Read Acquiring Hearts Online

Authors: S. Donahue

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #New Adult & College

Acquiring Hearts (19 page)


Gia was crying tears of joy and it made Brad’s heart melt.


“I love you too, baby, with all my heart. I promise you that I’ll never leave your side. It is until death do us part for me and hopefully we can make those vows sooner rather than later. We can talk about it over breakfast in bed in the morning.”



“I also think I’m going to work from home this week. Rachel can handle things while I’m not in.”


Gia’s face dropped with worry at the mention of Rachel’s name.


“I forgot you work together. It just registered in my head.”


“You know we work together.”


“I know but a thought just crossed my mind, don’t worry about it. It’s between me and Rachel and if I never have to speak to her again, I’d be ok with it.”


“Don’t say that, she’s your sister.”


“No, she’s a bitch.”


“You’ll work it out.”


“I doubt it,” Said Gia sternly.


“Go to sleep until Dr. Hill comes in. I don’t want you to get upset.”



* * * * *

Gia was discharged around one in the morning. While Brad drove home, Gia fell asleep holding his hand. She looked like a beautiful angel sleeping. He felt so lucky to have her in his life that he couldn’t imagine life without her.


When Brad arrived at the house, he didn’t want to disturb Gia, so he carried her up to the bedroom.


“Brad, I can walk.” Gia said, as she woke on the way up the stairs.


“It’s ok, I have you.” He laid her on the bed. He undressed her and put one of his oversized t-shirts on her. He turned on the fan because it blocked out the ambient noise of the city.


He stripped down to his boxer shorts and crawled in bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind.


“Good Night, I love you.”


Instead of answering Gia turned to him rather suddenly. “Would you ever cheat on me?” Brad was shocked by the question. He didn’t even think she was awake.


“Where did that come from? I would never do that. Not only am I not that type of guy, I would never hurt you like that.”


“Not even with my sister?”


Where was all this coming from?


“Why are you asking me these questions? Is everything ok?”


“Just answer the question.”


“Of course not. I’d never cheat on you.”


“That’s all I needed to know.” She turned over and went back to sleep leaving Brad completely confused.














Chapter Nineteen


Gia woke to the smell of coffee, bacon and eggs. She felt a little nauseous but she was very hungry. She sat up in the bed and started thinking about all the things she and Brad needed to discuss.


She also needed to speak with Rachel at some point, but today was not that day. She wasn’t ready to deal with her yet. The part that had her reeling was the burning question: Why would she want to hurt her?


Brad opened the bedroom door, taking Gia from her thoughts.


“You’re up?” he was carrying a tray with a variety of items.


“What did you make?”


“Bacon, eggs, pancakes, bagels and sausage.”


“Who’s eating all that? There are only two of us,” Gia reminded him.


“I wasn’t sure what you were in the mood for so I made everything. I also made coffee, but, you, my love, have to drink decaf.”


“Uh, I’ll have to get use to that.” Gia started eating some of the food she dished out on her plate. “This is so good. You should have been a chef.”


Brad sighed. ”I didn’t have many options. I was an only child and had to take over the business,” reminded Brad.


“You’re very successful. Why does it upset you?”


“I’m not upset over it. I love what I do now. I guess I have some resentment on this issue. I always wanted to be a doctor. I was in school, on my way to becoming a doctor when my father passed away. I have never told anyone this, nor do I talk about the situation.”


Brad continues, “My mom is a very independent woman. She had her own money and career. She and my dad met and fell in love but she didn’t want anything to do with his business. Her passion was doctoring. When my father passed away everything went to me. The business, the money, properties, stocks, you name it. I inherited it all. My mother immediately pushed me toward taking over the business, knowing I wanted to become a doctor. I hoped it was for my best interest, but most of the time I feel like it was more for her. She was selfish.”


“So you think she pushed it off on you so she could be free.”


“Yeah, then there’s the whole Patrick issue. She married him rather quickly. I can’t say, nor do I have any proof that she was with him before my dad passed, but I wonder. I know that my dad loved her, but they barely saw each other. I had no idea everything was going to me until after he passed away. We argued about the business but I had an obligation to my dad. I left school. I put everything into the business to make it successful, but I sacrificed a lot. When you came into my life I knew I had to take a step back and live again.”


Oh, Brad, I know you think your mother was wrong, but I think they were both looking out for you. She loves you very much. They made sure that you were taken care of. You can still go back to school to finish what you started.


“It’s too late for that.”


“It’s never too late.”


“I have accepted it. I need to concentrate on other things right now, like you, the baby and our wedding.”


“I don’t want you to feel like I’m now the one holding you back.”


“I don’t. You didn’t even know about any of this until now.”


“I think you need to sit down and talk to your mother. If you need me, I’ll be there for you.”


“Of course, I always want you by my side. I’ll talk to her when the time is right. Do you have any ideas about the wedding?” Brad asked, trying to change the subject.


“Well I sort of had an idea, but it was a surprise for you.”


“Just tell me. I hate surprises.”


“Oh, that’s why you’re always surprising me?”


“I have been working with your mother and Rachel to throw you a surprise 30
birthday party. I was thinking maybe we can just turn it into the wedding instead. We already have the venue, guests, catering. We would just need to add guests from my side.”


“That’s a fantastic idea. You were planning a party and I didn’t find out about it, I’m shocked. “


“That’s why I involved your mother. See, I told you she cares about you.”


Brad smiled. “When do you want to tell everyone?”


“I’m thinking we should have a dinner party on Sunday and we can tell our parents.”


Brad moved  the tray to the floor and pulled Gia into him. “It looks like we have a lot to do.”


“What about Rachel? Why don’t you talk to her or tell me what’s going on? I can try to help you.”


“It’s just so ridiculous and I don’t even know if I want you to know about it.”


seeing you upset. You need to talk about it,” urged Brad.


Gia looked at Brad skeptically. “I hate even saying it.”


“What are you talking about for God’s sake? Does it have anything to do with what you asked me last night because that threw me through a loop?”


“Yes it does.” Gia blew out a breath. “Before I passed out, Rachel told me that she’s in love with you.”


“What? That’s absurd. Why would she say that? So wait… You think I want Rachel too. That’s why you asked me last night if I would cheat on you with your sister.”


“Yes.” She knew he probably thought she was nuts but this issue needed to be addressed.


“Gia, all you need to know is that I would never cheat on you with anyone. You have nothing to worry about. Just talk to Rachel. Don’t fight over this. You know nothing would ever happen, so hear what she has to say. She looked desperate to talk to you.”


Brad laughed out loud. “I’m a hot stud, I can’t help it.”


“You’re my hot stud.”


“Possessive are we?”


“Yes, I am. You’re mine. I’ll call Rachel tomorrow and possibly invite her to Sunday dinner. I’m not promising anything.”


“I have to call her today and talk to her about work tomorrow. What if she asks to talk to you?”


“Tell her I’m sleeping.”


“Ah, I have to do all your dirty work.”


“But you love me.” Gia said blinking her eyes.


Brad kissed her. “I’m going to take a shower, then call Rachel. Do you need anything before I go?”


“No. Thanks. I’m just going to play Candy Crush and watch TV.”


“You’re so productive,” Brad joked.


“Hey, it’s a holiday today and I’m planning on beating this level by the end of the day.”


“So, I guess you’ll be right here when I get back.”


“You got it.”


Gia rested in bed for the remainder of the day. Brad went through emails in his office. He checked back on her by mid-afternoon.


“Brad, I think I want to go back to work tomorrow. I’m fine and I’m so bored just lying in this bed.”


“I don’t think you’re ready. You have a stressful job and Dr. Hill said no stress.”


“We need to compromise because I definitely need to work at home then. I’ll just be looking over some cases and emails. It’s nothing major.”


“Alright, I’ll agree to that but only if you stop once you’ve had enough. You can’t start until tomorrow.”


“I will, I promise.”



* * * * *

Tuesday couldn’t come fast enough. Gia was not the kind of person to sit around and do nothing all day. She woke up early while Brad was still sleeping. She took a shower and went to her office. She hadn’t checked her emails since Friday. She noticed there was an email from Rachel that was sent yesterday.


All the email said was, “I know you are avoiding me but I really need to talk to you. Please call me tomorrow. I’ll be in the office. I love you and miss you. Hope you’re feeling well. Your sister forever, Rachel.”


Gia knew Rachel was probably sorry and felt guilty thinking she was the cause of her emergency room visit. She decided to call Rachel to hear her out.


“Roberts Technology Corporation, Rachel speaking.”


“Hey, Rach, It’s Gia. I just saw your email.”


“Gia, Oh my God, I’m so glad you’re ok. I didn’t think I would ever hear from you again.”


“You’re my sister. I just want to hear you out. I’m really hurt by what you said.”


“Gia, I’m sorry. I had a long talk with mom in the ER. I told her everything that happened with Vinnie and with us. She helped me realize I’m in love with the idea of Brad. I guess I see how much he loves you and everything he does for you. I was trying to block everything with Vinnie from my mind and hoping that one day I could have something like that.”

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