Alien Warrior's Mate: Sci-fi Alien Military Romance (Brion Brides Book 1) (6 page)





She had felt better than all his dreams combined.

Darien was unexpectedly torn between thanking all the gods for setting all of the little things in motion that allowed him to be just there and then with Deliya and thinking it might not have been the best of his ideas. Right there, in the heart of their little adventure, everything was as good and sweet as it could be. Deliya underneath him, arching up to meet every motion of his tongue, her tits fitting into his hands like they were made for him.

How was he supposed to give all that up when tomorrow came?

He decided to let that be the problem of his future self. The option of never getting to do it again was no reason not to do it when he had the chance.

Bringing Deliya out of her obvious bliss seemed like a crime to him, but something even better was forming in his mind.

“My star,” he said, smiling.

“You said you’re – favorable towards me right now, correct?”

Deliya’s answer was the most maddening soft murmur of agreement. She still neglected to look at him, too caught in enjoying the way he kept massaging her tits.

“While I think that‘s a great improvement from where we were before…” he began, earning a sated smile from Deliya, making her look even more irresistible to him than she usually did.

“I want more, greedy as I am.”

Now she looked at him, a smirk on her lips, raising her eyebrow quizzically.

“I thought I might begin by making myself… more presentable.”

For a moment, her eyes were incredibly soft and kind.

“I think you look fine,” she said.

Fine. Indeed. You said such nice things about me before. If I have to keep you at the edge of your pleasure all the time to hear you say what you really think of me, let it be so.

He chuckled.

is good too, but it sits in the same boat as

Deliya’s answering smile confirmed that he was being teased, but it suited him quite well. If she wanted him to prove himself to her, he was willing to do that. No warrior backed down from a fight and this one had the best prizes. Nothing good ever came easily, all Brions knew that.

“I want to be on better terms,” he finished.

“And how do you propose you achieve that?” Deliya asked.

“I don’t think there’s much you can do to change the way you look.”

“No,” Darien agreed, “but I could take a shower and not stink of battle and Antanaris.”

Deliya made a careful show of being impressed.

“I think that would improve us both.”

Oh very much yes
, he thought.
You are gorgeous however you look, but you wet is something I definitely want to see.

“As tired as I am from the battle,” he pressed on, “I don’t suppose you’d let me use

He wondered if Deliya knew she bit her lip when she heard something she really liked. Possibly she did it on purpose to drive him insane, but he wasn’t sure. It looked too subconscious. All the more reason to love that little display of desire, a definite step in the right direction.

“I might be persuaded,” Deliya said.

Her show of uncaring would have been much more believable if Darien had stopped fondling her for a moment, or she arching against his touches.

Time to close the deal.

“Might you also be persuaded to join me in using your shower?”

Before she could reply, he bent forward to lick her nipple again, slow and gentle, not breaking eye contact with her. Whatever inner barriers she had were clearly tumbling, judging by the lusty look in her eyes.

“I think that might be wise,” she said. “Conservation of water and all that.”

He drew back, doing his best to remember and enjoy the look of disappointment that flashed across her features for a moment. Then she sat up and finally removed her top, leaving her sitting naked before him on the bed. He couldn’t have hidden the effect it had on his body even if he’d wanted, and Deliya smiled before getting up and walking past him deliberately closely.

Her hand brushed against his reawakening erection, nearly making him wince in pleasure. Growling, he caught her from behind, rubbing his cock between her buttocks. Even there, he fit like her body was crafted to suit his. He buried his face in her hair, simply savoring the moment, growing rock hard in moments when she leaned back and pressed her ass against him.

He started to doubt whether he’d make it to the shower, but Deliya slipped away from his embrace so quickly he almost stumbled forward, bringing forth a ringing laugh from her lips. Before he could react, she’d already slipped to the shower, leaving him once again torn between desperate desire and desperate need to make it all last forever.

Following her was the easiest decision he’d ever made. He stood stunned, she’d turned on the water, and the sight that greeted him was of her – back arched, head thrown back, water running down her perfect body and her long dark hair. For a long second, he simply stood and watched as Deliya ran her hands over her curves, clearly enjoying the touch of hot water after the unrelenting cold of Antaris.

When she reached for the liquid soap, Darien’s legs moved completely of their own volition. He took the soap from her hands and poured it into his own. Then, holding her burning gaze, he applied it to every inch of her, massaging it into her flawless skin.

Her body felt amazing under his touch. He managed about a few moments before pressing himself against Deliya, his hands sliding over her tits, enjoying the feel of them under his soapy hands, the way he couldn’t get a hold of them, making her smirk at him. She turned for him, letting Darien help wash her back, although his hands quickly moved to grope her ass and move down from there, between her legs.

Deliya reached for the soap again, this time to return the favor. As she twirled back to face him, their lips met, hands sliding across each other’s bodies. He could barely think straight, with the water making Deliya’s body glisten in the dim light of her room, her breasts soft and perky against his chest the way he liked them, her whole body inviting him to simply bury himself deep into her warm pussy again.

“This may not have been one of my best ideas,” he growled. “I don’t think we’ll get much cleaner here.”

“You have no self-control,” Deliya reprimanded him. “I’m doing just fine.”

On anyone but a Brion, that lie might have worked, but Darien just smiled.

“Oh, of course,” he said, pulling her against him into a grip she couldn’t and didn’t even try to break.

“I can see that. How interesting that your body seems to be disagreeing with you completely. Otherwise, I wouldn’t feel the way you rub yourself against me even now, or hear the way your breath catches when I hold you like this. Or see the way you tense up when I touch you like this –”

Deliya moaned out loud as he pushed one hand between her legs again and slid a finger inside her. Pulling her head back gently with his other hand, he looked straight into her wide, surprised eyes while he pushed his finger deeper. Deliya nearly jumped out of his grip when he found the spot to rub in her pussy, but he didn’t let her go. She could do pretty much anything she wanted from him, but he wouldn’t let her deny how much she was enjoying it. Not when it was this obvious how much she reveled in being under his mercy.

“So,” he said, sliding his finger over the spot, making her squirm and moan.

“Tell me how you’re doing.”

“I…” Deliya said, but the next second her eyes were pressed shut and she was biting her lip in pleasure.

Her hands were firm against his chest, not pushing him away. Simply touching him.

“Yes?” he whispered, pulling her even closer, speaking against her ear, making her shiver under his breath.

Before she could answer, he added another finger. This time, her nails dug into his chest. Still not pushing him away.

“Doing fine, are you?” he asked, low and dangerous.

Her shiver was so visible he grew hard seeing the effect he had on her. She couldn’t deny that if she wanted to.

“No,” she sobbed. “Darien…”

Getting her to moan for him was even easier with two fingers. Her eyes were wide open now, pleading. He couldn’t deny that for all their position, the sight of her like that – wet and hot for him, desire burning in her eyes – had him ensnared.

He pushed his fingers in and out slowly, watching her tremble in his arms.

“Darien,” she said.

That was a plea if he’d ever heard one. He fought the smile that wanted to give away how much he enjoyed hearing his name from her mouth, in that breathless, desperate voice.

“Yes,” he said with complete calm, “I’m waiting for an answer.”

“Please,” Deliya sobbed.

“Please, what?” Darien asked, although his own resolve was crumbling as fast as hers, with no reason to stop it from doing so.

“Take me,” she pleaded.

“Fuck me again, Darien, please.”

It took monumental willpower on his part not to do that exactly right then and there, but shower sex wasn’t what he’d had in mind for the second round.

“I will,” he promised instead. “Right after we finish here.”

He let her go, not missing the silent whimper of regret as he pulled his fingers out. Deliya’s eyes told him everything he needed to know. He smiled. So that was what she wanted. That went far,
beyond his wildest dreams. The thrill of battle was gone from his blood, but a new fight dawned, making it sing again. It wasn’t that she was teasing him, she was provoking him to take what he wanted, because it was what she wanted as well.

He started to wash himself, watching Deliya observe him for a moment and then return to her own lathering. There was a quiet smile at the corners of her lips, mirrored in his smirk, but he was going to get his little star to admit everything her body was telling him already.

It was a very, very good day.




It felt nice to be warm. After the horrendous cold on Antaris, for some reason much more vivid now that she could afford to think of it, the warm shower was just what she needed. If only the look in Darien’s eyes didn’t make her shiver.

She wondered if she’d pushed him far enough on purpose. Quite possible, considering how much she’d enjoyed being firmly in his strong arms, with that deep, seductive voice exposing her desire to him. The thought of what was to come made her knees go weak. So much for letting him think this was just a quick fuck and hiding the fact she wanted him so badly it ached. Now he knew, now he definitely knew and if her guess was even close to being correct, there was no way he‘d let her get away with that easily.

In a daze, she washed all the sweat from her skin, perfectly aware that while Darien was doing the same, his eyes had not left her once. His lips were curled into a knowing, sexy smirk she’d have wanted to slap away if she hadn’t enjoyed it. He was waiting, and Deliya had no intention of delaying anything. She had barely finished drying herself when Darien’s hands closed around her waist, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to her neck.

She shivered in anticipation. Not even the frustration of getting caught in her pretense could overshadow that. She knew Darien, he wouldn’t use this against her in any other way than very directly, there in her room, with her body betraying her so completely it was no use denying it.

“Get on the bed,” Darien said quietly.

She moved to obey, the effect of his voice on her body so immediate it scared her. Her pussy throbbed at the thought of him behind her, pounding her into the bed…

“On your stomach,” he ordered.

She didn’t have to take it as a command, Deliya knew that, but she had no problem with obeying or with what he was suggesting. She wanted to know what he had in mind. She could say no any time that suited her. Her only problem was she’d hoped he wouldn’t find out how little she wanted to say no to anything having to do with him.

She crawled on the bed and lay down on her stomach, feeling the coldness of the sheets against her skin.

“Ass up,” Darien’s voice said.

Her breath caught at the thought of exposing herself like that to Darien, but lust overrode any shame she might have felt. Saying nothing, merely burying her fingers in the sheets, Deliya did as she was told.

She felt Darien climb on the bed with her, kneeling behind her, letting his hands run over the curves of her ass. Every nerve in her body was tense, expectant.

“You have no idea how beautiful you are,” Darien said, tipping two fingers inside her pussy, making her whimper.

“I mean, you do, but not to the full extent,” he went on, pulling the fingers out to massage her clit.

Deliya’s hands fisted into the sheets.

“I’m just realizing this now. And now I know something else as well.”

Deliya cursed under her breath, but she knew she wouldn’t have done anything differently. Having Darien there with her, in her room, with his amazing, steady hands giving her pleasure… it was worth getting teased.

“Now I know that you want me too. Not just for a fuck, you think I’m handsome,” Darien said, the amused triumph clear in his tone.

Deliya felt she would have found that much more annoying if he hadn’t timed saying that just right – at the moment he pushed his fingers back in – and the way she moaned couldn’t possibly be interpreted as arguing.

“And while anyone can say I let things go, I want to hear you admit that. All of it. I want to hear you scream my name and say how much you want me to fuck you so hard you can’t walk.”

Very difficult to counter, Deliya thought, considering it was all true. She opted to remain silent for the lack of a compelling argument.

Darien chuckled.

“I didn’t think for a moment you might give in easily,” he said quietly. “Have it your way.”

Then he bent to lick her. The sound she made was halfway between a scream and a sob, a broken version of both. She bit into her pillow not to repeat that embarrassing sound effect, but Darien could undoubtedly draw his own conclusions, because she heard – and felt – him chuckle.

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