Read All I Need Is You Online

Authors: M. Malone

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #Erotica, #African American, #Contemporary Women

All I Need Is You (36 page)

Sasha nodded. “Never again.”

Kay wiped the tears from her cheeks. “We don’t need to talk about that anymore. I have something better. Let’s go watch Eli charm my parents.”

Sasha’s eyes sparkled gratefully. “Tall, dark, and scary meets the parents, huh? I’m in.”


In the not-so-distant future…

“I CAN’T BELIEVE this day is finally here. Thanks for hosting this party for me.” Kaylee could have danced in place with excitement. Her album was releasing the following day and her friends were hosting an album-release party at Sweeties, an exclusive restaurant, just for her. She’d done several so far, including one in L.A. and another in New York, but this was the one that mattered most to her.

The private party with all her family and friends in attendance.

“Of course. We’re happy to do it.” Ridley swayed back and forth, her hands on the small of her back, her pregnant belly extremely evident even under her loose maternity dress.

“It feels like a dream, being here. Like, what did I do to deserve all this?” Kay shrugged, sure she sounded maudlin.

“No, I understand completely. Sometimes I still pinch myself and can’t believe this is my life. I just roll over and watch Jackson sleeping next to me and think it’s all been just a dream. Then the boys come crashing in and I know it’s real!”

The two women chuckled as they glanced over to where Chris and Jase were helping themselves to the buffet. Ridley’s friend and neighbor, Katie Mason, was behind the buffet handing out drinks.

Kay looked down at the sparkling stone on the third finger of her left hand and said a silent prayer for all the blessings she’d received over the past few months. She had discovered the true meaning of friendship, fallen in love, and now she was releasing her first solo album.

She’d also become a part of the best family in the world. Jackson had offered to sing a duet with her on the album. It was getting a lot of buzz just because it had been years since anyone had heard him sing other than in the studio or privately. Then there were the rest of the Alexanders. They’d embraced her and Hope as if they’d always belonged.

Her new cousin, Laura, had organized this party for her and it had been perfect down to the last detail. Things were obviously a success as she looked around and saw guests contentedly sipping champagne and munching on various items from the sumptuous buffet. Early industry buzz was very positive about the album, and Kay had even gotten a few inquiries about writing songs for other artists.

She was on top of the world.

Glancing to her left, her gaze landed on her fiancé. Elliott stood with Matt near the doors, scrutinizing everyone who entered the party. Even though there hadn’t been any reason to fear lately, he took her security seriously. He took everything to do with her seriously, actually.

Including her introduction to the naughtier items in his sensual collection.

Maybe she’d never be into all the same things he was, but she’d surprised herself. She blushed. He probably hadn’t expected her to enjoy wielding his favorite brown leather flogger quite so much.

“There’s mommy! Let’s go say hi.” Sasha appeared, Hope in her arms. “I was introducing my goddaughter to the concept of bad fashion. Because there are some ladies here who need a little help. And a new mirror, because the ones they have are telling lies!”

Kay giggled. “Sasha. What are you teaching her?”

“Life lessons, girl. These are things she needs to know.” Sasha looked around at the people dancing in the center of the room and the tuxedo-clad waiters gliding through the crowd. “Can you believe this, Kay? Look at all this. This is all for you.”

“I feel like I shouldn’t get too excited, you know. Like all this good fortune will disappear if I’m too happy.” Kay wrapped her arms around herself and rubbed the goose bumps that had suddenly appeared on her skin.

Sasha bumped her arm. “You deserve all the good things in the world, Kay. You’ve worked hard and come through some hard times. This is your time to shine. I’m so proud of you.”

“I’m proud of you, too. For hanging in there.”

Jackson had agreed to listen to some new songs she’d written for Sasha, specifically to complement her friend’s distinctive, husky alto voice. Sasha had been making waves on her own lately, and Jackson had agreed to release her new single under his label. She was going to perform the new song tonight. Kay had no doubt that once she was given a chance, her friend would set the industry on fire.

Laura ran up to them then, her long red dress swirling around her legs. Her long hair was styled in long barrel curls like a pinup girl. “It’s almost time for you to go, Sasha.”

“Can you take Hope for me? I need to get ready to perform.” Sasha handed Hope over, gently disentangling the baby’s hands from her hair. She waved gaily before rushing off backstage.

Kay gently cradled her daughter in her arms, savoring the sweet scent of baby powder and what smelled like applesauce. Hope clung to her and contented herself by sticking two fingers in her mouth.

“Enough room for me in here?” Elliott sidled up behind her, running a hand quickly over the curve of her bottom. He lifted her hair off her neck and kissed the sensitive skin behind her ear.

She turned to him and gently placed the baby in his arms and he kissed Hope’s dewy forehead. The baby reached up and patted his cheek. “Da-da-da.”

Eli gazed down at her affectionately. “It never gets old hearing that.” He glanced over at Kay. “Holding her always makes me wish for more. Not that I’m saying we should have one right away. I’m sure you want to wait until after the wedding, and it would interfere with your tour schedule.” He sighed and snuggled Hope closer. “We’re too busy right now I suppose.”

“Not too busy for that.” She took his free hand and pressed it to her lower abdomen, smiling when his mouth fell open.

He worked his jaw but no sound came out. She solved the problem by kissing him soundly. When she pulled back, she was humbled to see a single tear on his cheek.

Eli pulled back and scrutinized her face. “I am going to be the best father out there. I know you had to do it all by yourself before, but you are
going to be alone again. This won’t mess with your tour. I can stop working for a while and come with you to take care of the kids. We can make it work. We can do anything together.”

Kaylee put a hand on his cheek, overwhelmed by his generosity and loving support. She wasn’t worried about whether the album would do well or whether she’d be able to go on tour.

She was surrounded by people who loved her, and that was all that mattered.

Life would go on. It always did. And she’d have her family by her side through it all.

“I have you, don’t I?”

“Always.” His arms tightened around her, his palm rubbing possessively over her belly.

“Then that’s all I need.”


You just finished reading the fourth book in the
Bestselling ALEXANDERS series. Stay tuned for a special excerpt of Matt's book,
He's the Man
. The physical pain Matt deals with is nothing compared to the memories haunting him every night. His physical therapist may be the only one who can help him heal, body and soul.

Author’s Note

Each time I release a new Alexander book, I give a special discount price to the fans who have supported the series from the beginning. You can sign up for the notification right from your e-reader.

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He's the Man
(Matt + Penny)

is available now!

Matt Simmons is over Army doctors poking him. But when his sister won't stop nagging him to see their old babysitter, now a sought after physical therapist, he gives in just to get some peace.

Penny is finally putting down roots after a lifetime of moving around. She’s got everything she wants, except the settled suburban life she longs for. All she needs is the perfect guy, which means NO military men.

When Matt realizes that his old babysitter is h-o-t, he’s suddenly seeing the benefits of therapy. But Penny still sees him as the bratty kid she used to babysit.

Suddenly he has a new mission in life…

The book contains an elderly lothario, a heroine who's not afraid to get in your face, and the kind of sex therapy that med school doesn't teach.

BUY NOW for Kindle

He's the Man

© August 2013 M. Malone

THE NEXT AFTERNOON, Penny could barely concentrate. Her cell phone rang and she picked it up. Scott’s picture flashed across the display. She ran her thumb over the screen. She really should answer. Scott didn’t call during the day often. But it seemed disloyal to talk to him when she was thinking about another guy.

She ran her fingers through her hair, dislodging her ponytail. The loose hairstyle had been irritating her all day. She couldn’t believe she’d dressed up for a guy. She had to get Matt Simmons out of her mind. She couldn’t help someone who didn’t want to be helped.

It was time to let it go.

“Um, Penny? You have some visitors.” Georgia’s voice crackled over the intercom system.

She snatched up her handset. “Georgia, I need a minute. Can you ask one of the other therapists to get the patient started? I’ll check in on them in a few.”

“I would, but these aren’t patients. You have
. Scott is here.”

“What? He’s here? I guess that’s what he was calling about.”

“You have another visitor, too. Sergeant Simmons is here to speak with you as well.” By the clipped tone of her assistant’s voice, Penny could only assume one or both men were nearby.

here? Okay. I’ll be there in a moment.”

Penny dropped the phone in the cradle and then pushed her chair back. “
. I do not need this right now.” She pulled open her desk drawer and took out her handbag. There wasn’t a lot of damage control she could do in just a few minutes, but at least she could smooth her hair and make sure she didn’t have anything in her teeth.

After her emergency primping session, she emerged from the patient corridor into the waiting room. Scott jumped up from his seat. He looked like he’d just come from court, his light brown hair lightly gelled back and his suit as crisp as the day he’d bought it.

“Hey, there’s my girl.” Scott pulled her against him and kissed her passionately.

“Whoa! Uh, hello to you, too.” Penny glanced around and several of the waiting patients averted their eyes. Her face burned as she turned around. She’d never been into public displays of affection and Scott wasn’t either. She put her hands on his chest to keep him at a proper distance. “What’s gotten into you? You’re awfully friendly.”

“Just missed you. I’ve been calling you all morning. For a minute there, I thought you weren’t going to come out. I was hoping we could do lunch.”

“Sorry. I’ve been a little preoccupied today.” Penny turned, startled to see Matt leaning against the reception desk watching her.

The same feeling she’d experienced yesterday rolled through her, forcing the heat of another blush to her cheeks, picking up her pulse, and shortening her breath.

Scott followed her line of vision. “Who is that?”

She patted Scott on the arm. “That’s one of my patients. Can you give me a few minutes?”

He nodded and wandered to one of the straight-backed chairs a few feet away. She turned back to Matt. He pushed away from the counter and walked over to her.

“Is the suit your boyfriend?” Matt glanced over her shoulder at Scott. He seemed amused. For some reason, that annoyed her. Who was he to judge her relationships? Not every man could be a pumped-up, super-alpha testosterone factory like he was.

“Why are you here, Matt?”

His dark eyes never left her face as he answered. “To apologize and beg you for another chance.”

“Apology accepted. However, I don’t know if we can work together.”

When he opened his mouth to respond, she held up a finger. “Hang on. This isn’t exactly a waiting-room conversation. Um, I have some time between appointments
so we can talk. You can wait in my office.”

Matt crossed his arms, his dark eyes inscrutable. “That’s okay. I’ll wait right here, thanks.” His lips curled up into his usual smirk.

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