Read And Then You Dare (Crested Butte Cowboys Series Book 5) Online

Authors: Heather A. Buchman

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western, #Westerns

And Then You Dare (Crested Butte Cowboys Series Book 5) (13 page)

BOOK: And Then You Dare (Crested Butte Cowboys Series Book 5)
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“I don’t know why
mad,” she
turned and glared at him.

“I don’t know why anyone has to be mad,” he grunted at her. “I
didn’t know, okay? That’s the last time I’m gonna say it. And listen here,
we’re goin’ to a ranch. If they call it a ranch, it means there’s lots of land.
You can’t stand the sight of me? Keep away from me, and I’ll do the same.”

“I didn’t say I couldn’t stand the sight of you. What makes
you think I feel that way? I just don’t think you’re telling me the truth. The
two have little to do with each other.”

“You callin’ me a liar and you not being able to stand the
sight of me are the same thing in my book. Now I suggest you stop with the
accusations if you still want a ride. You be quiet, I’ll take you to the ranch.

She didn’t answer.

“I asked you a question McCullough.”

“I heard you.”

“Then answer me or I’ll pull this truck over and you can fend
for yourself.”


“Good. Now read me the directions.”



“Your mama asked me to come get her and your sister,” Clancy
said at the dinner table.

“You don’t mind? Couldn’t her husband drive her here, or am I
that bad that he can’t bring my mama to my high school graduation?”

“Bad? Where’d you get that idea?”

“I ain’t seen my mama more than twice in the last few years.
Gotta be somethin’ wrong with me.”

Clancy dropped his fork and looked at Bill. “There isn’t
anything wrong with you. The problems are his fault, not yours.”

In all the years he’d known him, Bill rarely saw Clancy angry.
And this time, he seemed very much so.

“It’s time you knew the truth about what’s been goin’ on.”

Bill sat still and waited. Over the last three years, Clancy
had been called away from the ranch at least a half dozen times without
offering explanation. It bothered Bill. Clancy was never secretive. When the
first phone call came and Clancy told him he was going to Colorado Springs to
help Bill’s mama with something, he asked Bill to trust that he knew best.
Clancy wouldn’t say more. After all the man had done for him and his family,
Bill couldn’t argue.

“Your mama isn’t married to Mr. Snyder any longer.”

“She isn’t?” Bill felt the heat rising in his cheeks. His mama
had gotten a divorce and he hadn’t known anything about it? A sense of betrayal
was forming in his chest, making it hard for him to breathe. “What else have
you been keepin’ from me Clancy?” Bill stood and stepped away from the kitchen

“It’s a recent development. I just found out myself, so
sit yourself back down and I’ll tell you the story.”

Chapter 12

“I’m sorry,” Tristan said, over a half hour into the drive.

“Yeah? What for?”

“For, uh…I’m not sure…whatever I said that offended you.”

“You have no idea?”

“No, not really. I know you said I called you a liar, but I

“Did you believe what I was tellin’ you?”


“And what do you call someone who tells you somethin’ you don’t

“I doubted what you were saying. That’s different than saying
I thought you were lying.”

“Tristan, come on. Listen to yourself. It’s the same thing.”

Tristan shook her head. “You’re right. And I am sorry Bullet.”

“For two people who haven’t spent much time together, you and
I say we’re sorry an awful lot. You notice that?”

Now that he mentioned it, she did. “I think it’s more me
apologizing to you rather than the other way around.”

“You’re forgiven.”

“Will you talk to me now?”

“Yeah. I’ll talk.”

“Tell me why you’re here again.”

Bullet told her about finding his gram and parents at his
house when he got back from Crested Butte, and then about Bill and Dottie
arranging for him to spend a week at the ranch.

“Didn’t it seem strange?” she asked.

“Hell yeah it did. But my whole life is strange right now. I
questioned it, sure. But then when Bill said I’d spend the week training and
gettin’ on bulls, I figured what the hell? Why are you here?”

“I told you. I’m meeting with the ranch owners about our clothing.”

“Uh huh. Someone told you a lie, and it wasn’t me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Somethin’ tells me that you’re not here for the reason you
think you are.”

“Do you think someone intentionally planned for us to be here

Bullet laughed.
He laughed.
Was she
really being that naive? Obviously he was convinced someone planned it.


“Odds are on my sister, but I don’t think she was alone in her
conniving. Someone had to convince Bill and Dottie. Someone had to convince my
gram and my parents.
someone had to
convince your daddy. The conspiracy grows.”

Tristan didn’t know what to say. Who? Liv? And if it was Liv,

“Let me ask you this. Is there something you want for yourself?
Something someone knows about, and also knows that you never put what you want
before everything else in your life?”

“Yes, there is,” she murmured.

“What is it?”

“I don’t want to tell you.”

Bullet raised an eyebrow in her direction.

“It isn’t that I don’t want to tell you specifically. It’s
just not something I’m ready to talk to anyone about.”

“So you haven’t told anyone what it is?”

“I didn’t say that. I did tell someone.”


“Liv. And…”

“Who? Come on, just tell me.”

“Your sister. And Dottie knows too.”

“I’d say the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to come
together. Whatever it is that you don’t want to talk about is the reason you’re
here. Just like gettin’ on practice bulls is my reason for bein’ here.”

“I’m designing a new line of clothing.”

“That doesn’t sound newsworthy.”

He was right, clothing was her business. But this was
different. This was for her.

“I haven’t had time to discuss it with my daddy. I also rarely
have time to work on it. If I’m going to create a whole new brand, I need
several pieces ready to go into production.”

“Guess you’ll have plenty of time to design stuff if you’re
hangin’ out here for a week.”

“But why here? My daddy could have put me on a plane to just
about anywhere.”

Tristan wasn’t sure what else to say that wouldn’t hurt
Bullet’s feelings. First of all, she was sure her daddy didn’t know Bullet
existed. And if Liv
told him, he
certainly wouldn’t have agreed to send her off for a week with him.

“Renie and Jace used to work this ranch. That’s where they met.
Liv probably suggested it to your daddy.”

That made sense, although she’d had no idea Liv was this

“She just wants you to be happy.”

Tristan studied Bullet. “How did you know what I was

“I don’t know. I just do.”

“And what am I thinking right now?”

Bullet covered her hand with his. “You’ll make me blush Miss
Tristan, askin’ me to say it out loud.”

Tristan pulled her hand away and crossed her arms in front of
her. She couldn’t hide her smile, or the heat she felt creeping into her
cheeks. That hadn’t been what she was thinking about, but now it was.


They had their own cabins, next door to each other. Bullet
unloaded Tristan’s bags for her, and waited while the female ranch manager
explained the schedule to them.

“You’re both experienced riders, so just call this number when
you want to go for a ride,” she handed each a business card. “I make breakfast
and dinner for the ranch workers. It’s served in the dining hall which you
passed on your way in. You’re on your own for lunch, but there’s plenty you can
grab and go with at breakfast. If there’s anything else you want, just leave me
a note and I’ll get it for you as soon as I can, usually it’s the same day.”

She gave Bullet another card, with a number on it for his trainer.
She told him to call him right away and let him know he’d arrived. They’d start
work that afternoon. She asked if they had any other questions, but neither

She pointed to another building, south of the pond. “There’s a
steam room and sauna, workout equipment, and you can schedule massages or
facials. We have folks on staff year round for the spa.”

A massage sounded really good to Tristan, especially after
spending the better part of two days on an airplane.

“Is there a hot tub?” Bullet asked, but was looking at Tristan
when he did. He winked at her when her gaze met his.

“Yes, there is. And a lap pool.”

“This is quite a setup. I didn’t expect it to be this
elaborate,” Tristan commented.

“People pay big bucks to spend a week with us. They come over
from Vail and Aspen, or fly in like you did. A few years ago business started
to fall off. Research told us we had to offer the spa services along with
gourmet food, dancing, hot cowboys, easy and healthy horses, and loads of
options for daily activities. The owners paid attention. Now we sell out just
about every week we’re open.”

“Do you know anything about a private clothing line?” Tristan

“Oh, I’m glad you mentioned
that. Yes, I’m supposed to arrange a meeting with you, me, and Stewart. He’s
the owner. I understand your company has a new woman’s line in the works. We’d
love to be among the first to offer it.” She picked up a catalog that had been
sitting on the coffee table in the cabin. “This is the majority of what we
offer now. We sell to folks around the world through this and our website. Take
a look through it and see if you think your pieces would be a good fit,
although from what we’ve heard from Liv Rice, they will be.”

Tristan glanced at Bullet who had an “I told you so” look on
his face. She looked again at the card.

“Thank you, Piper. That’s you right?”

“Oh goodness, didn’t I introduce myself? Yes, I’m Piper.”

Tristan and Bullet shook hands with her, and she left.

“Guess I’ll see you around,” Bullet walked toward the cabin

“Sure, see you.”

“If you’re interested, I can let you know where we’ll be

Once again Tristan was reminded how different Bullet was from
Walter. Seeing the lecher who broke her heart really put their differences in
perspective. Bullet was his own man.

“I’d like that,” she said after too long a time. She saw
Bullet visibly exhale as though he was waiting for her answer to breathe again.
“Maybe we could check out the hot tub later too,” she added.

If only she had a camera to capture the stunned look on
Bullet’s face. It was priceless.

“Yeah? Did you remember your bathing suit this time?”

Tristan walked closer to the cabin door. Bullet stepped over
the threshold. “Nope, I sure didn’t.” She could only imagine the look on his
face now was even more priceless as she closed the door behind him.


Bullet could barely walk let alone remember how his phone
worked. The last thing, the very last thing, he expected from Tristan was for
her to flirt with him, and so brazenly.

How the hell was he supposed to focus on bulls now? Maybe he
should go back, knock on her door, and wait a few hours to call his trainer. In
fact, maybe he should wait until tomorrow to call him.

“Hey there, you Bullet?” a man shouted from down near the

“Yes sir, I am.”

“I’m Buck Bishop. I understand you’re quite the young bull

The two met halfway on the path between the cabins and the
corral. “Don’t know about that, but I sure want to be.”

“Let’s get to work then.”

He’d heard of Buck, he was known as one of the best in the
world. But Bullet had heard he’d retired.

He’d taken Tristan’s bag to her cabin, but his was still in
the truck. “I’ll stow my bag and grab my gear.”

“I’ll be waitin’. Don’t dally.”

Dallying would be the last thing he’d do. Having an opportunity
like this was once in a lifetime.

As he walked back to his truck, he could hear music coming
from Tristan’s cabin. Talk about an opportunity of a lifetime. He’d have two
this week. And he intended to take full advantage of both.


Tristan unpacked her clothes and put them in the
rustic-looking wardrobe. Everything in the room was designed to look old-time
western, but upon closer inspection, the fabrics used, the construction of the
furniture, even the fixtures, were the best of the best. She was beginning to
understand that while those vacationing at the ranch wanted an authentic
experience, they also wanted high-end comfort.

She ran her hand over the granite counters in the over-sized
bathroom, and was pleased to see a jetted soaking tub big enough for two.

Back in the main room of the cabin she found a docking station
for her iPod, and chose the playlist she listened to most often when she was

She heard the door of the cabin next door close, and peeked
out the window. Bullet was on his way to the corral, carrying most of his gear.
He’d already put on his chaps and vest. In his hand he carried his bull rope,
leather glove, and protective helmet. She was happy to see it had a mask
attached similar to those worn by hockey players. It would be downright sinful
for a face as perfectly rugged as his to be injured. His jeans hugged his butt
as he swaggered more than walked down the pathway.

The chaps he wore were relatively plain compared to most she’d
seen. They were made of black leather, with fringe along the sides and bottom.
Tan leather accents dressed them up a bit, but Tristan knew for certain that
Bullet would have flashier chaps for actual competitions.

Perhaps she’d sketch a few designs for men’s chaps this
afternoon too. She was sure her daddy expected her to be working on the Lost
Cowboy line this week. She’d go home with some for him, along with more for

First she’d spend a few
minutes making notes for Bullet’s Lost Cowboy story. It was another thing that
came out of her run-in with Walter. Comparing the two had made it so clear.
a lost cowboy, and he was working damn hard to find his way back. He was
a flirt, no question, but the more she got to know him, the more she realized
he was a decent man. The story was a go, and soon, so would the sponsorship.


There wasn’t anything Buck told Bullet that he hadn’t heard
before from Bill. The difference was Buck was harder on him than Bill had ever
been, and there wasn’t anyone or anything else to distract him from seeing every
single mistake Bullet made. He was patient though, and while he pointed things
out to him, Buck didn’t seem frustrated.

“Good first out,” he patted him on the back. “That’s enough
for today. I have a good idea what we’ll focus on this week.” Buck handed Bullet
a folder. “Here’s your workout schedule.” He pointed toward the same building
Piper had. “You’ll find a workout room in there. When you finish your sets, I
want you to hit either the steam or the sauna, but not both. Then get yourself
into the hot tub.”

“Yes, sir,” Bullet said,
perusing the sheets of paper in the folder. He’d never worked out this hard in
his life, not even when he was in high school and played football and baseball.

“You swim?”

“Yes, I do.”

“In the back you’ll see some workouts you can do in the lap
pool. That’ll be less hard on your joints on days you’re feelin’ sore.”

Bullet saw Buck had a schedule for each day he would be at the
ranch. It started right after breakfast, and ended right before dinner. It
looked as though he’d have time to himself in the evening, if he wasn’t too
exhausted to move.

“Thank you sir,” Bullet shook Buck’s hand. “I don’t know who
set all this up, but I sure do appreciate your time. I guess I should ask what
I’m gonna owe you.”

“That’s all taken care of. Don’t give it another thought.”

Bullet figured as much,
which is why he hadn’t asked earlier. Could be that Flying R covered it as part
of his spon
Bill could’ve
too, in which case, he’d pay him back every penny, either in cash or in damn
hard work. There was a possibility it was his parents, but that was the least
likely option.

Both he and Lyric were
raised to make their own way in the world. His gram’s house was nice, and they
never wanted for anything they needed, but they were expected to earn their
keep. As far as he was concerned, learning the value of a dollar, and the
importance of having a good work ethic were the best things his family taught
him and his sister.

BOOK: And Then You Dare (Crested Butte Cowboys Series Book 5)
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