Read After Hours Online

Authors: Rochelle Alers

After Hours (23 page)


re you ready to leave, baby girl?”

Dina opened her eyes to find Lance hovering above her. The sun had set, taking with it the heat. The sky had darkened, and stars littered the nighttime sky like precious stones scattered on dark blue velvet. She couldn't believe she'd fallen asleep on the chaise.

Sitting up, she ran her hand over her forehead and hair. “How long have I been asleep?”

“Not long.”

“How long is not long?” she asked, embarrassed that she'd fallen asleep when she should've been interacting with Karla and Ronald's other guests.

She remembered after talking to Karla about becoming Sparkle, she'd returned to the pool area to relax and wait for her food to digest before taking off her shoes to dangle her legs and feet in the heated pool. Although the invitation had indicated that she should bring a swimsuit, she hadn't because she wanted to wait before exposing herself to the chemicals in the water that might react adversely with her surgically altered vaginal area. Dr. Lowe had reassured her that she'd healed completely, but she was still apprehensive.

Dina also recalled drinking a glass of champagne with the others while enjoying a slice of the most delicious strawberry shortcake she'd ever tasted. She'd discovered the contrast of the premium wine on her palate and the tartness of the fresh strawberries tantalizing; she'd downed two glasses of champagne before crawling up on the chaise and closing her eyes.

Lance cupped her elbow and pulled her gently to her feet. She swayed slightly before he righted her. “Don't worry about it, Dina,” he whispered near her ear. “You weren't the only one sleeping.”

She glanced around to find others on recliners and chaises, sound asleep. Dozens of lighted votives surrounded the perimeter of the pool and were set out on the tables. The flickering flames competed with light from strategically placed floodlights that reflected off the columns of the towering white Colonial-style mansion.

Leaning against Lance to maintain her balance, Dina slipped her feet into her espadrilles. “You still shouldn't have let me sleep,” she chastised softly.

Lance wanted to tell Dina not to agonize over something that wasn't that socially inept, but held his tongue. He didn't want to argue with her. When he'd accepted the invitation to accompany her to Oldwick, he never could've imagined meeting two other African-American men who were also into computer engineering. After viewing a classic Bruce Willis action movie, he, Ronald and Cory had huddled together to discuss the merits of a new program recently introduced by a company challenging several computer giants.

One hour became two, then three, and before long they were deeply engrossed in the pros and cons of testing configurations of software compatibility and other embedded software. While some of the other men discussed sports, they'd discussed high-tech electronics. He'd taken furtive glances at Dina on one of the lounge chairs near the pool, but hadn't suspected she'd fallen asleep.

“Let's make our goodbyes before leaving.”

They found Karla with Sybil. The two women were laughing and talking softly with each other. Karla noticed them first.

“I take it you're leaving.”

Dina nodded as she swallowed back a yawn. “Yes, we are. Thank you for everything.”

Karla smiled. “I want to thank you for coming.” Her gaze shifted to Lance. “Ronald and I thank you for the champagne. I'm afraid our very thirsty guests drank more than half the case. Luckily I told Ronald to keep out three bottles for us.” Lance Haynes had brought twelve bottles of a much-sought-after imported champagne.

Lance pulled Dina closer to his side. “I'd like to thank you for your generous hospitality. Dina and I would like to reciprocate. Whenever you and Ronald have a free weekend, we'd like you to come up to West New York for some R & R. I've already extended an invitation to Cory and Sybil to join us.”

“I'm going to speak for Ronald when I say we'd love to come. Dina, please call me once you select a date.”

Dina nodded numbly. She realized Lance had said
when he'd invited the Kings and the Cumberlands to his home and wondered if Karla had picked up on the reference that they were a couple. The reality was that she and Lance weren't a couple. It'd been weeks since she'd spent the night in his guest room, and after the one encounter when he hadn't been able to contact her Lance hadn't stayed over at her apartment.

They went out to dinner, took in a movie. He picked her up after work on weekends, and no matter how late the hour he always saw her to her door. Dina had insisted he take her home to convalesce without bringing his attention to her procedure; she also found that she liked being alone because it gave her time to discover exactly who she was. Sure, she was supposedly the new and improved Dina Gordon, but she was also cognizant that Adina Jenkins lurked just below the surface of her newly created persona.

Whenever alone in her apartment, she spent the time reading books and magazines about those who vacationed in exotic places and hosted spectacular parties that were usually connected to their favorite charities. She'd found out that the privileged lived ho-hum lives but were constantly looking for ways to fill up the empty hours that came from not having a regular nine-to-five.

There had been a time when she'd existed like what she mentally referred to as the PP—or the pretty people—because it seemed as if they wasted countless hours perfecting their appearances. Even the men, who professed to be metrosexuals, were engaging in procedures that kept them physically at the top of their game.

Like the PPs, she'd partied till all hours of the night, then slept during the day. Her only concern was how she looked and how others perceived her. It was important to be seen and even more important with whom she was seen.

She'd changed her identity, yet she felt she was living in a parallel world because the difference between the PP at the Kings' and those in Brooklyn was where they lived and the source of their income. The New Jersey PPs were deemed legitimate because they paid taxes on their earnings while the mantra of the Brooklyn PPs she'd run with was
All I have to do is stay black and die.

“Lance and I will try to pick a date that is convenient for everyone.”

Lance and I.
The instant the three words left her tongue Dina knew she'd validated the supposition that she and Lance were a couple. But they weren't a couple. They were friends who had a platonic relationship.

She felt the heat of Lance's gaze on her face as his fingers tightened on her waist. Had he given Karla the impression that they were a couple because that's what he actually wanted? Or was he testing Dina Gordon? And if he was, had she passed or failed the test?

Raising her head, she smiled up at him. “Darling, I'm ready to leave whenever you are.” The endearment slipped out as if she'd called him that countless times before. The hand at her waist tightened against her flesh before relaxing.

This was one time Dina hadn't lied to Lance. She was ready to leave. She'd overindulged on food and drink.


“I want to thank you,” Lance said as he started up the car.

Dina glanced at his profile. “For what?”

“For asking me to come with you today. I spend so much time entertaining clients that I've forgotten how to socialize without inking a deal.”

She smiled. “You're welcome. But weren't you, Cory and Ronald talking business?”

“No. We were talking about computers. That's very different from engaging a client whom you want to sign on with your company.”

“So you had a good time.”

“I had a great time.”

“So did I,” she agreed. “I can't believe I had two glasses of champagne.”

Lance slowed down as he came to a sign that indicated he was entering a deer crossing area. “I doubt if you drank one glass because—remember—the flute was only half-filled.”

Pressing the back of her head to the headrest, she closed her eyes. “I still drank it.”

“Don't agonize over it, baby. You're not going to turn into an alcoholic with one or even two glasses of champagne.” He pressed a button on the steering wheel, and within seconds the car was filled with soft-playing jazz. “Do you want me to change the station?”

Dina didn't open her eyes. “No. It's nice.” And it was. The soothing music was smooth and relaxing. Lance had driven more than ten miles when she said, “I'd like to stop at my place to pick up a change of clothes.” She wasn't scheduled to go to work until Saturday night, when she would give her first performance as Sparkle. Lance had surprised her when he'd revealed he'd taken off the rest of the week to spend time with her.

Lance's fingers tightened on the steering wheel. Had he heard Dina correctly or was it wishful thinking because he'd wanted her to stay over with him? He'd told her that he was taking time off from work to take her on a drive up to New England.


The single word failed to convey the feeling of euphoria racing through Lance. He'd waited a long time for Dina to come to him on her own accord. It was the first time in his life he believed the adage that patience was truly a virtue.


ina used Lance's guest bedroom to cleanse her face of makeup, brush her teeth then take a leisurely shower. She knew when she'd taken her bag from him and walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind her, he'd been disappointed. His crestfallen expression spoke volumes. What he didn't know was that she planned to sleep with Lance—in his bedroom and in his bed.

After moisturizing her body with a lightly scented body cream, she slipped into a delicate cotton nightgown that ended at her knees. The white garment with narrow straps holding up the lace-trimmed bodice made her look delicate and virginal.

Staring at her reflection in a full-length mirror, she undid her braid, brushed it vigorously. She stood motionless trying to decide whether to braid it or leave it to hang down her back. Every man Adina had slept with had wanted her to take her hair down. What she had to remember was that Adina was gone and Dina had taken her place. Pulling her hair over her shoulder, she braided it without securing the ends.

Slowly and cautiously she walked out of her bedroom and down the hall to Lance's. Peering into the room, she realized he was still in the shower when the sound of running water came through the open door of the adjoining bathroom. She walked in and got into bed, pulling the sheet up and over her body. The subtle scent of aftershave wafted in her nose. A soft sigh escaped her as she closed her eyes and waited for Lance to come to bed.


Lance touched a switch on the wall between the bathroom and the bedroom, illuminating the space between the two rooms. He didn't notice the small mound on the far side of the California king bed until he sat down to get in. A rush of heat swept through the lower part of his body as blood hardened his sex.

Dina had finally come to him. Mixed emotions of elation and cautiousness made it impossible to move, to get into bed. He was also faced with the responsibility of introducing her to sex—an act so natural and elemental for life.

If Dina Gordon had been any other virgin, he would've run in the opposite direction. But she wasn't, and because he'd fallen in love with her he wanted to run to, and not away from her. Forcing his legs to move, he eased back the sheet and slipped into bed next to her.

Without warning, Dina turned to face Lance, her chest touching his. “I almost fell asleep waiting for you.”

Her smoky-voiced invitation was almost Lance's undoing as he reached for her, but he stopped himself in time. He didn't know why he had to keep reminding himself that this was to become her first time and he wanted to make the occasion special—for her and for himself.

Resting his arm over her hips, he splayed his hand over her hip. “Are you sure you're ready?”

Dina pressed her face between his neck and shoulder. “No, LL, I'm not sure. But I know that I want you to make me feel like a woman.”

His hand moved up to her head. “But you are a woman, Dina.”

“I'm only half a woman,” she admitted. “Help me. Please help me.”

Dina needed Lance's touch, his total possession, to exorcise the number of men who'd used her body for their own selfish motives. It'd begun with the man who'd taken her virginity because he saw her when she'd mistakenly walked into the bedroom to find her mother on her knees with his penis in her mouth. She would've run if not for the sucking sounds coming from Bernice. It was the same sound kids made when they licked an ice pop. She'd turned to leave, but she wasn't quick enough. The man had smiled at her, then licked his lips. He came back to the apartment two days later, opening the door and walking in to find her alone. It took less than five minutes, but when he walked out, she was left bleeding, in pain and clutching a ten-dollar bill for the loss of her innocence. It took years before she realized girls who were sexually abused oftentimes grew up to become promiscuous women.

Working for Payne had become somewhat of a blessing for her because if she hadn't had to concentrate on a particular man to seduce, there was no doubt she would've slept with many more men.

Sensing Lance's indecision and apprehension, she pressed her breasts to his chest. “Don't make me embarrass myself by begging you, Big Daddy.”

Lance heard Dina's impassioned plea. Didn't she know how much he wanted her, wanted to make love to her? He wanted nothing more than to be inside her, but he knew he couldn't take her as he had other women.

He kissed her hair. “Do you trust me, baby girl?”


“Then I want you to trust me to try and make it special for you. What I can't promise is that I won't hurt you, but I'll try to make it go easy for you.”

“Why is it that I just noticed something about you that I hadn't before?”

“What is it?”

“You talk too much.”

Lance laughed softly. “Are you telling me to shut up?”

“No,” Dina countered, “I'm hoping you'll stop talking.”

Lance knew she was frightened because he could feel her shaking, her heart fluttering in her chest like a frightened bird.

Me. Why?
he thought. Why did he have to be the one to take her virginity?

Why not you?
the silent voice continued, taunting Lance. Was he not worthy to become the first man in the life of the woman he loved? Wasn't it better that she would be introduced to sex by someone who loved her rather than someone who saw her as another conquest?

“Done, baby girl.”

Dina sucked in her breath when Lance moved over her and lifted her nightgown and eased it up her body and over her head. The heat from his body and the intermittent brush of his erection against her thigh fired her nerve endings, and she clenched her teeth. When she'd seen Lancelot Haynes for the first time she'd known instinctually there was something special about him, something she could trust. And now that he'd touched her, she realized her instincts had been right. He hadn't ripped her nightgown, as so many others had done in their quest to show her that they were the
and that she was only there for their pleasure and domination.

All of the lies, subterfuge, schemes and scams vanished within seconds when Lance stared down at her naked body. There was enough light coming from the alcove for Dina to make out his expression of awe. Pinpoints of hot tears pricked the backs of her eyelids when she whispered a silent vow that she would never intentionally hurt Lancelot Londell Haynes.

Lance placed a hand over one breast. She arched off the mattress with his light touch. She closed her eyes, giving in to her senses as his fingers traced the outline of one breast, then the other, before they trailed down her rib cage to her belly. A soft gasp escaped her parted lips when his hand covered her mound.

“You are so beautiful,” Lance whispered in a hoarse tone. He hadn't lied. Dina Gordon's tiny, compact body was even more spectacular naked; her clothes had artfully concealed a pair of full breasts with succulent nipples.

Dina nodded but didn't open her eyes. “That's because you make me feel beautiful, LL.”

“No, baby girl, you were beautiful before we met.”

Lowering himself while supporting his weight on his arms, Lance cradled her face between his hands and brushed a light kiss over her mouth. He applied the slightest pressure, deepening the kiss until her lips parted, giving him the access he needed to take full possession of her mouth. If possible, he wanted to devour Dina, put her inside him where they were never apart. His mouth tasted the sweetest of her minty breath, their tongues curling around each other in a dance of desire that didn't have to be rehearsed.

Dina curved her arms under Lance's shoulders, feeling the unleashed power in his back, shoulders and triceps. He felt good and smelled clean, the combination a heady aphrodisiac. Her hands slipped away as he moved lower, placing light kisses over her breasts, belly and thighs.

She lay transfixed and unable to believe the ripples of awareness making the area between her legs wet. She screamed once, then bit down on her lower lip to prevent subsequent sounds from escaping when the tip of her lover's tongue moved lightly over her clitoris, resulting in a rush of wetness that for a moment had her believing she'd urinated on herself.

Lance felt as if he were drowning in the feminine scent, the feel of the silky down hiding Dina's femininity and the scrumptious taste of her. His thumbs parted her folds and he buried his face between her thighs. After a while everything ceased to exist as he lost himself in the moment and the woman writhing under him. Only years of experience prevented him from ejaculating. He wanted to bring Dina to climax before taking his own. He was relentless, alternating suckling with a tender nipping of her sensitized flesh.

Dina gasped over and over as delicious sensations gripped her at the apex of her thighs, holding her prisoner for several seconds before releasing her, only to seize her again. The increasing intense pleasure made her feel as if she were going crazy. She wanted to escape the foreign sensations frightening her but couldn't.

“Lance! Please stop.”

Dina was pleading with Lance when it was the last thing she wanted him to do, because even though he wasn't the first man to go down on her, he was the first to bring her close to an orgasm. Now she knew what the women were talking about when they said a man had hit their G-spot. The man with his face between her legs had hit G, H, I and all the way to O when the walls of her vagina convulsed, leaving her gasping for her next breath. It happened again, over and over, until Dina dissolved in a paroxysm of ecstasy that left her shaking uncontrollably in its aftermath.

Lance moved up Dina's trembling limbs, positioning himself at the entrance of her sex. Guiding his erect penis, he attempted to ease himself into her vagina. He managed to get the head in before he met resistance. She was tight, tighter than he could've imagined her to be. The pleasure was so intense he feared he was going spill his seed on the sheets. He planned to use a condom, but only after he'd penetrated her. He wanted Dina to have his baby, but that decision would have to be something they both agreed to.

Moisture beaded his forehead as he counted off the seconds it took to fully sheathe his erection inside Dina's deliciously tight body. “Easy, baby girl,” he crooned when her soft gasps overlapped his grunts of spiraling fire that made him light-headed.

Dina fastened her hands in the sheet, gripping them in a death grip when she felt the painful burning sweeping through her much like the pain she'd experienced after the vaginoplasty. There was pain, but there was also a particular sweetness to the pain that revived her passion. Locking her hands around Lance's back, she took deep breaths to slow down her runaway pulse.

“Just do it, Lance,” she demanded hoarsely.

He shook his head. “I don't want to hurt you, darling.”

Dina gasped again. “Make the pain go away, Big Daddy.”

Lance knew he couldn't continue as he was or it would take too long to break through the barrier making them both prisoners of pain and passion. Easing back, he thrust upward. He was inside Dina, their breathing coming in unison.

Burying his face in her hair, he counted slowly to three. “Are you all right, baby girl?”

“Yes-s-s-s,” Dina slurred.
It's over.
She was no longer a virgin; she'd experienced her first orgasm. Lance's heavy breathing echoed in her ear.

“I'm going to pull out and put on a condom.”


He withdrew, reaching for a condom in the drawer of the bedside table. When Dina welcomed him into her body, it was easier than his first attempt. She still was tight, very, very tight, but it only served to increase his desire for her.

Dina knew she'd opened herself and her heart to Lance when she made certain he derived as much pleasure from her making love to him as he had to her. Her hands caressed his back and buttocks as she urged him to love her.

“Love me, Big Daddy,” she chanted over and over until he went completely still, then groaned loudly when he gave in to the turbulence of the desire that'd ensnared him what now seemed so long ago at the Old Bridge Township Raceway.

Collapsing heavily on her smaller frame, Lance waited until his heart rate slowed before he rolled over on his back. He'd waited for Dina to come to him on her terms. Now it was up to him to decide when she would become his wife.

He left the bed long enough to discard the condom before returning to the bed. Dina lay on her side, her hair spread out on his pillow. He climbed into bed and pulled her to his chest; her hips were pressed to his groin when he covered their bodies with the sheet.

There was no need to talk. Their bodies had said everything there was to be said.

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