A Mate for Kai (The Program Book 6) (17 page)

“Come on, Kai. You’re no damned fun anymore.” Another male yelled.

“Shut up, Jenson or I’ll be forced to kick your ass.” Kai growled.

“Aren’t you going to introduce your female to us?” The same male asked.

“No,” Kai growled.

“Get over here.” The first male yelled as he threw the ball at Jenson who caught it easily.

“Go on.” She urged, giving him a nudge with her elbow. “I’ll be fine. I wouldn’t mind a little break.”

“Are you sure?” His brows were raised. “I don’t have to.”

“Go, have some fun. I’ll sit over there. Far out of the way.” She smiled, gesturing to a fallen log on the edge of the forest.

He nodded, looking excited. “I won’t be long. Here…” He pulled his shirt up over his head. “Take this.”

Her mouth became so dry she could only nod in response. She’d seen plenty of well muscled males but for some or other reason, seeing Kai with his shirt off did things to her insides. Sometimes, when in the dragon form, she would close her wings and dip her nose down towards the earth in a freefall. It would feel like her insides were being left behind for a few seconds. There would be a lurching feeling as they returned to her body.

She was experiencing that same lurching feeling right now. Deep down in her belly. Kai gave her a half smile before turning and jogging to where the males were throwing the ball. Even his back was well muscled. His…backside was a thing of beauty. Meaty and full. She thanked the heavens for superhuman eyesight as she watched each cheek tighten with each heavy footfall. She huffed out a breath she hadn’t even known she’d been holding.

Ruby found herself riveted to the spot for a few seconds before she finally managed to pull herself together. She quickly turned and made her way to the tree line. She didn’t want to miss Kai in action. Ruby took a seat on the log.

Kai had just caught the ball and was tossing it back. They jogged up and down throwing the ball to one another. She didn’t really understand how throwing an object from one to the other could be seen as fun. The males laughed. They found it especially funny when one of them dropped the ball or failed to catch it. On these occasions, they would call each other really bad names using human swearwords. This made them laugh even harder.

Then they huddled and split up into two groups. There were three males in each group. She wasn’t sure what the rules were but the game had definitely changed. There was plenty of running, kicking, throwing and tackling. They were rough with one another. Her eyes were locked on Kai. On the way his chest heaved as he struggled to catch his breath. A sheen of sweat glistened on his brow. It coated his entire body. Each and every hard muscle was defined. Dragon shifters didn’t wear blue jeans. It was a shame.

Kai wore a particularly faded pair today. They rode low on his hips. His muscles roped and stretched beneath his skin, as he tried to avoid being tackled. A really big male slammed his body into Kai. Kai was just as big but the other male was quicker, she could hear how all of the wind was knocked out of him as the two walls of muscle collided. Kai landed flat on his back with the other male on top of him.

She jumped up off of her makeshift seat. Her hand clutched to her chest.

“You can do better than that.” The big male growled as he rose to his feet.

Kai stayed on the ground for a few seconds. He made a groaning noise. “How’s about a hand, Lazarus?”

The big male chuckled as he helped Kai up. “It’s good to see you back at practice.” He gave Kai a light tap on the back. “The team misses you.” The male paused. “I’d like to see you up your game…you can do better.” Then he jogged away.

The male who asked Kai to join called for a break. Kai accepted a bottle of water from the male. Kai downed its contents in one go and handed back the empty bottle.

“Don’t be a stranger.” Jenson said. “Introduce your female some time.”

“Thanks. I needed that.” He shouted from over his shoulder as he jogged back towards her. He ignored the comment about introducing her. He also didn’t correct the male when he called her his female. As Kai drew closer, her mouth dried right up.

Half naked.

Up close.

His scent was the first thing that hit her. A really masculine smell with a coppery edge. It reminded her of their two days together. Of how good he felt inside her. How perfectly their bodies had fit. Of how her muscles had burned. How she ached from coming so hard.

Her core ached right now. It felt similar to when she had been in heat only without the pain. The need was definitely there. Inspired by the male that stood in front of her with a quizzical expression on his face. “Are you okay?” His nostrils flared.

By all that was scaly, he would be able to scent her need. She’d tried really hard not to allow her attraction to him to show. It was difficult when she ached for him. She tried…taking care of it herself but it wasn’t the same. The pregnancy hormones made her over emotional, they also made her seriously aroused and at the most inappropriate times.

Like right now.

Like badly.

His sniffed a second time, his jaw tightened. His whole stance became tense. “Come with me.” He took her hand and led her away.

His scent became more musky. He was aroused as well. His shirt was still clenched in her hand.

“Where are we going?” Her voice was shaky.

“Somewhere where we can talk in private.” He kept his stare on the path ahead.

“Why do we need to talk?”

He didn’t say anything. Her hand burned in his. It didn’t really burn but it felt like it was burning up. His skin was against hers. Kai picked up the pace a little.

She swallowed hard. “It’s the hormones…it’s nothing…just ignore it, it’ll go away.”

Kai made a humming noise at the back of his throat. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m a male and you’re a female and we’ve already established that we are compatible.”

“I’m not embarrassed and we haven’t established anything.”

He stopped walking so suddenly that his hand in hers tugged her back. Ruby turned to face him.

He kept her hand in his. Warm. Calloused. Burning a hole in her skin.

“We’re compatible.” He repeated. “We definitely are.”

“I was in heat. Quite frankly I could have had just as much fun if I’d rubbed myself up against a chair leg.” Why had she said that? It wasn’t true. She doubted that it would have been nearly as explosive with just anyone. An inanimate object…forget it.

His eyes darkened and he leaned in closer. “When I said what we had was special, off the fucking charts…I meant it. It had nothing to do with your heat. There is still an attraction between us.” He looked at her expectantly and she realized he wanted her confirmation.

Ruby looked him in the eye. “Yes, there is.” She couldn’t deny it.

“Your next appointment with the healers is tomorrow?”

It was more of a statement than a question but she answered anyway. Ruby nodded. “Yes.”

“Okay then.” He paused for a few beats. She could see that he was in thought. “This is one hell of a situation.” He pulled his hand across his jaw. She could hear the stubble catch. “We’re attracted to each other and compatible. You are carrying my child yet this whole mate thing is not going to happen. We’re tied together…for now…at least until he or she is born or released.” He gave his head a quick shake like he still couldn’t believe this was real.

Then he let her hand go and walked to the opposite side of the small clearing they were standing in. He looked at…she couldn’t see anything between all the dense undergrowth and trees. The forest suddenly thickened from here. Kai stared out into the wilderness for a bit longer before nodding his head.

He turned to face her. “Maybe we should rut…each other I mean.”

Her mouth fell open in a gape. As in, she was going to catch some flies if she didn’t close it soon. Ruby wasn’t sure what she had been expecting. Whatever it was, this wasn’t it.

“I can scent your need and I’m also in a bit of a bind right now. I need sex and so do you. It’s simple really. I could find some female and I know that there are plenty of males.” His hands fisted at his side. Kai shook his head, like the idea was abhorrent to him. “Thing is, some dickhead fuck might not give a shit about you or our child. A male could hurt you or scramble my baby or whatever the hell you were saying the other day. I don’t want some asshole touching you.” He looked really angry. His eyes flashed red and there was a rough edge to his voice.

“Your scent is bound to attract them to you.” He continued. It was like he was talking to himself more than to her. “You’re really sexy. Vampires are attracted to pregnant females so don’t think it would be a deterrent. It wouldn’t be.” He shook his head, looking angrier by the second. “It would help if my scent was on you…to ward off the others. You could move around more freely.” So that was why he had asked her not to go anywhere unattended. Was it because he was afraid she would accept the advances of one of the other vampires? He was trying to keep her safe, to keep their baby safe.

Ruby was still in semi shock. At least she had managed to close her mouth. It fell back open when he said she was sexy but she’d got it closed again. “I am strong and capable. That thing about the scrambling of our egg is an old dragon’s tale…not true at all. I don’t know why I said anything.”

“I don’t want to risk it. I don’t want you…doing that with other males.” He sounded jealous. It was his fear for the baby. She knew that, but still…

“Relax, I’m not going to rut any vampire males.” She blurted. It was true, she wasn’t. It hadn’t even so much as crossed her mind.

His eyes widened and she could see he was preparing to argue with her some more.

“I’m not going to rut any dragon shifters either.” She couldn’t believe he would even think that. “I’m not looking to meet males. This baby is my first priority. I might be a bit aroused…”

“A bit?” He gave her the ghost of a smile.

“Okay…a lot but it’s fine. It’s no biggie. I can handle it.”

“Well I can’t.” He growled and his eyes went from a touch red to glowing. A beautiful golden color. By all that was scaly and breathed fire, he was beautiful. Strong, masculine and fierce, yet there was a softness to him as well. Like his full lips and easy smile. His eyes were dark and could be hard but they were fanned by long, thick lashes.

Her gaze dropped to the bulge in his jeans and she gripped her lip between her teeth.

“It’s fucking killing me,” he growled. “I think we should just rut. It would make things less complicated…for now.”

Yes. Yes. Yes.

She wanted to shout it. She wanted to throw herself in his arms and demand he take her now. Right this second.

Instead, she shook her head. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” She didn’t think she could take the idea of him with another female. Not right now. She was just too emotional and she didn’t want the stress. Yet, if she rutted him…regularly. It sounded like he wanted this to happen on a day to day basis…for now. Short term. The problem was, that she might fall for him.
Might. Huh!
She would definitely fall for him. Ruby was already half way there and had been since she first caught sight of him that day in the bar.

Kai made a sound that belied his frustration. “Why not? We’re on good terms aren’t we? We’ve moved past what happened.” By that he meant her lying and deceiving him in the worst possible way. “We’re friends?”

They were on two different pages. Make that in different books. He was attracted to her, wanted to have sex with her but on a short term basis. She was attracted to him but saw him as a potential mate…it would only deepen her feelings if they were intimate.

“We’re good, but…” She didn’t know what to say.
I’m scared I’ll fall head over heels in love with you. I’m afraid you’ll end up breaking my heart. You might be my soul mate. My love. My everything.
The only way to tell would be to lay herself bare to him. She would need to give him everything and hope he returned the favor. Once her heart was with Kai she could never get it back. It would be his to discard or to cherish. It was a risk.

She must’ve taken too long to answer because he took a step back. “I’m sorry.” He scrubbed a hand over his hair, messing it up some more. “I’m putting pressure on you. It’s wrong of me. I thought it was a logical solution. Forget I said anything.”

That would mean seeing him with other females. Scenting them on him. It brought a lump to her throat. “It’s a good idea. Your…proposal came as a shock. It would solve our dilemma. I think you are right. Let’s rut each other…for now.”

He smiled. “Are you serious?” Then he frowned for a half a beat before smiling again. “Are you sure because you didn’t look like it appealed to you.”

“I’m sure.” No hesitation. “It’s the best possible solution.”

“Yeah it is and I really think it could work. There’s an added bonus. It might bring on your labor. Remember what Becky said that first appointment?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets and she noticed the bulge was still there.

“When…um…when do we get started?” If she was doing this. Taking the plunge. The leap. The jump. She wanted it to happen right now. No, ten minutes ago. The ache was back. Oh these hormones. Oh this male.

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