bed, forgetting for a moment how she got there. When she opened her eyes, she saw the unfamiliar decor and smiled. The faint smell of coffee filled her nostrils. She heard Armando taking a shower and thought about joining him.
Instead, she yawned, closed her eyes, and fell back into her peaceful slumber.

A little while later, she awoke to the feel of Armando
’s bare chest against her back. His arm was around her stomach, pulling her close as he nuzzled her ear and whispered, “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Katie giggled softly.
“But your bed’s so nice…”

I know.” Armando kissed her temple. “But I have a surprise for you. There’s a jet waiting. Gotta get ready.”

Katie jolted completely awake.
“What? Where are we going?”


Why? I just got here. I thought we were gonna lay around all day.”

Armando laughed.
“But you did that yesterday while I was at work.”

Yes. And it was awesome.”

He laughed some more and kissed her ear, then whispered,
“Don’t tell me you’d really rather hang around here than have a tropical getaway with me.”

I already feel like I’m on a tropical getaway. The ocean’s right outside.”

Come on. Let me spoil you. I’ve dreamed of this for years.”

You have?”

Yes. Waking up on a Saturday morning, leaving town on a whim. With you.”

Katie melted inside.
“I can be ready in fifteen minutes.”

A few hours later, Katie was standing in the living room of a beautiful private villa perched from a cliff in Cabo San Lucas. As Armando walked around the house to do a quick inspection, Katie opened the glass doors to the veranda and was instantly wrapped up in the comfortably warm breeze, her jaw dropping at the sight of the ocean way down below. A portion of the beach was private, but off to the side a few vacationers lounged in the sun.

To her immediate left was a hot tub, where she
dreamily imagined kissing Armando as they sipped champagne and watched the sun set on the ocean below.

Armando came outside to join her.
“Everything appears to be all set. The bed’s made. The fridge is stocked. If I’ve forgotten something, let me know.”

’s eyebrows lifted. “No, I’m pretty sure you’ve thought of everything.” She let out a nervous chuckle.

What’s wrong? You don’t like it here?”

No, from the little I’ve seen, I love it here. It’s breathtaking.” She smiled, shyly. “It’s I don’t know what to say. I guess my head’s spinning. I still think of you as the guy I used to sneak off with after school and now you’re living this life. Flying wherever you want, whenever you feel like it. You have all these fancy houses.”

Armando shook his head.
“This place is a rental. I don’t own it.” His eyes widened. “But I can buy it if you want.”

Katie laughed and put her arms around his waist.
“No, that’s not what I meant. You’ve already done so much for me. I love it, and I appreciate it, but I really just need
. It wouldn’t matter to me if you dug ditches for a living and we lived in a tent.”

Armando beamed.
“I know. And that just makes me wanna take you more places and buy you more things.” He sighed. “Look, I’ve been successful. And I wanna reap the rewards with the woman I love. Hopefully, this is just the beginning.”

Armando cupped each side of her face and pressed his lips to hers. As his tongue
slipped into her mouth, his hands moved to her hair, his fingers gently grasping her silky red tendrils.

Katie held him close and let herself enjoy it. He kissed her in a way that made her feel like the most desired woman in the world. And she knew that to him
, she was.

She felt her body lift in the air as they kissed. She marveled at the easy way he carried her. His body wa
s lean and muscular, not bulky. He was deceptively strong for his looks. The thought made her quiver. Mmm...such a powerful man he had become, in so many ways.

Katie soon found herself sitting on a large chaise lounger as Armando broke the kiss and quickly scooted in beside her. Soon they were lying on their sides, kissing once again. Katie quickly unbuttoned his linen shirt until his chest was bare. Her hand glided
across his hard abs and chest as her breath went weak from the feel of his lips and tongue against hers.

s his body curled into hers, she felt his manhood pressing against her. She gently raked her fingers over it, then unbuttoned his pants. As his zipper slowly gave way, she wiggled her hand inside his underwear. Her fingers curled around his blazing hot skin as he moaned into her mouth.

e took her wrist and moved it over her head as he flipped her onto her back.

She broke the kiss and said,
“Can anyone see us up here?”

He smiled.
“No, my love.”

Good.” With her free hand, Katie reached down to lift up her shirt. Armando instantly went for her shorts to unbutton them as he reached into his pocket to retrieve the condom he had placed there earlier.

In moments
, they stripped off each others’ clothes.

Katie lay naked on her back with Armando between her legs and hovering over her, shielding her eyes from the searing noon day sun.

She grinned up at him and said, “I love you.”

He bent down to give her a kiss, then whispered,
“I love you too.” And then he pressed deep inside her.

Her entire body buck
ed against him. She shouted, “Yes!” as he went faster and harder, encouraged by the sound of her moans.

The warm, gentle breeze from the ocean encompassed them as they made love.

The sound of the waves crashing below mimicked what Katie felt happening in her body. Waves of pleasure built slowly from every touch of Armando’s body. She reached out to touch his chest as he reached down to cradle her thighs, working himself deeper inside her.

’s head fell back as her mouth fell open. “Yes! Yes...oh yes!” she shouted repeatedly, holding nothing back.

It didn
’t take long for her to climax when he took her from that position, hitting every part of her just right. She yelled his name, professing their love in the wide open air. And soon she heard him moan louder as his breathing quickened. He threw his head back, screaming her name until he couldn’t form words.

And then he lowered her leg and got down on his elbows, locking her body under his as his mouth descended on hers.

When it came time to stand up, Katie glanced at the cliffs surrounding them. “Are you sure no one can see?”

He nodded.
“Yeah.” Then his face screwed up. “Well, unless they have a telescope, I guess.”

He laughed as Katie sheepishly grabbed her clothes from the patio and ran into the house as fast as possible.

Armando retrieved his boxer shorts from the ground and put them on, then strolled into the house. “Are you hungry?” He asked. “I sure am.”

Katie quickly put on her panties and T-shirt then followed him into the kitchen where he took a plate of cold shrimp out of the refrigerator.
“Where’s all this food from, anyway?” she asked.

Mostly from a restaurant a few miles away.” Armando took a moment to chew a shrimp and swallow, then he extended the plate to her. “One of my favorite places. Oh, let me know later if you wanna go out for dinner or have it delivered. Either way’s fine with me.”

Katie flashed him a coy grin as she took a shrimp from the plate.
“I don’t think I wanna leave this house at all. Especially the patio. We could just stay there the entire weekend for all I care. I love the privacy.” She popped the shrimp into her mouth.

Armando blushed slightly as he set the plate down on the counter.
“So, I guess my technique’s improved a bit since high school?”

Katie inhaled a tiny gasp and put her hand on his back.
“You were always good!”

He laughed until he nearly snorted. Calming down, he said,
“No. I was terrible. You just didn’t know any better.”

Don’t say that! I thought you were great. When I look back, I don’t have anything bad to say about it. Quite the opposite.” She let out a dreamy sigh. “Remember that night of the Winter dance?” Her eyes twinkled as she smiled.

Armando looked in
to her eyes, his voice soft. “Of course I do.”

I always wondered if that was really your first time. Seemed like you knew what you were doing.”

He smirked.
“Yes. It was absolutely my first time. And no, I had no idea what I was doing.”

She reached up and put her arms around his neck.
“It was the best night of my entire life. I wrote every single detail I could remember in my diary. I read it sometimes.” She frowned. “Thankfully, I was able to hide it or Dad would’ve thrown it away. He threw away those pictures of us. You know, the ones we had taken that night at the dance, to prove we showed up?”

’s eyes narrowed, thoughtfully. “Yeah. I know.” Then he looked off at the wall as if he was intensely concentrating. “I have something for you. Go to the living room. I’ll be right back.”

Katie took the plate of shrimp with her to the living room and place
d it on the coffee table as Armando went to the bedroom.

After a few minutes, he reappeared, still wearing only his boxer shorts, carrying something tucked under his arm.

Katie strained to see what it was, but he hid it until he sat down beside her.

He cleared his throat as though he was anxious, then presented it to her.

Katie took it from his hand—a small photo album. She looked in his eyes, knowing what was inside before she opened it. “Is the picture in here?”

Grinning, he said,
“Open it.”

Her eyes welled up when she flipped the cover open. And there it was, on the first page. Katie in her powder blue dress, wearing a wrist corsage. Armando in a nice black suit, the most handsome she had ever seen him. They were posed in the position the photographer had posed all the couples who had waited in that line. Facing each other, holding hands.

’s voice broke as she said, “I’m so happy you kept it.”

Me too.”

She stared at it for a while longer then flipped to the next page and immediately laughed. It was a goofy picture of both of them in Katie
’s mom’s car on one of their many clandestine dates. “I forgot about this!” She quickly turned to another page where there was a just a picture of her. She turned to the next one, showing Armando and Katie with some of their friends at a restaurant. “I’m so glad you have these. I had nothing left. Nothing.”

He nodded.
“So, who’s the jackass with the camera phone
, huh?”

She laughed.
“Yeah, you thought you were so cool back then, didn’t you?”

He smiled and put his arm around her shoulder, drawing her close as she flipped through the rest of the pictures.

When Katie arrived at the last page, she gasped and brought her hand to her mouth. “Oh my God.” She had expected to see a picture, but instead, there was a sparkling diamond ring, adhered to the page with a piece of tape.

Armando removed the tape and took the album from Katie
’s hands, gently placing it on the coffee table.

Before he stood up, Armando looked in
to her eyes and said, “I was gonna wait till later and be more formal but I just couldn’t wait anymore. This is long overdue.”

’s hand went to her chest, her eyes filling with new tears as she listened to him continue.

He said,
“If you say ‘yes’ to me, I’ll take that to mean nothing can tear us apart again.” His voice was earnest. “And I mean,
. I need you. I love you. I’m always gonna love you.” And then he stood up, shoving the coffee table away to give himself ample room. He locked eyes with her and dropped down to one knee, extending the ring in his open palm. “Katherine Grace McCormack. My beautiful, precious Katie. Will you please be my wife?”

’s bottom lip trembled as tears fell down her cheeks. The word she wanted to say stuck in her throat. She forced herself to take a few deep breaths, then said, “Yes.”

’s eyes held tears of joy. He quickly slipped the ring on her finger, then stood and reached down to pull her up beside him.

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