Read A Rebel Captive Online

Authors: J.D. Thompson

A Rebel Captive (7 page)

A blush covered her entire body as she did what he asked.  He released her hair, but remained close, too close.

“Now, stroke yourself.”

She started to pump in and out of herself, trying to look anywhere, but at him.  The sound of him unzipping his pants snapped her back.  Cole held his dick in his hand and slowly stroked it.  She almost got up, almost ran away from the sight, but she willed her body to stay still.  His cock was long, thick, and glistened with pre-cum.  It was so close she could reach out and touch it if she’d wanted to.

“Use two fingers,” he demanded. 

She slipped another digit into her folds and felt it get quickly covered in her growing slickness.  Watching her watch him stroke his cock was almost too much for Cole.  When she tried to stifle a tiny moan as she pumped her pussy he thought he’d die with desire.  Her face was tilted up to watch him, her lips slightly parted and her breathing heavy.  He groaned, wanting nothing more than to thrust his cock between those full lips and feel the wet warmth of her mouth.

“Rub your clit and stroke yourself faster.  I want to watch you cum.” 

Her thumb went to her clit and pleasure throbbed through her body.  Something seemed to click in her and Olivia needed to cum, she needed to forget everything, but her own orgasm.  She couldn’t believe how aroused she was by the sight of him jerking his hand up and down his cock and the hungry look in his eyes.  The pleasures he forced from her were hard for her to understand or even bare.  Her entire body flushed with intense arousal and humiliation.  All she knew at the moment, all she could focus on, was that she needed a release.

She rubbed and flicked at her clit furiously, closing her eyes.  She pictured straddling a hard, thick, man and ridding him.  She pictured strong hands gripping her hips and grinding her against a delicious cock.  She told herself it wasn’t his; no way would she fantasize about him taking her.  In no time, she was bucking her hips against her fingers and moaning in satisfaction.  He couldn’t hold back, she was too perfect sitting there in front of him basking in an orgasm.  He pumped his dick only a few more times and he was cumming, too. 

His own orgasm hit him harder than he expected, his cum spurted onto her lips, chest, and breasts.  Watching his seed spill onto her caused a final hard shudder.  He sighed in satisfaction, buttoned up his pants, and returned to his breakfast.  She remained kneeling on the floor.  A look of horror spread across her face as his cum slowly dripped down her body. 

“Go get cleaned up,” he said, picking up a fork.




Thirty minutes later, Olivia came out of the bathroom, relieved to be dressed.  She nearly screeched in anger and disgust while washing away his cum.  No man had ever treated her the way he did.  Wiping his seed off her body had been the greatest humiliation she’d ever endured.  She spent a ten extra minutes in the bathroom, steadying herself. 

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she whispered to herself. “You will get through this, you will,”
and I will make him pay
, she thought.

When she collected herself she went to the bathroom door, still chanting her mantra in her head.  Not wanting to face him, she contemplated locking the door and staying in there all day, but knew he’d probably drag her out if need be.  So she walked through the bedroom and into the living room on her own, hoping he’d let her have breakfast now, her empty belly grumbled in agreement.  She hoped he wasn’t still at the table, she wasn’t sure she could make it through another meal with him, not with him watching her the way he did.  Those eyes always seemed to be smoldering, like two brilliant gray flames, trying to burn her through and through.  She stopped walking as she entered the living room and saw a soldier waiting for her.

“Good, you’re ready,” Cole said flatly, taking one last bite of toast. “Take her to the garden and make sure to tell Mrs. Wellings she’s not to give Olivia any lunch.” 

She wanted to cry out in outrage.  The soldier took her by the upper arm and started pulling her to the door.  She followed him, glowering at his back, and thinking of all the ways she’d like to hurt Cole.

“Oh and my pet, the next time I leave you without clothes I’d best not find you in mine.”

Her face darkened at being called ‘pet.’ She wanted to lunge at him, but the solider was already pulling her out the door.  Her mantra couldn’t soothe rage. 

The day passed slowly.  Mrs. Wellings shook her head disapprovingly at the news that Olivia was denied lunch, but she followed the orders.  Every time the older woman passed by, she gave Olivia an empathetic smile.  Mrs. Wellings made sure there was a full water pitcher available so at least she had plenty to drink.  Some soldiers were working in the outdoor kitchen and from time to time one or another would look over at her. 

Olivia kept thinking about the day before and grew increasingly uncomfortable by their glances.  The cruel slap from the soldier hadn’t caused any bruising. Today, no one could tell she’d been struck, but the memory still burned her cheek just the same.  Her body pricked with terror at the thought.  She knew the feeling was absurd, but just having the few soldiers nearby made her skin crawl and her stomach turn.  Olivia avoided looking at them and busied herself trimming the overgrown plants and harvesting basket after basket of fruits and vegetables.  Just a few days of work was already showing results as the plants seemed to shrug off beautifully ripened produce.

After accepting the second basket of glorious tomatoes, Mrs. Wellings had to gush over the fine job Olivia was doing.  She took the few moments of praise and conversation with the older woman to watch the guards.  The last three days she watched the ones up above, on the fort wall and the movements of the sun, trying to gauge the time.  They did a shift change a little after noon, she speculated, and the guard watching the wall, facing the compost bin, was always about ten minutes late.  For that precious window of time the grounds and woods beyond were unguarded.  A minor oversight she was sure Lord Landon would be furious about if told.  She watched the guard scurry to his post, late again, and smiled at Mrs. Wellings before going back to picking raspberries.

She rewarded the observation by surreptitiously popping a raspberry in her mouth, hoping a few pieces of fruit would ease her hunger.  Ronny spotted the misconduct and walked over to her. 

“Please don’t, Olivia.  You know you’re not supposed to.  I don’t want to have to tell Lord Landon,” she glared at him then huffed off towards the opposite end of the garden, but instantly felt foolish and apologetic.

Cole came for her earlier than normal; it was maybe midafternoon when he showed up in the courtyard.  He was smartly dressed.  In one hand he held a briefcase and in the other some clothes.  She groaned softly,
why does he have to be so handsome.
He waved for her to join him. She left the rest of her harvest with Mrs. Wellings and approached Cole.  She was still so angry with him; she couldn’t help, but scowl at him and stopped just out of his reach.  He gave her a look up and down then stepped forward to take her hand, leading her into the fort and to the nearest bathroom. 

“Change into this and be quick about it.” 

He shoved the clothes into her arms and then her into the bathroom.  As her only means of defiance, she took her time getting changed into the simple black dress and strappy sandals.  The dress hugged her curves and showed a little more cleavage than she’d have liked, but she was glad it fell to just above her knees.  The sandals made her feel more like the slave she was with ties that laced up her calves, she cringed at how sexy they looked.  Overall, the outfit suited her and was very flattering, she hated that she liked what he picked out for her.  After a while, Cole started pounding on the door. 

“Get out here, now!” 

She opened the door and slowly slinked into the hallway.  His annoyance quickly dissolved into approval.  She felt his eyes move up her body, touching every part of her.  But he didn’t say a word.  He gave a nod, grabbed her hand, and started pulling her after him. 

“Please… slow down, my lord,” she finally begged after his breakneck speed almost caused her to trip, twice.

“I’m sorry. I’m not use to walking someone else’s pace.” He slowed down for her and cleared his throat.  “Have I told you anything about my role as lord of this District?” he asked and she shook her head. 

He started telling her about his political responsibilities, military involvement, and lastly public duties.  As they walked farther along, the path started to get familiar and Olivia slowed down.  When she saw the doors to the great hall she tensed and Cole noticed.  He stopped her a little ways away from the doors. 

“What’s wrong?” he asked, but she didn’t respond.  He narrowed his eyes. “Tell me, Olivia.” 

“Are we going in there?” She felt like a scared little child. 

He looked at the doors in confusion.  “Yes, I have to hold sessions and hear complaints brought in from representatives of the District.  Why should that bother you?” 

She looked at her feet, not wanting to confess anything more to him, but he started stroking his fingertips up and down her arms and she softened a little. 

“You can talk to me, Livie.”  

For a moment, she wanted him to take her in his arms and hold her, but the thought was quickly replaced by disgust.  She wanted to hate him, she wanted to spit in his face, to beat her fists against him, and tell him to go fuck himself.  Her stomach turned as she realized above all of that she wanted him to comfort her.  

“I’m afraid…”  She couldn’t say the rest, she was completely mortified and she bit her lip.

He loved that nervous habit of hers.  He cocked his head to the side, resisting the urge to kiss her.

“Afraid of what?” he whispered. 

A group of soldiers came out of the hall, laughing and shoving each other.  She shifted her feet, wanting to step into Cole, but refusing to.  He saw her staring at them and it dawned on him.  He moved his hands up to her shoulders and started rubbing them.  

“I know that soldier hurt you and I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.” She could feel tears threatening to burst through, “but I’m here now and every soldier in the fort knows that I would kill the next man that tried to touch you.  Okay?”  

All she could do was nod.  He kissed her on the forehead and moved a hand up into her hair, rubbing her scalp.  She almost started to purr and pressed against his hand.  It felt so safe in his arms. 

“We’re going in there,” he said softly, almost regretting he had to let her go, he couldn’t believe how she was reacting to his touch.  “You will sit at my side and not speak a word.  You will do exactly as I instruct and not a single thing more.  Okay?”  She balked at the idea of spending hours in the hall.  “You’ll be fine, Olivia.  God, you’re so beautiful, especially when you’re nervous.” He pulled her to him, giving into the need to kiss her.

Her fear seemed to dissolve into desire and security.  She found herself clinging to him and when he deepened the kiss she opened her mouth to him.  They both stilled at her response, but he quickly recovered and took advantage of the opportunity.  He stroked her with his tongue, sweet and slow.  When he finally broke away from her he wistfully thought of canceling the session and taking her back to his room.  He pressed his forehead against hers once more.

“Keep your eyes down cast and remember, Livie, no one will harm you.  You’re mine.” She stiffened and he knew the moment was over; she was closed to him again. 

He took her hand and led her into the great hall.  She didn’t resist, but he could feel her tension building.  They walked to the center of the hall and through double doors into an office.  Cole sat at a desk and motioned for her to sit on a cushion on the floor beside him.  Her eyes went dark and the tension mounting in her turned to anger, she wanted to throw a fit. 

“Sit, now.” His voice was icy. 

Olivia slowly knelt, sick to her stomach that she was about to sit at his feet.  He nudged her legs apart and moved her hands to rest on her thighs.

“Perfect, now stay like that.” He tussled her hair and she looked up at him, fuming.  

A well-dressed man walked in carrying a folder.  Cole shook his hand and they started talking.  The man eyed her and she stared right back, wanting to scream at him to fuck off.  Her anger so thick she was trembling.  Cole turned her head away, directing her eyes to the floor. 

“Sorry about that, Ben, she’s still learning.”  The man nodded and promptly ignored her, starting to talk to Cole again. 

It took a few minutes for her to get a handle on her anger and humiliation.  She took a few deep breaths and flexed her fingers against her legs, eventually she calmed.  The conversation before her was boring.  She had little concern for District issues so she half listened to them talk, but mainly watched the happenings in the hall.  There were so many soldiers milling about it made her feel like a skittish, wild, animal.  A fair amount of the soldiers stole a glance or two at her and she grew uncomfortably aware that she was on her knees under a desk at the feet of some man. 

Across from Cole’s office was a large library.  She stared at the rows and rows of books, wondering if any of these men even touched them.  A group of soldiers were lounging on the two sofas in the library, talking and laughing with one another.  A few of them started to stare at her and she did her best to look away and try to focus on something else, but she couldn’t help looking back at the group.  One of the men got up and left while the others smirked and continued to watch her as they spoke.  She darted her eyes away and shifted nervously.   

At one point, a servant came in carrying a tray of snacks and beer.  Olivia spotted a bowl of raspberries and wondered if they were the same she picked that morning.  Cole popped a few in his mouth and she felt her stomach rumble.  He picked one up and put it in front of her.  She reached for it, but he pulled away.  She glared up at him, but he was glaring right back.  He put it back in front of her and she wanted to bite him, but instead she sighed and gingerly opened her mouth to take it, hunger winning out over defiance. 

Cole almost forgot Ben was there, talking to him.  He felt her lips brush his fingers and he instantly hardened.  He picked up another berry and fed it to her.  There was something so alluring about her kneeling at his feet, eating out of his hand. 

There was something so delicious about the fruit; maybe it was because she hadn’t eaten all day.  She hated him feeding her.  It made her felt exactly like his nickname, Pet, but each berry became easier to take as the few pieces fueled her hunger.  Soon the bowl was empty and she was almost disappointed.  Ben got up and Cole shook his hand again then a new man came in and the routine began again.  She itched to get up and stretch her legs.  Cole seemed to sense her discomfort and started running his hand through her hair. 

About halfway through the men’s conversation the group of soldiers in the library started to shout and cheer.  She looked over to them and saw the one soldier returning with a woman.  It was one of the other captives.  Olivia recognized the woman from her first day there, in the cell.  Now, she was naked and covered in bruises.  The men on the couch all laughed and shouted rude remarks as they unzipped their pants.  Olivia watched in horror as a solider pushed the woman to the ground.  She got on her knees in front of a seated solider and took his cock in her mouth.  She bobbed up and down over the man’s lap for a few minutes before his face twitched in orgasm. 

Then, she got up and moved to the next man, knelt, and took him in her mouth.  He grabbed a hand full of her hair and started jerking her head up and down mercilessly.  Olivia wanted to look away, but couldn’t. 

Is that my fate? 
The idea caused a few tears to fall down her cheek.  What scared Olivia the most was the look in the woman’s eyes when she got up to move to the next man.  The woman spotted Olivia.  She didn’t react, didn’t seem to recognize Olivia, she just turned back to the next man.  The woman looked completely broken, her eyes dead.

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