Read A Past Revenge Online

Authors: Carole Mortimer

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

A Past Revenge (4 page)

'Why you little—'

'Please,' she mocked with confidence, knowing he was more amused than angry. 'Let's not resort to insults.'

'Let's not talk at all,' he rasped, coming threateningly towards her.

Danielle remembered him as having more control than this, had never dreamt that her taunts would lead to this, shrinking away from him as he took her into his arms.

'Nick darling, I—' Audra McDonald came to an astounded halt in the doorway, her gaze moving over them both with glittering accusation.

Danielle released herself with a relief the other woman couldn't realise, although by the angry narrowing of Nick's eyes he knew exactly how she felt—and he didn't like it. She didn't give a damn what he liked, and she never would!

'What a beautiful gown,' she admired the red dress the other woman wore, the colour of a shade that enhanced rather than clashed with her flaming red hair. It would make a very dramatic effect on canvas.

The other woman ignored the compliment, her gaze fixed on her lover. 'I can't quite reach the top hook, Nick,' she told him curtly. 'Could you do it for me?'

He moved across the room with forceful strides, dealing with the hook in a matter of seconds. 'I'll be back to pick you up in an hour's time,' he told the actress, looking over at Danielle, the mask of control firmly back in place. 'Will that be convenient for you, Miss Smith?'

'An hour will be fine,' she nodded, as coolly indifferent now as he was.

'See you later, darling,' Audra put her arms about his neck to kiss him lingeringly on the lips.

He made no effort to end the kiss, his arms about the actress's waist, the kiss long and leisurely. Danielle ignored the triumphant challenge in his eyes as he at last broke the embrace, looking at him coldly, although the kiss seemed to have placated Audra McDonald, lazy satisfaction in her smile now.

Not that the emotion seemed to last once they were alone in the studio, the brown eyes flashing with dislike as Danielle posed the other woman in the chair.

'It won't work, Miss Smith,' Audra finally snapped.

She had been expecting the attack ever since Nick Andracas left, concentrating on the sketch she was doing, not at all disturbed by the other woman's anger. 'What won't?' she asked uninterestedly.


'Nick and I have been together a long time,' Audra more or less purred.
know how to keep him satisfied.'


'He has his little flirtations from time to time, of course,' the other woman laughed them off as of no importance. 'But he always comes back to me.'

'That must make you very happy,' Danielle answered in a preoccupied voice.

'It does,' Audra snapped defensively.

She shrugged. 'Then that's all right, isn't it?'

'Don't look so smug, Miss Smith,' Audra rasped. 'He may find you attractive now, but it won't last.'

'I hope not,' she said quietly, the sketch not going quite as well as she wanted it to. 'Could you please sit perfectly still while I do this?' The other woman was moving about in her agitation. 'It's difficult for me to sketch you if you don't.'

'That can wait for a few minutes,' Audra dismissed impatiently. 'Are you trying to tell me you don't find Nick attractive?' she sounded sceptical.

Danielle sighed, nodding. 'That's exactly what I'm telling you, Miss McDonald.'

'I don't believe you!'

'Oh I should,' she mocked. 'Because it's the truth. Not every woman finds him as attractive as you do,' she added dryly.

'I've never met one yet who didn't!'

'You just did,' Danielle snapped.

'And that little scene I witnessed between you a few minutes ago?' Audra reminded waspishly.

'I agree with you that it was a scene,' she sighed. 'But it wasn't between us, as you suggest it was, it was all Mr Andracas' idea.'


Audra frowned. 'You really don't like him?' she made it sound as if that were impossible.

'Not in the least,' she replied flatly.

'Don't you realise the challenge of that will only make him more interested than ever?'

'What are you suggesting I do?' she mocked. 'Pretend an interest in him I don't feel just to get him to leave me alone?'

The other woman flushed. 'Of course not,' she bit out. 'That would be stupid.'

'Yes, it would.' And it was something she could never do.

The brown eyes narrowed. 'I'm very much afraid that I don't like you. Miss Smith,' Audra said slowly.

Danielle was very much afraid she didn't like the other woman either. Audra seemed to be an intelligent woman, seemed to regard Nick Andracas as an asset in her life rather than the man she was actually in love with. Maybe the two of them deserved each other!

'Do you have to?' she raised mocking brows at the other woman. 'I mean, is it necessary?'

'No, thank God,' Audra's mouth twisted disgustedly. 'Let's get on with this damned portrait.'

This 'damned portrait' was probably going to be the hardest piece of work Danielle had ever done. It was not just the hardness of the other woman's features that was making it difficult, it was also the actress's attitude. Audra was not at all enthusiastic about being painted in the first place, was very restless in the chair, and Nick Andracas had further complicated matters by making the other woman resent her before they had even begun.

It was a difficult hour, and Danielle felt drained at the end of it, her main feeling one of relief when the doorbell rang shortly after three. Although she wasn't looking forward to seeing Nick again, hadn't realised he would continue to be quite so involved, knowing that he didn't need to be after that initial meeting, that he had chosen to do so.

She went to answer the door while Audra used her bedroom once again to get changed. That was something else she didn't like about this commission. With the studio being in her home she naturally had a certain amount of invasion of her privacy, but her bedroom had always remained apart from that before, none of her other clients needing to change before she painted them. Although she could understand the other woman's reluctance to arrive in the gown; it was for evening wear, not for driving about London on a sunny Saturday afternoon. But even so, Danielle couldn't say she exactly liked the other woman using what was, after all, her own personal room.

Nick looked much the same as he had an hour ago when she opened the door to him, tall and arrogant, striding confidently into her home. 'You look tired,' he turned to say bluntly.

She knew exactly how she looked—and felt. Her hair was tousled into disorder, her face slightly pale from the intensity of the work she had been doing the last hour, the peach lipgloss all but gone from her mouth where she had been chewing her lips in concentration. 'And I had been led to believe you were a very charming man,' she mocked.

His eyes narrowed. 'By whom?'

'Guess,' her mouth twisted.

'Audra,' he derided. 'Did she tell you that before or after she warned you off me?'

Her mouth tightened at his astuteness. 'During,
think,' she taunted.

see,' he drawled. 'And did you tell her the warning was unnecessary?'

'Of course,' she replied with sarcasm.
made very sure she knows
have no interest in you whatsoever,' she added insultingly, hating his arrogance all over again, his self-satisfaction about how the other woman would react to seeing them together earlier.

'Then you may have done me a favour, Miss Smith,' he taunted.

'Oh?' she eyed him cautiously, knowing she wouldn't offer him help if he were bleeding to death, that she hated him enough to stand and watch.

'Audra is inclined to be a little bit more— attentive, when she believes, erroneously or not, that she has competition,' he eyed her mockingly.

Danielle flushed as his meaning became clear. 'Then
mustn't keep either of you any longer than necessary,' she dismissed coldly. 'I'll go and see if Miss McDonald is ready to leave yet.'

'Danielle!' His fingers bit into her arm as he dragged her round to face him.

Take your hands off me, Mr Andracas,' she instructed in an icy voice, not at all surprised when he, with a chagrined frown, released her. She looked at him with cool disdain. 'Your affair with Miss McDonald is your business,' she told him emotionlessly. 'As is the way you treat her,' she added contemptuously. 'But
will not be used by you as a means of making her jealous, and so more
make myself clear?'

'As crystal,' he drawled unconcernedly.

'Good,' she nodded. 'Because
would also like to add that you have hired my services as a portrait painter, nothing else. And if you can't, or won't, accept that, then I suggest you get yourself someone else for the job.'

He gave an exaggerated sigh of relief that her tirade was over. 'You can really let fly when you want to, can't you,' he mused, his arms folded in front of his powerful chest.

'When I
to,' she corrected pointedly, hating his condescending attitude to her anger.

He quirked dark brows over mocking eyes. 'And with me you have to?'

'With you I'm going to,' she told him firmly. 'I want to make it clear once and for all that I'm not interested in being one of your little diversions. I value myself a lot higher than some rich, bored man's mistress for a few weeks.'

'My wealth I can't deny,' he shrugged. 'But what makes you think I'm bored?'

'What makes you think you're not?' she instantly returned.

For the first time since she had ever met him he gave a genuinely amused smile. 'You're very astute, Danielle,' he drawled dryly. 'I am bored. I have competent men to run my businesses for me, that leaves me to the enjoyment of life.'

'Then it's a pity you don't actually enjoy it,' she told him waspishly. 'And leave me alone.'


'I'm ready to leave now, Nick,' Audra spoke softly from behind them. 'If you are,' she added brittly, seeming aware of the tension between them.

'Could you come back next Saturday at the same time?' Danielle requested briskly.

The other woman gave her a look of glittering dislike. 'I'll look forward to it.'

It was a warning, Danielle knew that, but she shrugged it off. 'I believe all our business together is now concluded, Mr Andracas,' she met his steely gaze steadily. 'All that remains is for me to send you the bill when I've completed my work.'

The hardness in his eyes told her that he knew exactly what she was saying—and that he didn't like it one little bit. 'Very well, Miss Smith,' he acquiesed to her unspoken desire not to see him again. 'Goodbye!' he rasped angrily.

She felt drained once she was alone, hadn't missed the triumphant gleam in Audra McDonald's eyes when Nick showed his fury with her. Danielle had a feeling the other woman hadn't believed her non-interest in Nick earlier. Well there could be no doubt that she believed her now!

And so, hopefully, did Nick Andracas. She knew she would only be able to take so much from him, and then she would break under the strain. And if that happened she had no idea what she might do. So far she had managed to keep her hate to a cold dislike, if the coldness ever left her she was afraid she wouldn't be able to control the hate.


'Mmm, I needed that,' Danielle drank some of her wine, at once feeling a soothing glow.


'Rough day?' Lewis sympathised, the two of them having a quiet dinner together at a popular club and restaurant.

'Rough week,' she grimaced, having accepted Lewis's invitation eagerly this morning when he telephoned, glad to get out for a few hours.

'It's only Tuesday,' he teased.

'Is it?' she sighed. 'It seems like this week has lasted for ever.' Not hearing from Nick Andracas was worse than his constant telephone calls. It was like waiting for the axe to fall.

'Some weeks are like that,' he shrugged. 'How is the beautiful Audra's portrait coming along?'

'Slowly,' she admitted heavily. 'She isn't as easy a subject as you would think.'

'I warned you she can be difficult. Changed your mind about the fee?' he mocked.

She shook her head, having had this conversation with him once before. 'It isn't hard that way,' she assured him. 'Admittedly she isn't the easiest of people to get along with, but that isn't what makes this difficult. If I paint her as
see her then she isn't going to like it.'

'Flatter her,' Lewis advised with his usual eye for business first, art later.

'Then she may be unrecognisable,' Danielle pulled a face.

He laughed softly at her dilemma. 'I'm sure you'll find a compromise that will satisfy everyone.'

She liked his confidence in her capabilities, but she wasn't altogether sure it was true this time; the portrait was proving to be as difficult to do as she had predicted to herself that it would.

She ran a hand across her nape as she felt a prickly sensation, unconsciously massaging the spot. But the sensation continued, so much so that she was beginning to feel very uncomfortable, wondering if she had been bitten by something.

'Talk of the devil,' Lewis muttered.


He nodded across the room from them. 'Andracas and Miss McDonald,' he murmured.

She turned sharply to find Nick and Audra seated a short distance away from them, the reason for the prickly sensation at her nape obvious now as she saw the narrowed grey eyes levelled on her. She looked away abruptly, realising she was still being stared at, still able to feel his gaze on her. The first time she had been out for weeks, the first time she had ever been out with Lewis on a social level, and this had to happen! She was beginning to get the feeling fate had suddenly turned against her.

'What bad luck,' Lewis obviously felt the same way. 'I suppose we'll have to ask them to join us.'

'Why?' she asked sharply.

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