Read Angel Mine Online

Authors: Sherryl Woods

Tags: #Romance

Angel Mine (5 page)

“I couldn’t put her on a plane all by herself. And I can’t afford to be flying back and forth with her.”

“Then maybe Todd would come to New York to be with her. He makes fairly frequent trips there now. That wouldn’t be a hardship.”

“Then Angel would stay with him at a hotel for the weekend or something?”

“I think he still has his place there.”

That could work, then, she concluded. If Todd would agree to it. After yesterday, she wasn’t at all sure that was likely.

“What if he says no?” she asked hesitantly.

“Is that what he said yesterday?”

She nodded. “He was pretty adamant about it, too.”

Jake muttered a curse. “I was afraid of that.”

“I thought so. That was what you expected, wasn’t it? What I don’t understand is why you were so sure that would be his reaction.”

“Never mind. Maybe he’ll change his mind once he adjusts to the news. After all, this had to be a big shock.”

She thought of Todd’s bewildered expression, the panic in his eyes. “Yeah, you could say that.”

“Give him time, Heather. Todd might be in denial right now, but we both know the kind of character he has. He’s an honorable man. It’ll be best if we can work all of this out amicably. You don’t want to back him into a corner. You don’t want him spending time with Angel just because he has to, do you?”

“No,” she said at once, then added with a plaintive note, “I want him to love her.”

“Then give him some time.”

She thought of how vehement he’d been the day before. “How much time?”

“As much as it takes. After all, what matters here is arranging what’s best for Angel, right? Or are you on a timetable I don’t know about?”

“No, but I know how stubborn Todd can be. If he decides to dig in his heels, Angel could be in college before he changes his mind.”

Jake grinned at her defeated tone. “I don’t think it’ll take quite that long, not once my wife gets wind of this. Have you thought of letting her in on the secret?”

Heather figured that was just about the worst thing she could possibly do. Having Megan as an ally might have certain benefits, but the drawbacks were tremendous. Todd might never forgive her for dragging their personal business into the middle of his career, for one thing.

“I can’t do that,” she told Jake. “And you have to promise not to say a word.”

“You know I can’t. But I still think you ought to consider it.”

“Ganging up on him won’t work,” Heather said. “You said it yourself. Forcing him into a corner isn’t a good idea.”

“Then we’re back to time,” Jake said.

Much as she hated to admit it, time was the one thing she had plenty of. It wasn’t as if there were Broadway producers clamoring for her quick return.

“Okay, we’ll wait him out,” she said.

“In the meantime, I’ll make the arrangements for the blood work and the DNA testing.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “We’ll work this out, Heather.”

“I hope so.” She regarded him worriedly. “I hope you’re not too uncomfortable about keeping all this from your wife.”

“It won’t be the first secret I’ve kept from Megan,” he said. “The last one pretty much turned her life upside down and she forgave me, anyway. I’m not worried. There’s no need for you to be, either.”

Unfortunately that wasn’t quite true. On her way out of Jake’s office, Heather ran smack into Megan. They’d met only twice, both times right after Todd had first gone to work for her, but Megan had an astounding memory. It was why she was able to juggle so many details in her professional life. Head down, Heather murmured an apology for bumping into her and tried to move on, but Megan recognized her at once.

“Heather? Aren’t you Todd’s friend, the actress?” she asked, a speculative gleam in her eyes.

Heather paused, considered denying it, then finally nodded. “Hello, Megan, it’s nice to see you again.”

“What brings you to Whispering Wind? Are you on vacation?” she asked as if she thought she already knew the answer. In fact, there was a glint in her eye that suggested she had spent the past few seconds putting two and two together.

“Not exactly. I’m working here temporarily.”

“An acting job? I wasn’t aware there were any films being shot around here just now.”

“There aren’t. I’m working across the street.”

Megan’s gaze shot toward the diner, then up and down the block as if there might be some other business there, maybe even a theater she hadn’t noticed before. “Where?”

“At the Starlight Diner.”

“You’re waitressing for Henrietta?” Her tone registered genuine shock.

“For the time being.” Heather forced a smile. “Gotta run. It’s almost lunchtime and I’m due back.”

“Wait,” Megan said, the single word a command that had Heather stopping against her will. “Have you seen Todd?”

Again, Heather forced that fake smile. Denying the meeting would only make it look more significant when Megan eventually discovered the truth.

“Yes,” she said cheerfully. “I ran into him unexpectedly last night at the diner. It was great to see him again.”

“Uh-huh,” Megan said, her expression thoughtful. “You didn’t know he was here in town?”

“I knew your show was being done somewhere in Wyoming and that he was wherever you were, but I didn’t expect to be bumping into him. It’s a big state.” Well, she hadn’t exactly lied. She really hadn’t expected to bump into Todd on her first day in town.

“So, he didn’t know you were coming?”

“Nope. Todd and I haven’t spoken in years,” she said honestly.

“I see,” Megan said, as if those wheels in her brain were clicking away, trying to process this new tidbit of information.

“Gotta run,” Heather repeated. She didn’t want Angel spotting her from the window of the café and running outside. For once Megan saw her daughter, she would leap to her own, probably very accurate conclusions. “Good to see you again.”

“You, too,” Megan replied distractedly.

She seemed so lost in thought Heather couldn’t help wondering if she wasn’t already engaging in some wild speculation. And since Heather had been leaving Jake’s office when they bumped into each other, she figured her attorney was in for a fierce cross-examination. She could only pray he was as tough as he claimed to be and could withstand it without cracking.

When she glanced back one last time, she saw through the large, uncurtained window that Megan was now inside. Jake had pulled her into his arms and appeared to be kissing her passionately.

Heather grinned. An interesting technique for stalling, but she had a hunch Megan O’Rourke wasn’t the kind of woman who could be put off for long.

But as long as it gave Heather time to win Todd’s cooperation without interference, she certainly appreciated whatever sneaky skills Jake Landers used to keep his wife off the scent.


odd spent two days in Laramie. He ate fast food, binged on movies, then lingered in a bookstore, immersed in scanning the bestsellers. For some reason he didn’t care to examine too closely, he was especially drawn to murderous thrillers.

None of it, however, successfully pushed his situation with Heather from his head for more than minutes at a time. It was time to go back to Whispering Wind and face the music, he concluded on the afternoon of the second day. Postponing the inevitable wasn’t his style. Quick and decisive were two qualities on which he prided himself.

Maybe he’d be lucky. Maybe Heather and Angel would be gone. Maybe it had all been some freakish dream that had seemed so real he could still feel the way Heather’s skin had burned beneath his touch, still smell her once-familiar flowery scent, still hear the clink of those annoying bracelets.

And maybe there were no cattle in Wyoming, he thought with a resigned sigh.

He could handle this, he told himself as he approached the diner. He’d handled worse dilemmas, if less personal ones. Some of the egocentric, temperamental people he dealt with on a daily basis were a whole lot worse than one little girl and a mother with a determined glint in her eye.

Or maybe not, he thought, considering what Heather expected of him.

Still, if he wanted his life back, wanted to return to his safe, familiar rut, this was something he had to do. He was not going to be scared off by a pint-size human being who might or might not be his daughter. Maybe if he reminded himself often enough that Angel was just an innocent little girl with a shy smile, it would stop terrifying him so. Of course, that was precisely the point and that was precisely what terrified him.

He actually got out of his car in front of the diner, took several steps toward the door, then hesitated, his bravado vanishing. He glanced in the window. There was no sign of Angel, but Heather was talking to a customer, a wrangler from one of the nearby ranches, judging from the rugged, tanned looks of him. Her hand on his arm, she was leaning in close and laughing at something he said. What was she up to? If she was here to snag him as a daddy for Angel, what was she doing with another man? Looking for a substitute in case he held out? Jealousy streaked through Todd like a bolt of lightning.

One good thing about jealousy, he concluded. It could motivate a man to ignore just about everything else. He was through the door of the Starlight Diner without giving it another second thought.

As he passed by, he directed a scowl at Heather, then headed straight for his regular booth and grabbed a menu, even though he knew everything on it by heart. The specials were listed on a blackboard by the front door. He hadn’t even bothered to glance at those. He doubted he’d notice if he was served a platter of sawdust.

Minutes later he heard the familiar, irksome tinkle of bangle bracelets and glanced up to find Heather regarding him with knowing amusement. He had to wonder then if she’d spotted him outside, then deliberately stood within view flirting with that cowboy. Such a tactic wouldn’t be beyond her. She’d always known exactly the effect she wanted to create—on stage or off—and exactly how to make him crazy.

That was what made this current test of wills so dangerous. Heather had a way of sneaking past his defenses, of winning, despite whatever his intentions were. In the first year they’d dated, he’d told himself a million times to bail out because they were such an ill-suited match, but each and every time, she would sense his mood and find some clever way to change his mind.

“Something wrong?” she asked, studying him curiously.

“Nothing. Why should anything be wrong?”

“Just wondering,” she said, her expression innocent, but her lips curved into the beginnings of a smile. “You seemed upset, the way you came striding through the front door. Looked like a man on a mission.”

“Sweetheart, you’ve never seen me upset. This isn’t it.”

Her grin spread. “I’ll keep that in mind. What can I get for you?”

After two days’ worth of tacos, hamburgers, fries, popcorn and milk shakes in Laramie, the last thing Todd actually wanted was food. He was here because he wanted his life to settle into its familiar routine, and by God, he intended to see that it did.

“I’ll have the steak,” he said. He
had steak on Thursday night. “Medium rare. Baked potato. Salad.”

“With ranch dressing,” Heather said before he could, confirming that she had a long memory and that he was entirely predictable. Boring.

Just to prove she wasn’t as clever as she thought she was, he said, “No. French.”

“But you hate—”

“Not anymore.”

“Okay,” she said mildly, scratching out the original order and correcting it. “Coffee with cream, or has that changed, too?”

“Black,” he said. “I like it black.”

She shook her head. “If you say so.”

“That’s right. I say so. It’s been four years. You don’t know me, Heather. Not the way you think you do.”

Suddenly serious, her gaze locked with his. “And what? If I did, I’d go screaming out of town, run back to New York, leave you alone?”

He nodded, relieved that she’d finally grasped the point. “Exactly.”

“Sorry. I’m not buying it. Maybe things between us have changed, but you, the kind of man you are? Not a chance. Honor and integrity are as ingrained in you as your DNA. I’ll be back with your coffee and salad in a sec.”

After she’d gone, Todd felt his breath ease out of him, as if he’d been holding it the whole time they’d been talking. Somehow the purpose for coming here had gotten lost. His routine was still a shambles. He did hate French dressing and he liked cream in his coffee.

Maybe that’s why he was almost relieved when Heather brought the dressing for his salad on the side—two kinds, French and the ranch he preferred. She also set down three tiny containers of cream for his coffee. She placed all of it on the table without comment and left him to make up his own mind about how far he intended to carry his stubbornness.

He was about to give in and spoon the ranch dressing onto his salad when he sensed he wasn’t alone. He glanced down into green eyes that were unmistakably the exact same shade as his own.

“Hiya,” Angel said.

Todd swallowed hard. “Hi.”

“I gots a doll. Wanna see?” She was already holding up a plump baby doll with golden ringlets and a real child-size diaper that almost swallowed it up.

What was he supposed to say to that? Todd wondered. “Very pretty,” he said finally.

“Her name’s Leaky.”

Maybe that was the reason for that diaper, Todd concluded, surprised to find himself beginning to smile.

“Like my name,” she explained.

“I thought your name was Angel,” he said, confused.

She regarded him impatiently. “It is. Angel-leaky.”

“That’s Angelique, baby,” Heather corrected her as she approached the table with the rest of Todd’s meal.

“Ah,” Todd murmured, understanding finally. “That’s a lovely name.”

“I read it in a book,” Heather told him.

Suddenly Todd recalled her reading a set of dog-eared novels about a heroine named Angelique. He could remember the dreamy expression in her eyes, the deeply satisfied sighs when she reached the final page of each one.

“I remember,” he said, wishing he didn’t. Because with those memories came others of the sweet intensity of their lovemaking when Heather had been off in some imaginary, romantic world for a few hours.

Her gaze honed in on his, as if she knew precisely where his thoughts had strayed. Her expression softened.

And then that blasted cowboy called out, “Hey, sugar, how about a little more coffee?”

The moment was lost. It was just as well, Todd thought. Tripping down memory lane was the last thing he needed to be doing. Cold, hard logic, he reminded himself firmly. That was the ticket.

“I sit with you?” Angel asked, startling him. “You looks lonesome.”

Before he could reply, she slid in next to him, squeezing up against him until he shifted to make room for her and the doll she’d placed between them.

“Know what?”

“What?” he replied, reluctantly meeting her gaze.

“I’m gonna see my daddy,” she confided, unaware of the impact her words were having. “Mama said.” She leaned closer and patted his cheek. “I really, really need a daddy. I never had one.”

Todd’s gaze shot to Heather, who was still chatting with the cowboy. What the devil had she been telling Angel? Apparently she hadn’t identified him as the daddy in question just yet, but clearly it was only a matter of time if she was already prepping Angel for the big introduction.

Suddenly his appetite, not all that great to begin with, vanished.

“Let me out, Angel,” he asked, his voice choked. “I have to get going.”

Angel stared at his plate, wide-eyed. “But you didn’t finish your dinner. Mama says I can’t leave the table till I eat every bite.”

“And that’s a very good rule, I’m sure, but I’m not hungry.”

“Mama’s gonna be mad,” Angel predicted, still not budging.

Too impatient to wait for her to do as he’d asked, Todd awkwardly circled her waist with his arm and scooted Angel, Leaky and himself out of the booth, then set Angel back on the bench.

“I’ll leave your mom a big tip. That should improve her mood,” he said wryly, tossing bills—way too many of them—on the table.

He sidestepped Heather in the aisle, ignoring her surprise as he aimed straight for the door and the air he suddenly needed.

Apparently defiantly clinging to his routine wasn’t going to be quite the snap he’d hoped it would be, not with Heather and his daughter right smack in the middle of it.

“Was that Todd I saw charging out of here?” Henrietta asked when she came in to help Heather close up.

“It was.”

“He didn’t clean his plate,” Angel informed them both. She gazed up at Heather. “Maybe he should go to his room.”

Heather grinned. “He’s a grown-up, baby. He doesn’t have to eat if he doesn’t want to. Besides, my hunch is that he’s already headed for his room.”

Probably to make one of those infernal lists of his, she thought. If it couldn’t be quantified or analyzed or broken down into pros and cons, Todd wanted no part of it. Her arrival in town with Angel in tow had to be driving him nuts. She had to confess to taking a certain amount of pleasure in his discomfort. One of her favorite pastimes when they’d lived together was to rattle his sometimes scary, intimidating composure on a regular basis. Of course, nothing she’d done back then came even close to this.

Henrietta was still staring at the door with evident concern. “That’s two nights this week that he’s disappeared without eating. Last night and the night before, he didn’t come in at all. Something’s definitely wrong. Normally that man is here like clockwork every night and he has the appetite of a horse.”

Heather wasn’t about to enlighten her about what was likely wrong with Todd, but Henrietta was regarding her speculatively, clearly linking her arrival and Todd’s abrupt change in behavior.

“This all started when you showed up here the other day,” she said slowly, her expression thoughtful. “I know I introduced you, but he latched on to you like a man with something on his mind. You two already knew each other, didn’t you? How well?”

“That probably depends on which one of us you ask,” Heather replied, thinking of Todd’s insistence that she didn’t know him at all.

“How well?” Henrietta repeated.

“We dated for a while.”

Henrietta’s eyes narrowed. “How long is a while?”

“A few years.”

The older woman’s gaze shot to Angel. Then she sat down in one of the vacant booths. “Oh, my. Don’t tell me…” Her voice trailed off.

“Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this just now,” Heather said with a pointed look at Angel. Her daughter didn’t appear to be listening to the grownups, but with Angel you could never tell. She’d repeated an awful lot of things Heather would have sworn she hadn’t heard.

“No, I suppose not.” Henrietta regarded Heather sternly. “But we will talk about it. Make no mistake about that.”

Heather winced at her tone. Henrietta had been kind and generous, taking Heather and Angel in without giving it a second thought. But it was obvious that her first loyalty was to a man she’d known for months, a man she clearly liked and respected.

“I’ll explain everything,” Heather promised. If Henrietta was going to continue letting her work here, maybe she did deserve to know the whole truth about what had brought Heather and Angel to Whispering Wind. She didn’t belong in the cross fire, at least not without understanding what was going on and deciding for herself if she was willing to be a party to it.

“I’ll explain tonight, if you want,” Heather offered. “I’ll get Angel into bed and come back down.”

“Tomorrow will be soon enough,” Henrietta said, then glanced at the remaining customer. “Looks as if Joe would like more coffee. If you’ll see to that, I’ll close out the register and get the bank deposit ready.”

Heather wasn’t particularly anxious to serve Joe coffee or anything else. He was a friendly, nice-looking young man. With his coal-black hair curling over his collar, the chiseled planes of his face and his piercing blue eyes, he was every woman’s fantasy of a rugged cowboy, in fact, but she wasn’t interested.

He, however, clearly was. He’d been sweet-talking her the past two nights in his shy, gentle way. While the attention had been flattering, she was very much afraid he was starting to hope for something more than good service in exchange for his tip.

“Why don’t you sit down and join me for a bit?” he suggested when she’d filled his cup.

“We’re about to close. I need to help Henrietta.”

“Henrietta’s been managing this place just fine on her own for a long time now. She can spare you. Come on, sugar, sit down and tell me about yourself.”

“Sorry, I can’t. As soon as we’re finished, I have to get Angel up to bed. I don’t like her to get in the habit of staying up late.” Even when she’d carted her to the theater, she’d tried to make sure that she was asleep in the dressing room by eight when the show went on, so the stagehands would only have to peek in on her while Heather was on stage.

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