Read All She Craved Online

Authors: Cami Stark

Tags: #Romance

All She Craved (2 page)

Reaching for a towel, I stole a glance of my glistening body in the floor-length mirror. I had always been comfortable in my own skin. I knew that not everyone appreciated a size 8 frame, but I worked hard to maintain it. My mother had always told me that my curves were in all the right places and I believed her. In the past, I had men comment about my hourglass figure or my bright blue eyes, but I thought I was just a simple, average girl. I remembered being teased in junior high school for wearing glasses and braces. What a nightmare that was. Eventually I lost the braces, but the glasses still remained. I reached for another towel and twirled my wet hair atop my head. As I slipped into my robe, the door-bell rang.
Who could that be?
I walked to the door and looked out the glass on the side panel.
Oh my god!
It’s him! But how does he know where I live?
I opened the door and he walked through. His look was disapproving as he glanced around my meager home. My living room furniture consisted of two Lazy-Boy recliners and a small TV on a stand. I shrug my shoulders at him. “Student loans,” I said answering his silent question.

Ignoring my comment, he asked, “How are you this morning?” And in a genuine tone he added, “I’ve missed you Ms. Saul.”

Really? I thought I’d never see him again.
“Hi Michael, what are you doing here?” Not saying a word, he drew me in for a long kiss while simultaneously backing me into the wall and removing his coat. I felt that familiar clench deep within. I instantly remembered craving his touch in bed the night before. He worked at the tie on my robe and it drifted to the floor, leaving me exposed to his touch. He turned me around to face the kitchen table. He was behind me and I could feel his hard cock on my back. He gently pressed between my shoulder blades summoning me to bend over. The towel fell from my hair onto the table. He gathered my hands and tied them above my head with the belt from my robe.

“Spread your legs.”
What’s he doing?
He lightly slapped my bottom and I spread my legs in submission. “Good girl” He said into my ear. “Next time don’t make me ask twice.” He slapped my bottom again. Heat sizzled through my body causing me to clench with need.

Why am I apologizing?

“You’re sorry, what?”
Is he serious?

“I’m sorry...sir?” He pulled his tie from his neck and covered my eyes.

“Very good, Ms. Saul. This will intensify your experience.” He splayed kisses on my back and rubbed my backside. His thumb came far too close to my back door, which startled me and I jumped. “Don’t worry, Ms. Saul, we won’t be doing that until you’re ready.”

Ready for what? That? Oh shit!
He undid his pants then I heard a condom being unwrapped. Suddenly, I heard a humming sound from behind me. I felt his hand on the back of my neck. He slowly entered me with one pleasing thrust. I cried out his name as he filled me completely. He laid his body over my back and I felt him reach around to my front, placing the humming device on my clit. Electricity shot through me as I cried out in pure ecstasy.

“That’s it Ms. Saul, let it out.” I couldn’t take anymore, bathing his penis in my juices.

“Oh yeah, baby, you feel so fucking good.” He pumped me until he found his own release. I was still reeling from my own mind-blowing orgasm when he pulled out of me. He untied my hands and removed my blindfold, scooping me into his arms and sitting us in a Lazy-Boy recliner. “You are very submissive, Ms. Saul. I like that a lot,” he whispered in my ear. All my mind could do was drift as I laid my head on his shoulder, still reeling in an orgasmic haze. He was kissing my cheek as his phone buzzed from within his pants on the floor. Setting me on my feet, he answered the call. He had a brief conversation with someone on the other end and hung up. “Sorry, baby. I have to leave.”

I sat in the chair, limp from the mind-blowing sex as he gathered his things and kissed me goodbye. I had had sex before but never had it ever felt so incredible—so naughty. I was surprised at how much I loved his control. The domination made everything more erotic.
Am I a freak?
I shunned the thought from my brain.
The better question was—is he a freak?


An hour later my phone rang. I looked at the screen: “Dr. Jeffery Petersen.”

“Hi Jeff,” I answered.

“Hey baby, what’s going on?”

“Nothing. What are you doing with your day off?”

“I’m hoping you’ll meet me for lunch.”

“Alright. Where?”

“How about Panera in half an hour?”

“Sounds good. See you there.”

I went into my room and slipped on a pair of jeans and a sweater. It wasn’t really cold in San Diego this time of year but we had a rainstorm coming through. It left a chill in the air. I went out to my car and noticed an envelope underneath my windshield wiper. I picked it up and removed the card from within. The card read:

You cannot enter the room without my feeling all over me a ripple of flame.
— Michael.

Wow! How did he know my favorite book was "Love Letters?




I waited outside Panera for Jeff to arrive. We walked in together, ordered our food and sat in a booth near the back of the restaurant.

“You should come away with me this weekend,” he declared, while blowing on his hot coffee and staring at me over the mug.

“Go away to where?”
Is he serious?

“I don’t know… We could just drive up the coast to a bed and breakfast or something.” Before I could respond, I heard the clerk call Jeff’s name indicating our order was ready. He got up to get it.

Shit! Shit! Shit! What am I going to do? I can’t tell him about the mind-blowing sex with Michael. And, where was that going anyway? I’m sure he’s just in it for the sex. Maybe I should go away with Jeff?
He returned to the table with our order. “So, what do you think?” He looked at me as if I was lucky just to be asked.
What an arrogant prick.

“Can I let you know for sure tomorrow? I have to speak with my brother. He’s supposed to come into town this weekend.” He looked at me, shocked that I didn’t immediately accept his invitation.
What an ass.
We finished our lunches with light conversation then stood to leave. Jeff grabbed my hand—for the first time ever—and led me outside. He leaned in to kiss me, as he had a dozen times before. However, this time was different; the slight flutter of butterflies that used to be present was suddenly absent. The flame of passion that I had felt with Mr. Straus was also missing. Jeff didn’t seem to notice, as he worked his tongue in my mouth.
He finally stopped.

“Let me know about this weekend,” he whispered. I got in my car and pulled away.




“What the hell am I going to do?” I asked my sister over the phone later that evening. “You slept with him right there in the clinic? Who are you? Rwaaarrr!” We shared a laugh.

“Seriously, Lilly, do you think I should go away with Jeff this weekend?” I asked.

“Has Mr. Super-Sex given you any reason to think you’ll see him again?”

“No, but he did leave a note on my car.”

“Then I would say go with Jeff. He’s a good guy.”




I spent the rest of the evening sitting in front of the TV snuggling with Pumpkin and watching the movie
. Pumpkin and I shared a bag of popcorn and I had some cheap Riesling. I jumped when I heard a sudden knock on the door. I looked out to see my neighbor waving at me from behind the glass. I opened the door.

“Mrs. Johnson! Hi. How are you?” She held up a box.

“Hello dear. A messenger accidentally dropped this off at my house, but it’s for you.” I took the box from her hands and set it on the floor.

“Thank you, Mrs. Johnson.” I shut the door, picked up the box and brought it into the kitchen. Opening the box, I saw it contained a pair of shoes and a note nestled inside. I pulled one of the shoes out of the box—a nude-colored, velvet platform stiletto.
The note read:

Ms. Saul, I saw these and thought of you in them… and nothing more
— Michael

Holy shit!
They're from him! But, how did he know I’m a size 8?


I arrived at work early the next morning to find my manager standing at the nurse’s station. “Trisha, Mr. Strauss is requesting your presence in his office. I have arranged for someone to cover your shift,” she said, giving nothing away.

Shit! Shit! Shit!
“Um...ok.” I turned and headed back to my car thinking I’m surely getting fired. I arrived at Strauss Medical headquarters approximately an hour later. I had been there only once before. I pulled into the parking garage of the massive enterprise and parked my car. I continued to worry about what I would do if I lost my job, as I enter the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor. I stepped off the elevator and was immediately escorted to the office of Mr. Strauss. The assistant opened the door to a large space and I walked in to see Mr. Strauss staring out the window. He was barking at someone on the phone. The assistant motioned for me to take a seat in front of his desk and then left.

Michael’s office was simply stunning. Centered in the room along the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the ocean, there stood a large mahogany desk that likely cost more than all of my furniture combined. In the corner sat an oversized white plush sectional. The office also had an extravagant kitchenette and an adjoining executive lounge-style bar. Michael finished his conversation and set his phone down on his desk. He looked at me with an engaged masculine glance and I blushed.

“How are you this morning, Ms. Saul?”
God he’s so sexy. I want to eat him alive.

“I’m…um...fine.” My mouth went dry and I could barely speak.

“Do you know why I called you here today?” He had a malicious grin on his face and I knew he was up to something.

“To fire me?” He laughed loudly and smiled.

“On the contrary, Ms. Saul. I have a proposition for you.” He opened his office drawer, and pulled out an iPad. A few clicks later he handed the tablet to me. “Have you seen this newspaper article?” I looked at the screen and recognized it as the one I had read a week before.

“Yes, this article was in the clinic newsletter. It’s about the expansion of Strauss Medical.” I handed his tablet back to him.

“Yes, we are expanding to the Hawaiian Islands, and I’m going to need a liaison to advise me—medically. I looked over your records—both from the clinic and nursing school—I’d like that person to be you.”

My mouth dropped open at the thought of being in Hawaii with this beautiful man. Images of sex on the beach flashed in my mind. My skin sizzled.
Stop it!
I mentally slapped myself. “I don’t know what good I’ll be to you. I’m simply a nurse.”

His grin grew wider and he raised his eyebrows. “Well, Ms. Saul, that’s where things could become interesting. I wanted you there for more than just business.” He stalked around the desk, grabbed a pillow from the couch and lifted me to my feet. “Get on your knees, Ms. Saul.” He dropped the pillow at his feet. He was speaking in his male dominant voice, the one that screamed sex. I did as he asked.
What is this control he has over me?
“Good, good, now undo my pants.” He waited for me to respond.

“Yes, sir.” I unbuttoned his slacks and his cock sprang free. I took him in my mouth.
He slid across my tongue. He tasted amazing—manly, salty and sweet, all at once. I increased the rate at which I stroked and sucked, paying careful attention to increase the suction near his sensitive tip. He groaned loudly as I persisted. I caressed his heavy scrotum as it tightened.

“Oh baby, I’m gonna lose it…” I swallowed all of his succulent juices as he moaned. He collected himself after a few moments then brought me to my feet. “That is a very admirable skill, Ms. Saul; a useful skill for this position.” I smiled at him and raised my eyebrows.

“I’m glad you liked it. Is this part of the job description?” He laughed as he moved to the other side of the room and found a bottle of water. He handed it to me and I took a long swig.

“Indeed, it is, Ms. Saul.”
Holy shit! Is he serious?
“You will need to sign a non-disclosure agreement and agree to the salary.” He tapped on his computer and I heard something printing from below the desk. He pulled the document from the printer and handed it to me. “This just explains that you are not to talk about anything that goes on between us or the company.” I took the document and looked it over.

“This seems to be pretty straight-forward,” I said, signing the document.

“Very good. Now we can move to the offer.” Another document printed. “This document outlines the expectations I have for you as my medical liaison” He handed me the document and I took it. I read over the basic information about travel and where I would stay on the islands.

“It says here that I’ll be staying in your condo. Will you be staying there as well?” I inquired.

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