Read Alan Rickman Online

Authors: Maureen Paton

Alan Rickman (48 page)

Barge, Gillian 204, 206, 208, 274

Barlby Primary School, West London 26, 129

Barnes, Christie 262

Barnes, Clive 261

Barnes, Peter

on acting and actors 89–90, 213, 223, 234, 270

on AR 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 58–60, 64, 214–15, 216, 222–3, 233, 245, 249, 251, 261, 282

AR's work with 261

family 26–8, 262

Harry Potter
films 267

on Rima 8, 13, 160

screenplays 119, 137–8, 139

stage plays 22, 26, 58–60, 74–5, 91–2, 152–6

TV dramas 129, 131–2

Barrie, J.M. 216

Barrow-in-Furness 167–8

Barton, John 107

Bates, Alan 100, 249, 250, 251, 261

Baudelaire, Charles 103, 109

Bausch, Pina 247

Baylis, Lilian 179

BBC 23, 53

News 24 251, 259, 269

Beals, Margaret 54

Beatles, The 257

Beaufoy, Simon 256

Beauvoir, Simone de 7

Bechtler, Hildegard 176

Beckett, Samuel 257

Beckinsale, Kate 35

Bedelia, Bonnie 122, 123, 124, 125, 126

Beggar's Opera, The

Behn, Aphra 98

(Frayn) 127–8

Bennett, Jill 53

Berens, Jessica 152

Bergman, Ingmar 99

Berkeley, Busby 257

Berlin Film Festival 227

Berry, Cicely 66

Bharadwaj, Radha 148

Bigelow, Kathryn 148

Biggerstaff, Sean 247

Biggins, Christopher 10

Billington, Michael 79, 102, 115, 155, 166–7, 178, 222

Billy And Me
129, 131

Binder, Mike 255

Birmingham Post

Birmingham Rep 61

Bishop, Susannah 65

Black Dwarf, The

Blair, Tony 13, 79

Blessed, Brian 140

Blood Wedding
(Lorca) 93

Blow Dry

Bob Roberts
164, 276

Bogart, Humphrey 102

Bogdanov, Michael 5, 56–7

Bond, Matthew 35–6

Bond, Philip 35

Bond, Samantha 35

Bonham-Carter, Helena 259

Borgia Orgy, The

Boston Globe

Bourne, Val 176

Bowie, David 196, 196–7, 201

Boys From The Blackstuff

Branagh, Kenneth 31, 169, 217, 225

Breathnach, Paddy 256

Brecht, Bertolt 238

Brett, Jeremy 147

Brierley, David 113–14

Briers, Richard 169

Bristol Old Vie 60, 115

British Museum, London 137

British Theatre Association 180

Brody, Hugh 144

Broidy, Susan 159

Bromley, Mrs 29–30

Brook Green Players 46

Brook, Peter 153, 170, 179, 249

Brown, Divine 218

Brown, Gordon 259

Brown, Jane 199

Browning Version, The
(Rattigan) 34

Brussels Film Festival 265

Buccaneers, The

Buck, Karen 163

Burdett-Coutts, William 185, 187

Burge, Stuart 13, 58, 59

Burma UK campaign 253–4, 260

Burn This

Bush Theatre, Hammersmith 15, 62, 76–7, 180, 224, 281

(Davis) 51, 90–1

Byer, John 37


Calder-Marshall, Anna 61

Callow, Simon 14, 77

Cambridge, University of 91

Camden Journal


Campbell, Alastair 258–60

Cannes Film Festival 196

Carlton Television 70

Carnation Gang, The

Carne, Rosalind 97

Carnival Theatre 183


120, 155

Castle Bromwich News

Catcher in the Rye, The

Cates, Georgina 219, 220

Caucasian Chalk Circle, The
(Brecht) 39

Chariots of Fire

Charities Commission 190–1

Charleson, Ian 65

Charlie Rose Show, The

Chelsea (constituency) 159

Chelsea College of Art 36, 41, 44

Children On The Edge 137

(Potter) 197

Christopher, James 178

Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow 73–4

City Limits 102, 117, 155

Clark, Alan 163, 258


Close, Glenn 110

Close My Eyes
16, 138, 139, 149–52, 158, 245

138, 139, 148–9

Cloud Over the Morning

CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) 8, 12, 168

Coleman, lain 176, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186

Collins, Michael 234–6

Colman, Ronald 155

Coltrane, Robbie 266

(Hughes) 76–7, 98

Conlan, Tara 250

Coogan, Steve 125

Cook, Peter 7

Coppola, Francis Ford 206

(Shakespeare) 38

Costner, Kevin 17, 137, 138, 138–9, 140, 141, 143, 278

Court Drama Group (Stanhope Adult Education Institute) 36, 47–9

Coveney, Michael 74, 101, 105, 116, 166, 250

Coventry Telegraph

Coward, Noël 261, 266, 270

Cox, Brian 69, 71, 73, 215

Cranham, Kenneth 71

Crewe, Sue 168

Crossley, Stephen 54, 214

Crowley, Aleister 88, 238, 270

Crowley, Bob 176

Crucible Theatre, Sheffield 57, 73–4, 106, 162

Crying Game, The

Curtis, Richard 268–9

Cushman, Robert 34, 39, 40, 42, 60, 79


‘Daddy' (Plath) 88

Dahl, Sophie 268

Daily Express
7, 154, 165–6, 222

Daily Mail
105, 139, 155, 159, 163, 167, 222, 270, 275, 277

Daily Mirror
121, 167

Daily Telegraph
55, 60, 61, 62, 68, 95, 97, 101–2, 115, 116, 151, 158–9, 163, 166, 178, 222

Dalyell, Tam 258

Dance, Charles 77, 216

Dance Umbrella 176

Dances With Wolves
134, 136

Dangerous Liaisons
16, 110, 112–13

Dark Harbor

David, Eleanor 132

Davies, Andrew 70

Davies, Howard 3, 15, 105, 107, 109, 112, 114–15, 142, 260

Davis, Jane 263

Davis, Stephen

on actors 213

on AR 3, 6–7, 10–11, 19–20, 23, 50, 62, 88, 90–1, 112, 145–6, 262–3, 265–6, 273, 279, 282

on AR's family 26

conservation project 268

family 20, 262–3

plays 50–1, 80, 90–1

on Rima 8, 44

rock band 145–6

on Juliet Stevenson 62

Day In The Death Of Joe Egg, A
(Nichols) 247

de Jongh, Nicholas 178, 179, 187, 191

De La Tour, Frances 160

de Valera, Eamon 231, 234–6

Dead Again

Death Is Part Of The Process

Delingpole, James 62, 151

Dempster, Nigel 159

Dench, Judi 107

Dern, Laura 225–6

Derwentwater Junior School 30

Desert Island Discs

Design for Living
(Coward) 249

Desperately Yours

Devil Himself, The
(Wedekind/Barnes) 58, 74–6

Devil is an Ass, The
(Jonson/Barnes) 58, 59, 60, 174

Dexter, John 95

Diana, Princess of Wales 22

Dick Whittington

Die Hard
1, 3, 16, 19, 26, 74, 94, 95, 111, 112, 119–29, 128, 129, 143, 153, 246, 257, 267

Die Hard with a Vengeance

Dionisotti, Paola 78

Dixon, Wendy 28–9

246, 248

Don Giovanni
(Mozart) 85

Don, Robin 222

Donald, Jonathan 163

Donat, Robert 277

Doors, The 170

Doran, Lindsay 225

Douglas, Michael 255

Dr Strangelove

Dr Who

Drabble, Margaret 40

115, 279

Drama Magazine

Drinkwater, Carol 220

Du Sautoy, Carmen 66

Duchess of Duke Street, The

Duchess of Malfi, The
(Webster) 170

Duncan, Lindsay 3, 15, 107, 110, 113, 221–2, 260–1

Durham, Geoffrey 57

Dutch Courtesan, The
(Marston/Barnes) 96


Ealing and Acton Gazette
20, 27

Edel, Uli 236

Edinburgh Festival 60

Edney, Beatie 154

Edwardes, Jane 108, 117


Ellis-Bextor, Sophie 35

Elsom, John 79

Enchanted April
119, 246

English Shakespeare Company 183

Entertainer, The
(Osborne) 131

Entertainment Weekly


Evening Standard

AR interviewed for 84, 168–9, 170–1, 188, 197, 224, 280

Awards 78–9, 177

reviews in 68, 96, 97, 98, 166, 221

and Riverside proposals 175, 179, 187–91, 193

on Ronan Vibert 154

on Ruby Wax 163


Ewart-Biggs, Baroness 158

Express & Star
(Birmingham) 61

Eyre, Richard 175


Fallen Angels
225, 233

Falling Down

Fallowell, Duncan 5, 125

Fatal Attraction

Fears and Miseries of the Third Reich
(Brecht) 74

Feast, Michael 51, 90

(Wilson) 110

Fielding, Fenella 61

Fiennes, Ralph 167, 233

Figgis, Susie 235

92 164

93 196

95 220

Film Finances Services 198, 199, 200–2

Financial Times
68, 74, 79, 101, 105, 116, 162–3, 222

Finney, Albert 153

Fiorentino, Linda 248

Firth, Colin 269

Fishburn, Dudley 159

Fitzgerald, F. Scott 225–6

Fitzgerald, Sheridan 9, 63, 64–8, 92, 233

Fletcher, Dexter 73

Flynn, Barbara 127–8

Flynn, Errol 142

Follett, Ken 12, 158

Fontanne, Lynn 62

Ford, Julia 165–6

Fort Worth Star-Telegraph

Fortune's Fool
(Turgenev) 261

42nd Street

Four Weddings and a Funeral
216, 269

Francis, lan 160–1, 164

Franks, Philip 144

Frears, Stephen 108, 110, 111

French, Dawn 93

French, Sean 112, 127, 150

Freud, Sigmund 207


From Sleep & Shadow
(Barnes) 131–3

Frost, David 40

Full Monty, The

Furness, Deborra-Lee 269


Gaitskell, Hugh 163

Galaxy Quest

Galloway, George 111

Gambon, Michael 15, 260, 268

Gardner, Lyn 155

Garofalo, Janeane 255–6

Geldof, Bob 9

Gero, Frank 109

16, 145

(Ibsen) 54

Gibson, Jeremy 49

Gielgud, John 117, 254, 271

Gifford, Anthony, QC 49

Giles, David 81

Girls on Top

Glasgow Herald

Godolphin & Latymer School 35, 37

Godunov, Alexander 123, 124, 126

Good Old Days, The

Goodale, Robert 201

6, 44, 51, 53, 62, 112, 113, 122, 127, 143, 150, 278, 281

Granger, Dave 50

Grant, Hugh 4, 12, 30, 35, 41, 42, 48, 199, 216, 218, 220, 226, 227, 269

Grant, Richard E. 260

Graphiti 50–1

Grass Widow, The
(Wilson) 11, 87, 98, 107

Griffiths, Rachel 256

Grove, Valerie 50, 162, 165, 223

Guard, Christopher and Dominic 30, 35

23, 59, 60, 61, 79, 94, 97, 102, 112, 115, 117, 122, 134, 166, 178, 222, 257

Guinness, Alec 4, 72, 272

Guys and Dolls
57, 279


Hackman, Gene 203, 214

Hackney Empire, London 167

Hackworth-Young, Jane 178, 179–85, 186, 188

(Shakespeare) 49, 54, 104, 155, 156, 165–9, 234, 250

Hammersmith & Fulham

Council 176, 180, 184–6, 189

Miners' Support Group 180

Hammersmith Drama Festival 39–40

Hammersmith and Fulham Post

Hammond, Chris 41, 42–4, 218

Hamori, Andras 201

Hampshire, Susan 83

Hampstead Theatre, London 14, 152

Hampton, Christopher 80, 104, 107–11, 112, 113, 114, 176, 192, 215, 269

Hancock, Tony 58

Hand Witch Of The Second Stage
, A (Barnes) 89

Hands, Terry 107, 109

Hanks, Tom 11


Hare, David 274

Harman, Harriet 43

Harney, Desmond 162

Harpers & Queen
50, 162, 165, 223

Harris, Richard 266

Harry Potter
books (Rowling) 69, 119

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
1, 235, 248, 262, 263, 266–8

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
1, 46, 235, 248, 259, 263, 266–8

Hatley, Tim 250, 260–1

Havergal, Giles 74

Hawthorne, Nigel 6, 21, 69, 81–2, 111, 131, 132

Haymarket Theatre, Leicester 56

Headstrong Club 21

Heath, Edward 76

Hedley, Philip 137, 254–5

Help! I'm A Fish

Henn, Charles 55

Heseltine, Michael 85

Hewitt, James 22

Hickey, Theresa 45, 112, 270

Hill, Bernard 55, 85

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